Great warships

Chapter 564 Just a Clown

Chapter 564 Just a Clown
"Your Excellency Salman, hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am the most famous military reporter in the world, Pingkov." Pingkov looked at the people opposite with excitement on his face.

There are a lot of people at this air show, and it is a kind of luck for him to meet Salman.People in the Middle East are very rich. If he helps introduce people here, he can earn a good salary.

Although he is a famous military reporter, Pingkov is still underdeveloped and often worries about his wallet.

"A famous military reporter?" Salman's subordinates said, "What articles have you written?"

"A few years ago, I predicted that Dongfang's purchase of the Varyag was for military purposes. Now the facts have proved my prediction. I have made many predictions. In the end, the facts have proved that my prediction is correct. !"

This is what Pingkov is most proud of, he is a great prophet!
"Okay, Mr. Napingkov, what do you predict about the J-31A fighter that was the first to do a flight demonstration?" Salman became interested.

J-31A fighter?

Ping Kefu cleared his throat and introduced seriously: "Everyone, the aviation industry cannot be established in a day. Whether it is the United States or Europe, it has a profound foundation and has developed step by step to the present. Mingzhou Group used to It has never been involved in the aviation industry, and even the entire Eastern aviation industry is the worst, so the fighters they developed are just appearances, and they are just bluffing in appearance, but they don’t actually have strong performance.”

Salman's face slowly darkened.

They have already taken a fancy to the J-31A and signed the contract. Of course, they want to hear good things about this fighter. It is so disappointing that this person in front of them belittles this fighter.

"Just a few years ago, the East was still in the era of J-27 and J-[-]. In order to improve their aviation industry level, they deliberately imported Su-[-] fighter jets and production lines from Da Mao. This aircraft is the most advanced in the East. Of course. , Restricted by the contract signed at the beginning, they can only use it for themselves and cannot export it, so they made a low-end product to occupy the market."

Low-end goods?
"Isn't the stealth machine the most high-end?"

"That's right, the stealth aircraft is the most high-end, but the Eastern one is not." Pingkov continued: "Everyone, the U.S. Air Force has formulated the standards for the fourth-generation aircraft, that is, the four-S, supersonic cruise, super maneuverability, low Detectability and beyond-visual-range combat capability, and look at the J-31A, except for a stealth capability that has not been verified, there is nothing else. This aircraft is just fooling some people who don't understand..."

Salman's face became even uglier, and the assistant quickly took out a gold watch: "Mr. Pinkov, your analysis is very good, but we have other things to do, so let's go here!"

Pingkov looked at the gold watch in surprise, then looked at the figures who had already left, rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and followed behind.

There were a lot of people, and Pingkov followed from a distance without arousing any vigilance from the other party. When he saw that those people actually came to the J-31A booth, he suddenly thought of something and was secretly happy.

News, this is definitely big news!He finally found valuable news. This report will definitely cause a sensation all over the world, and he, a military reporter, will become famous because of it.

When Salman and others walked to the J-31A booth, Qin Tao had just finished chatting with his father-in-law and planned to wander around again. Seeing Salman and others' faces look bad, Qin Tao was also a little puzzled.

"Several, what happened?"

"Qin, does your fighter have the characteristics of a fourth-generation fighter? How much can your fighter satisfy with the performance of the [-]S?"

Are you dissatisfied with the performance of the aircraft?

Qin Tao looked at these guests with some surprise: "Everyone, haven't we introduced the specific performance of the aircraft to you clearly? Since you want to compare it with the performance of the [-]S, let's talk about it." , For example, the most outrageously boasted supersonic cruise capability, in our eyes, this is completely tasteless."

Supersonic cruise is tasteless?

Salman and others opened their eyes wide.

"Ordinary fighter jets need to turn on the afterburner to achieve supersonic flight, but the Americans rely on the powerful engine performance to achieve supersonic flight without the need to turn on the afterburner, and then take this indicator as the basic standard of the fourth-generation aircraft. "Qin Tao said: "It sounds very powerful, and it can allow the fighter to reach the battlefield in a shorter time. However, this is at the cost of consuming the range of the fighter. Even if the afterburner is not turned on, its fuel consumption is still higher than that of ordinary sub The fuel consumption of flying at the speed of sound is much higher. According to American standards, their F-22 fighter jets can fly at a speed of Mach 1.5 for half an hour. Cruising at the speed of sound burns out at a thousand kilometers!"

