Great warships

Chapter 553 Server for Aegis Battleship

Chapter 553 Server for Aegis Battleship
This is the biggest advantage of being able to produce chips yourself: you can pull down the price!

In the past, computers could produce a chassis, monitor, keyboard and mouse in China, and everything else had to be purchased from outside, especially chips, which cost the most money.

What now?
SMIC can produce all kinds of chips, including memory chips and processors. Only these can bring down the price, and let those foreign products with high prices go to hell!
Although the performance may not be high, the performance of this kind of computer is very smooth through the method of stacking processors, especially the Longyue version computer with four processors, running various files is whizzing.

Veteran Ni finished all the demonstrations, and the people below nodded in satisfaction. The performance of these two domestically produced computers is very good, and the price is affordable.

It's Fangzheng's turn.

Li You's face was a little embarrassed. When he came here, he said that he was running with him. Of course, he was joking. It would be very good if he could win the bidding, but now it seems that there is no chance at all.

The two computers they brought were priced at more than 1 yuan, and their performance was similar to that of their 7000 yuan computer.

However, the introduction still needs to be introduced.

Just when Li You started to introduce the characteristics of the computer he brought to the bidding, several leaders in the meeting room were anxiously looking in the direction of the door.

L thinks what is going on with the company?Why haven't you bid yet?They originally supported L's idea. Even if the Godson computer has demonstrated their excellent performance, as long as L's computer comes over, they can still say something good, even if the share is lower, it can also make L want to get some orders.

But now, L thinks that he didn't show up at all, what are they doing?
The introduction of Founder Computer is also over.

"What does L think? In such a serious bidding occasion, they dare to be absent without reason. It seems that we don't have to wait for them anymore." Leader Li said a little annoyed.

"Something must have happened to them." A subordinate said, "Leader Li, should we wait?"

"Okay, then wait another 10 minutes." Leader Li said.

The subordinate has already ran out quickly, where is the person who L thinks about?Where did it go?
After 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, Leader Li finally made a decision: "Okay, since L wants to be innocently absent, then we can announce the results now. As our own computer brand, Godson Computer has low prices and first-class quality. It is our best choice, our government agencies, education system, etc. will purchase [-] units in three batches, including [-] Longteng and [-] Longyue!"

[-] units, successful bidding!

Elder Ni's face was a little excited: "Leaders, thank you for your support. Our Loongson computer will definitely become stronger and stronger, and become the biggest boost to the popularization of computers in our country, allowing our people to enter the era of information technology!"

"You have to work hard. We need to support our own brand, which is also a manifestation of our national self-confidence." Leader Li said.

The meeting was over, and a group of people took the elevator downstairs. When they reached the first floor, they saw that one of the elevators was still being repaired, and they didn't suspect anything.

The elevator operator saw everyone coming out, so he slowly put away the maintenance baffle and restarted the elevator.

"Damn it!" Liu Zhonglie was the first to rush out of the elevator and head straight for the bidding site, but he only saw messy tables and chairs, and everyone had already left.

"They are too much, how can this happen!" Yang Qingfeng was also very angry: "We haven't participated in the bidding yet, they won the bidding in such a despicable way, we don't admit it, we have to report it to our superiors!"

In anger, Liu Zhonglie and Yang Qingfeng were cursing in the most vicious language, as if they had forgotten that they were the ones who did this trick in the first place.

The contract has been signed, and even if they continue to operate, it doesn't make much sense. What's more, their computer performance and price cannot be compared with Loongson computer.

In order to avoid Intel's defect problem, they decided to use AMD's processor, but the performance of AMD's processor is not good.

In the field of manufacturing processors, Intel and AMD are a pair of happy enemies, and they often fall in love with each other. In the past, AMD was producing processors authorized by Intel, but later Intel felt that AMD was too big and might threaten In 91, AMD launched its own AM386 processor, which means the beginning of AMD's independent research and development of processors.Afterwards, the K-5 processor was launched, but it was beaten by Intel in terms of performance and other aspects.

In 96, AMD acquired NexGen Semiconductor Company, and in the second year successfully launched the AMD-K6 processor that could compete with Pentium II. It was from this time that AMD yes appeared, and K6 has Good performance, cheap price and wide compatibility have occupied a large market for a while, and the K6-2 has won the favor of players even more.

