Great warships

Chapter 490

Chapter 490

behind the package?

Several people looked to the back in surprise. There was a huge round bump, which was also a more advanced device of this submarine than the Kilo class: pump jet propulsion.

At present, the world's mainstream submarine propulsion method is still a seven-blade large-slope propeller, and some may even develop to nine-blade. The pump-jet propeller is still a product that is tirelessly developed by various countries. Except for the United Kingdom, other countries are still groping. .

Our own side has already used this advanced thruster, which is also one of the reasons why Pyramid National Energy finally placed an order.

Only the propeller will be wrapped with a piece of cloth when it is launched into the water, so as to prevent people from seeing the specific structure of the propeller, and then infer the underwater acoustic characteristics of the propeller.

The pump jet propeller has a shell on the outside, and the devices inside are all covered, so in theory, it doesn't matter if outsiders see it.

Why did President Qin ask to cover it?

However, since Boss Qin said it, there must be his intentions.

Yang Youwei nodded immediately: "Okay, we will keep it secret. Do you have any other requests?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "There is nothing else. This time, you must make preparations when you go into the water. There will be many people watching, so there must be no mistakes."

"President Qin, please don't worry about this, we are using the most mature track launching method, and there will be no problems." Kwasha assured by patting his chest beside him.

Submarines are manufactured in a closed factory building, so after they are manufactured, they have to travel a certain distance before they can be launched. It is definitely impossible for this factory building to be built directly on the seashore. There is always a distance. Therefore, the methods for launching ships are all unusable.

If it is only made temporarily, then the submarine will be directly built on a chassis with multiple wheels, and then it will be dragged out, slowly to the beach, and then launched.If it is a professional shipyard, it usually has tracks, which are similar to railway tracks, and can drag out thousands of tons of submarines.

Mingzhou Shipyard has no experience in this area, but Kwasha has!The development and growth of Mingzhou Group is inseparable from the credit of these people.

A few days later, the sound-absorbing tiles were laid, the scaffolding was removed, and the launching ceremony was ready.

At the gate of Mingzhou Shipyard, Qin Tao greeted Mamish and his party in person.

"Welcome everyone to come to Mingzhou again."

Mamish is also smiling: "Mr. Qin, thank you for the advanced submarines you have built for us. They will become the most powerful underwater force of our navy!"

As Mamish said, he looked towards the beach in the distance. At this time, the submarine waiting to be launched had been dragged out of the closed workshop, and it was just outside the workshop, revealing its majestic appearance.

The beautiful streamlined shape is like a big whale on the bottom of the sea. The whole submarine is black, and the tail is wrapped with blue cloth, with a special charm.

"Everyone please."

Everyone walked towards the submarine, and when they walked, they would inevitably pass the [-]-ton berth. At this time, the berth was also full of heat, and warships were being built one after another.

"Is there 054 on it?" Mamish asked.

"Yes, we are building a foreign trade version of 054 for Pakistan, but you can only watch it from a distance, you can't go up, I am very sorry."

Want to see?You have to spend money to buy it!

Now that we have submarines, we have to purchase surface ships too. Our Dongfang products are definitely of high quality and low price.

After fooling these people again, the big guy finally arrived at the launching ceremony.

The Eastern Navy also came with a group of people, almost all of whom were submarine professionals. Zheng Ming was in charge of leading the team. When he saw Mamish and others, he immediately came up to shake hands enthusiastically: "Everyone, your choice is extremely wise. , this submarine is the most advanced in this era!"

"That's right, the most advanced submarine in the world!" Mamish was also very excited.

On the stage in front of the submarine, Mamish first delivered an impassioned speech.

"Our Pyramid Kingdom and the East have always had friendly relations, and we are also very happy to obtain the most advanced diesel-electric submarine in the East!" Mamish's voice resounded on the river beach: "At present, the Navy has officially decided , Name this submarine S41!"

Do you want it?
Qin Tao is a little speechless, this boat number is not auspicious, but, this is only Chinese pronunciation, English or Arabic, it is definitely not the case.

Therefore, he was relieved that the naming was the other party's business, and he could not interfere.

In the sky, a reconnaissance satellite flew over and aimed at the beach. After adjusting the focus, the photos were sent back one by one.

"The overall shape is similar to that of the Kilo class, but the hull looks longer." An expert analyzed: "They claim that this is an AIP submarine. Could it be that an AIP cabin is added to it?"

