Great warships

Chapter 544 Starship Corporation

Chapter 544 Starship Corporation
Seeing Qin Tao looking him up and down, Max was very curious: "What's the matter, Mr. Qin, can't I come?"

It really was that guy, Qin Tao was finally sure: "Of course, this is a normal business relationship between us. Since you are brought by a client, you are also our client. Welcome, please come in."

Of course, Qin Tao is very clear about this famous person in later generations.

On June 1971, 6, Max was born in Pretoria, the Rainbow Country. His father was an electromechanical engineer and had relationships with many people. Among them, Oscar, who had just been tricked by Qin Tao, was Max's father. Best friend, so Max also recently received news from Oscar and heard that American Jet Engines is coming, so he decided to come to the East to see.

Max's mother is from Maple Leaf Country, so when his parents divorced, he first worked with his father, and then went to Maple Leaf Country.

Max, whose family conditions are very good, bought his first computer in 81, and later bought a programming textbook, and learned how to program.From this, we can also know how brilliant the Rainbow Country was. In the era when even Lao Maozi’s professor had no money to buy a personal computer, the son of an engineer in the Rainbow Country could buy a computer with his pocket money and his father’s sponsorship. .

This is definitely the most emotional.

In 92, Max transferred from Queen's University in Ontario to the Wharton School of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania on a scholarship. After obtaining a bachelor's degree in economics, he stayed in school for another year to obtain a bachelor's degree in physics. In 95, Max entered Stanford University to study materials science and applied physics doctoral program.

Within a year, he had started Zip2, a company that developed online content publishing software for news organizations, with the New York Times and Chicago Post among his clients.

It can be seen how sensitive he is to the market and technology. He has grasped the hottest Internet economy just after he started his business.

Of course, his career has just started at this time, and his personal assets are still very small, so he must not be compared with Qin Tao.

Qin Tao is not a few years older than him, but he is already the president of a multinational company. Max now looks at Qin Tao with admiration.

"Mr. Santos, when you come here this time, are you planning to directly select qualified engines and take them away, or build a test bench here?" Qin Tao asked.

"We decided to take it away, even if there are one or two bad ones, we can accept it." Santos said.

Obviously, it is still too difficult for the other party to build a test bench for just a dozen engines.

"Well, as long as you don't come to trouble us, we have no problem." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Go, go to the warehouse to have a look."

The warehouse has just been completed, and the painted walls are very clean and tidy. After entering, you can feel very cool. Looking at the cold air blowing from the air conditioner, Santos was extremely surprised: "President Qin, you understand The Zhou Group is really rich!"

He has never been to Lao Maozi's place, but after thinking about it, he can know that the engines at Lao Maozi's place must be stored in the dusty workshop, and the air-conditioned factory building in front of him is probably the engine that has been produced since the batch of engines was produced. The best treatment after coming out.

"Our Mingzhou Group either does not do it, or does it to the best. No matter what the storage environment was like before, now that it is in our hands, we must let it get the best conditions."

Santos nodded.

In fact, what Qin Tao meant was that if you take it back and it is broken, it is not our fault, it must be broken by Lao Maozi!

Max had already run over, looking excitedly at the huge rocket motor.

These are all vertical, without any outer packaging, just a layer of plastic protective film, and the structure inside can be clearly seen.

The huge snail-like turbo pump, the unique combustion chamber, and the huge tail nozzle look extremely spectacular.

At this moment, Max's heart was quite shocked. Although he had paid attention to space development when he was in college, but now, he really saw the rocket engine for the first time.

"The engine developed by Lao Maozi was used for landing on the moon, but because there were too many engines in parallel, it was blown up several times in succession, and finally we had to give up the moon landing." Qin Tao said.

"That's because there was no modern technology at that time. If it is now, with advanced electronic detection methods, it can be measured in advance that there is a problem with a certain engine, and then shielded. There are more than 30 engines, even if one fails to ignite successfully. Not too big," Max said.

"Why, you are very interested in these engines?" Qin Tao's tone was very sincere.

