Great warships

Chapter 561 Demonstration of Vertical Takeoff and Landing

Chapter 561 Demonstration of Vertical Takeoff and Landing

Elder Wu also stayed there to help, so Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang were left to hang out together.

The venue is very large and there are many people. After all, this airshow is different from the International Defense Exhibition. It did not set aside a few days to allow only professionals to visit. This is the first time an airshow is held, and there are too many visitors.

"President Qin, you are very polite to them." Xu Zhengyang was still talking about what happened just now: "Do you have a purpose for them?"

"Zhengyang, you, why are you always like this." Qin Tao educated his secretary: "When I do some good things, you will think that they have a purpose, just do it casually."

"Boss Qin, I used to think so, but anything you do casually turns out to be meaningful in the end. I want to learn more from you."

Qin Tao smiled: "Okay, then just watch it. My operation this time should be quite beautiful. We can get a lot of benefits in the future."

"What's the benefit?"

"You'll find out later."

"Qin!" At this moment, an excited shout suddenly came from the opposite side. Qin Tao followed the voice and saw a familiar figure.

"Vina, are you free to visit the air show?"

The visitor in front is none other than Vitalia, who I haven't seen for a long time!
When buying the aircraft carrier, Qin Tao and Vitalia worked closely together, but after all, Qin Tao had a lot of things to do, and Vitalia was also looking for her own fun, so the two did not meet often after that. On the contrary, there is more and more money lying in the account of Chuanglv Company.

This air show is not far from Magang, and Vitalia came to join in the fun.

Not only her, but also Ivan, the bodyguard who has been protecting her, and Yang Qian'er, the secretary.

After seeing Xu Zhengyang, Yang Qian'er was also very excited. Those big watery eyes looked at Xu Zhengyang, and they couldn't separate.

"Yeah, of course I'm free. That ship hasn't been built yet. What can we do at Chuanglu Company?" Vitalia said, "We're just here to join in the fun, but there are many things we don't understand , you came just in time, explain it to us."

If someone else asked Mr. Qin to be a commentator, it would definitely make people scoff, and if he didn't piss and take photos, how old would he be?

However, Vitalia has this qualification.

"Okay, I'll show you around and introduce you." Qin Tao said, "As a shipbuilder, I'm definitely not an amateur when it comes to airplanes and rockets."

"Okay. There's one over there. They advertised it as a beautiful man in the sky. We really didn't see how beautiful it was."

Air handsome man?Isn't it J-[-]?

Qin Tao walked over with everyone.

The pointed nose, the air intakes on both sides, and the slender body are indeed J-2. The dark green nose, white body, and red garlands look very festive. The nose is sprayed with F The words -8IIM.

"The F-8ⅡM aircraft is a miracle in the development history of my country's aviation industry. The development period is short, the speed is fast, the quality is good, and the cost savings are unprecedented." At this time, there is someone beside the aircraft making an introduction. He looks very handsome and unrestrained: "The superior maneuverability of the F-8ⅡM allows me to do many difficult maneuvers that I wanted to do but could not do in the past. This is currently our best fighter."

"Excuse me, shouldn't the best performance be the J-31A exhibited by Mingzhou Group?" When they heard this, the onlookers finally couldn't help it.

It's normal for Wang Po to sell melons and boast about herself, but it can't ignore the actual situation because of this, right?Isn't it just empty talk to talk about the plane with the best performance?

"Everyone, my expression just now was a bit imprecise." The commentator looked at the beautiful foreign woman and immediately followed suit: "I mean, among the aircraft that are currently in service at any time, ours has the best performance. The performance of the J-31A is very advanced, but it still has a long way to go."

Qin Tao smiled: "Vitalia, you have been in the East for so long, but you still haven't learned the subtlety of our Orientals. People can brag when they want to. Why do you want to expose their faults?"

Of course Vitalia said the question just now, Qin Tao criticized, Vitalia immediately accepted it humbly, but the faces introduced at the booth were ugly.

A person in charge had already walked over with a gloomy expression, but when he saw Qin Tao clearly, he suddenly put on a smile.

"Mr. Qin, we thought it was someone who came to play the game. If we know it's you, let's just lower our heads and listen. Are you interested in our aircraft?"

When the Su-27 was introduced before, Qin Tao had cooperated with people from Institute 601. The person in front of him was one of them who had come into contact with Qin Tao. It will be even more troublesome after that.