"The tail is also wrapped, but it can be seen that the pump jet propulsion is indeed used. When did they master this pump jet propulsion technology?"

These submarine experts are very curious about the progress made by the East.

"We don't need to worry. Since it belongs to the Pyramid country, we can exchange military aid in the future. Get on this submarine and have a look. There is no secret in our eyes about the submarines made by the Orientals."

"We can also say that the performance of their submarine sonar and other equipment is backward, and ask us to help them replace it with our related products, but we must first understand the performance of the above equipment."

"That's right, let's see the progress of their sea trials. This shark has no secrets in our eyes."

"Do you think there will be problems with this submarine, such as miscalculating the buoyancy and sinking when it is launched?"

The crowd laughed.

Mamish's speech was over.

"On behalf of the Mingzhou Group, I would like to thank the Pyramid State Navy for its trust in us. This most advanced diesel-electric submarine in the world has a lot of advanced technology. With advanced sonar equipment, an AIP system installed, and pump-jet propulsion at the tail, this submarine is the pioneering work of our Mingzhou Group, and it also made us stand at the pinnacle of diesel-electric submarines as soon as we debuted!"

For such an important moment, of course there will be reporters. The reporters from CC*V who came from the capital have already set up their cameras, waiting for this evening, and they will appear on the TV.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary reporters to come in and take random pictures.

"This is just the beginning. We will continue to develop more advanced submarines in the future, so that the world can feel our Mingzhou speed!"

There was another round of applause below, and the word Mingzhou speed quickly spread and became the most popular word this year.

Colorful flags fluttered and banners fluttered, and the huge diesel-electric submarine was slowly dragged towards the river like a giant.

(I didn't find any information, and I don't know if the submarine threw wine bottles when it launched.)
Everyone walked slowly along with it.

"The next sea trial will be carried out by your navy together with us. Please rest assured that we will make it meet the design requirements." Qin Tao and Mamish walked together, talking while walking: "We Mingzhou Group has this strength."

"Well, I believe in your strength." Mamish nodded.

"After the sea trial is over, do you plan to drive it back, or drag it back?"

"Drag it back, just like you bought the Kilo class back then." The journey is still too far away, and Mamish is worried about driving back.

"Then please rent a semi-submersible boat in advance to transport it."

Rent a semi-submersible boat in advance?

Mamish was taken aback: "Why, don't you plan to deliver the goods to our door?"

"This item is not included in our agreement, and our Shenzhou ship does not have time. It is undertaking the task of refitting our No. 138 destroyer."

Mamish could only nod his head. Qin Tao was right. Even if the Mingzhou Group wanted to help, they didn't have the strength. After all, their floating dock was undertaking the modification of the navy's most important [-]-ton large drive.

"After you drive this submarine back, you must keep it secret." Qin Tao said: "This has the most advanced submarine technology in our country, and it is also the most advanced in the whole world. Many countries will covet our technology. "

Coveting your technology?
Mamish looked at Qin Tao in surprise, expressing that he did not understand.

"Only your most professional submariners can board this submarine. Idle personnel cannot come up, especially Westerners."

When Qin Tao said this, Mamish suddenly realized that President Qin was wary of Westerners!

"President Qin, please rest assured that nothing will go wrong." Mamish said firmly, "We will not let Westerners board our submarine."

"What if they are under the banner of military aid? Or under the banner of improving submarines for you?" Qin Tao asked.

Mamish was silent now.

At present, the main submarine of their navy is the 033 purchased from the East. After serving in their hands for a period of time, this kind of submarine feels that its performance is too poor. Therefore, the Americans enthusiastically offered to help upgrade it.

It has indeed been upgraded. The Americans have improved the 033 submarine with advanced sonar, fire control, and torpedoes. After this upgrade, the 033 submarine in the Pyramid Kingdom continued to serve and has not been retired until later generations.

But at the same time, in this kind of improvement, the Americans have also figured out all the 033 submarines. In the eyes of the Americans, this submarine no longer has any secrets.

Since it is very old, even if it is shown to Americans, there is no problem.

However, the 039B foreign trade version in front of us is different. This kind of submarine is very powerful. It is already a world-class diesel-electric submarine. Even the domestic navy is not equipped with it. of.