Supersonic cruise is of course very good, but it requires a powerful engine to support it. In fact, no aircraft in the world can do it except F-22. As for some aircraft proudly claiming their supersonic cruise Capability is actually pseudo-supercruise, because it only works if it exceeds Mach 1.3, because this speed is the speed with the greatest supersonic resistance, and it is called real supersonic cruise when it reaches Mach 1.4 or above.

Even without afterburner, the fuel consumption rate will be very high.

When these data were presented, Salman and others realized that, looking at it this way, it was indeed tasteless.

"Supersonic cruise can only be achieved by twin-engine fighter jets. Our J-31A does not have this capability, and the JSF developed by the Americans does not have this capability either. They have also realized the weakness of this performance, so they no longer Forced, compared to supersonic cruise, it is more important for fighter jets to fly farther."

They thought they were fooled by Pingkov's fooling around, but after Qin Tao's explanation, everyone came to their senses again.

"Who are you listening to bragging about supersonic cruise?"

Our own fighters are not bad in other capabilities, except that they don't have supersonic cruise. Qin Tao is very strange. I don't know who instilled such a theory in them.

"There is a military expert named Pingkov," Salman's aide said.

Pinkov?It really is this guy!
"Everyone probably doesn't know that when we were having dinner last night, there was some conflict with Ping Kefu." Qin Tao said, "So, this Ping Kefu started to slander us everywhere."

And this crop?Isn't that Pingkov too much?With such a strong revenge mentality, he still fooled himself?
The faces of Salman and others were ugly.

"At that time, when we heard Pingkov brag about IDF fighters, we made a fair evaluation. As a result, Pingkov and others couldn't argue with us, so we left in a huff. , Unexpectedly, they actually ran to your side to slander them."

IDF fighter?Of course, Salman doesn't know what kind of plane this is, but the causal relationship between these things is clear.

"I'm very sorry. We believed Pingkov's lies. We are very satisfied with your fighter. We look forward to equipping this fighter as soon as possible in the future!" Salman was very embarrassed: "If the research and development funds for the fighter If not enough, we can continue to invest money.”

The day's visit was over, and after returning to the hotel, Salman began to understand the IDF fighters.

"I Don't Fly?" Salman also felt very curious after listening to the introduction of his subordinates: "No wonder they are so dissatisfied, Mr. Qin's evaluation is too high!"

There was a smile on Salman's face, this President Qin is too powerful, no wonder people will slander them everywhere, but considering the relationship between the two parties, no matter how you evaluate it, it cannot be overestimated.

"How they evaluate is their business, but that Pingkov actually found us and slandered the international fighter jets in front of us. This approach is very excessive." The assistant said.

"Yes, we will not make friends with this kind of person in the future, and we will not welcome him to our country!" Salman said.

"Report!" At this moment, another subordinate ran over: "We just received the news that that Pingkov is disclosing to the media that we purchased J-31A fighters!"

"What?" Salman's face suddenly changed drastically.

They have indeed invested in J-31A fighters, and even plan to introduce production lines in the future, but for now, this project is still secret, and it is not convenient to announce it to the public, so as not to cause serious dissatisfaction from the US side and maintain a superficial peace.

Unexpectedly, it was disclosed by Pingkov, how did he know?
"Damn it, this guy is really full of bad water, how can there be such a person in the world!" Salman was very annoyed.

Following Pingkov's disclosure, the news spread rapidly, spreading throughout the entire airshow group that night, and spreading all over the world the next day!

The big dog has invested huge sums of money to support the J-31A project!

Their final purchase quantity will exceed three hundred!
These news began to fly all over the sky. Although most of them were speculations and speculations, they had a huge impact on the big dogs.

Just after Salman and others hurried back to the country by special plane, they encountered pressure from all sides.

"Mr. Salman, it is very stupid for you to purchase Eastern fighter jets." Witcher-Fowler immediately made serious criticisms when he met Salman for the first time.

"Currently, your fighter planes are all American-made, and a complete system has been formed. If you purchase Dongfang fighter planes, then the data links, missiles, etc. are not compatible. For you, these fighter planes are even Even if they are purchased, they don’t have any combat capabilities, and they simply cannot be integrated into your existing system.”