"The people around me are interested in this aircraft, so they came to have a look. I just thought there was something wrong with the description, so I asked a few questions, and I hope it doesn't disturb you." Qin Tao said.

"Of course not." The person in charge said: "We welcome more valuable opinions, Mr. Qin, when you go out in the future, you can also introduce us to us, in case we can sell the plane."

Mr. Qin's ability is the strongest, as long as Mr. Qin helps, their planes will definitely be sold!
Qin Tao smiled: "Of course. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely introduce you. What are the characteristics of your aircraft?"

"It inherits the high-altitude and high-speed characteristics of the previous model, and can quickly complete take-off and interception. At the same time, we also use the Beetle radar and R-27 missiles to make it capable of medium-range interception. The overall performance has reached the leading level of this era. .”

Sure enough, it is still the same old way, and it is actually replaced by Lao Maozi's avionics, it is better to use domestic manufacturers!What high-altitude and high-speed, has long been outdated!

To hell with selling it!

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded with a smile, then looked at Vitalia at the side: "Is there anything else I want to ask?"

Vitalia shook her head, she didn't understand at all, and there was no point in asking.

"Then let's go over there and look at the business jets. You Chuanglv Company should also buy a business jet, so it will be more convenient to go out."

Vitalia's eyes lit up: "Okay, our company should also have a business jet!"

At this air show, many foreign manufacturers have come, all of which are civilian models, and look forward to opening the door to the East. The air show is not only for displaying various equipment, but also for business. It is similar to the auto show of later generations.

Vitalia didn't know much about these fighter jets, but when it came to business jets, she was very interested.

"Our domestic Mikoyan Design Bureau once planned to make the MiG-25 into a business jet. If this kind of plane can appear, it will be a supersonic business jet."

Double-triple fighter jets like the MiG-25 have indeed had a remodel of a business jet. I don’t know how long this business jet can fly at supersonic speed, but it is obvious that this thing is definitely not suitable for the business market. After all, it is too expensive.

There is no such business machine in front of the booth of the Mikoyan Design Bureau. They still continue to sell the MiG-29, which is their main product after all.

The morning time quickly passed by looking around, and Vitalia did not see a suitable business jet. After eating at noon, the most important flight show at the air show began in the afternoon.

The first to play is the Bayi aerobatic team, which is a professional aerobatic team in the East. They used the J-[-]E adapted to low-altitude flight as a performance aircraft. Their various maneuvers made countless audiences applaud. The exhibition reached its climax in the air show.

At the booth of Mingzhou Group, a large group of people had already surrounded them. Of course, they remembered what the people on the booth said in the morning: In the afternoon, there will be a vertical take-off and landing performance here!
This kind of show doesn't need a runway, so they don't have to follow the arrangement of the exhibitor. They can just prepare themselves. Anyway, this is the apron, so it won't interfere with the normal flight show.

When a power car drove over, everyone became even more excited.

Schnoeder stood outside the cordon, looking at the plane preparing to take off, with mixed feelings in his heart.

This plane is about to fly, and it still uses vertical takeoff and landing!The progress of the Orientals is really fast enough!

What about our side?Our side is still arguing about the technical route!McDonnell Douglas used the same lift engine method as the Yak-141, and felt that this method was safer. However, the problem of the tail flame burning the deck was difficult to solve, so they wanted to use this lift engine method again. , It's just that this is the same as the East. When is it their turn to follow other people's butts to eat cold food?

With complicated emotions, Schnoeder heard the roar of the engine, and the vertical take-off and landing version of the fighter jet in front of him started its engine, which meant that the official flight test was about to begin!

Can it really take off vertically?
Countless camera lenses flickered, and they wanted to record the most exciting moment. The third vertical take-off and landing fighter in the world finally took off vertically!

The Sea Harrier has already been equipped with a large number of troops from various countries, and it has been a big hit in various battles. The Yak-38 is tasteless. It didn’t take long for it to be equipped with an aircraft carrier and it was transferred to land. What about the aircraft in front of it?Can it become a pivotal vertical take-off and landing fighter in the future world?
In the eyes of everyone, the whistling sound of the engine is getting louder and louder.

At this time, the Bayi aerobatic team has completed all the performances and has landed. The second aerobatic show has not yet started. For a while, this place has attracted the attention of countless people. Is the plane on the apron about to take off?