Of course, in terms of technology, Mingzhou Group is still behind, even if it is researched, it doesn’t matter, but if it can be avoided, it must be avoided, so now, it is necessary to vaccinate Mamish.

Mamish's heart was churning.

Yes, if the United States wants to give them military aid and help upgrade submarines, will they agree or not?

"In this submarine, we have implemented some leak-proof designs." Qin Tao said: "For example, when installing a lot of equipment, we use special screws and stick strips on them. If they are torn If it is opened, then we will not be responsible for the follow-up maintenance work.”

Mamish was taken aback, had he already made preparations?
"There are also those advanced electronic equipment. We have built some chips inside. As long as it is found to be disassembled for research, the system will stop functioning, including the pump jet propeller at the tail. At the same time, we will also give up subsequent maintenance work. "

To put it simply, the Mingzhou Group has no ability to prevent Westerners from stepping on the submarine to steal secrets. Since it has been sold to the Pyramid State, it belongs to the Pyramid State. The Pyramid State has the right to decide who will let it see.

However, ugly words can be said up front.

If you let people see it, then we don't care about the follow-up maintenance.

At the beginning, in the 80s, when the country was just opened, it was very cheap to buy weapons in China, and the market was opened up by cheapness, but at the same time, it was complained by users because of the cheapness: just sell, don't care about maintenance!

Those J-[-] fighter jets are sold and left alone. Users have problems in use and solve them by themselves.

So, this creates a bad impression on customers.

It is already in the 90s, of course, exporting weapons should not be so extensive. The equipment exported by Mingzhou Group has a five-year warranty period. If there is a problem within five years, door-to-door service will be provided at any time.

In the future, if users have problems, they can also pay for maintenance.

This can hold the opponent.

If you allow outsiders to board the submarine, or even disassemble the equipment inside for research, then I'm sorry, we don't care!

Among other things, what kind of sonar equipment, they can change it as soon as they want, and the American products are really advanced, but there are advanced electronic devices in it, as long as they are dismantled, the power system may not work!
Can the Americans help them restore the powertrain?

Don't be kidding, Americans don't have diesel-electric submarines, Americans are all nuclear submarines!
Dongfang's power system: all-electric propulsion, medium-voltage direct current, Stirling engine, plus pump-jet propulsion, is definitely the most advanced in this era. If this system is ruined, they will definitely want to Want to cry but have no tears.

Therefore, the risk is too high. No matter how many benefits the Americans give, they have to consider it. After five years, they may still agree.

However, by that time, the technology on this submarine was no longer advanced.

Pyramid countries have unique advantages. Western countries woo them, old men woo them, and even the East has a good relationship with them. Therefore, they are one of the few countries in the world that can obtain various military equipment.

What should be defended must be defended. After all, the opponent is unreliable. If it is the old bus, there will be no problem.

Mamish's face was a little ugly, red and white for a while, he seemed to want to get angry, but finally held back, forced a smile: "Please rest assured, we will not let outsiders touch our equipment. "

The submarine slowly slipped into the water.

In some countries, when the submarine is launched, a special float valve is used to carry the submarine on it, and even the launching ceremony is held on this float valve. However, since the Mingzhou Shipyard has completely built the submarine Well, there is no need to pay attention to these. After entering the water, various tests can be carried out.

The tugboat came and dragged the submarine to the outfitting pier. Although there was no need for outfitting, work such as refueling and watering was still to be done. While doing these tasks, everyone could go in and visit.

On the outfitting dock, access is easiest through the front hatch.

"In the torpedo cabin, not only conventional torpedoes can be launched, but our submarine-launched version of the C801 missile can also be launched, which has the ability to strike enemies tens of kilometers away." Qin Tao introduced to everyone.

Due to the small space, there were not many people coming in. Mamish, Zheng Ming and Qin Tao walked together and visited while walking.

After visiting the torpedo cabin, and then go back, the lower floor is the battery cabin.

"These batteries were installed when we were welding. They are the latest long-life batteries developed in China. They can charge and discharge for more than [-] hours, and they can be used normally for four to five years. Moreover, Since we can use the AIP system underwater, the number of charging and discharging of the submarine is greatly reduced, and in extreme cases, there is no problem for more than ten years."

