Great warships

Chapter 591 Tomorrow will be better

Chapter 591 Tomorrow Will Be Better (Second Update)
It's absolutely impossible to make up for it. The Mingzhou Group will not support idlers. All personnel must pass the assessment!

If it fails, then don't blame Mingzhou Group for being rude.

Han Zhongyi swallowed and spit: "President Qin's request is reasonable, we can agree."

The facts are right in front of our eyes. The leaders are devolved into workers, who don’t know how to do anything, just to make up for it and meet the requirement of 90.00% of the workers. Such an approach is indeed inappropriate. What else can I say?
"There are also factory leaders. We also need to conduct assessments. We will continue to appoint those who are indeed capable. If it is the kind of leader who lives a day with a cup of tea and a newspaper, we will not want it." Qin Tao said.

Take this opportunity to ask for more.

Even if this ratio is reached in the end, there is no guarantee that the remaining leaders will be talented. Leaders who fish in troubled waters are not acceptable, they must be truly capable.

Han Zhongyi frowned: "Boss Qin, it's not good for you to do this assessment alone?"

"Well, it's because I didn't think carefully, and the three of us will be assessed together." Qin Tao said.

"Three parties?"

"That's right, the province and the aviation industry department have four leaders, our Mingzhou Group has four people, and the J-31A R&D department has four people. In this way, we will form a leadership assessment team of twelve people. The leading cadres who have come down will be assessed, what do you think?"

Han Zhongyi just didn't want Mingzhou Group to have the final say alone, so he asked his superiors to send out people, but Qin Tao changed it a bit and formed a three-party assessment team. A supervisory role has no decision-making power at all.

However, it was inconvenient for him to refuse, after all, it seemed fair.

The Mingzhou Group invested in the production of the J-31A fighter, so both parties have to come.

He hesitated.

"Leader Han, if you want to restore the vitality of the enterprise, you need drastic reforms. Our country's economic adjustment has been carried out for 20 years. Over the years, how many state-owned enterprises have had to go bankrupt due to various malpractices? How many enterprises have passed the reform Is it full of vigor and vitality?" Qin Tao said: "Shuangyang Factory will do the former or the latter, it depends on the determination of the superior leadership, if we still carry the past disadvantages, then our Mingzhou Group will be powerless and will eventually give up This factory. If it is thoroughly reformed and reborn from the cocoon in the future, Shuangyang Factory will be able to soar into the sky, and the province wants to make the factory's profits and taxes account for half of the province, and it is no problem."

Qin Tao started to paint big cakes.

If you want to rejuvenate the old factory, you must make drastic reforms!No break, no stand!

"Okay, the province agrees to your terms." Han Zhongyi finally nodded.

"No, what about us? We also contributed our youth to the factory!" The middle-aged man just now couldn't help it anymore: "Now, is the factory going to kick us away?"

Mingzhou Group doesn't want people who don't work, they all have to leave the factory, and when the factory is relocated, it has nothing to do with them, they have no way to occupy space in the original office and work!
What should they do?Are they about to be abandoned?
"You can gain work skills through retraining and continue to work." Qin Tao said: "The assessment will be held in three months. If you want to stay here, you have to study hard, even if it is for the plane. Simple work like rivets, as long as you can do it well, you can still stay. However, if you still can’t do anything after three months, then I’m sorry, our Mingzhou Group does not support idlers.”

When the wave of layoffs from state-owned enterprises comes, those who are really capable are not afraid. Those who engage in technology and drive machines can go to the south to work and earn more money. Unable to survive in society!

This is Chiguoguo's survival rule!

The third-line military factories have to go this way, and those who are incompetent must be cleared.As for their future life, Qin Tao really didn't care about it.

"Give them a buffer period of three months, which is already quite a lot." Zhao Shunli said, "It takes three months to master the technology of riveting aircraft, and we still have some blanks for practice..."

"By the way, since you want to practice, you might as well practice the latest ones. The old rivets have long been outdated. Our J-31A uses countersunk rivets. We will send a master to teach by example. If you want to stay, Just learn more."

Even the Su-27 of the old Maozi now uses round-head rivets. The rough old Maozi never cares about such details. Even the Su-57 of later generations is full of rivets, full of steampunk like an old-fashioned locomotive. smell.

However, the West is different. By the time of the third-generation aircraft, there are almost no rivets exposed on the surface. The appearance of the entire aircraft is very smooth and delicate. This is because the West has already started to use countersunk head rivets, (also called Countersunk rivets), the rivets will not be exposed, and when the time comes to paint the outside of the aircraft, it will be very smooth.

The domestic J-31 has already started to use this kind of countersunk head rivets, not to mention the next-generation J-[-]A. If you want to learn it, you have to learn the latest one.

Qin Tao wanted to break the jobs of those people so that they could not suck blood from Mingzhou Group, but at the same time, Qin Tao also left a way for them. If they want to work steadily, it is still possible, continue training and then take up the job All the work was contracted by Qin Tao.