Hurrah, countless people gathered around.

The test pilot operated the aircraft and took off.

Dust suddenly flew under the fuselage, which is the combination of power from the front vertical fan!
How did they do that?How much power does it need to send forward through the propshaft at the rear?Tens of thousands of horsepower!The drive shaft, clutch, etc. need to withstand such a huge impact. How could the Orientals solve this technical problem?What technical route are the Orientals taking?
Schneider was very curious.

At this time, Zhao Dangsheng was still making an introduction, but the roar of the engine had suppressed his voice, making him act in a silent movie.

"Everyone, everyone is watching, our plane is about to take off, and in our idiom, this is called pulling onions from the dry land! Everyone is watching!"

Only the person closest to him heard it and gave a thumbs up. Then, the roar of the engine continued to increase, and the surrounding dust began to spread rapidly, as if a monster was about to appear in Journey to the West.

The black fighter plane was still clearly visible in the dust. Schneider looked at the color of the flame sprayed out by the nozzle of the engine, and was a little surprised. The engine hadn't turned on afterburner yet. Is it enough to use conventional thrust?

During vertical take-off and landing, the aircraft needs to provide maximum thrust, so it is only enough to turn on the afterburner. However, the tail flame ejected from the engine has to rotate 141 degrees to reach the ground, which is reduced, Jacques- During the test of [-], the ablated deck was mainly caused by the front lift engine, and the rear main engine was still working stably.

If this J-31A is to take off with a full load, of course the afterburner must be turned on, but now it is only for on-site demonstration, and it is not mounted for combat. The fuselage is very light, and ordinary military thrust is enough. The flame sprayed by the nozzle is not so hot, and it looks more practical.

When it is officially put into production in the future, maybe a modified turbofan-15 will also come out, and the thrust will be stronger.

At this moment, the engine was whistling, and the body was trembling slightly. Schneider clearly saw that the body began to rise!The hydraulic levers of the landing gear lengthen, and the tires lift off the ground.

fly up.

That's how it flew!
In the distance, Qin Tao was also heartbroken watching all this.

This is a new era!
The era of vertical take-off and landing in the East is coming. This fighter will give the army in the East the ability to take off and land vertically!Whether it is an amphibious assault ship, an island in the south, or other needs in the future, the army will have one more choice!

The onlookers applauded.

They also witnessed a miracle. The world's third vertical take-off and landing fighter finally completed the vertical take-off and landing for the first time, which is quite rare for such an aircraft!

After all, whether it is the Sea Harrier or the Yak-38, they are all light fighters with a total weight of only about ten tons. The current J-31A is a medium fighter. It will reach twenty tons!

The nozzle at the tail is spraying fiery red gas, the lift fan in front is spraying cold air, and at the same time, the nozzles on the outside of the wing are also spraying air, adjusting the state of the aircraft. At this time, the fuselage is shaking a little, but it Still insisting.

This flight demonstration will give reassurance to many people who are still waiting and watching. They will firmly choose the Eastern J-31A fighter as their standard equipment, and the J-31A will raise more research and development funds!
The camera is still taking photos, and the video recorder is constantly recording this wonderful and beautiful moment.

The J-31A fighter was about two meters above the ground, and kept hovering for more than ten seconds. Then, the plane began to land slowly. When the wheels touched the ground, this spectacular flight performance was over.

However, the onlookers were still immersed in the excitement just now and couldn't extricate themselves. Their faces were full of excitement, and their mouths were full of praise.

"It's too powerful, the way of the lift fan is also no problem!"

"That's right, I heard that this set of lift fans is made by the Mingzhou Group. No matter what they do, they are so good!"

"That's right, a small lift fan can't help them at all. They have started building rockets, and they want to conquer Mars!"

Amidst all kinds of praises, Schnoeder felt a great sense of loss. How he wished that the plane that had just performed the vertical take-off and landing flight was his own plane!When will the McDonnell Douglas plane take off for the first time?

Or do we have to start over?
Schnoeder's face was extremely tangled.

"Excuse me, how long has it been since you developed this vertical take-off and landing system?" A reporter couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Five years have passed since the establishment of the project. We first did two years of conceptual design, and then two years of prototype testing. It was not until this year that we began to assemble it on the aircraft. Now, this is it The No.12 vertical take-off and landing test." Zhao Dangsheng introduced.

five years!This power system has actually been developed for five years!Schnoeder's mind is even more mixed. If McDonnell Douglas wants to do research and development, how many years will it take?

