Great warships

Chapter 548 J-31A First Flight

Chapter 548 J-31A First Flight
Qin Tao respects these two old people. Without himself, these two old people will support the sky of the motherland. They are each in charge of a model, and they will work tirelessly until they finally succeed.

"Mr. Qin, seeing this plane today is still like a dream. We have never imagined that military aircraft research and development can be done like this." Song Lao said: "If we have your ability, the J-[-] can still fly twice a day in the morning." year."

After the first flight of the J-31, intensive test flights have been carried out, and the current progress is still very good. However, if compared with the J-[-]A in front of us, there is too much difference. After all, this aircraft in front of us is a generation ahead.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, this plane is about to fly for the first time. We are both happy and disappointed." Elder Tu also sighed.

"It's unnecessary to be lost." Qin Tao looked at Tu Lao: "Tu Lao, we said before that the Super Seven fighter jets will also soar to the sky one day, and by then, our motherland will truly become a major country in military aircraft research and development. "

The development of modern fighter jets is very complicated. Even in Europe, they have begun to adopt a joint research and development model. Except for Dassault, which has parted ways with other countries for various reasons and developed Rafale fighter jets independently, other countries have actually Lost the ability to independently develop fighter jets, either technology or money.

The Red Empire was originally on par with the United States, but with the collapse of the Red Empire, the military aircraft research and development capabilities were completely lost, and now they can only live on their laurels.

The United States is thriving, not only developing air superiority fighters, but also developing joint fighters, but the progress is obviously slower than that of the East.

It can be said that this kind of progress can be achieved now, and everyone is very happy in their hearts. The appearance of this aircraft also represents that the domestic aviation industry has entered a new era.

"By the way, who is the pilot of the first flight?" Qin Tao asked, "Is it Lei Zi?"

Generally speaking, the risk of the first flight is very high, and experienced pilots are necessary. The first flight of the J-[-] was made by Lei Qiang, the most experienced test pilot in China. Those who are familiar with him directly Call Lei Zi.

However, after the first flight of the J-[-], there are still a large number of scientific research projects waiting for him, so Qin Tao doesn't know whether Lei Qiang will be able to participate in the first flight ceremony.

"Yes, President Qin, it's me." At this moment, Lei Qiang, who was fully dressed, came over.

When J-Shi made its first flight, Lei Qiang's whole body was very tense, his face was flushed, and his blood pressure was terribly high. After all, the first flight at that time was very risky.For him, he was ready to sacrifice, but he was still very nervous and worried, because he was afraid that the plane would crash, so he didn't keep the scientific research data for the R&D personnel to analyze.

For foreign test pilots, as long as they complete the first flight, they can retire and have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives. However, Lei Qiang did not. He still stayed at the front line of test flights and continued to do various difficult test flights.

Moreover, he is also receiving J-31A training, he will not leave regrets in his life, he has flown two models, two generations of aircraft for the first time in his life, it is worth it!

"I didn't go through the back door." Lei Qiang said with a smile: "There are more than a dozen test pilots who want to fly for the first time, and there are three old-fashioned pilots. After a lot of competition, I finally stood out."

Lei Qiang is very proud.

If you want to fly for the first time, you must have a thorough understanding of the aircraft. Once any failure occurs, the test pilot must be able to determine the location and cause of the failure, and be able to provide the best solution. It took a lot of work to become a test pilot for the first flight.

"Lei Zi, this first flight is successful, and our group will reward you with 100 million yuan!" Qin Tao has never been stingy with these heroes who conquered the sky.

Lei Qiang smiled and shook his head: "Boss Qin, I didn't come here looking at the bonus. If we wanted to make money, we would have gone to civil aviation professionally. If you have money, reward all the designers. They are really good for this plane. I worked hard, working seventeen or eighteen hours almost every day, all year round."

No matter in what era, there will always be such a group of people: for their own ideals, they work hard and forget to eat and sleep. It is with this kind of energy that technology will gradually catch up with and surpass the world level, and the motherland will flourish.

"Of course the technicians are also rewarded." Qin Tao said: "After the first flight is successful, all the technicians will be paid two months' salary as a reward. However, what is given to you is for you, and there is no need to refuse."

The two-month salary is very small compared to 100 million, but there are so many technicians, the total number is still very large. Mr. Qin is very happy, and he will never treat his hard-working people badly.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, the people around immediately became excited.

Their wages are not low already, if they get two more months' wages as a bonus, it will be another unexpected joy.

"Okay, the time is up, let's send the test pilot to the plane." Zhao Dangsheng said.

