Great warships

Chapter 529 All Responsibility 3

Chapter 529
Seeing that Dongfang had already taken the Varyag out to show off, Ah San couldn't sit still.

For Ah San, this is a huge blow. Originally, in terms of naval power, they were more confident than Dongfang. At their peak, they even had a powerful formation of three aircraft carriers at the same time, but now they China's aircraft carriers are decommissioning one by one, but what about the East?Dongfang actually has a brand new aircraft carrier, and the displacement of this one is equivalent to all of them.

Ah San was very anxious and nervous, so Lao Maozi's price increase was approved again. The price is fine, as long as you can quickly start this aircraft carrier.

So, after another round of plucking, Lao Maozi finally completed the peripheral modification of the Chaoriwang aircraft carrier.

Although there are still a lot of internal equipment that have not been installed, those can be installed during the outfitting, and there is no need to continue to stay on the beach for renovation, so Ah San can't wait to ask the Chaoriwang to launch immediately !
Now that it's in the water, of course we have to light the boiler and start a circle!Only by driving in this way can Ah San's strength be shown. On the Chaoriwang, there are not only Ah San's person in charge Kidambi and the people he brought, but also Kvyat, the director of the Red Star Shipyard. The technical staff of the shipyard led by him, and a dozen reporters.

As long as this aircraft carrier can go to the sea for a lap, they can make a big show, and their Chaoriwang is the real sea overlord!

"Fire!" Kvyat ordered.

Kvyat is also very happy. After all, although the Red Star Shipyard is living very well, it relies on the business of dismantling nuclear submarines. They haven't built any ships yet. Now, the Super Riwang can also be refitted. Show the strength of their Red Star Shipyard.

In the future, they will be able to receive more orders. Even if there is no order for an aircraft carrier in China, if Ah San still wants an aircraft carrier in the world, they will definitely consider their Red Star Shipyard.

"Today, the launch of the Super Sun King fully demonstrates the strength of our Red Star Shipyard!" Kvyat said to the people around him.

After Kidambi heard it, he had the same pride on his face, but he had mixed feelings in his heart. Hmph, you sounded nice, back and forth, and asked us for billions!Your shameless operation is really disgusting.

However, only this time!

When we can build our own aircraft carrier in our country, we will never rely on you again!
"Yes, this is a super aircraft carrier." Kidambi said: "Its combat effectiveness is much greater than that of the 001 aircraft carrier!"

Since the ship was built on the beach at the beginning, the following launching ceremony was very special: dig the beach around, pile up a fence, remove the fence connected to the seawater at the back, and pour in the seawater. Then use some tugboats to drag the aircraft carrier down abruptly.

This kind of launching method is estimated to have no second model in the world.

It is estimated that Ah San also felt that this way of launching was disgraceful, so they didn't plan to hold the launching ceremony at all, and no one took pictures. They didn't start celebrating until the aircraft carrier entered the water.

In the boiler room at the back, the personnel were also busy. Eight brand new boilers were ignited one by one, and then the pressure began to increase slowly.

"The boiler is working great!"

"The steam generator is ready!"

Reports came one by one.

"Start the turbines!" Kvyat shouted excitedly.

The steam generator starts to work, and the high-temperature and high-pressure steam is generated from there, and then goes along the pipeline and enters the steam turbine, and the propeller also rotates.

After several years of beach repairs, the massive warship is finally moving again!Its huge body also seemed to be trembling with excitement, and as the propellers turned, the speed of the warship also began to increase.

Soon, it reached a cruising speed of more than ten knots.

"Okay, our sea trial has been successful, and we are going to return to the outfitting dock," Kvyat said.

"No, no, we still need to do a full speed cruise, and then a full rudder operation, our helicopter is ready!" Kidambi shouted.

At this time, just above the aircraft carrier, a rented helicopter appeared, and the photographer held the lens of the cannon barrel and pressed the shutter frequently.

For an empty-shell aircraft carrier, the most beautiful action is to operate at full rudder at full speed, the deck will tilt at a large angle, and a beautiful splash will be drawn on the sea, which is the most spectacular.

At this time, from the sky, the aircraft carrier that has been changed to an angled deck and a jumping deck is already very spectacular, but Kidambi is not yet satisfied.

Kvyat frowned: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, we are sure!"

Therefore, Kvyat could only issue an order: "Sail at full speed!"

In the boiler room at the back, after receiving the order, the engineer continued to intensify the fire, and the fire inside became more and more intense. The high-pressure steam in the boiler was rapidly generated, and then rushed to the steam turbine.