In all fairness, these words are not wrong. A single fighter plane does not have a high combat capability. Big dogs even have such good things as early warning aircraft, but they are all made in the United States. Aircraft from the East are destined to be impossible to integrate into them.

"Really? Then can we get the first batch of your JSF fighter jets?" Salman had a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, judging from the current situation here, there is no need for you to obtain this kind of stealth fighter jet. Relying on the existing aircraft, you can already gain enough air superiority." Fowler said confidently.

"Really? Then why is the Kingdom of David eligible for this kind of aircraft? Isn't their current air superiority not strong enough?"

There was anger in Salman's words.Why can't we buy if the David Kingdom can have it?

"Sorry, this is a major issue related to global strategy."

"I'm sorry, it's because you don't want us to be stronger than the Kingdom of David. Since you don't provide it, why can't we buy it through a third party?" Salman said: "It's like when we asked you It’s like asking for ballistic missiles, but you don’t agree, so we can only find countries that are willing to export to us. We are not your puppets, we have the right to decide our own defense policy! We purchase from outside, and it is not your turn. Let's point fingers!"

In the 90s, the relationship between the two parties was actually not good, so now, Salman's tone is not polite, and after he finished speaking, he left without looking back, leaving Fowler in a mess for a while.

what happened?The other party doesn't care about their own attitude at all?

Back in his resplendent office, Salman is still angry.

As a sovereign country, the purchase of fighter jets is their own business, and it is not up to others to make irresponsible remarks. The most angry thing is that they are treated differently by their so-called allies.

This kind of pressure, on the contrary, made him firmer in his belief: he must purchase advanced Dongfang fighter planes. They didn't want anything else, only that this kind of plane was a fourth-generation plane that could be invisible!

"Your Excellency Salman, Dassault's sales representative, Morris, please see me," the assistant said to him.


Salman frowned: "What are they doing here? But please let them in."

In fact, he could already vaguely guess Morris' purpose.

Morris, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked in with a smile: "Your Excellency Salman, I heard that you are looking for fighters other than American-made fighters all over the world. Our Dassault Rafale fighter is your best. choose!"

Sure enough, I guessed right with myself!Salman looked at Morris: "Does your fighter have stealth capabilities?"

"Of course." Morris agreed: "Of course our fighters have low detectability. We took this requirement into consideration when we designed it. For example, our cockpit cover is coated with a layer of gold, and through various means, the radar reflection area of ​​our Rafale fighter is only one-tenth of that of Mirage 2000."

Salman said this without any guilt. Their aircraft did take this demand into account, but they did not make large-scale modifications for stealth. Their Rafale fighters are still far from full stealth, but In their eyes, it is enough.

"Really?" Salman was interested: "What about the weapon system? Is it built in?"

"We think that built-in weapons will reduce the amount of missiles carried, so we use traditional pylons. Our Rafale fighter has [-] pylons, which can carry a large number of weapons, which is completely lacking in Eastern aircraft."


Although the air show is still going on, Qin Tao has been at the air show for three days and has nothing to see, so he and his father-in-law returned to the north.

On the plane, Xu Zhengyang introduced the recent situation to Qin Tao.

"Witcher-Fowler began to put pressure on the big dogs." Xu Zhengyang said: "But His Excellency Salman didn't buy his account at all. Later, the French went to sell Rafale fighter jets to them, but the result is unknown."

Qin Tao nodded: "If you want to say that you can do business, of course they are French. The opportunity they chose is very good."

French arms are expensive, but they can still be sold. This is the most strange thing for many people.

How expensive is it?Take Dassault's best-selling Rafale fighter jet as an example. The unit price is hundreds of millions of dollars, which is more expensive than the F-22, but there are still people who take advantage of it.


There are many reasons for this. For example, they are going through the cracks in arms sales between the US and the Soviet Union. Generally speaking, those who purchase French goods cannot buy Da Mao or American fighter jets. Just like Ah San, they want to buy from the US Purchasing JSF is a dream.Therefore, holding your nose and buying French goods at a high price, trying to reach the level of the United States and the Soviet Union, is a road that must be taken.