Everyone dodged a way, Lei Qiang took vigorous steps, stepped onto the plane, and made preparations for takeoff. Zhao Dangsheng himself was beside him, waiting for the cockpit cover to be fastened, and took a last look at the cockpit before getting down.

"Many parts of this prototype are outsourced, such as the ejection seat. We use K-36D, and the domestic supporting manufacturers still need to work hard." Plesakov said to Qin Tao.

Qin Tao nodded: "We are still lacking in many subsystems, but we will catch up."

What Qin Tao said, Plesakov agrees very much. The East has changed too much in the past few years, and he is very emotional.

The roar of the engine sounded, and everyone stopped talking and stared at the fighter plane.

Zhao Dangsheng stood in front of the plane and directed it with body movements. Lei Qiang operated the plane, and the rudder surfaces began to swing regularly.

After Zhao Dangsheng left the runway, Lei Qiang stepped up the accelerator and released the brake.

Many planes have taken off on this runway, J-31, J-[-], and now J-[-]A, which is even more meaningful. This is the first fourth-generation aircraft!

The black fighter plane slid on the runway, touching the hearts of many people.

The speed of the fighter plane was getting faster and faster, the front wheels were raised, and it continued to slide for a while relying on only the two rear wheels. Then, the wheels left the ground and the plane took off into the air.

On the ground, there was a burst of applause.

"The stealth machine is more eye-catching." Elder Song said with emotion: "We can't leave 611, we have to make a stealth machine!"

Qin Tao turned his head around and said with a smile: "Of course you guys are going to do it, J-[-] is just the beginning!"

While speaking, the roar in the sky continued.

Butterfly winged planes are interesting to see from below.

The previous J-[-] and J-[-] had swept wings, that is, two wings swept backwards were inserted on the fuselage. When it came to J-[-] and J-[-], it became a delta wing, which is equivalent to inserting two right-angled triangles on both sides of the fuselage. wings.When it came to the J-[-], it used a canard layout with a large delta wing behind it.

These wings are either perpendicular to the fuselage or swept backwards, but what about this butterfly wing?The leading edge of the wing is swept back, and the rear of the wing is stretched forward, which seems to be an isosceles trapezoidal structure, very similar to the type of wing during World War II.

This is of course to avoid dimples at the junction of the rear wing and the fuselage, which will cause excessive radar reflections. As long as it is a stealth aircraft, whether it is a wing or an empennage, basically the trailing edge has to be swept forward. Caixing, regardless of the size of the range.

The black fighter plane is very conspicuous in the blue sky. Just like the J-[-]'s first flight, it actually circled the airport a few times, then aimed at the runway, and landed to complete the first flight.

When the plane landed smoothly, the two young pioneers who had prepared earlier presented flowers, one wrapped around their necks and the other held in their hands. In such a state, Lei Qiang had an intimate relationship with the fighter plane after its first flight. group photo.

The whole process seemed to be uneventful.

"How do you feel?" Qin Tao asked Lei Qiang with a smile.

"Are you listening to the truth or lies?"

"Of course it's the truth." Qin Tao looked at the bearded man who was more than ten meters away from him. The client must not be able to hear it.

"This is an ordinary plane." Lei Qiang said, "I don't have the feeling of flying J-[-] at all."

When the J-Shi made its first flight, Lei Qiang flew the fighter into the sky, and suddenly shouted: I*!

Everyone was startled, thinking that something happened, and then Lei Qiang became excited: this plane is much more agile than the previous ones!
The third-generation aircraft, fly-by-wire flight control, is still a canard layout, so the maneuverability of the J-27 is first-class, and its performance such as roll is stronger than that of the Su-[-].

After getting used to flying the J-[-], if you fly the plane in front of you, you will naturally feel ordinary.

After Lei Qiang finished speaking, he glanced at Qin Tao: "Aren't you disappointed?"

This evaluation is not high, why doesn't Boss Qin look disappointed?
"After flying the J-27, flying the Su-117 is probably nothing special, how can our aircraft compare with it." Qin Tao is quite optimistic: "Leizi, our aircraft is mainly about stealth. On the premise of ensuring stealth, it has not become a pure attack aircraft like the F-[-], but it can also have combat capabilities, which is already very good.”

Qin Tao is very satisfied.

At present, the only mature stealth aircraft is the F-117. The aerodynamic shape of this product is so strange that many people feel that it is impossible to fly at all, and it is absolutely impossible to want to fight in the air.

The F-22 is powerful, and Qin Tao also admires it. As long as the engine is powerful, a brick can fly into the sky. The F-22 has two engines with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 10, so of course it can stand out from the crowd.

Our fighter jet is multi-purpose and not an air-superior model, so we can't ask for too much.