Now, L wants to try to use a backward K-5 processor to bid, that is absolutely impossible.

Mr. Ni was extremely happy. He looked at the scenery outside the window, and his face showed the color of a child: "We won the bidding this time, which means that our domestic computers have stepped up to a new level!"

"Yes." Qin Tao nodded: "In this way, many users will get used to using our computers, and an ecosystem will be established."

In fact, in the private sector, Loongson Computer has won the favor of users due to its cost-effectiveness. However, after all, the number of folks is still very small. Only when it obtains government orders, Loongson Computer will truly become an important computer company in China.

Moreover, this can also drive L Xiang to a dead end!

"This time, if L wants to hold back, he will definitely sue everywhere. However, this matter has nothing to do with us in the first place. The clearer will clear himself. Even if they sue, it doesn't make any sense." Qin Tao analyzed the next incident. Situation: "They will slowly decline until they go bankrupt."

"That's right, since it's already a competitive relationship, we won't be relentless. That kind of business should have gone bankrupt long ago!" Elder Ni clenched his fists.

"By the way, what's the progress of the server developed with our Godson processor?" Qin Tao asked.

"We used a 16 yuan Godson processor to form a server array." Ni Lao said: "The specific calculation speed can reach 100MIPS, which can fully meet the needs of tracking a thousand targets at the same time."

This is also the important purpose of Qin Tao's support for Mr. Ni's development of Godson: it is not only for civilian use, but also for military use!Aegis battleships require powerful target processing capabilities and supercomputers with advanced performance.Although it is also possible to import advanced servers from abroad for civilian use, the imported ones are unreliable after all. God knows if the other party has installed a backdoor in it.The equipment of the army must not be pinned on this.

For warships, computers are also very important. Take Americans for example. The UYK-7/20 used in the original Aegis system has a ship-wide calculation speed of only 8 MIPS, which is limited to this calculation rate. The system can only track 128 targets.In this way, until the end of the 80s, after the new generation of UYK-44/43 military computers were put into use, the computing power of the entire ship has reached 20 to 30 MIPS, and it can track hundreds of targets, but the Americans are still unwilling , So, they are no longer limited to specialized military computers, and directly put IBM's commercial servers on the Aegis warship, and the calculation speed has increased several times. Such an Aegis system can finally track thousands of targets at the same time.

Qin Tao nodded: "Have you coordinated with the 14th Institute?"

Old Ni shook his head: "We've been busy with bidding recently, and haven't coordinated with them yet."

"I just want to go over there to have a look, you guys bring this 16-processor server, come with me."

Elder Ni nodded: "Okay!"

In fact, the phased array radar developed by 14 has already passed the sea test, but because there was only one side of the phased array radar at that time, the data processing capacity required was only a quarter of that of the real Aegis battleship. There's no way to find hundreds of targets to test with, just a few and see the processor usage.

Now, to install a four-sided phased array radar, advanced data processing capabilities are required. These also require a large number of tests to make a decision after installation on the first Aegis battleship.

14 is of course the main force.

Xing Wenge is the deputy chief engineer of this project. When Qin Tao and Mr. Ni arrived at the 14th Institute, he ran over with a smile: "The performance of the Godson computer is really good! We have received all kinds of information from you. Data, at present, we are using your system to do a special data processing program. The most critical thing at present is the coordination of each processor. We are optimizing the system to avoid the full power of one processor. Others Scenarios where the processor cannot allocate tasks."

This is the most famous one-core problem, and other cores are watching. Now it is not multi-core, but the number of processors is large. If one works at full power and the other processors do not contribute, it will not be able to play the whole game. computing power of the server.

"Well, the relevant technicians can help you, of course we can't let that happen." Ni Lao nodded: "Now, we have brought the server, you can test it."

"When installed on a warship, a large number of tests can only be carried out during sea trials. Now, formal tests cannot be carried out at all. Mr. Qin, the shell of the 052C has not been welded yet, has it?"

Qin Tao nodded, of course, even if the big guy worked hard, there are limits, it is impossible to build the hull in such a short time.

"However, our 001 aircraft carrier is being fitted out!" Qin Tao said: "You have built a four-sided phased array, of course you must first install it on our 001 aircraft carrier."

Xing Wenge's eyes lit up, yes, how could he forget this one?
"President Qin, when can we install it?"