However, these people are used to being leading cadres, so it is not certain whether they can endure the hardship. It is estimated that they still want to mix in the workers' ranks. As long as they are taken over by Mingzhou Group, they can become leaders again.

It would be naive to think that way.

Han Zhongyi nodded: "Mr. Qin, thank you for this arrangement. I think that anyone who has feelings for the factory will stay. As long as they study hard and practice hard, they will be able to continue to work in aircraft manufacturing in the future. Your approach , makes me admire."

Even if the incompetent people are directly driven away, they have to admit it. After all, this is the condition agreed in advance, and they have tampered with it. If President Qin takes this opportunity to get angry, it is reasonable to be completely laid off and then re-employed. Now, Mr. Qin is giving those people a chance, and he is very thoughtful, so he has nothing to say.

"Boss Qin is too powerful!"

"Boss Qin hit the nail on the head!"

Qin Tao said these words directly in the workshop. At this time, after hearing his words, the workers began to express their opinions.

"If our factory wants to develop, it has to make drastic reforms. The previous state-owned enterprise's superfluous work style should have changed a long time ago!"

Everyone said it to you, and I said it, the factory is going to be yellow, and everyone is very sad, and they can see where the problem in the factory is.

Over the years, they have been engaged in military-to-civilian conversion, but the project has not been successful. It has a lot to do with the heavy burden in the factory. The number of workers working is less than half of the total number of workers, and the rest are idlers. , there are too many people like this, how can the factory get better?These people who actually work have no right to speak, let alone decision-making power. Now that Mr. Qin has come and reversed the past atmosphere, the factory will definitely have a bright future!
They are full of confidence in the future.

Amidst the chatter of the crowd, Qin Tao smiled: "Everyone is right, our Mingzhou Group is a private enterprise, and we don't have the bloated style of a state-owned enterprise. Since we have taken over our Shuangyang Factory , will definitely lead the Shuangyang factory to a better tomorrow! We will spend two years to complete the relocation and transformation of the factory building. After two years, we will produce the most advanced fourth-generation fighter jets in the world! Our tomorrow will be even better !"

The people below applauded enthusiastically. Amidst the applause, many people shed tears. They had been looking forward to this day for too long!
Old Wang felt that tears had wet his eyes, and he couldn't see clearly. When he wiped his eyes with his sleeves, he saw Mr. Qin's figure go away, and Mr. Qin's words still echoed in his ears.

Tomorrow will be better!
"Boss Qin, I'm sorry." After he came out, Zhao Shunli said with some shame, he was also very embarrassed to be caught by Boss Qin for such a thing.

"Well, Director Zhao, what you have done is really disgraceful." Qin Tao said: "I hope that in the future work, similar problems will not occur. We are different from state-owned enterprises. The previous style of state-owned enterprises, They are all put away. We only need capable people, and those who eat idle food must be eliminated."

"Yes, yes." Sweat dripped from Zhao Shunli's forehead.

"After the relocation, the staff hospital and staff school affiliated to our factory will all be relocated together. However, after the relocation, these units will be open to the outside world and responsible for their own profits and losses. The large and comprehensive system of state-owned enterprises will become a corporate A burden to development." Qin Tao continued: "Without reform, there will be no development."

"Yes, yes." Zhao Shunli nodded.

"I've seen enough here." Qin Tao turned to Han Zhongyi again: "Leader Han, let's go to the provincial capital to see the land we need to relocate. I hope the province will complete the land acquisition as soon as possible, and we can start construction as soon as possible. It's been an intense two years."

"Yes, yes." Han Zhongyi nodded: "Let's go back to the provincial capital."

Green mountains, green waters, and primitive ecology. Looking at the mountainous area surrounded by clouds and mist, Qin Tao felt a little emotional. The environment here is still good, and it is a good place to practice Taoism and become immortal.

During Qin Tao's investigation, the investigation of the accident was still going on in the wasteland village base in the north.

This is a boring and tedious job. They don't know how many times they analyzed the telex data at that time, but they just couldn't find any problems.

"An accidental accident, this should be an accidental accident, we can't find any problems at all." Sun Cong said: "For example, if there is interference during the flight, for example, the computer is overheated at the time, etc., there may be a signal failure. difference. For now, we'll just treat it as an accident."

"No, absolutely not!" Luo Yang shook his head: "Even if it is an accidental accident, we still need to find out why it happened, and then make improvements. If we can't find the reason, what should we do if the same problem occurs again in the future?"

Luo Yang's attitude was firm.

"Now we have worked hard, but we can't find the cause of the accident, what should we do?" Sun Cong asked.

"Invite domestic brother units." Luo Yang said.

Invite brothers?In addition to the 601, the development of military aircraft is now the 611!Brother unit, that is 611?
"No, we must not ask them for help!" Sun Cong said angrily, "To us, this is an insult. We would rather go to the old Maozi for help than ask the 611 for help!"