The speed of the aircraft carrier is increasing, sixteen knots, eighteen knots, twenty knots!
The Chaoriwang, which rides the wind and waves, is so magnificent and so chic.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from the rear, spreading along the steel hull throughout the entire warship, and everyone on the island instantly turned pale.

what happened?

"Hey, what's going on?" Kvyat was also anxious.

"Engineer room, engine room, please report the situation." Kidambi was also anxious, and shouted loudly with a microphone.

However, no echo came.

"Send someone to the engine room immediately!" Kvyat shouted.

At this moment, several loud noises came continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!
The sound of explosions came and went, and for a moment, it seemed that the end of the world was coming!
White mist leaked from the rear and wrapped around the rear of the aircraft carrier. It looked so weird, and the speed of the aircraft carrier also began to drop suddenly.

Kvyat's face paled, he had guessed something.

This sound, this movement, nothing else, the boiler must have exploded!

When the rescuers opened the door of the engine room, they were also stunned by the sight in front of them. High temperature and high pressure steam permeated the inside of the engine room, like a big steamer. The machine soldier has been steamed alive by the steam, and there is even a smell of meat in the air!
They didn't dare to go in, and their rescue was meaningless. They needed to wait for the steam inside to dissipate before they could lift the people inside.

However, this is also an extravagant hope. The people inside are already familiar, and they will die if touched.

The Chaoriwang was launched, and a serious problem occurred in the first sea trial. Among the eight boilers, seven exploded!The only one left at the end was also unable to output the rated power due to a problem with the boiler itself, otherwise, all of them would explode.

After the word spread, the world was shocked.

Countless newspapers have made lengthy reports on this matter, and the argument is mainly one: Da Mao is no longer able to manufacture large warships. After the collapse of the Red Empire, Da Mao's manufacturing strength is declining rapidly, and Da Mao's construction quality is very poor. It's unbelievable!
If you continue to believe in Da Mao and build warships with Da Mao, you will definitely suffer!
Chaoriwang is one example!
The performance of the boiler repaired by Da Mao cannot reach the original standard at all!Moreover, the technology during the Red Empire was not very good. Looking at several Kyiv-class aircraft carriers, almost all of them had the experience of frying boilers, which shows that this was originally a shortcoming of Da Mao.

In St. Petersburg, everyone who was holding a banquet also received the news, but when they heard the news, instead of worrying about Da Mao's decline, they were complacent!

The reason is also very simple.

Why can their Red Star Shipyard receive such a large order? What capabilities does the Red Star Shipyard have?Our St. Petersburg is the most professional institution!
The Red Star Shipyard capsized, and it deserves it!Ah San shouldn't have trusted them in the first place!
"The Novorossiysk was originally in poor condition, but this time the boiler was blown up, and the warship was seriously damaged. Ah San should abandon that warship and choose our Gorshkov to refit!" The people present Discussions soon arose.

"That's right, our northern shipyard is the most suitable to undertake the modification task!"

"We can't ask for an increase in fees again and again like the Red Star Shipyard. We only need a maximum of 20 billion. We can't be too greedy."

Seeing everyone's excited expressions, Qin Tao also found it a little funny. Are they still waiting for business to come?This is purely wishful thinking. How could Ah San continue to trust Da Mao after suffering such a big loss?

The Gorshkov will continue to soak in the sea water. No one will come to buy it. This huge mistake will only make Ah San make up his mind to build it by himself. However, Da Mao can still get it. There are few benefits, Ah San has nothing, and the steel used to build the aircraft carrier has to be purchased from Damao, but the money is definitely not as good as being a general contractor.

"President Qin, our Neva Design Bureau will definitely go to your defense exhibition." Sokolov quickly realized that their design bureau wanted to design a beautiful aircraft carrier that would amaze the audience. Then you can get Ah San's approval.

"Then, on behalf of the organizer of the defense exhibition, I welcome you." Qin Tao shook hands with the other party.

It was already late at night after the dinner, and Qin Tao returned satisfied.

Xu Zhengyang looked at Qin Tao, hesitated to speak several times.

"Zhengyang, what do you want to say?" Qin Tao looked at his follower with a smile.

"Next, they should investigate the truth of the accident, will they find us?" Xu Zhengyang was a little worried.

