Great warships

Chapter 519 Safety of Iron Ore

Chapter 519 Safety of Iron Ore
If it is said that the longest river in the world is the Nile River in Africa, if it is said that the basin area is the largest, it must be the Amazon River.

Qin Tao sat on the plane and looked at the lush rainforest below.

This huge area of ​​rainforest plants is called the lungs of the earth. It is the largest green plant area in the world. It helps the earth to purify carbon dioxide. The winding river below is even more spectacular.

In addition to the large basin area, the Amazon River has a fairly strong flow, which is several times larger than the sum of the other three major rivers in the world, the Nile, the Yangtze River, and the Mississippi River. The sea water inside has become thinner.

Therefore, there are no bridges on this kind of river, and the construction is too difficult, especially in the flood season, and the river often changes its course.

More importantly, the river is very wide, with a width of up to 240 kilometers at the mouth of the river!Near Manaus in the middle reaches, the width of the river also reaches 5 kilometers, and in the downstream reaches 20 kilometers.Therefore, there is no problem driving a 45-ton dragon on it.The depth of the river is basically more than [-] meters, so there is no need to worry about being stranded.

However, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to build a passage here.

Qin Tao frowned.

"We have done some research in advance, and now it seems that it is very difficult to build a passage here." Zhang Wenlong, a geological expert on the plane, said: "According to the original idea, it is planned to cut logs directly, and then use Logs are laid on the ground to open up a road. However, the traffic conditions of this road are not good. It will be difficult for our heavy vehicles to transport iron ore to pass. It is difficult to transport more than 100 million iron ore a year. Ton, and, in the rainy season, once it starts to rain here, the river will swell and the water will probably wash away the logs, and then the road will be gone.”

Thanks to the fact that he didn't get too hotheaded and directly agreed to the conditions of the football people, Qin Tao was a little afraid. If he really agreed to the other party's conditions and started to build an aircraft carrier, the roads here turned out to be difficult to walk, and finally enough iron ore could not be transported, then Mingzhou Group is about to lose money!

"Mr. Ilgues, we can't choose the mine here." Qin Tao said to Ilgues on the plane.

"Why?" Ilgus was very surprised.

Qin Tao did come back with the football people, but after returning, Sagas Tres had other things to do, so he handed over all the inspection of the mine to Ilgues, and Ilges was in charge. Take Qin Tao around.

Now, flying over the Amazon River Basin in this dilapidated plane, Qin Tao has already given the answer directly.

Qin Tao's face was very serious: "This is the lung of the earth. If we open a channel here, we will have to cut down a lot of trees, which will destroy the natural environment. We cannot destroy nature just because of our own interests. "

We want to protect the environment, we can't destroy nature!This reason is absolutely lofty.

Irgues frowned: "The transportation here should be the most convenient. If you are not interested in this place, then we can only go to Piauy State. Although this state is also next to the sea, the coastline is only more than 60 meters away. km. Transportation is inconvenient.”

If the three states are not suitable, then their navy’s plan to have a new aircraft carrier will come to nothing. The meager military expenditure may only be used to buy a second-hand aircraft carrier. Although the French aircraft carrier is tasteless, but cheap.

With this in mind, the plane changed course and headed for Piaui State.

Most of the state is a plateau, and the coastal area is lowland and sandy land. Moreover, the Panaiba River Delta in the north has many islands, lakes, tributaries, beaches, etc. The richness of ecological resources is almost comparable to that of the Amazon River Basin.

"The mine we explored is just ahead." Ilgus pointed to a mountain below and said: "This mountain is called the Tracy Mountains. It was found during aerial surveys a few years ago, but due to transportation difficulties , so no company has been willing to mine.”

This kind of place where the birds don't shit, usually no one comes, unless they fly from the sky.

Difficulty shipping?

Qin Tao looked at the terrain below, and said curiously: "Near this mountain, there is a tributary of a river, which leads directly to the Panaiba River. Why is transportation so difficult?"

No matter how you look at it here, it is better than the first one.

"President Qin, you don't know that the river here is very shallow, and only shallow-draft inland boats can come in. If you use inland riverboats to transport, there is no suitable port along the way, so you have to go directly to the sea. Inland riverboats It is also impossible to sail on the sea, and it is hundreds of nautical miles to reach the nearest port. Therefore, transportation is not easy. Vale once came to investigate, but finally gave up."