"President Qin, your way of thinking is different from others." Lei Qiang was a little curious: "We are all engaged in fighter jets. Of course, everyone hopes that the more maneuverable the aircraft, the better. Bite the enemy's tail and fire air-to-air missiles."

"That era has long passed." Qin Tao said: "Do you know what the future air combat will be like?"

"Boss Qin, just tell me the truth." Elder Song said with a smile.

"With the support of the data link of the early warning aircraft, our stealth aircraft does not turn on its own radar system, and completely silently engages the enemy. It flies to a distance of [-] kilometers from the enemy aircraft, or it may be closer, and then launches its own air-to-air missiles. , When the air-to-air missile enters active guidance, the stealth aircraft can turn around and return."

During the whole process, there was no air combat at all!The stealth aircraft acts as a launch platform for air-to-air missiles!

"What if the missile misses the target?" Lei Qiang asked.

"Then the second batch of stealth planes will go over and continue to do this kind of action. In short, in the era of stealth planes, the role of fighter planes is that of the previous gun shooters. They are used from a long distance, and try not to let themselves fall into the situation of air combat."

"Why?" Lei Qiang was puzzled.

"Because it's expensive." Qin Tao said: "The fourth-generation aircraft is much more expensive than the third-generation aircraft. If it is shot down, the loss is too great. If you want to fight, the third-generation aircraft is enough."

"That's right, then, there is no need for the fourth-generation aircraft to do close combat?"

"No, this ability must be maintained." Qin Tao continued to introduce: "After all, if you walk a lot at night, you will always encounter ghosts, and when fighter jets fly in the sky, you will always encounter uninvited guests, which makes you have to enter the state of air combat. Among them. Of course, we don’t fight for mobility, we rely on advanced avionics and excellent air-to-air missiles to solve our opponents.”

Our own aircraft is actually a high imitation of the F-35. Of course, this level of aircraft does not rely on maneuverability to fight air combat, but relies on information capabilities.

The U.S. military in later generations has done similar air combat simulations. In one exercise, 2 F-35 stealth fighters defeated 8 F-16 fighters.However, this is completely the kind of play that does not win by force. One of the F-35 fighters turns on the radar and transmits the precise coordinate information of the F-16 fighter to the other F-35 fighter through the data link.Silent shooting at long distances by the latter.After the fight was over, the two planes switched roles and continued.

If two F-35s are blocked by eight F-16 fighters and fighting, then Feidian will definitely be abused.

The maneuverability of the stealth aircraft can reach the average level of the third-generation aircraft, and it does not need to be too high. It is meaningless to pursue high mobility like the Sukhoi Design Bureau.

However, Elder Song at the side began to think about it.

After the first flight, of course it was a celebration banquet, and Kasim was extremely excited: "Today's first flight is of great significance to us! We look forward to the early completion of all flight projects of this aircraft and equip our army as soon as possible." !"

What kind of vertical take-off and landing fighter jets has nothing to do with them. After all, they cannot have a powerful navy, let alone an aircraft carrier. On land-based airports, ordinary aircraft are enough.

The model in front of me is firstly a carrier-based model, with enhanced landing gear and a ship hook, but it doesn't matter to them. After all, the Tomcat they are currently operating is also a carrier-based aircraft, and it doesn't matter if it is a little heavier. As long as the performance is strong, their pilots have long been used to aiming at the enemy with AWG-9, and then use Phoenix missiles to hide the target. If the target is blown up, they don't know where the attack came from.

"Yes, we will do our best and look forward to completing all the test flights of this aircraft as soon as possible. Please rest assured that you must be the first user to own it!"

The celebration banquet was very lively, but Elder Song was still frowning, thinking about something.

Afternoon, meeting room.

The technicians gathered together, still immersed in the joy of the first flight.

"Next, we still have a lot of tasks to do. The current 02 planes are used for static tests. We still need 03 and 04 planes so that we can complete a large number of test subjects. We also need to coordinate domestic The supporting department completes our other subsystems, and by the time of the 05th sortie, we hope to be a full-fledged aircraft." Plesakov said.

The first test flight must be aerodynamics, and after the test is over, there will be tests of avionics and other systems. Now, many of the equipment have not been seen, such as the full LCD screen display on the high-end, as well as the sci-fi helmet and voice input.

"In terms of avionics, should we use flat-panel slot radar instead? After all, active phased array radar is too expensive." Zhao Dangsheng said.

After hard work, domestic avionics has finally overcome the difficulty of flat-panel slot radar, and began to equip aircraft in large quantities, which can be regarded as reaching the international mainstream level.