"Yes." Max said, "It's a pity that my company has no money. If there is, I will buy all these engines!"

Last year, his career just started. In 99, he sold his company and earned more than 2000 million US dollars, which is considered to be his second pot of gold. The reason why he is the second pot of gold is because he , That is to say, in the second year after getting the personal computer, he sold the game program he compiled and got an income of [-] US dollars, which was the first pot of gold.

"You don't have money, but we do." Qin Tao said, "If you want to use these engines to fly to Mars, our Mingzhou Group can consider launching our own space program."

Santo on the side immediately became nervous: "Boss Qin, you want to build a spaceship? This has nothing to do with your current industry."

"Why not? A spaceship is also a ship." Qin Tao replied decisively: "However, don't worry, we don't need so many engines, so we can sell them to you if you want them in the future."

Santos just relaxed.

And Max's heart was completely excited, what Qin Tao said was simply his ideal!

The footsteps of human beings in space once reached the moon, but then stopped. Landing on the moon is just a small step for human beings. Max has already set his sights on Mars. If he can set foot on Mars, it will be amazing exciting things.

However, this road is too difficult to walk!

For Max, who has just run an Internet company, it is simply impossible to look up to.

Mingzhou Group is different. The current Mingzhou Group has developed into a huge multinational enterprise!Their group has huge financial resources, enough to support his dream of Mars.

"I want to retire on Mars," Max said to himself.

A person who can achieve great things must have lofty ideals. Although Max has nothing to do with the space industry now, he has already begun to establish his ideals for entering space.

What space station, landing on the moon, these are all pediatrics, his goal is to go to Mars!
"If you want to go to Mars, it's not easy." Facing people with lofty ideals, Qin Tao is of course very supportive: "As far as the current cost of space launches is concerned, it is too high. The astronomy required to land on Mars Numbers, even if it is to gather all the space investment in the world, it is impossible."

"Yeah." Santos said from the side: "That was just a dream. Even if we only had a moon landing plan, it would have cost a lot of money, so we never went there again. Compared with landing on Mars, One is wandering around the doorstep, and the other is crossing the ocean, the gap in technology is huge.”

The distance between the earth and the moon is only 38 kilometers, and the distance between the earth and Mars, even if the two planets are the closest, is 500 million kilometers. If the distance is the farthest, it is distributed in the sun On both sides, that is [-] million kilometers.

"When I didn't land on the moon, who would have thought that I would step on the moon one day? From the launch of the first artificial satellite to the first landing on the moon, it took less than ten years. When I was young, I lived in In this great era, at that time, all of us thought that landing on Mars was just a matter of the next ten years.” Max was a little excited: “Humans have stagnated in the field of space exploration, and I want to go up. kick!"

"You excited guy, then tell me, how can we land on Mars? Rely on the strength of Mingzhou Group?"

Santos despised the Mingzhou Group a bit, but he didn't take it seriously, because it was the truth.

Wan Zhenfu has been watching from the sidelines, and he didn't expect that these people would actually quarrel. However, as an astronaut, he actually admires the boastful Max in front of him. That's right, who doesn't want to be able to land on Mars one day?
"If you want to land on Mars, the first step is to reduce the launch cost." Qin Tao said: "This is impossible with various monopoly agencies. The space agencies of various countries are government departments, and they never consider the economy. Benefits, or have never been the most important direction, if you want to reduce launch costs, you still need private aerospace companies."

Plans such as space elevators are all science fiction. At present, the most mature one on earth is still the rocket, which is almost the only way to enter space at present.

"That's right, Mr. Qin is right!" Max agreed with Qin Tao's answer very much.

"The original idea of ​​the American space shuttle was to reuse it to reduce costs. Unfortunately, the steps were too big and the technical difficulties were too great. In the end, the original setting could not be realized, but this idea is still okay. We want to reduce the cost cost, you have to develop reusable rockets.”

Reusable rockets?
Max's eyes lit up even more.