Like electric bicycles, batteries used in submarines also have a lifespan. It is not that they cannot be used when the lifespan is reached, but after a certain level, the capacity of the battery will decrease. Generally, the remaining state of 80.00% capacity is defined as the lifespan .

At this time, the next use is to charge more times, which does not matter to electric bicycles, but it is fatal to submarines.

Therefore, it is generally necessary to replace it at the end of its life.

In this regard, the international mainstream level is 750 to 80 charge-discharge cycles. Only France has the most advanced technology, which can reach [-] cycles, and it reached it in the late [-]s.

Anyway, with the plug-in of AIP, the number of times the battery is used will be greatly reduced.

"At the same time, we have reserved a special passage, allowing technicians to lie down on the car and go in for inspection and maintenance."

After the end of life, the battery needs to be replaced, and it also needs to be repaired in normal times. These need special means. Hundreds of batteries and a weight of thousands of tons. The single piece of equipment that consumes the most volume and weight in a diesel-electric submarine is this kind of battery. .

After looking at the battery compartment, behind it is the tall AIP compartment, and then the engine compartment.

Submarines in the previous era used the engine to directly drive the propeller at the tail. When switching to underwater mode, it was replaced with an electric motor. During the power transmission process, various noises would appear.

Therefore, modern submarines use electric propulsion, as is the case with the Kilo class. The diesel engine is only used to generate electricity, and the electricity generated drives the electric motor at the tail to drive the propeller to rotate, so that the electricity from the battery can also be directly switched.

Although only three diesel engines are used, its speed can still meet the requirements due to the use of an advanced twelve-phase generator system and pump jet propulsion.

"Our power system is at the leading level in the world, even the United States does not have our technology." Qin Tao is very proud.

Across the ocean.

Some people are still working on it, and this 039B submarine has attracted their attention since it came out of the workshop.

First look at satellite photos, and then look for various data for analysis.

"Everyone, look what I found." A person said happily: "I found its power information, it uses three MTU engines!"

This is the public information on the brochure. They didn't pay attention to it before, but now, they finally found a gap.

"The Pyramids ordered two ships in total. Due to insufficient funds, the two ships were built separately. The first ship will be launched before the second ship will start construction." Another person is also very happy: "We only need to let MTU stop exporting 396 diesel engines , can sabotage their projects!"

"That's right, how can MTU export this kind of diesel engine for military use? It only has the power for civilian use, which is a serious violation of our regulations."

They finally found another excuse!

"Hey, look, it's so strange, there seems to be smoke in this dock?"

A person stood in front of the computer screen and quickly sent instructions. The satellite camera that was originally aimed at the outfitting dock began to focus on the dock.

Originally, this dock was the focus of their attention. Satellites would visit and take pictures every day, but today they fine-tuned the camera.

Now, there's smoke coming out of this dock, what's going on?

"Could it be that they have installed the boiler and are running a test run?" Someone frowned.

Originally, they were not very confident about this project, especially when the shell was polished, they realized that they had been cheated. The rust of the ship was not serious at all, and it was as good as new after polishing!
This made them depressed for a long time, but there was nothing they could do.

Now, if there is smoke coming from the chimney of this big guy, it has an engine installed, and it must not be used as a jam!

They were starting to get a little worried.

The refresh of data is very slow. After all, it has to be transmitted by synchronous satellites to reach them. The microwave communication speed in this era is not fast.

The screen is refreshed one by one, and after three refreshes, the chimney of the ship island appears.

"No smoke, no smoke!" Seeing that the chimney was still intact, they were relieved.

But if the smoke isn't coming from the chimney, then what is it?
The pictures continued to be refreshed, four, five, six, and finally, the location where the smoke appeared!
"The elevator in the back, the smoke coming from where the elevator is!"

The deck was intact, but the smoking part came from the lower floor. The elevator was originally open, and at this time, billowing black smoke was coming out.

"Why is there smoke there? Could it be a fire?"

When this guess was uttered, everyone became excited.

When a warship is being repaired, electric welding is required. In the enclosed space inside, electric welding is easy to ignite certain things, and because it is being repaired, the damage control is not complete. Once a fire breaks out at this time, it is difficult to be extinguished.

Generally speaking, if the black smoke rises to this extent, the flame must be very large, and it may have burned a large area inside.

This ship is hopeless!
"Great, it's useless for them to spend so much money, and to do so many tricks. A welder can solve our hidden danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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