However, Mr. Qin actually proposed to them a grand idea to let them use active phased array radar.

The high cost made even the navy feel bad. During the bidding, the 052C and 052B were built separately. Mr. Qin actually wants this aircraft to have such advanced radar equipment?

"Radar is expensive, so sell it more expensive." Qin Tao said: "Our aircraft is under the banner of the fourth-generation aircraft. We are destined to be unable to achieve supersonic cruise, but we must achieve it in other aspects. Yes, if it is not equipped with an active phased array radar, can it be called an advanced fourth-generation aircraft?"

At present, there is only one fighter equipped with this kind of radar, which is the American F-22. This is the world's first fourth-generation fighter. Now, President Qin actually requires the J-31A to be equipped with this kind of radar, which is really unacceptable.

It's too expensive.

Mr. Qin was not afraid of being expensive, and strongly demanded to be on this kind of radar.

"In future air battles, active phased array radar is a must. If we want to catch up with the world's advanced level and surpass it, we have to put in more effort. Anyway, the test flight will take a few years to complete. The radar can be released first." So, in the future, maybe this kind of active phased array radar technology will be more mature and the cost will be lower.”

Well, since Boss Qin insists, let's listen to Boss Qin.

The information warfare capability of the fourth-generation aircraft is quite powerful, and the important equipment is this active phased array radar. Qin Tao will never lower his requirements, otherwise how can he show it off?
The meeting lasted for an hour or two, and all the next tasks were booked, and everyone was very excited.

After coming out, Xu Zhengyang whispered to Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, Mr. Song wants to talk to you."

"Okay." Qin Tao said, "I happen to have a dry mouth, so I'll go drink a pot of tea with him. By the way, tell Xiao Ling that I'll be back later."

In the morning for the first flight ceremony, Zhao Ling went with her. After lunch, she went back to the guest house to rest. She was indeed sleepy.

Qin Tao originally planned to go back after the meeting, but now he has to delay for a while.

In the office, Mr. Song sat at his desk and worked. On his desk, the model of J-[-] was very beautiful.

"Mr. Song, you seem to be very preoccupied today. If there is something you are unhappy about, please tell me to make me happy."

Song Lao smiled: "You are always such an optimist. I have been thinking about one thing today, and I think what you said is wrong."

"Really? What's wrong?"

"You said that the advantage of the stealth machine is the use of invisibility. When the killer in the sky, quietly passes by, fires quietly, and then slips away. However, there is a premise for your setting." Song Lao looked at it. Qin Tao: "You're talking about the fourth-generation aircraft against the third-generation aircraft. What if it's the fourth-generation aircraft against the fourth-generation aircraft?"

Qin Tao smiled, sure enough Mr. Song is sensitive enough to think of all these things.

"If both sides are stealthy, neither the early warning aircraft nor our own airborne radar will detect the enemy aircraft at a long distance. After encountering them, they may be within visual range. Therefore, close combat It will still explode!" Song Lao said: "Your current J-31A can only be used to deal with the third-generation aircraft, and it cannot deal with the same-generation aircraft!"

"That's right." Qin Tao said: "This is also in line with our export rules. We can't make trouble for ourselves. Anyway, this aircraft is mainly for export."

"What about us?" Song Lao couldn't help asking: "We need a stealth machine that can fight, and we need to have excellent air combat performance! Only in this way can we gain an advantage in future air combat, especially in the F In the shadow of the -22 fighter, we need more advanced aircraft."

"and then?"

Qin Tao was not in a hurry at all, because he already knew that the J-611 was just the beginning. For the [-] Institute, the road of independent development of the aviation industry will continue!Now Mr. Song must be thinking about J-[-].

"We need a domestically produced twin-engine heavy-duty air-control fourth-generation stealth aircraft!" When Song Lao said this, he was obviously excited: "Our current largest thrust is the turbofan [-], so we use the turbofan Fan [-] is a predetermined engine, so that the total weight of the aircraft can be enlarged to [-] tons. Later, when the turbofan [-] is modified, the power will be stronger. Of course, considering the gap with the West, we may not necessarily We must pursue supersonic cruise capability, but other capabilities must not be inferior!"

"It is necessary to have strong mobility. Considering our technical strength, I think it is safest to use the canard layout. We are best at this aerodynamic layout, and the mobility is absolutely no problem!" Song Lao said: "We want to give the motherland Hold up the sky of the future!"

"Mr. Song, since you have this idea, then go ahead and do it. After J-[-] completes the test flight, you will start this project." Qin Tao said.

"But, didn't you say that the duck layout is not conducive to stealth?"

Qin Tao was taken aback, so it was his fault?
(End of this chapter)

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