He just had a hazy idea that he wanted to set foot on Mars and realize this great ideal, but he didn't have a clear idea on how to realize it, and he didn't find a suitable path.

What Qin Tao said immediately paved a way for him.

Reuse to reduce costs, what a shortcut!
"Mr. Qin, the road to reuse is not easy. The engines used in rockets are all disposable. If you want to reuse them, it is almost equivalent to a new research and development." Santos laughed at the discussion of these two laymen: "Moreover, after a few times of use, various problems may appear, and the danger of continuing to use is very high. Instead of continuing to use it at the risk of rocket explosion, it is better to replace it with a brand new engine. Besides, rockets are different from space shuttles. After launching, how to recover the rocket? Use a parachute?"

"We let it fly back and store more fuel during launch, so that when the launch mission is completed, it will land on the launch pad again, or convert the offshore oil platform into a launch recovery pad."

Santos knew that he was playing the piano against the cow, and these two people were definitely laymen.

When the rocket is launched, it is necessary to reduce the weight of the structure as much as possible, so the rocket has always been a multi-stage structure, just to throw away the unused outer shell.What about these people in front of me?Actually want to let the rocket load more fuel to use when returning?Moreover, it is also clear that it has to land back on the launch pad. Do you think the rocket is a helicopter?

Unable to communicate with laymen, Santos gave up.

"You talk first, I'll pick the engine."

The way Santos chooses is only to look at the appearance, but not to test the ignition. Moreover, it is best to see the nameplate and choose the one with the latest production date.

However, when he looked over, he found that Lao Maozi's engine did not have a nameplate at all, only a few Russian characters representing the model were sprayed on the nozzle.

This gave him a big headache, how to choose?

Over there, the scope of chatting between Qin Tao and Max is getting bigger and bigger.

"If we build a small rocket, which is the same level as Saturn V, it is not easy to fly to Mars. We need to repeat the launch many times to assemble a huge interstellar spacecraft in space. If we If we build a large one, we may be able to fly directly to Mars, launch dozens of them at a time, and a Mars base will be established.”

Max nodded: "That's right, I've been fighting for this project all my life!"

"We have a saying that you can reach a thousand miles without taking a small step, so should we start now?"

"That's right, from now on." Max nodded: "Boss Qin, have you made up your mind to enter space?"

"Would you like to come here? We plan to build a research and development base here."

Wan Zhenfu had a bad feeling, President Qin was too hasty, right?It's settled so soon?This is no joke!
"President Qin, you want me to join this plan?"

"Yes, our Mingzhou Group has this plan. We will invest [-] million yuan in advance to assemble these stocked engines into rockets and undertake commercial launch missions to make money. After we have money, we will research a new generation of rocket engines." Qin Tao Said: "If you want to join us, then I can ask you to be the person in charge of this branch."

At this time, Max didn't even have 1000 million in his hands, and the [-] million that Qin Tao promised to invest was real dollars, so could the other party not be tempted?This opportunity is the best. If Max has money in a few years, he will definitely look down on him.

"President Qin, I still have a company in Silicon Valley, and the United States has a greater advantage in private spaceflight. Can I set up this company in the United States?" Max has seriously considered this question: "In this way, I have Make sure to bring some of the US aerospace operations to our company."

He is just a decision maker, a leader, and his subordinates still need a lot of talents.Now, the United States is investing less and less in spaceflight. Many American aerospace engineers have the idea of ​​finding another way, and he can just fool those people over.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, our Mingzhou Group's aerospace base must be set up here. We will build a research and development center, a production plant, and a launch base here."

Of course, Qin Tao would not agree to Max's proposal. This is his bottom line. As long as the research institution is here, the research results can be preserved. If he goes to the United States to establish a company, it is not the meat of the Americans, and he invests in it himself. A lot of money, but in the end it's not in vain?
Qin Tao has cooperated with many countries, and even opened production plants and invested in mines in some countries. However, Qin Tao has never touched the United States, and even Qin Tao will never set foot on American soil in his lifetime. Don't make that mistake.

