Great warships

Chapter 531 Design of the Twin Ship Island

Chapter 531 Design of the Twin Ship Island
"President Qin, we are here!" This afternoon, Yang Dawei hurried over with his people.

"Well." Qin Tao looked at Yang Dawei: "How is it, have you brought everything?"

"We have been busy for a month, and finally we have made all these design plans." Yang Dawei said: "Especially the layout of the two-ship island needs major changes, and we have also spent a lot of effort, Mr. Qin, you How did you come up with this plan?"

When Qin Tao gave the order, they were responsible for carrying out the task. The specific reason was not asked yet.

For example, how could there be such a wonderful design in the plan of the two-ship island?When the time comes, will they show off their uniqueness of the Mingzhou Group?

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course this kind of solution has great benefits, didn't you realize it when you designed it?"

Originally designing the aircraft carrier should be the task of the second design department, but now, almost all the technicians of the second design department are busy in Mingzhou Group to participate in the construction of the 001 aircraft carrier. During the construction process, technical personnel are also required to be present for coordination Yes, this can greatly speed up the progress of the modification.

Therefore, the design of the new warships at this international defense exhibition can only be handed over to the first design department, but they only need to get the technical information from the second design department and make some improvements. I can ask the technicians of the second design department present at any time, so I didn't encounter too much difficulty.

However, even the technicians of the second design office and even Babich himself were a little curious about some issues. For example, the design plan of the two-ship island requested by Qin Tao was simply unconventional.

Yang Dawei was originally asking Qin Tao, but now that he heard Qin Tao's rhetorical question, he began to think seriously.

From the perspective of the occupied space, the two islands at the front and back of this aircraft carrier are almost like the islands of the 001 aircraft carrier of our own side, directly splitting the middle.

The biggest problem with the 001 ship island is its size. The ship island occupies most of the space on the right side, resulting in a small number of carrier-based aircraft docked on the deck. Now, the layout of the two ship islands, although an elevator is added in the middle, But in this way, the front and rear of the ship island are completely empty.

"Is it to increase the space for parking fighter planes on the deck?" Yang Dawei asked.

"This is just one of the small benefits, not the main one." Qin Tao said: "The most important problem is to solve the problem of chimney placement."

Since nuclear-powered aircraft carriers do not need chimneys, their islands can be designed very compactly.Domestic aircraft carriers follow the boiler route and do not need a large chimney. When the domestic aircraft carrier starts construction, you can find that the size of the ship island has been greatly reduced.

However, if you consider using a gas turbine, it will bring a lot of problems, because the gas turbine needs enough air, the intake port must be large, and the exhaust port must also be large. In this way, the ship island must become thicker .

What does this have to do with the island?Of course it is because the intake and exhaust ports have to pass through the island!

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Yang Dawei suddenly came to his senses.

"From the perspective of warship command, it is more appropriate to position the island at the front. From the perspective of the layout of the chimney, it is more appropriate to position the island at the rear. Therefore, a layout of two islands is more appropriate, so that a perfect solution can be obtained. !"

Yang Dawei just needed to be reminded. Now that Qin Tao pointed out, he understood.

"It's not entirely true. The size of the gas turbine is not large. Our power system is designed directly under the ship island. One or two gas turbines are arranged under each ship island, so that the intake and exhaust pipes of the gas turbine are the shortest. "Qin Tao said: "However, when we introduce it, we should be taller. The intake and exhaust problems of gas turbines are only one aspect. More importantly, it can bring other benefits."

Other benefits?
"For example, during the take-off and landing phase of a carrier-based aircraft, the air turbulence is very troublesome. When the sea breeze blows over two islands, the air turbulence generated will be less than that of one island, which is conducive to the take-off and landing operations of the carrier-based aircraft. Safety."

When I live in a building in winter, I know that when I go downstairs, I will feel a strong airflow below the building. After I go out, I find that it is not very serious. This is the so-called building wind.The bigger the building, the stronger the wind.

However, why are two ship islands less than one ship island?You have to do wind tunnel experiments to know!How did President Qin know?
Yang Dawei was a little curious, but he didn't bring it up. Since Mr. Qin said it, there must be his reason.

"For another example, our two-ship island structure can arrange different electronic equipment at the front and back. For example, now, a long-range air-to-sea search radar is arranged on the front ship island, and satellite communication and other equipment are arranged at the back. This avoids mutual interference."

Warships need to install different electronic equipment, and the interference between them is very complicated. In order to solve the problem of electromagnetic compatibility, many electronic engineers have lost their hair. The two islands in the front and back can be arranged easily and have less interference.

