Great warships

Chapter 534 The Tall Aircraft Carrier Design Plan

Chapter 534 The Tall Aircraft Carrier Design Plan
Qin Tao stood far away, watching Yang Dawei's eloquent introduction with the model, and was very satisfied in his heart. What kind of generals lead what kind of soldiers, and those who work with Qin Tao now are also used to Qin Tao. Thao this way.

Blowing up the cowhide, it's the same as the real thing!

Qin Tao originally just told Yang Dawei about the benefits of the two-ship island, but what Yang Dawei said now has increased his own understanding, and it really looks like that.

For example, a tall all-electric propulsion system.

Even the queen class of the British in later generations did not have a high-power drive motor. Although it is also an integrated power system, the propeller is still driven by the drive shaft. In Yang Dawei's case, the drive shaft has been thrown away.

This is definitely subverting the tradition. In the past, the power cabin was at the tail of the warship. Now, it is moved to the bottom of the island. What a pioneering work!

Mingzhou Group has begun to lead the entire era, which makes people feel emotional!

Qin Tao is very satisfied. Last time at the International Defense Exhibition, their Mingzhou Group made a big splash, and this time it will also shine. Moreover, this time it is relying on the aircraft carrier to get the limelight, which is different from before.

Two-ship islands, integrated power system, electromagnetic ejection, these things will definitely become the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers!

I don't know if Ah San will be fooled into staying here, and then come to me to buy the design drawings. If she really buys it, then she will have to slaughter them.

Yang Dawei is also really good. He can make the model of the warship in such a short period of time. It should be printed with titanium alloy 3D. Only the Mingzhou Group has so much money to waste. Other groups can't do it at all. .

Now, the model of this warship is really eye-catching.

"Okay, I've finished the introduction. Now, if you have any questions, you can ask them. Be careful, don't make noise, and come one by one." Yang Dawei still stood on the booth and shouted to everyone.

"Excuse me, what kind of gas turbine will you use for it? Will it be purchased?"

"It depends on the customer's needs." Yang Dawei introduced: "At present, the LM2500 gas turbine is the most widely used in the world. If the customer needs it, we can help install this power system. Of course, we also have qualified For the power system, our domestically produced gas turbines are no worse than imported ones! You can move to other exhibition areas, and our brother units are displaying our own gas turbines.”

Dongfang has solved the problem of power system, which is the most exciting thing.

The 703 Institute has also displayed their products. In addition to the GT-15000 gas turbine that has completed all experimental projects, there is also the GT25000 gas turbine that is under further development. The power has been increased to the level of 30 megawatts. There are four such gas turbines with a power output of more than 100 megawatts, and it is no problem to drive a 4.5-ton aircraft carrier.

"Excuse me, what is that tablet above the island behind you?"

"This is our long-range early warning radar. It adopts an active phased array system, which can achieve a search distance of [-] kilometers and provide air early warning capabilities for the entire aircraft carrier formation." Yang Dawei introduced.

"The ship island in front is very strange. Why is its mast in the shape of a polyhedron?"

"Of course it is for stealth. Above the mast, there is a special four-sided phased array radar, which can have multiple functions. It is still in the confidentiality stage, so I won't introduce more."

There is nothing to introduce about the interior of the aircraft carrier. After all, there are hangars, fuel storage warehouses, living quarters for officers and soldiers, etc. All the doorways are on the deck. It looks simple, but there is still quite a lot of space to operate.

"Excuse me, what kind of carrier-based aircraft is this aircraft carrier mainly equipped with?"

"We have repeatedly demonstrated that if it is a large aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 4.5 tons, it is possible to operate a heavy-duty carrier-based fighter, such as our J-18, but for a medium-sized aircraft carrier with a displacement of only 29 tons, the operation Medium-sized carrier-based aircraft are more suitable. If customers can purchase western carrier-based fighter jets, then whether it is the Rafale fighter jet that is being developed by France, the F-[-] of the United States, or the MiG [-]K of Da Mao, it is all possible, of course Yes, we also have related carrier-based fighters. Moreover, it is the world's first stealth carrier-based fighter."

Choudary stood there, a little dazed in his mind, when did the East become so powerful?
Ah San has operated an aircraft carrier for decades, and considers himself a regional maritime power, but now it seems that he is no longer at the same level as Dongfang.

These aircraft carriers designed by the East are too advanced. Moreover, the East has already built several aircraft carriers. What about our own side?My side has been relying on outsourcing, and recently I was severely slaughtered by Da Mao!