These boilers will explode. The essential problem is the batch of refractory bricks provided by Mr. Qin. The refractory bricks of civilian boilers simply cannot stand the test of warship boilers. The refractory bricks used as heat insulation materials cannot restrain the internal heat. Of course there will be big problems.

Boss Qin is too ruthless, he can destroy Ah San's aircraft carrier with one move, but this will also bring a lot of negative effects, will Boss Qin's reputation be destroyed because of this?

What if the old man came to Xingshi to question his crime?
"What does this have to do with us?" Qin Tao said: "The 001 we repaired sailed smoothly at sea, and it flew carrier-based aircraft at [-] knots many times. No problem, there is a problem with their [-]-ton Chaoriwang, how can we blame us? It must be their own problem."

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. If there is a problem with the Zhou Group, Qin Tao can take out No. 001. The quality of our Mingzhou Group is absolutely just right, no problem!
"However, there are three boilers ordered from us!" Xu Zhengyang was still very worried.

"So what? The same boiler, the same operation, ours is fine and works well, but theirs explode, it must be their improper operation." Qin Tao said: "If only our three boilers exploded, it would be ours. They have seven boilers that exploded, three of which were refurbished by themselves, and one was original. What does this have to do with us? Maybe their refurbished boiler exploded, and then our boiler was given to us. That’s right, that’s right, that’s it!”

Hearing Xu Zhengyang's chills.

At this time, Qin Tao said to himself again: "Besides, we didn't sign the contract back then, so we can't blame us for this."

Xu Zhengyang was finally speechless, Qin had always calculated all of this back then!
The next day, Qin Tao was still asleep when he was awakened by a knock on the door. When Xu Zhengyang opened the door, he saw an old acquaintance outside.

"Zaytsev? Why are you here?"

"Qin, Nikolai sent me here. Something happened in the Far East, and I want you to go over there to help." Zaitsev was very anxious.

"Really? Then wait a moment, I'll pack up and go to the Far East with you." Qin Tao was straightforward.

Xu Zhengyang on the side was a little worried and gave Qin Tao a few winks, but Qin Tao also pretended not to see it.

When Zaitsev was waiting outside and Xu Zhengyang packed Qin Tao's luggage, he couldn't help but said, "Boss Qin, this trip is a bit risky!"

Friends are for betrayal. When Qin Tao goes to the Far East, will he be used by Nikolai and Kvyat as a shield to let Qin Tao bear Ah San's anger?

Now Qin Tao has something important to do. He is actively lobbying various design bureaus and factories to participate in the defense exhibition in the East. Next, he should go to Ermao and several other countries. Therefore, Qin Tao has Good reason not to go to the Far East.

Xu Zhengyang had no way to make a decision for Qin Tao, so he could only complain.

Hearing Xu Zhengyang's words, Qin Tao smiled: "If I don't go, then the relationship with Nikolai will be completely broken in the future. We still need Nikolai as a friend. If I go, this is a timely gift. Besides Now, I am the boss of Mingzhou Group now, and I have a high status in the East, how dare they do anything to me?"

Qin Tao's analysis was correct, and Xu Zhengyang could only nod in agreement.

Zaitsev came by a navy plane. After Qin Tao packed his luggage, he followed Zaitsev on the plane and flew straight to the Far East.

When we arrived, it was already evening in the Far East, and the ancient city was covered with a layer of red under the sunset glow. At the fleet base, Nicholas rushed to Qin Tao when he saw Qin Tao for the first time.

Xu Zhengyang subconsciously wanted to stand in front of Qin Tao, but Qin Tao had already opened his arms and hugged Nicholas.

"Nicholas, my friend, we meet again!"

"Yes, Qin, only you can help us deal with this kind of crisis." Nicholas said anxiously.

With only sincerity in his tone and no blame, Xu Zhengyang was relieved.

Nicholas did not doubt Qin Tao, after all, the two have been old friends for many years.

At this time, seeing Nikolai's anxious expression, Qin Tao patted the other person's shoulder again: "Nikolai, don't worry, speak slowly, I don't know the details of what happened, Kvyat Are you there? Can you ask him to introduce me. "

"Let Zaitsev talk, he was there at the time, Kvyat was in a meeting and didn't have time to come," Nikolai said.

Qin Tao nodded: "OK."

After listening to the story very carefully, especially the scene of the boiler explosion, Qin Tao was also surprised: "How can it be so tragic, fortunately, there is no loss from our shipyard, it is all operated by Ah San's people. Then, the investigation report of this accident can draw conclusions.”

in conclusion?