Now, the two research institutes are competing fiercely. The J-611 of the 31 Institute is progressing smoothly, and there is also a private J-601A project, which is overwhelming the 601 Institute. There are many different voices in the system, saying that they are 611 I can only buy, buy, and buy. If you want to do your own research, you still have to read [-].
They have long been dissatisfied. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to ask 611 for help now?
Sun Cong would never agree.

"Yeah, the 611 Institute has never been in contact with our fighter. The J-[-] they developed is a canard layout, which is very different from our aerodynamic layout. Even if they come, it will be useless. Instead, the old man , with rich experience, they will definitely help us find possible defects in the flight control system." A technician also said.

"If you ask the old man for help, they will definitely talk to us." Luo Yang said: "On the contrary, if we ask 611 for help, they will definitely lend a helping hand. Although they haven't studied our fighter planes, they have a wealth of knowledge. Experience in flight control design may be able to find problems in our program."

"What's the noise?" At this moment, a voice came from outside.

Wu Shengli walked in with heavy steps.

After listening to these people's introduction, Wu Shengli also had a serious face.

If you can't find a technical problem, ask for help from the relevant department!You guys made this plane, and now, you guys haven't figured it out yet?
"If you ask the old man for help, you will indeed be asked for a high price." Wu Shengli said: "Although they did not protest our self-developed fighter plane on the surface, they must be dissatisfied in their hearts. This time we go to them for help, maybe they will Ask for more."

"That can't be helped. According to the contract, we want to produce two hundred Su-27SKs, but this kind of aircraft is too backward. Our current plan is to fully upgrade and replace them with domestically produced components, including our radar, aviation Electricity, flight control, etc. The batch of aircraft we improved must require four-degree redundant digital fly-by-wire flight control. This time, we can also lay the foundation for our own project by asking Lao Maozi for help.”

This is also the current major project of the 601 Institute: J-11B.

The J-27 currently in production is the Su-001Sk version. Many of the above technologies are too backward. The most criticized one is of course the N27 radar with the inverted antenna. At present, the domestic flat-panel slot radar has long matured. , can be completely replaced by domestic radar.The one-ton radar can also be reduced to [-] kilograms, which achieves the original Su-[-] design indicators.

However, if you cannot fully understand the design of the Su-27, even if the weight is reduced, you must continue to use counterweights. Otherwise, the aircraft will not be able to maintain balance. These are closely related to flight control.

There are many other improvements. For example, if domestic radars are used, domestic air-to-air missiles can be used. The cockpit of Da Mao Watch Shop can also be replaced with a modern glass cockpit and so on.

The changes are very big, and the flight control is also the key. Now that there is a problem with the flight control of J-[-], then simply ask the old man for help, which will save trouble in the future.

"Okay, you can contact Da Mao, but you have to be quick. We have been grounded for a week, and we don't want to keep grounding indefinitely." Wu Shengli said.

In the afternoon of that day, Sun Cong returned to Institute 601 and met Yemelyanov, the person in charge of Factory 112 left by Lao Maozi.

Hearing Sun Cong finished his needs, Yemelyanov showed an excited expression on his face: "A flight control defect has appeared? This is a big problem! Now only we can help you, please rest assured, old friend, We can definitely help you out.”

Sun Cong did not become happy because of this sentence, he knew that the other party must have other requests.

Sure enough, Yemelyanov changed the subject.

"It's a pity that among the projects we export, there is no digital fly-by-wire flight control. If you invite us to solve it, it is equivalent to infringing our patent rights."

"Mr. Yemelyanov, please find a way to help us. This is related to the development of our navy's carrier aviation force." Li Ming also spoke aside.

"If you want to solve this problem, there is only one way."

"In what way?"

"You purchased a batch of Su-35 from us. This aircraft uses digital fly-by-wire technology. We can export the technology along with it. In this way, we can also help with debugging! They are all three-plane layout, The technology is completely similar." Yemelyanov said: "The number does not need to be too many, forty is enough."

The current Su-35 is not the Su-35 imported by later generations. This Su-35 is the unofficial serial number of Su-27M. Compared with the original Su-27, it has replaced the radar, enhanced the airframe, and added Digital fly-by-wire flight control is installed, especially the canards are added to form a three-plane layout.This aircraft was not in service, but his technology was used in subsequent Su-30 and other aircraft.This aircraft began to be tested before the collapse of the Red Empire. Several prototypes were manufactured, all of which started with 7. Among them, the one numbered 711 also added thrust vectoring nozzles, making all kinds of incredible things. Maneuver and be the star of the air show.

As for the Su-35 imported domestically in later generations, it is already a product of the new century. It has undergone a lot of updates and is more advanced in technology, such as the installation of passive phased array radar, etc. In order to distinguish it from the previous Su-35, the old Su-35 Maozi also called it Su-[-]S.

Now, the old man wants to sell this kind of aircraft, all for the sake of selling money.

These technologies have been researched and developed, and there is no equipment in the country. If you want to maximize the benefits, you have to sell them for money. The Su-35 with three wings can sell for at least 8000 to [-] million US dollars. If it sells forty, it should be How much money do you have?

They were happy, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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