Choudary felt that his heart was full of loss, he didn't even want to stay here any longer, and left silently.

"Mr. reporter, do you need information?" A young man stopped him and handed him a brochure.

Chaudhary lowered his head and looked at the brochure handed over by the other party. On the surface, it was the beautiful two-ship island aircraft carrier, and it was still a rendering after rendering. This aircraft carrier was sailing on the rippling sea. It took off on the flying deck of the bow, and there was an airplane with a large plate on the inclined deck ready to eject, it looked so beautiful.

He took it silently.

Not far away, Qin Tao watched Choudary leave with a smile on his face.

The young man who distributed the leaflets was of course sent by him.

"President Qin, do you think Ah San will be fooled?" Xu Zhengyang beside him was curious.

"Who knows, Ah San's road to developing an aircraft carrier is really bumpy. Our Mingzhou Group also sees it and is anxious. If they can sincerely ask for help, I really have to help them. "

Xu Zhengyang glanced at Qin Tao helplessly, Mr. Qin, your ability to deceive people while smiling is really amazing.

However, Mr. Qin's first half sentence is correct. Ah San's aircraft carrier road is also quite bumpy.

In 1961, they purchased a Hercules, which was refitted and named Vikrant. It took off with a catapult and landed with an arresting cable. Later, with the Sea Harrier, it began to operate ski jump/vertical takeoff and vertical landing. The aircraft carrier, now the Chaoriwang, has become a ski jump to take off and block the landing.

It can be said that the four aircraft carriers of a country have experienced all aircraft carrier operations such as steam catapult, vertical take-off and landing, ski jump take-off, and interception landing. This is the only one in the world's navy that has no semicolon. .

In the midst of emotion, someone came over.

"President Qin, I didn't expect to see you here!" The other party was obviously very happy: "President Qin, the design plan for the two-ship island aircraft carrier is really amazing!"

Qin Tao looked at the excited people in front of him. Ilges, a naval officer from the football country, was also an old friend of his. This time Dongfang was going to hold an international defense exhibition, so he came to join in the fun.

Originally, the relationship between the football country and the East was not very good. After all, the geographical location of the football country determined that they had to follow a certain superpower. They purchased aircraft carriers only because the conditions offered by the East were very attractive. After contacting them, they realized that Dongfang's technical strength is not weak, and they took advantage of the opportunity to participate in the defense exhibition, and what they saw surprised them even more.

Of course, since they are engaged in naval equipment, they are most interested in the equipment exhibited here. When Yang Dawei picked up the model of the double-ship island and introduced it, Ilgus was also stunned. Play, the design is unique.

Mingzhou Group is really amazing!

At this time, he held the brochure just sent in his hand, and looked at Qin Tao excitedly: "Mr. Qin, can we modify this aircraft carrier?"

"Of course." Qin Tao immediately nodded in agreement.

Xu Zhengyang was a little surprised, Mr. Qin, are you serious?Our aircraft carrier is a PPT project that is still in the design stage!You actually sold it in one bite?What if it can't be made by then?
What kind of integrated power system, what kind of electromagnetic catapult, these are all things that have disappeared!

However, thinking of Mr. Qin's usual style, Xu Zhengyang relaxed a little, maybe Mr. Qin really has a way.

"It's just that the price has to be renegotiated." Qin Tao continued to speak calmly: "Let's talk about gas turbines first. If you purchase American gas turbines yourself, we don't care. If you plan to use our gas turbines, Compared with the boiler, the price will increase by about [-] million US dollars."

Three hundred million dollars!

After saying this, Ilgus was shocked immediately: "So many?"

"Yes, the boiler is mature and reliable. It has a history of several decades, and there is no advanced technology. Of course, the price is very cheap. The gas turbine is different. It is a modification of an aero engine, and the price is very high."

"Let's go on to talk about the integrated power system. This system is also newly developed. A lot of advanced equipment is used in it, and the price will probably increase by about [-] million U.S. dollars."

Another [-] million!

"Electromagnetic catapults are even more high-tech products. At present, only we have mastered this technology in the world. If you want to use gas turbines, you cannot use steam catapults, you can only use electromagnetic catapults, and you need to add another [-] million US dollars. "

"And the phased array radar on it..."

Irgues quickly shook his head: "No, forget it!"

If this goes on, how much will it cost?