Shallow draft?
Qin Tao had a smile on his face: "I'm not afraid of this. We have a solution. If we dig the river deeper, can your government agree?"

Digging deep?

Irgues's face was still very troubled: "Mr. Qin, this is not easy. The rivers below are different in width. In the wide places, the river is slow, so only river sand is deposited. These are easy to clean up, but there are also some relatively narrow ones. The river, where the current is turbulent, and there are pebbles washed out underneath, there is no way to clean it, so it is not so easy to dig deep in the river.”

"It's okay, it's very easy for us, we'll book this mine!" Qin Tao is very satisfied: "Next, we need to go down and have a look, and we need to conduct on-site inspections."

Ilges suddenly thought of something, and a look of enlightenment appeared on his face: "Yes, why didn't I expect that you can easily build islands, and of course you can easily deepen the river. It seems , You don’t need the help of our navy to transport, you can complete the transport task in this river.”

It is difficult for others, but here in Mingzhou Group, there is no difficulty at all. They have special dredgers. It can be said that the mines here are tailor-made for Mingzhou Group!
The next day, they changed to other means of transportation, and after several hours of bumpy rides, at noon, the crowd finally arrived at the Tracy Mountains.

It's poor here.

Piauy State is almost the poorest place in the entire football country. It can only make money by exporting agricultural products. The roads along the way are also quite primitive. Thanks to the absence of rain, otherwise, the roads will be even more difficult.

There is a red rock under your feet. Just by looking at it, you can tell that it must contain iron. Zhang Wenlong knocked off a piece with a hammer, and made a preliminary judgment based on experience: "This is unweathered iron rock, with an iron content of 40.00%. More than that, the specific amount still needs instrument research.”

"Okay, then we want the mine here!" Qin Tao finally made up his mind: "Next, we need to stay here with an expedition team and make a detailed report. After we evaluate it, we will formally sign the contract! Wish us a happy cooperation."

At this moment, Irgues's face became excited: "Mr. Qin, I believe that we will have a happy cooperation! We look forward to the transaction starting as soon as possible. When will you start building an aircraft carrier for us?"

"Wait until the first ship of iron ore is transported from here." Qin Tao said: "At that time, we will hold a steel cutting ceremony for the aircraft carrier!"

Ilgus was overjoyed: "That's really great!"

At this time, Irgues will never know that it will take a long time for the first iron ore to be transported. After all, the opening of the waterway is not so easy, and the Mingzhou Group even transported this batch of iron ore. , also specially built a batch of river-sea bulk carriers.

1000 million tons of iron ore is definitely not a small number. You know, if you only count the time at sea, it takes one month to ship, and two months to go back and forth. It can run six times a year, and considering loading, customs, etc. Factors, running four times a year is already very good.

In this way, even if each bulk carrier can transport 25 tons, [-] bulk carriers of the same type are needed.

Therefore, the first ship of iron ore was transported almost half a year later, and the aircraft carrier built for them also started at that time, and the time was just right. There was no delay.

This is a later story. After Qin Tao returned to China, he was greeted by a large number of people at the airport, among whom was Xu Lequan, the person in charge of Huating Iron and Steel Plant.

"President Qin, you are really amazing. You bought a mine from abroad with ease." Xu Lequan excitedly said to Qin Tao, "Now, our domestic iron and steel enterprises can be regarded as having a stable source of iron ore!"

Qin Tao frowned and looked at Xu Lequan: "Director Xu, Mr. Xu, when did I say that I would supply you with iron ore?"

These words are too impolite, but Xu Lequan is not angry: "Mr. Qin, the iron ore import volume of your Mingzhou Group Iron and Steel Plant is now 100 million tons per year, and the import volume you get from the football country is 1000 million tons per year. Tons, even if your steel plant doubles in size, it only needs 200 million tons, what about the remaining 800 million tons? We don’t want more, just give us 400 million tons.”

Mingzhou Group Iron and Steel Plant has already started importing. It used to be from the Kangaroo Country. Now that there is iron ore from the Football Country, there is definitely no need to import it from the Kangaroo Country. Moreover, 1000 million tons of iron ore, Mingzhou The state group made it clear that they couldn't eat it!
"The rest, we can put it away, we can fill it between Dalie Mountain and Xiaolie Mountain, and use it when we need it later." Qin Tao said: "We have no plan to sell."

The smile on Xu Lequan's face froze: "Are you planning to sell?"

1000 million tons of iron ore per year account for half of the domestic iron ore imports!