"at any time."

Xing Wenge thought for a while, and then said: "Then we will report to the superior immediately. After the superior approves, we will send the completed four-sided phased array radar antenna to the Mingzhou Group and install it on the island of the aircraft carrier. !"

While talking, Mr. Ben came over: "Mr. Qin, Mr. Ni, welcome to our 14th school. I'm sorry, I was at Mr. Wang's side just now, so I didn't come to see you in the first time."

"Old Wang? How is the early warning aircraft project going?" Qin Tao asked.

The 14th Institute is engaged in radar, but it has been engaged in ground radar before, and it has not started to enter the field of airborne radar until the past few years. Even after that, they developed the domestic J-[-] and J-[-] radars.

Of course Qin Tao knew that Mr. Wang was working on an early warning aircraft, but he didn't know how it was going.

"We have solved the problem of the radome." Ben Lao said: "This is the largest diameter early warning aircraft radome in the world. We have conquered it. Next, we can ask the Davids to help install the equipment."

Qin Tao nodded: "The progress is not slow. When this kind of early warning aircraft is developed, the carrier-based early warning aircraft used by the Navy should also come out."

"Yes, according to what you said, we have always been on guard against the failure of this business, so we are using various methods to keep in touch with the Davids and master various technologies. Even if something goes wrong in the future, We don't have to worry about that either."

Mr. Ni was a little confused and afraid of problems, so why did he cooperate with the Davids?
Of course, it is to master the development technology of the early warning aircraft. After all, the early warning aircraft is condescending, overlooking the ground, and is affected by serious clutter. It needs a complete set of solutions, and it is a 360-degree detection without dead angles. s difference.

Since there is a master to guide it, it is of course much better than thinking about it by yourself. Moreover, once the business fails in the future, according to the contract, the other party will have to pay a large amount of money. Yes, such a good thing, why not do it?
"Mr. Qin, it's your J-31A research and development unit that asks us to assist in developing an airborne radar with an active phased array system. Isn't this a bit too extravagant?" Elder Ben looked at Qin Tao.

Everything needs to be high-end, even an airborne radar needs an active phased array, do you know how much it costs?

"It's not extravagant, why ask for more money from customers." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Besides, technology is constantly improving. In the future, we will be able to make active phased array radar at the price of cabbage. What are you afraid of? .”

Mr. Qin’s words are always so interesting, and he paid the price of cabbage. Mr. Ben thought it was a bit funny, but he thought of something, and continued: "Mr. Qin, at present we only have an air-cooled system, can this be used as an airborne radar system? ?”

Active phased array radar also emits a lot of heat. If the heat is not dissipated in time, it will crash properly.The current 346 radar is air-cooled. The outer bulging cover is to cover the air, allowing the air to flow through it for forced cooling.

In addition to air cooling, it is liquid cooling. Cooling pipes are installed behind each T/R unit to take away heat through liquid flow.

"Air cooling is of course no problem." Qin Tao immediately concluded: "We will use air cooling!"

When the later Xiaolong fighters were improved, there was a plan to use active phased array radar, which used air-cooled methods. Moreover, for fighters, air-cooling is even simpler. Just open a hole, and the outside world will The cold wind of how many degrees below zero poured in.This is much more convenient than a warship.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Mr. Ben nodded: "Okay, since Mr. Qin said there is no problem, then there must be no problem!"

Walking around at No. 14, it was already evening. Qin Tao, Mr. Ni and others stayed at No. 14 for dinner, discussing the development of electronic technology in the future while eating, Xu Zhengyang answered the phone halfway, and waited until he put down the phone. Sometimes, the expression on his face is a bit special.

"What happened?" Qin Tao asked.

"President Qin, we have discovered a special ship that is cruising around the Zhongsha Islands." Xu Zhengyang said.

Qin Tao immediately reacted: "Have they already started to act?"

"Yes, they have already started to act, Mr. Qin, the relevant domestic departments are very anxious, and hope that we can organize the other party's salvage operation."

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, they suffered a loss last time. Of course they can't be allowed to succeed this time. Our Mingzhou Group also supports it."

"The higher authorities hope that our Mingzhou Group can help."

help?Qin Tao originally planned to support them spiritually. After all, although Qin Tao was very dissatisfied with those modern pirates, he didn't have to do everything by himself.