"Forget it?" Qin Tao was a little surprised: "Actually, our aircraft carrier is sold cheaply. Internationally, the purchase of aircraft carriers is already sky-high. You can see how many billions Ah San spent on buying that big hairy aircraft carrier." , Moreover, it is still a second-hand product, our Mingzhou Group will never do that kind of thing, the price will be clearly stated on the spot, and the price will never be raised in the future, even if it loses money, it is still ours."

"That's right, we also trust you. Mingzhou Group is the most trustworthy group in the world." Ilges said: "Let's go to other places first, goodbye."

"Okay, goodbye." Qin Tao said with a smile.

This price increase scared the other party away, Xu Zhengyang had a smile on his face: "Mr. Qin, you really dare to ask for it."

"Of course. Whoever dares to order, we dare to demand high prices. If they are not afraid of spending money, then we can also use their deposit to develop these equipment to maturity."

What Qin Tao did was prepare with both hands.

At this time, Yang Dawei had finished introducing the 4.5-ton aircraft carrier, and continued to introduce the second model.

"Since everyone has no doubts, let's move on to the second model, a super aircraft carrier with a displacement of [-] tons."

In the past, Mingzhou Group had a variety of aircraft carrier designs, but did not dare to take them out, for fear of digging a hole for the Varyag, but now it is not afraid, all kinds of high-end aircraft carriers can be taken out.

An [-]-ton super aircraft carrier sounds surprising.

In the whole world, only the United States has an aircraft carrier of this level, and the East actually wants to build a super aircraft carrier of this level?

More importantly, the bow deck of this aircraft carrier is flat!

"Why didn't you jump over the deck?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Why is the position of the ship island moved to the end?"

"Everyone, please don't worry, let me introduce." Yang Dawei looked at the people below with excitement on his face: "We still talk from the ship island. The reason why the location of the ship island is different from that of the aircraft carrier is also to consider When it comes to the placement of the power system, in our plan, this aircraft carrier has two kinds of power systems, either boiler or nuclear power, so that the ship island is arranged at the back, which is convenient for leaving a special chimney.”

Why is the ship island behind?Because it is close to the power cabin!
The [-]-ton super aircraft carrier also uses boilers. There is no way around this. After all, the research on the nuclear power system of the East is still seriously behind. The aircraft carrier is still too small to use.

Therefore, two choices were made in the plan. The conventional power is to burn the boiler, and the 001 boiler can be brought over and improved. If it is not enough, two more can be added, or the nuclear power can be matured in the future.

"Moreover, the ship island is arranged at the back, and the front deck is vacant, which is of great benefit to the dispatch of carrier-based aircraft on the deck." Yang Dawei continued: "We have arranged two elevators on the right side, and the left side There is another one, like this, enough to operate seventy or eighty carrier-based aircraft."

The front deck is so open, it is easy to take off and land, or dispatch, and the deck car can walk back and forth on it.

"We have arranged four electromagnetic catapults in front, two on the bow and two on the angled deck, so as to achieve a relatively high dispatch efficiency. After all, the number of aircraft is large, and the jumping deck alone is not enough." Yang Dawei Continue to introduce.

This is to build a super aircraft carrier like the United States!
"Excuse me, is this aircraft carrier designed for your navy?" After Yang Dawei finished his introduction, someone finally asked.

This is also what everyone is most interested in. Mingzhou Group has a close relationship with the navy, and is now building a large number of warships for the navy. Is the model in front of you prepared for the navy?

"We designed it for all potential customers." Yang Dawei learned Qin Tao's skills at home, and he spoke impeccably: "If our navy needs it, of course you are welcome to come to our Mingzhou Shipyard to order. If other customers have needs , then you are welcome to come and place an order, we treat everyone equally."

This is a bit exaggerated, the navy's own use is definitely different from the ones ordered by customers in other countries.However, to put it simply, no one will actually place an order. After all, apart from the United States, no other country in the world can afford to equip this kind of [-]-ton super aircraft carrier.

Even if the purchase price given by the Mingzhou Group is not high, and the aircraft carrier formation is assembled, it is absolutely astronomical, which makes ordinary middle-level powers daunting. Just look at countries such as Britain and France. There is no money to build an aircraft carrier of this level.

"Excuse me, why isn't this aircraft carrier equipped with ballistic missiles that can strike moving targets on the surface?" Someone asked again.

In the exercise two months ago, the Dongfang Navy had a good time. Various new weapons emerged one after another, and everyone was most impressed, of course, by ballistic missiles attacking moving targets on the water surface. This is definitely for potential enemies. A tailor-made nemesis weapon for an aircraft carrier!
"Our aircraft carrier exists to carry carrier-based aircraft. The most powerful weapon on it is the carrier-based aircraft. As for this kind of ballistic missile, we can use other surface ships to carry it."