For another example, although French products are expensive, the rebates are high!Many people on the purchasing side can eat their mouths full of oil, even if the price is high.

However, the popularity of Rafale fighter jets came after the 21st century. Specifically, it did not begin to gain market recognition until after 2015. In the 90s, the situation of Rafale fighter jets was still very embarrassing.

This fighter was developed by the French in the 80s. Although it first flew in 86, with the slow approach of the French, up to now, the Rafale fighter is only the original model, which can only satisfy air superiority. To seize, there is no multi-functional ability at all, the radar is also very primitive, the engine is still the original M88-2, in short, the performance belongs to the kind that is more than inferior than inferior.

Of course, there are many people who blow gusts in later generations. The most interesting thing is to declare this fighter as a heavy fighter.

Even if it is the M88-3, the maximum thrust is only 75 kN, and the thrust of the two is only 150 kN. Can this kind of engine push a heavy fighter?Our J-14C was replaced with a turbofan-[-]C, and the thrust of one engine exceeded [-] tons.The old Dassault's lifelong dream was to build a twin-engine heavy fighter, and it turned out to be realized in the mouth of the East.

At this time, Wu Shengli was a little worried when he heard Qin Tao say this: "Then shall we make some preparations to avoid such a large loss of customers?"

The big dog is a big money owner, and the big dog must not be fooled away.

"The money has already been given to us, so it doesn't matter if we leave." Qin Tao said: "Besides, although the big dogs have money, they are not the kind of people who are stupid and have a lot of money. The French can't fool them."

If it is after 2015, maybe the French can really fool the big dog, but now, the Rafale fighter jet is still an empty shell. If you want to use this kind of aircraft to fool the big dog, do you really think they are stupid?
Wu Shengli nodded, and he deeply agreed with Qin Tao's judgment.

"However, that Pingkov is really disgusting! He actually wants to step on our bodies, we have to show him some strength." Qin Tao said.

"Let Zhang Zhong go." Wu Shengli said, "Zhang Zhong is the best at this kind of thing."

"That's right, let Zhang Zhong go up and completely expose Pingkov's ugly face. After we go back, Zhang Zhong and I have to figure it out. Although Pingkov's old background has been exposed last time, it is obvious that this guy He is thick-skinned enough that he is not ashamed even if he is called a traitor, we have to beat him professionally."

Pinkov's old background has been exposed long ago, but, just like you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, for a hardcore traitor like Pinkov, it is meaningless to scold him, this guy doesn't care at all .

Gotta piss this guy off at what he does best!
After getting off the plane, Qin Tao ran to find Zhang Zhong. That night, a new episode of Zhang Zhong said that the show began.

"At our air show, a pseudo-military expert appeared. He used to compare himself to Zhukov and called him Pingkov. , let us uncover the true face of this military expert."

Fighting in the media, Zhang Zhong has never been afraid of anyone. This time he vented his anger on President Qin, and he is full of fighting spirit.

"Let's look at it first. What Pingkov is most proud of is that he predicted the military use of the Varyag. When the Mingzhou Group purchased the Varyag, he said with certainty that this warship is for military use. After all kinds of incidents, this warship really became a military purpose, which made him a magic stick." Zhang Zhong introduced enthusiastically: "Later, we read a lot of materials and found Zhang Zhong wrote One of the other reports I’ve heard is completely contrary to this statement!”

This issue of the newspaper appeared on the TV screen, and it was also an international mainstream military media.

"In this issue, Pinkov compared the Varyag to a scrap iron that no one wants, claiming that this warship will sink at any time and has no military value at all. From this report, we can see that From Pingkov's clumsy performance, he predicted all kinds of situations, and then waited for the events to evolve before finding the hype that best matched the facts. This kind of prophecy game is a common deception!"

"As an unprofessional military reporter, Pingkov also made many amazing remarks. Today we found them all. For example, in this article, he publicly declared that the IDF fighter jets are so powerful that even the J-31A Not an opponent." Zhang Zhong held the report in his hand, and his tone was ridiculed: "We want to know, can a propeller aircraft from World War II still play a role in modern warfare? Pingkov How much did you charge for this report?"

Completely defeat the opponent in the field that the opponent is best at, and ruin the opponent!What kind of brick house is just a clown!

(End of this chapter)

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