Schneider couldn't imagine it.

"What is the biggest problem with this vertical take-off and landing device?" Someone asked again.

"The biggest problem is of course the combination and transmission of power." Zhao Dangsheng said: "Everyone should know that we need to rely on lift fans to provide lift, and we need to combine the power of [-] horsepower from the rear engine. When disconnecting, a special agency is needed."

"Then how did you achieve it?"

Hearing this question, Zhao Dangsheng frowned slightly. If I continue to talk about this, I'm afraid it will leak the secret!At this moment, a figure appeared beside him.

"If you use the conventional method, of course the power transmission cannot be achieved. We Orientals are the smartest and have invented a special soft combination method." Qin Tao began to introduce to everyone with a smile: "Simply speaking, the main The transmission shaft drives a blade, and the blade stirs the hydraulic oil to push the opposite blade, thus realizing the transmission of power.”

This is the principle of the common hydraulic torque converter on the AT gearbox!
Back then in the automobile industry, because the automatic control of the clutch could not be solved, a special hydraulic torque converter was invented on the automatic gearbox. It has been used until now, and it is also the best choice. This way!
I have to say that this method should be the best solution, otherwise, it is not easy to combine and disconnect the power of tens of thousands of horsepower!
Zhao Dangsheng breathed a sigh of relief. The lift fan system is the most important system of the entire vertical take-off and landing fighter. Of course, the internal principles of these systems cannot be easily leaked out. If you want to imitate, you will go further and further down the wrong path.

"Of course, even if this is the case, the power that needs to be combined is still too strong, so we used a special drive shaft." Qin Tao continued to flicker: "This set of lift fans has two sets of blades, and we use them separately. It is driven by a transmission shaft, which further reduces the power transmission requirements. In order to save volume, the two transmission shafts are coaxial, which is somewhat similar to our dual-rotor engine."

Two transmission shafts, then reduce the power transmission from 1.5 horsepower to [-] horsepower. It sounds like that, but in fact, this will greatly increase the complexity of the system and increase the failure rate.

What Qin Tao said can make those who try to imitate go further and further down the wrong path.

"That's right, this is a solution to the problem!" An engineer on site nodded, agreeing to the proposal of adding a drive shaft.

"Of course, even with these methods, the development of the lift fan still took us a lot of energy. Fortunately, we have developed it. Our Mingzhou Group has such strength. Our technology is developing too fast. Made us feel like we got alien technology!"

Hearing these words, Schnoeder felt chills for a while, this is showing off, Chi Guoguo's showing off!
Moreover, Americans are the only ones who are qualified to say this passage. When the F-117 was released to the public for the first time, an Air Force officer excitedly declared to all reporters: It is as if we have obtained alien technology.

The F-117 at that time was indeed sci-fi enough, giving people a perspective of alien technology, but now, Feng Shui has taken turns, and it is the turn of the Orientals to say so!

Schneider felt very uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, you have used a lift fan, which takes up a lot of space in the aircraft body. Will this reduce the fuel capacity of this aircraft, and the range cannot be compared with the ordinary version?" Someone asked again.

"That's right." To this question, Qin Tao admitted straightforwardly: "Compared with the ordinary version, its voyage has been shortened a lot, but we can't compare with the ordinary version, we have to compare with other vertical Compared with taking off and landing fighter jets, the performance of our aircraft is still good."

If the space where the huge lift fan is located is vacated, at least two tons of fuel can be accommodated, which means a range of more than [-] kilometers. Now, with such a design, the range has shrunk a lot.

Any vertical take-off and landing fighter has a very short range. The Sea Harrier sounds like a cow. In fact, if it is a vertical take-off and landing, the range is only about 38 kilometers. The proper mast defender is just the British Ski jumps are often used to reduce fuel consumption, but the Yak-[-] does not have this function.

"We can guarantee that in the case of vertical takeoff and landing, its flight range can exceed [-] kilometers, and in the case of ski jump takeoff, the flight range of this aircraft will exceed [-] kilometers. Its data will be far away. far surpasses existing vertical take-off and landing fighters."

 PS: The heart is very uncomfortable. The hero of East China has been worried all night. Forget it. Don’t try your best. Let’s do it every few days. It is said that myocarditis will kill you, so I’m afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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