Nicholas opened his eyes wide. Qin Tao has not been to the scene to watch, so he can draw a conclusion?
"This is obviously an accident caused by improper operation." Qin Tao said: "During the sea trial stage, any equipment should be completed by the people of the shipyard and the customer. However, when the accident happened, Our people are not on site, all responsibilities, of course, have to be borne by the customer!"

Ah San really can't be blamed for this, of course there were old men in the engine room, but when the accident happened, the order had already been issued to return, so the few old men inside left the engine room, I ran to the cabin where I lived and drank wine!

This is also a blessing in misfortune, the people in the shipyard have nothing to do, and all the dead are poor Ah San.

Not only did they die, but they also had to take the blame.

Nicholas's eyes lit up: "That's right, they should be responsible!"

Sure enough, Boss Qin is very powerful. He just came here and solved a big problem for them.

"Ah San made a lot of mistakes. For example, there were no senior officers present at such a grand launching ceremony. Moreover, they didn't drop the wine bottle before launching. This fully shows that they don't take this warship seriously. Time is also dereliction of duty! In our words, Sea Dragon King is angry."

Mr. Qin's serious nonsense ability is so admirable that Xu Zhengyang couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Ah San is definitely full of grievances and has nowhere to say it!

"Fortunately, there were all Ah San in it at that time, and our sea trial was originally over, and Ah San had to operate at full speed and full rudder." Nicholas was also very happy at this time: "This has nothing to do with us. No matter what the relationship is, Ah San will have to spend another sum of money to repair this warship next time!"

"Even if it wasn't Ah San, it has nothing to do with us." Qin Tao said: "For this kind of thing, other people must be jealous of us and continue to destroy us. Only when our warship is scrapped can they sell Gorsh The Cove, but if this reason is revealed, it will discredit Da Mao, so let’s forget it.”

This is even more insidious!

If Ah San is not to be blamed, then the Northern Fleet must be blamed. Anyway, this kind of thing has happened before.

After the accident happened, Nicholas immediately sent someone to invite Qin Tao, and now, after Qin Tao came, he really provided them with a perfect plan to dump the blame, and Nicholas was very satisfied.

"Qin, your solution is really good." Nicholas said: "Now, we can finally sit back and relax, Zaitsev, immediately notify the Red Star Shipyard of the conclusion of the accident investigation."

Zaitsev ran out.

"Qin, you have been really busy in recent years, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Nicholas said.

Letting go of the burden in his heart, Nicholas and Qin Tao can continue to make daily routines.

"Yes, we have been very busy in recent years, but I will never forget my old friends." Qin Tao said, "Nicolas, it's getting dark, shall we go to the bar for a drink? "

Nicola nodded.

Red Star Shipyard.

"Seven of the eight boilers were blown up, and the remaining one can't be used. This is entirely due to your quality of construction. We demand that you replace the boiler for free immediately!" Chetri, who came in a hurry from Ah San's home country , got off the plane and went directly to the Red Star Shipyard, and made his request after arriving.

It is possible to replace the boiler, but it is not free. Hongxing Shipyard does not produce boilers, and the purchase costs money!
At this time, Kvyat's face was also gloomy and terrifying, thinking about something in his mind, he saw Zaitsev walking in with a document in his hand.

Kvyat took it over and looked at the handwriting on it, feeling overjoyed in his heart.

"Mr. Chettery, you came at a good time. Our accident investigation report has come out."

Chetri was surprised for a while: "So fast? What caused the accident? What's wrong with your boiler?"

"The investigation of the accident proved that there was no problem with our boiler at all. It was entirely caused by the wrong operation of the people present at the time. The person responsible for the accident was Batra, who was in charge of the engine room at the time. He issued a wrong order, which eventually led to The boiler exploded."

Chetri stood up angrily: "The explosion of the boiler is obviously a quality problem, so how did it become a man-made problem?"

"Mr. Chetri, please don't get excited, we have a detailed investigation report here." Kvyat felt a burst of joy in his heart.

After Zaitsev came, he heard that Kvyat was still in a meeting, so he first found other technicians, made this investigation report, and then took it in. This report is reasonable and well-founded , fully demonstrated the horror of man-made accidents.

"No, no, damn it, we will never believe this report!" Chetri shouted after a few glances.

"You are too excited now, please calm down, we will talk about the modification cost after you calm down, this is a big project." Kvyat stood up and left, leaving behind a confused look Ah Sans.

Need more money?

(End of this chapter)

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