"In this case, it will be difficult for the talents we need to come." Max said.

"That depends on your charisma. I believe they will follow your persuasion and engage in this greatest cause in human history."

"So, does your government allow private development of spaceflight?"

"Of course, our government is open. This is for the cause of all mankind, and our government will definitely agree."

"President Qin, I am willing to join." Max answered affirmatively. He is very interested in this project, and he wants to devote great enthusiasm to this matter. He also believes that he will succeed!
Qin Tao was also secretly happy, it was done!

In fact, he didn't think much about these things in the past. After all, he was a shipbuilder, and he bought these engines in stock just to make money as a second-hand dealer. It can only be said that he met Max at the right time. Speaking of this level, what else is there to say, this project will be done.

"Old Wan, are you willing to join in?" Qin Tao looked at Wan Zhenfu: "In this project, you mainly do logistics work, and cooperate with Mr. Max to make this project well together. Mr. Max often goes to the United States. By the way, when he is not around, you have to provoke the leader."

Wan Zhenfu was also excited for a while: "President Qin, I am willing!"

He is just a gatekeeper here, and now, the meaning of President Qin's words is obvious. He wants him to be the person in charge of the middle party, to manage logistics, and to manage money. If the [-] million US dollars of funds are all handed over to the United States People, what if the other party ran away with the money?This is absolute trust in him.

Thus, a branch company under the Mingzhou Group was established. This company has a prestigious name called Starship Company. Their ultimate goal is to manufacture starships!
Qin Tao arranged all kinds of things here for about a week, buying land, registering a company, and starting infrastructure construction. Santos was stunned. He didn't expect to bring a young man to meet the world, and he actually established a star Ship company!
Xu Zhengyang, who has been following Qin Tao, felt that Qin Tao was a little reckless. After all, it was different from before. This is a project that Mingzhou Group has never been involved in!

But he didn't stop him, he just did his secretary's work well, and when Qin Tao had arranged everything and returned, he couldn't help asking questions.

"President Qin, is this the way our starship company opened?"

"Yes, otherwise what do you think?"

"President Qin, do you have confidence in that Max?"

"That's right." Qin Tao nodded: "I've lured him in, and he will work hard for this project. If we do it ourselves, it will take ten years to use these NK-33 engines on rockets. Five years is enough for Max to join in, and after five years, our Mingzhou Group's rocket will be able to go to the sky."

This guy Max is definitely a workaholic!With him, the efficiency is just right.

"What about five years from now?"

"After five years, we will probably part ways." Qin Tao said with a smile.

Xu Zhengyang was surprised for a while: "Parted ways?"

"A person like him will never be subordinated to others. In the starship company of our Mingzhou Group, even if you give him a part of the shares, you can't keep him. When we use the NK-33 engine to make a rocket, The team has also risen, and once he is full-fledged, he will definitely stand on his own."

"So what did we get?"

Engaged for a long time, playing a lonely?

"Of course it's a large amount of research and development materials." Qin Tao said: "Those American experts he fooled may leave, but the research and development results belong to our Mingzhou Group, and they can't take them away. They left, we can do it ourselves Go ahead."

Qin Tao is very clear-headed, so he can't hold out too much hope. He has to finish the first step first.

As for the future, it depends on God's will.

"Boss Qin, where are you going next?"

"Plateau." Qin Tao looked at the scene outside the car window. His wife had gone to the plateau, but he hadn't been there yet. Now that the pile of bad things at hand was finally over, it was time to visit his wife.

"Oh." Xu Zhengyang nodded, and was planning to arrange the next itinerary when his cell phone rang again.

After answering the call, Xu Zhengyang looked at Qin Tao with some embarrassment: "Mr. Qin, I think you have to go back to Mingzhou first. There is a country in South America who has come to order products."

"The Crying Country?" Qin Tao asked. The Football Country has already ordered an aircraft carrier, and it is the turn of the Crying Country to order submarines. Qin Tao is still waiting.

Xu Zhengyang shook his head: "No, it's Venezuela."

(End of this chapter)

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