Great warships

Chapter 600 Start of Construction on the St. Paul

Chapter 600 Start of Construction on the St. Paul

After such a long trip, it was already May when Qin Tao returned to Mingzhou Shipyard. Since Qin Tao often went out in the past, the Mingzhou Group could operate normally no matter whether he was there or not, which shows that he Holding a high salary every year is simply a waste, and the company can still operate without him.

"The jam ship is ready!" After returning, Qin Tao walked around the shipyard, and the first thing he found was that the [-]-ton luxury jam ship had been driven out of the dock and dragged to the outfitting dock beside him. up.

"Yeah, your Mingzhou Group's actions are really slow enough. After such a long time, we haven't built our ship block, and we, Chuanglv Company, can't wait." A familiar voice came from my ear .

"Weina, when did you come?" Qin Tao turned his head to look at the big hairy woman with a devil's figure and a protruding front and back.

Generally speaking, after getting married, a big-haired woman will soon gain weight and become an aunt, but before getting married, her figure is very beautiful.

"It's been a while. In recent years, the trend of the decoration industry has been changing, so we have made some changes. The decoration of the blocked ship must be done in the latest way, so as not to be outdated when driving out."

Qin Tao nodded: "That's natural. Our Mingzhou Group will also listen to the opinions of customers and change it at any time, but the construction period may be delayed."

"It doesn't matter if it's delayed, but it's really not fun recently."

Hearing Vitalia's complaint, Qin Tao showed a mysterious expression on his face: "There is nothing to block recently, it must be very boring, I heard some things, if you are interested, you can participate, of course Well, it’s your own identity, it’s best to register a financial company, and don’t get involved with our Mingzhou Group.”

"We never thought that we could have a brand new aircraft carrier. This is a new beginning, and we still use a new cooperation model. We have full confidence in this aircraft carrier!" Sagas Tres said in a speech. It is also passionate.

The groundbreaking ceremony was very grand. On the front of the dock, a booth was set up, behind which was a gantry crane as the background, and a banner hung on it.

There was excitement in Vitalia's eyes. That's right, Magang's blockade is no longer interesting. She has become the queen of blockades. This time, she might as well block a big one!
"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Another unique skill of Mingzhou Group is the [-]D CNC bending machine!Coupled with the cooperation of large steel plates, the speed of shipbuilding has been greatly improved.

"Is that warship on your side a warship with four-sided phased array radar?" The next day, a group of people from Football Country continued to visit the shipyard. Looking elsewhere.

Even Lao Maozi can't produce steel plates of this specification. The size is very large, equivalent to more than a dozen ordinary steel plates, and the workload of welding has been greatly reduced.

"Do you want to deport him?" Xu Zhengyang was very excited.

This promise immediately shocked everyone. Even if it is the United States, it will take two or three years to build an aircraft carrier before it can be launched!Even if the aircraft carrier built here has a smaller displacement, it won't be so short a year, right?
"I know everyone is surprised, but after the ceremony, you will understand when you see our construction process."

Go into the water in a year?

Not only to manufacture aircraft carriers, but also to manufacture ordinary cargo ships. Of course, steel plates of this size will also be used. After all, the king of rolling mills in Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works cannot only produce steel for aircraft carriers, otherwise they will have to stop working for most of the year.

Qin Tao nodded, as expected of being his bodyguard and secretary. Over the past few years, Xu Zhengyang's thinking has become closer to Qin Tao's.

Warm reception?Xu Zhengyang hesitated for a moment, then understood, and nodded again and again: "Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Where is this man from?
When I was in contact with football people before, I had never seen it before!

On the one hand, it shows that Dongfang already has advanced and mature gas turbines, and the power system is no longer controlled by others. On the other hand, Dongfang has begun to explore a comprehensive air defense warship!
Only the Aegis system is a warship with strong defense in the world, and now, the second model will come out.

Qin Tao already had a conclusion in his mind.

When these words came out, Qin Tao's heart suddenly became vigilant.

That night, Xu Zhengyang investigated the situation clearly.

"President Qin, we heard that you have advanced catapults, so we wondered if we could add a catapult to the angled deck, which would make our deployment more efficient." Sagas Tres hesitated He opened his mouth and said, "Of course, we can pay the money spent. We will pay the money in cash, but we want to go and have a look first."

Qin Tao came to the material preparation area on the side, and the steel plates were covered under the rain cloth. Due to the large size of the steel plates, they could only be stored in the open air.It is 5.5 meters wide and 40 meters long!
"This is the steel plate produced by the king of the rolling mill of our Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant. It is really great. We use this steel plate to manufacture aircraft carriers, which will reduce the welding workload by 90.00%!"

"Now, I announce that the construction of the St. Paul has officially started, and the first steel plate is now being cut!"

