Great warships

Chapter 52 Zook Class Patrol Boat

Chapter 52 Zook Class Patrol Boat
ten days later.

The waves were churning on the sea, beating against a cargo ship that was running at full speed. In front of the deck of the cargo ship, a group of people were facing the sea breeze and looking into the distance.

"We will arrive at the port soon." Qin Tao said: "The ship is unloading at the port, and we can go up to repair those planes. To be honest, I don't know whether those planes can fly. It depends on you. "

The face of the middle-aged man on the side was full of spirits: "Then what is there to say, as long as the engine can start, we can fly back! Can't embarrass us... civil aviation."

Even if everyone knew it clearly, it still had to be covered up. Therefore, the pilots and maintenance staff of the H-[-] bomber unit sent this time had a new identity: people from the civil aviation department.

As long as it is a non-governmental organization, it is easy to say.

The middle-aged man with a square face is the person in charge of this team, Hao Kejian, in his 40s this year, is the golden age of a pilot, and his actual identity is already a member of a bomber regiment head of the team.

Leading the team by him is enough to show that the navy attaches great importance to this operation. Thinking about it, it is of great significance to the navy to be able to use a few more airframes to transform maritime patrol aircraft.

"Yes, our maintenance personnel must also do a good job in the inspection and maintenance of the aircraft, and try our best to make those planes fly again!" Said the maintenance captain Zheng Daqing.

"Even if it can't fly, it will be useful if we get it back." Hao Kejian continued: "The donated organ can be disassembled, or it can be handed over to researchers for study."

When he heard Hao Kejian say this, Qin Tao suddenly thought of something: "Yes, it should be studied by scientific researchers. They are also improved from Tu-16. They only need three crew members. If we It would be great if the relevant units can research it and reduce the crew of our H-[-]."

The H-[-] belongs to the bomber layout during World War II. The nose has a cockpit and the nose has a transparent observation cabin. It requires six people to operate, namely the pilot and co-pilot, the first navigator, the second navigator, the communicator and the shooter.Although everyone has an ejection seat under their buttocks, they can't react at all in an emergency.

Once encountering a situation, start the ejection lifesaving, the order can not be disordered, it must be ejected according to: shooter-communicator-second navigator-first navigator-co-pilot-pilot, and the direction is not the same. In the same way, some go up and some go down. If the order is wrong, some people will not be able to get out.

In the case of insufficient height, there is simply no time for all ejection escapes.

This kind of aircraft should have been improved a long time ago. Like the West, two or three people are enough to operate it. They all sit in the cockpit and eject upward together when the time comes, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the safety.

Although the Figure 104 airliner has no ejection capability, it is a modern driving method after all, so you can refer to it.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a roar on the distant sea.

A small speedboat is splitting the waves and moving quickly.

Qin Tao's heart was suddenly tense. He picked up the binoculars and carefully adjusted the focus. Soon, he could clearly see the appearance of the speedboat through the binoculars.

The whole speedboat is not big, the displacement should be less than [-] tons. There is a small turret on the bow, with dual machine guns installed on it, a pocket bridge at the back, a row of portholes, the mast is not low, even You can also see an extra-large tweeter hanging from the mast.

"The Zuke class belongs to Lao Maozi's maritime guard." Qin Tao said, "We are in trouble."

Although it had been agreed with Nicholas that the other party would send a warship to respond, after all, it was inconvenient to contact at sea, and the other party did not come to respond in time, but a patrol boat of the Coast Guard discovered it!
Qin Tao watched the patrol boat gradually approaching, secretly worried.

The Maritime Guard and the Navy are not a system!The former belonged to the border guards, and Lao Maozi had too many troops.

The Zook class is a typical coastal patrol boat, why did it come here?The other party's nose is too sensitive, right? (After checking a lot of information, I found an interesting place. A lot of information said that it is powered by two M-2 diesel engines with a total power of 50 horsepower. That's 2400 or even [-] horsepower.)
"The cargo ship in front stopped and was inspected immediately!" The loudspeaker shouted from afar.

"What should I do?" Hao Kejian also became worried.

"Don't worry about him, let's continue sailing." Qin Tao said as he walked into the cabin and turned on the horn of his cargo ship.

"Listen to the patrol boats in front, we are the cargo ship Mingyuan, and we are currently transporting supplies to the Great Red Flagship. Our destination is the Vladivostok military port! Please get out of the way!"

In World War II, the Pacific Fleet made great achievements, and many people made great contributions. Later, on May 1965, 5, the entire Pacific Fleet was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Therefore, Lao Maozi’s Pacific Fleet was also called the Red Flagship Team. This is a glorious title. .

In comparison, what is the maritime guard of the border guards?Get out of the way!We don't call at civilian ports, it has nothing to do with you!

At this moment, Qin Tao was very domineering.

The captain Lao Luo looked at Qin Tao's appearance and felt very emotional. He had transported a lot of goods and been to many places. When he encountered someone else's maritime patrol boat, he had to stop the ship obediently and accept the inspection. How could he refuse like this now? , Domineering side leak ah.

"This is the maritime patrol boat of the Far East Frontier Defense Force. We suspect that your cargo ship is engaged in smuggling activities. Please stop the ship immediately!"

Qin Tao's face darkened.

What is this guy up to?Cut off!

Daoye's life is not smooth sailing, selling supplies by train, he will be targeted and robbed at any time.A high-ranking rogue like Qin Tao, transporting supplies and selling them to the Pacific Fleet, may also encounter the greed of other military branches.

Nikolai's secrecy work was not done well, it must have leaked the wind and was known by the other party, so they intercepted it at sea in advance, as long as they stopped the cargo ship Qin Tao, there is no doubt that they can pretend After finding out a case of smuggling at sea, and then escorting the cargo ship to their port, Qin Tao would absolutely not be able to get the ship out without shedding a layer of skin. As for the cargo, don't even think about it.

Lao Luo's face also changed.

 PS: Thanks to book friends SP players, Xiaoyue Yiqing, Qidian Reading, l599xl, Zui Meng Yi Shiyue and other friends for their rewards, thank you all book friends for voting, continue to ask for votes!

  At present, I am actively collecting manuscripts, and when they are on the shelves, they will be released to everyone. In addition to the eight chapters owed to the leader, there should be more manuscripts, and they will be released together. I hope you will support them!
(End of this chapter)

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