"For another example, the two ship islands undertake different missions. The front ship island is responsible for command and navigation, and the rear ship island is responsible for the take-off, landing and dispatch of carrier-based aircraft. At the same time, they can also serve as backups for each other to improve survival on the battlefield. ability."

Yang Dawei's eyes slowly lit up, Mr. Qin is too powerful, he gave so many reasons clearly, why didn't he think of it?

Sure enough, the gap between myself and Mr. Qin is still far away!I have to learn a lot from Mr. Qin in the future!

Yang Dawei admired Qin Tao even more.

"Boss Qin, who are the potential customers of our plan?" Yang Dawei always felt that Qin always had a target.

"Of course it's Ah San." Qin Tao said: "With Ah San's characteristic of looking higher than the top, he likes tall things, so they are likely to take a fancy to our plan, even if they don't like it, at least Our plan is also the first, and when Ah San starts construction, if the layout of the two-ship island is really adopted, it is also copying our plan, and we are the original."

Anyway, the construction of the Queen-class aircraft carrier will not start until 09. In this era, no one has proposed the plan of the double-ship island. Mingzhou Group is definitely the first.

Sell ​​it to Ah San?

Mr. Qin can really think!Yang Dawei was a little shocked, Boss Qin is so good, he prepared it for Ah San!
"By the way, I heard that Ah San is negotiating with Da Mao, asking to tow the Chaori King back." Suddenly thinking of something, Yang Dawei said to Qin Tao.

"Drag back? It seems that they are unwilling to be slaughtered." Qin Tao said with emotion: "However, dragging back is also a good plan. In the future, if there is any problem with this aircraft carrier, they will have to solve it themselves. I can't go to trouble the old man anymore."

Problem again?

Yang Dawei was a little surprised, he didn't know what President Qin's words meant, but Xu Zhengyang beside him was like a mirror.

What else could be wrong, of course the deck collapsed!
Not only the boiler is unqualified, but the deck is also bad. After Ah San has repaired the boiler again, installed the equipment, and entered the sea trial, maybe there will be no problems. This time, the nightmare is about to come, right?
Qin Tao didn't explain either, but continued to sigh with emotion: "The modification of the Chaoriwang project is really huge, and they didn't even think about it, how could such a huge project not exceed the budget."

Although Ah San was very annoyed by Da Mao's constant request to increase the cost, but I have to say that the modification project of this aircraft carrier is really too big: modify the bulbous bow, remove the extension of the front end of the island and all weapon systems; modify the entire flight deck , with a 5.5-degree inclined deck and a 52-meter-long 14.3-degree ski jump springboard module, a total of 234 new hull structure modules were added; 2500 of the 1750 cabins of the entire ship were rebuilt.

The ship island has also undergone a lot of improvements. Except for the roof radar, other radars and communication and navigation equipment are brand new.

After such improvements, the full-load displacement has increased to 4.54 tons, the length has increased by 11 meters, and the width of the flight deck has increased to 61 meters. It can carry 16 MiG-29K, 6 Ka-28 and Ka-31 helicopters. At the same time, it is equipped with LUNA landing aid system for MiG-29K and DAPS landing aid system for "Sea Harrier".

The hugeness of the project is also very rare in the history of aircraft carrier modification in the world. For Qin Tao, he would rather build a new one than remodel it in this way. It is too laborious.

Yang Dawei nodded.

"It's a pity that our 052C destroyer is a confidential project and cannot be displayed publicly. Otherwise, that warship should be our current trump card."

Since we want to hold a defense exhibition and display our own equipment, of course we must display the most advanced ones. Yang Dawei still has a fresh memory of the last time he went to Malaysia to participate in the defense exhibition. Unfortunately, this time he did not have such a dazzling performance. .

Qin Tao looked at the design drawing of the two-ship island aircraft carrier: "It's not difficult to be bright, let's take the design of the brother unit!"

Brother unit design?
"The rotatable flat-panel phased array radar and four small C-band phased array radars have all been moved here. In this way, the design of our aircraft carrier will be taller."

Yang Dawei frowned: "Boss Qin, is this okay?"

"What's wrong, I'll take care of it when something goes wrong." Qin Tao said: "The technology of the world's navies has already advanced to phased arrays. Of course, we must be at the forefront of this era."

"Mr. Qin, the first exhibitor has already arrived." Xu Zhengyang answered a phone call, and then excitedly said to Qin Tao.