Other surface ships!
This is a very important statement, not only the land layout, but even the navy's surface ships can carry it. The strike capability of this ship formation is really too strong!
"How come we haven't seen that weapon?"

"Although this ballistic missile is for the navy, in terms of classification, it belongs to the equipment of the aerospace industry group, so if you are interested in the exhibition hall of the aerospace industry, you can go there to see it."

The Capital International Defense Exhibition will be relaunched after ten years. Of course, there must be enough eye-catching things. Therefore, the equipment used to hit the aircraft carrier with ballistic missiles at the beginning must also be exhibited.

What is false is real, and what is real is false. This is the art of war. This weapon has not yet been developed, and even the real entry into military service will have to wait until the Beidou system is networked, but it is displayed now. Guaranteed to scare some people away!
In the aerospace exhibition area, many people surrounded the missile in front of it.

A capable female technician in her 30s was explaining there.

"We used the Dongfeng 21 ballistic missile and added a special warhead to develop this ballistic missile that specifically attacks moving targets. Its biggest feature is that it is difficult to defend against. Ordinary anti-ship missiles are subsonic. The final attack speed of a sonic anti-ship missile will not exceed Mach [-], while our ballistic missile can attack the target at a speed of Mach [-] or [-]. It still follows a high-throwing trajectory, leaving the enemy with a very narrow interception window , as far as the current situation is concerned, it is impossible to be intercepted."

"Excuse me, have you introduced technology from Damao?"

"Da Mao doesn't have the same type of weapon system equipped with troops at all. What we use is not a nuclear bomb, but a precise impact method to hit moving targets on the water surface. Therefore, our idea is the same, but it's just the same idea. , To give an example, cars have four wheels and a sofa, can we say that other companies' cars are copying Mercedes-Benz?"

Eloquent and well-founded, these words immediately made many reporters who wanted to make things difficult speechless.

"Excuse me, what is the specific technical principle?"


"How did you find the target at sea?"


"How many missiles of this type have you deployed?"


Many of the following questions cannot be answered, but that is what makes this missile even more mysterious.

"Excuse me, are you planning to introduce this weapon system to the international market by exhibiting it here?"

"Of course, but, according to international practice, we will reduce the range of this missile to [-] kilometers."

Everyone was dumbfounded for a while, looking at the model next to her, this kind of medium-range missile that can fly thousands of kilometers should be reduced to [-] kilometers?

"This girl is not bad, is she from the aerospace system?" Wu Shengli, who came here to watch the excitement, couldn't help but talk to the people around him.

This is a defense exhibition held in the east, and it is on the outskirts of the capital, so of course many domestic military officers will also come to join in the fun.

Hearing Wu Shengli's words, Mr. Wu on the side said: "Yes, this kid is called Zhu Jun. He was born in 62. When he took the college entrance examination in the 80s, his scores were enough for Tsinghua University and Peking University, but he resolutely chose our National University of Defense Technology. After graduating, she was admitted to the Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, and later studied for a master's degree in the General Design Department. When she graduated in 87, the system was panicked. Those who made missiles were not as good as those who sold tea eggs, but she was able to strengthen her beliefs. , has been working in our aerospace department, and she also contributed a lot to the ballistic missile aircraft carrier project. She is very good, and everyone is optimistic about her. She will be the leader in the future."

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, such a person can endure loneliness and temptation, and he must be cultivated in the future."

No matter at any time, talents are the most important. In addition to digging talents from Lao Maozi, the talents cultivated by oneself are also more important.

"By the way, what's over there? It looks like there are a lot of people." Wu Shengli looked over.

"Over there is Lao Maozi's booth. Boss Qin came here in a flick. There is the Kuznetsov Design Bureau, and there is also a power machinery manufacturing scientific research joint production body."

Wu Shengli didn't know these things. After all, he didn't know much about aerospace.

"Dad, Mr. Wu, are you here too?" At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Qin Tao smiled and looked at the two of them: "You guys came just in time, let's go, let's go to Lao Maozi's rocket engine together."

"What are you doing there?" Wu Shengli was curious.

"It seems that Lao Maozi has a batch of engines in stock. If the price is right, we Mingzhou Group will buy them." Qin Tao said.

You, a shipbuilder, why buy stock rocket engines?
(End of this chapter)

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