(The data for 96 was not found. The import volume in 98 was 2800 million tons, so it was assumed to be 96 million tons in 2000.)
With so much iron ore, Mingzhou Group would rather eat it in its own stomach than sell it to a brother factory?

"Yes, we really don't plan to sell it." Qin Tao said: "Don't look at the amount of iron ore now, but in the future, it will not be enough at all. We have a lot of steel demand in our country. Ten years later, we will The import volume of iron ore will reach more than 1000 million tons. Only our Mingzhou Group itself may need [-] million tons of iron ore every year, so we are not self-preserving, and we really have no extra strength to support our brothers. "

Needless to say, the scale of 2020 million tons, by 40.00, the import volume of iron ore has exceeded [-] billion tons, accounting for [-]% of the world's iron ore exports.

Xu Lequan was completely disappointed.

The output of Huating Iron and Steel Works will increase every year, and the amount of iron ore needed is increasing. If it is purchased from abroad, it will have to spend foreign exchange. If it is purchased from Mingzhou Group, it is a domestic transaction, and it is enough to pay the domestic currency directly. .

Therefore, after learning that the Mingzhou Group had settled the deal, he immediately ran here. If he didn't take the lead, other domestic steel factories would also come to Qin Tao to buy iron ore.

It's just that, I didn't expect that Mingzhou Group didn't even think about giving it to others, they wanted to use it for themselves!
Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works is also constantly expanding its scale. However, they are taking the high-quality route. They don't even look at the ordinary construction steel. The smelted products are all high-quality and expensive products.

For example, Invar steel, steel for shipbuilding, especially high-strength steel for aircraft carriers and submarines, etc.Therefore, their steelmaking output does not rank in the top ten in China, but in terms of profit, they can definitely rank in the top three.

Now, with cheap iron ore, they still don't sell it to others and keep it for their own use. This is too petty.

"However, you came at a good time." Qin Tao said: "I happen to have some ideas, I will talk to you first, and then you will pass them on to other steel companies."

have a thought?
Xu Lequan was taken aback again.

"It's inconvenient to say it here, get in my car, let's talk in the car."

So Xu Lequan got into the car.

"Boss Qin, what suggestion do you have? I will definitely help you convey it properly." Xu Lequan said.

"I just said that we will import more and more iron ore in the future. If our domestic steel mills don't work together, we will definitely suffer losses when purchasing." Qin Tao didn't lay the groundwork, and just went straight to the point.

The motherland has a vast land and abundant resources, so there is no shortage of iron ore, but most of the domestic iron ore is lean iron ore.Many of them contain less than 30.00% iron, and many of them are still underground, making it very difficult to mine.

Due to the geological structure movement, most domestic ores exist in fine-grained banded, oolitic and scattered point-like structures, and even have microscopic fine-grained structures.Some are polymetallic symbiotic composite deposits, and just the first step of beneficiation will consume a lot of energy.

It can even be said that the cost of iron ore imported from abroad is lower than domestic ones!

Of course, this also has to pay attention to the method.

Qin Tao remembers very clearly that for a long time, the domestic demand for iron ore has been increasing, so he has to purchase it from the international market. In this way, those iron ore producers have the right to speak. Just a price increase will deflate the country, and even some domestic companies will deliberately poach other people's orders and raise prices maliciously.

Going out to find mines is incompetent, but digging is top-notch!
At present, the domestic iron and steel enterprises are still doing their own things, but if they want to have the right to speak in iron ore imports, they must join forces!
"All iron and steel plants that have import needs must stand together and form a special import department, and then purchase iron ore through bidding. We will import the best quality and lowest price." Qin Tao said.

Xu Lequan frowned.

"President Qin, this is not easy! First of all, it is very difficult for us to stand together. If we want to import, how much is the import, what is the quota for the big guys, and there is no need to quarrel."

Qin Tao said it simply, but there are too many problems in realizing it. Many domestic steel factories are in the relationship of competition. It is not easy to get big guys to work together?

The Mingzhou Group is leading the way. The steel produced by the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant is mainly used by the Mingzhou Shipyard. It is self-produced and sold, and there is no competition. The competition among other domestic steel plants is going to be fierce.

Imported steel is the easiest way to reduce production costs and obtain high profits and markets. If the big guys talk about imports together, who doesn't want to make more points?
Qin Tao gave Xu Lequan a blank look: "The nest is top-notch! Huh, you go and tell them that I proposed the import quota, based on the annual output of each steel mill! If anyone disagrees, Mr. Qin will be angry, and the consequences will be very serious. serious."