"So fast? Are they too impatient?" Qin Tao was a little curious: "Which manufacturer is it?"

"The Motor Sich company is led by their president himself."

Motor Sich?Qin Tao was suddenly excited: "Okay, the power tsar is here first, when will he arrive? I'll go to the airport to meet them!"

Power Czar?The nickname given by Mr. Qin is really interesting!

The Red Empire collapsed, and the various republics divided a lot of inheritance, with Da Mao first and Er Mao second.

Among the two worlds, the Motor Sich Company is the most dazzling and brightest star. This company was a company that developed aero-engines in the era of the Red Empire.

Among them, the most famous one is of course the D-124T engine used by the An-225 and An-18 transport aircraft. This engine is also their star product, and the turboshaft engine used by the Mi-26 helicopter is also from Motor Sich. The product.

However, they not only produce big ones, but also some small and medium-sized engines. For example, the engines used by the Falcon, and the small engines used by certain cruise missiles, for example, can be produced.

The relationship between this company and the East is quite deep, and in later generations, there are countless relationships, kindness and hatred.

However, because this company is manufacturing aero engines, although Qin Tao has been to Ermao many times, he has never had any contact with Motor Sic. friendship.

The next day, Capital International Airport.

"Mr. Qin, you have a lot of time to do, and you actually came to welcome Motor Sic in person. When they see you, they will be very touched." Next to Qin Tao, Old Shi said.

To say that it has something to do with Motor Sich, the most important thing at present is the domestic company that develops trainer aircraft. After Shi Lao and the others developed the K-8, they will continue to work hard and plan to develop advanced trainer aircraft. In terms of engine selection, Madasi Qi's engine is the most suitable choice for them.

Therefore, Mr. Shi and the others have already contacted Motor Sic several times, and of course they are going to come here to pick up the plane, but they didn't expect President Qin to come here.

"Their company's products are also equipped on our aircraft." Qin Tao said: "This is our supplier, of course we have to welcome it."

It takes a few minutes for the plane to land, and the big guys are already chatting.

"Mad Sich is already one of the few excellent companies in Ermao's place. The development of their company has a lot to do with their president."

After the collapse of the Red Empire, all companies and factories had a hard time. Of course, Motor Sich was the same, but soon, all this will not be reversed, because Vyacheslav Bogus, the president of Motor Sich, Laev, he personally went to various upstream suppliers to stabilize production, and then went to Damao to stabilize sales channels, so until now, Motor Sich can still live very well.

Motor Sic's products have been sold to 120 countries around the world, but in fact, the most important customer of Motor Sic is still Damao.

Therefore, as long as Da Mao can stabilize, then their company can live well, otherwise, there will be big problems.

"Yes, the products produced by their company are still very good." Qin Tao said: "Since they are here this time, we have to purchase a batch."


"Yes, we need to purchase engines, which will cost a lot of money. It would be great if we could introduce technology for production," Shi Lao said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Old Shi, what you said makes sense. We need to introduce technology to produce some engines. When they come down, we can have a talk and give them a big gift."

Elder Shi was a little surprised: "Boss Qin, if you want to introduce technology to produce, it will cost a lot of money!"

They are a company that produces trainers, but they really can't afford that much money.

"We, Mingzhou Group, can invest in the establishment of an engine production plant with you, specializing in the production of engines for trainers, how about it?"

Mr. Shi was overjoyed.

"Boss Qin, your company is so rich, it's no problem to buy the entire Motor Sic company." A staff member next to him said.

buy it?How is it possible to buy it?I don't do business at a loss, the Tianjiao Company of later generations is a living example!

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "We are shipbuilders."

The pits that should be avoided must be avoided. After the province is obtained, it is suddenly overshadowed by others.

At this moment, the roar of the engine came from outside, and a passenger plane landed at the Capital International Airport.

Boguslayev, who is only about 1.7 meters five, is not tall among Westerners. He looks like a young man in a suit and leather shoes, but there are a few white hairs mixed in his black hair, which shows that He is not young when he comes out.

"Mr. Bogurasyev, welcome to the East." Qin Tao walked up and extended his hand enthusiastically.

"Mr. Qin, I am so touched that you came to pick up the plane in person." Sure enough, after Boguslayev recognized Qin Tao, he was very excited. He thought it was just Mr. Shi and the others, but he did not expect Mr. Qin to come too. up.

"You are the first manufacturer to participate in the exhibition. I am in charge of the defense exhibition project. Of course I will be here to welcome you. Besides, our group also has business contacts with your company. Would you like to go to the hotel first or to the venue?"