"The higher authorities believe that after you participate in this incident, you will definitely get the best outcome." Xu Zhengyang said: "If you participate, the Cultural Relics Bureau is willing to order a professional salvage boat."

Qin Tao shook his head helplessly, he wanted to use the order to attract himself!
However, Qingshui Yamen like the Bureau of Cultural Relics is willing to raise funds to order a salvage boat, which is enough to show their sincerity.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Qin Tao said, "Let's use Shuangsha Island as the base."

Shuangsha Island Fishing Resort has been established, and it is developing well. When Qin Tao stepped on Shuangsha Island, he was surprised to see rows of newly planted coconut trees.

Village head Lin Liang smiled all over his face: "President Qin, welcome to our Shuangsha Island. During this period of time, we have done a lot of infrastructure construction. The island is getting more and more lively. Hundreds of tourists are coming!"

Hundreds of tourists?
Qin Tao also became curious: "Are there so many?"

"Of course, Mr. Qin, look, on the beach over there, those who bask in the sun, and those who dive and swim underwater are all tourists." Lin Liang pointed casually.

Since Shuangsha Island is a ring-shaped island reef, after the expansion, there is still a lot of water in the center. It is safest to swim and dive in it, as long as a shark prevention net is arranged at the entrance and exit.

Other islands and reefs do not have this advantage, and the outer circle is the sea.Needless to say, swimming is dangerous, and even sandy beaches cannot be made. The artificially made sandy beaches will be completely washed away by the sea in a short time.

"Are there enough fresh water resources on the island?" Qin Tao asked.

Speaking of this, Lin Liang was also extremely excited: "Mr. Qin, according to your requirements, our resort is high-end, and every room is equipped with air conditioners. After more people live in, the condensed water of the air conditioner will increase every day. It’s a lot, although it can’t be used for drinking, but it’s more than enough for watering trees and bathing.”

Qin Tao is also a little surprised, there is such a benefit of installing an air conditioner?
Before he could continue to be curious, there was a roar in the distance, and a ground effect aircraft landed on the sea surface, gliding forward, and almost stopped when gliding to this side.The ground effect aircraft slid slowly for more than ten meters, and then docked on the pier.

A few people came down from the inside. They didn't look like tourists. They were older and dressed like old pedants, especially the leader, who was wearing thick black-rimmed glasses.

"Professor Yang." Lin Liang greeted him: "You guys are back, let me introduce you. The person next to me is Mr. Qin."

Professor Yang?Qin Tao looked at the old scholar: "Are you an archaeologist?"

Yang Lin nodded: "That's right, Mr. Qin, I was in charge when we went to auction the stolen cultural relics ten years ago. Alas, it's a pity that we didn't get any of the cultural relics. Later, we learned from the painful experience and established the No. The first underwater archaeological institution - the Underwater Archeology Research Office of the Chinese History Museum, and sent some professional archaeologists to Japan, the Netherlands, the United States and other places to study and learn underwater archaeological knowledge. Our underwater cultural relics must not become the wealth of others. For our archaeologists, this is simply an insult!"

Yang Lin was very anxious.

"Well, of course not. Since we found out, we must not let them get away with it." Qin Tao said, "Professor Yang, did you find out when you went out this time?"

"They only wandered around in a certain area of ​​the sea. Just now we went to investigate nearby under the banner of tourism. The ship is still in place. However, after our Yunba J attacked at night, we will find that the other party has gone out for 50 minutes. How far." Yang Lin said: "They are very cunning, but we have already spotted them, the most important thing now is when to do it."

Qin Tao nodded: "It seems that they have found the location of the sunken ship and started to salvage it. However, there is no need to worry for now. After all, the Zhongsha Islands are also our territorial waters. At sea. So, we..."

Mr. Qin is amazing. Such a plan should be the most suitable. After all, our side does not have a professional salvage ship. Even if we discover the other party's conspiracy and drive away the other party, we will not be able to see the things on the bottom of the sea again.

Now, it should be the most appropriate to rely on the opponent's hand.

"President Qin, if we can salvage that shipwreck from the Song Dynasty, it will be very useful for us to study that era." Yang Lin pushed his glasses: "On behalf of our entire underwater archeology research laboratory, thank you. "

(End of this chapter)

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