Qin Tao didn't want to show off his prestige, but when he thought of the scene of being manipulated by the iron ore supplier, he felt annoyed that he hated the iron but not the steel. Now he must unify, so as not to be bullied in the future, even if he uses a little trick.

"What's more, in the international market, we have to face competitors from island countries, kimchi countries, etc. Even if we are in a group, those iron ore suppliers may ignore us!"

Even if the country is integrated with an iron fist, what about the international one?We have to face other competitors!
Those iron ore suppliers just wait at home to make money, who will take the initiative to come?

"This requires us to take a multi-pronged approach." Qin Tao said: "At present, the main exporter of iron ore in the world is Kangaroo Country. The iron ore grade is good and the utilization rate is high. However, we must not rush to the door Buying, otherwise, a seller's market will be formed, and we need to expand iron ore channels in many ways."

Although the iron ore in the Kangaroo Country is good, the country formed by the descendants of exiled criminals often jumps out to be a clown. Since Qin Tao already has power in his hands, of course he can't let this country eat too much meat.

Want to sell iron ore?Come and beg us.

Qin Tao followed his own train of thought and explained: "In addition to the kangaroo country and the football country, other countries also have a lot of iron ore, such as the Rainbow country, the situation in this country is very good, we can definitely take this country as the main In addition to purchasing, you can also purchase their mines."

Not only to purchase, but also to participate in the development of foreign mines!In fact, Mingzhou Group has already made a start. During this trip to the football country, they won the mining right of a mine.

"Africa is a continent rich in mineral resources but backward in economic development. As a country that has always maintained a friendly and brotherly relationship with Africa, we must of course undertake the important task of helping Africa better develop its rich resources, drive Africa's economic development, and solve our problems by the way. The source of iron ore."

It is very important to participate in the development together. In fact, it is not too late for domestic iron and steel groups to start in this regard. In 1987, Sinosteel and Rio Tinto cooperated to develop the Channar iron mine. In 1992, Shougang acquired the Peruvian iron mine. However, Although they started foreign development, they started very slowly and the effect was very poor, and there was not much iron ore mined.

Of course, there are many reasons for this. It is not easy to go abroad to seek a living. If you don’t understand the situation abroad, you will easily stumble.

However, these difficulties should never be their hindrances. They must complete this task and solve the iron ore import problem through these methods!
"President Qin, do you want your Mingzhou Group to take the lead?" Xu Lequan asked.

"Me?" Qin Tao shook his head: "I'm not interested. Our Mingzhou Group will not be short of iron ore for ten years, and we will have our own way in the future. This is the way you have to go."

You can't always rely on yourself to feed the food. After feeding it, you will be a dou who cannot be supported.They have to be motivated to act on their own.

Qin Tao didn't need that.

By the time he said this, Qin Tao had already arrived home.

"Well, I'm sorry, Director Xu, I'm already home. Shall I ask Xiang Yang to take you back?"

"No, my car is right behind." Xu Lequan said, "Boss Qin, I will seriously pass on your proposal and try to get domestic enterprises to unite to solve our iron ore shortage. I I also want to ask you for advice, can you give us a trick?"

The car had already stopped, Qin Tao thought for a while, and then said: "In fact, there are special iron ore-rich areas in our country. You can use this as a bargaining chip when negotiating with foreign businessmen."

The grade of domestic iron ore is too low, and most of them are lean iron ore. This sentence is actually unreasonable. There is another place that is not included: the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau!

The Cuoqin-rich iron ore concentration area at the southern foot of Gangdise Mountain, the Shiquanhe area in western Tibet, and other places are all areas rich in mineral resources. If the iron ore there is developed, there is no need to import iron ore in China. stone.

Of course, it is not easy to develop it. Back then, it cost a lot to build a road, and now there is no railway. Therefore, even if there is a way to mine it, there is no way to transport it!

Although there is no way to develop it yet, you can go out and fool people.

Do you sell it or not?If you don't sell it, we will make up our minds and develop our own iron ore. We are just looking for convenience. As long as you are willing to sell us iron ore at a suitable price, we will not develop it.

This is also a trick.

 PS: Thanks to book friends Muzi99999, l599xl, and rogerH for their rewards, and thank you for your subscription and voting support!

(End of this chapter)

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