"We want to see the venue," said Boguslayev, a man of action.

"Okay, then let's go now. On the way, we can talk about business matters by the way."

There was a burst of excitement on Boguslayev's face, business?
They came to the defense exhibition just to sell their products. There is already business before this has started?
"it is good!"

The convoy headed for the defense exhibition site, and Qin Tao started the introduction in the car.

"I wonder if your D-18T engine production line is still operating normally?"

"That's for sure, we can still maintain the operation of this production line." Boguslayev said: "Are you going to buy a batch of backup engines for that An-225 transport plane?"

Although the engine life of the An-225 transport aircraft has reached 1500 hours, which is a lot of progress compared to those engines that can only run for a few hundred hours and need to be overhauled, but it is obviously not enough for the long life of an aircraft. .

"Yes, we still need to purchase 12 engines, so that we can fly until the An-225 transport aircraft is scrapped." Qin Tao said.

12 engines!It really is a big deal!Boguslayev was excited for a while: "Of course, as long as we sign the contract, we can organize production immediately!"

"The contract will be signed at the defense exhibition, which will add some achievements to the defense exhibition." Qin Tao said.

D-18T is the most outstanding aero engine in the era of the Red Empire, with a single thrust of 23 tons, second only to 32 tons of NK25. It can be compared with the common D-30 engine, which is the main engine of Il-76. Later, it was also used in the improvement of the H-[-] and so on. The thrust of this engine is only a dozen tons.

The D-18T engine not only has high thrust, but also has the lowest fuel consumption among Lao Maozi engines, but its cruising fuel consumption of 0.581 kg/kgf·hour is simply a record.

However, this engine has a disadvantage: low output.

Compared with the output of thousands of D-30s, the total output of D-18T is only two hundred. After all, only An-124 and An-225 transport aircraft use this kind of engine. The output of transport aircraft is not high, and the engine is of course Impossibly high.

This time, Qin Tao purchased 12 units at one time, which was simply a great gift for Boguslayev!Motor Sich can guarantee profits for one or two years by relying on orders for these engines.

Qin Tao has no choice. The An-225 uses six engines, and the service life is not long. He has no choice but to store two sets of backup engines. It is said that in 2010, the production line of the D-18T was completely shut down. Later, more It was hit by a missile, and the factory building was blown up.His An-225 can't be grounded because it doesn't have an engine.

"Your D-136 engine is also in production, right?"

"That's right, it's also in production, and it can be used for Mi-26 helicopters." Boguslayev was extremely excited, it's the right time!

Before coming, there were still some voices of opposition in the company. Mr. Qin didn't come to invite him personally, but just sent an invitation. It's too embarrassing for them. They have to spend money to come, it's not worth it, don't come!

Fortunately, Motor Sich is already a private company, and Boguslayev has the final say. He tried his best to come here with technicians and exhibits. Just arrived here, and President Qin gave him a big gift!
The Mingzhou Transportation Company also purchased the Mi-26 helicopter, which uses a D-136 turboshaft engine, and one engine can output tens of thousands of horsepower, making it the strongest in the world.

This kind of engine also needs a backup.

"Moreover, we also have a modified engine." Boguslayev said: "The power output is greater, the life is longer, and the fuel consumption is lower."

Qin Tao nodded: "We will also purchase four of these engines."

Another order for four units, Boguslayev is extremely excited, a big deal!

"By the way, you are still producing AI-222-25 aero engines, right?"

The succession of good news made Boguslayev laugh from ear to ear. He nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, we also produce this kind of engine. How much do you plan to purchase?"

"We want to introduce technology and build a dedicated engine factory in our country. What do you think?"

The introduction of technology?
Boguslayev was taken aback for a moment.

Can sell finished products, no one will sell technology!The former has a steady stream of money, while the latter is a one-shot deal!

Could it be that all the foreshadowing is for the final purpose?

"Old Shi and the others are developing the next-generation trainer aircraft, and they selected your engine. Therefore, we want to introduce technology for production." Qin Tao explained.

"Mr. Qin, you only need to place an order, and we will hand over the production to us. There will be absolutely no problems." Boguslayev has come to his senses and hastened to refuse.

Qin Tao shook his head: "This kind of trainer aircraft will require a very large number of engines. Although we are very relieved of your side, the international situation is unpredictable, and we may face some problems in the future. We cannot bear this kind of problem. Therefore, if the engine is selected, we must seek the ability to produce it ourselves, Mr. Boguslayev, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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