"Actually, if we were in a hurry, we would have been able to cut steel plates and start building the aircraft carrier of the football country. We can weld the sections next to it and lift them directly to the dock for final assembly. Slow, so we will put it on hold for now." Babiqi introduced to Qin Tao.

"Yes!" Xu Zhengyang's eyes were full of excitement.

However, the drug order can still deal a serious blow to Wanwan's shipbuilding industry.Since Xu Zhengyang wants to play, let him play.

"Of course not, we have to welcome you warmly."

Xu Zhengyang shook his head: "Boss Qin, I know what you mean, but I'm not interested in her."

"In recent years, the shipbuilding industry has been booming. In order to win orders, various shipyards have begun to advance capital to build ships. Some shipyards with insufficient technical strength can even reduce the down payment to less than [-]% in order to win orders." Xu Zhengyang introduced : "The shipyard over there in Wanwan used this method when they competed with us."

"It should be difficult to defeat Sanhang Group, but taking advantage of this opportunity, it is still possible for us to defeat Sanhang Heavy Industry. In this way, we will have one less competitor in the shipbuilding field."

"No, I have to start the layout immediately. I will investigate first to see if there are any clues to what you said." Vitalia was very excited. Over the years, she played more and more, and felt more and more uncomfortable. enjoyable.

"The production line over there has almost been adjusted." Babiqi said: "Now, we have prepared the steel plates needed for the start of the aircraft carrier."

Hearing the news Qin Tao whispered, Vitalia was shocked: "International capital predators actually want to sweep away the wealth of a certain country? Isn't that incredible?"

"Of course."

Warmly celebrate the commencement of St. Paul!
That's right, the aircraft carrier that is about to start construction has been officially named the Sao Paulo!

Just looking at the appearance, this can't be stopped, after all, the ship's berth is open to the air, and how many satellites fly over it every day, so Qin Tao introduced it generously.

"Mr. Sagas, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Your aircraft carrier can finally start." Qin Tao warmly greeted the group of guests: "Although the start time is a bit late, we can guarantee that, In a year's time, the carrier will be launched."

"In the whole world, only we have this kind of large-scale steel plate. It is rolled by the only king of rolling mills in the world." Qin Tao proudly introduced: "Its width is 5.5 meters, and its length is 40 meters. , we can guarantee that it will be launched within a year, and there is a big reason for the steel plates we use.”

"What kind of bending machine is that?" At this moment, the man looked at the place where the large steel plate was hoisted, and was surprised to see it being swallowed into a large machine.

"I heard that you are still developing the most advanced catapult in the world. I wonder if we can go and have a look?"

Three days later, the leader of the football country's navy came.

With the order, the construction of the St. Paul officially began!

This time, sweeping the wealth of a country, or even multiple countries, is a rare event in a lifetime. Once you encounter it, you must not miss it.

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao thought of something again, and glanced at Xu Zhengyang beside him: "The secretary behind Vitalia just now, you still look hot with those eyes."

"Today is a memorable day. On this day, the aircraft carrier manufactured by our Mingzhou Group for the Chinese navy will officially start. This aircraft carrier reflects the strong manufacturing capabilities of our Mingzhou Group and also represents the national football team. The development of naval equipment has entered a new era!" After Qin Tao spoke, Sagas Tres walked to the front of the microphone.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, although the shipbuilding industry in Wanwan is underdeveloped, it is good after all. They can still build warships for themselves. If we destroy their shipbuilding industry, they will not be able to build warships."

Mingzhou Group has developed, and they never advance too much capital. Any order requires a down payment of more than 50.00%, and even more than 80.00% for special ship types. Although there are also a group of loyal and old customers, there are still some The small client was unable to raise enough funds, so under the temptation of profit, he chose the shipyard in Wanwan.

The machine hummed, and I don't know how many hydraulic outriggers started to move, and the steel plate made a creaking sound, and when the steel plate was pulled out, the whole steel plate had changed into the corresponding shape!

"We are indeed developing an advanced electromagnetic catapult. If you are interested, I can take you to Huating's R&D department to have a look." Qin Tao said: "However, you must be mentally prepared, this is a new technology, if If you want to switch to this kind of device, the price will go up a lot.”

Hearing Xu Zhengyang's words, Qin Tao immediately became interested: "Do you have an idea?"

"The experimental base is still being installed. Moreover, it is the most confidential project in the Navy. Our Mingzhou Group is not qualified to see it. Even if we go to Huating to see the scale model, it must be approved by the superior. Please come tomorrow Stay in Zhouzhou for a few more days," Qin Tao said.

Compared with the previous one, this aircraft carrier is more significant, because this aircraft carrier is a brand new aircraft carrier manufactured in this dock.

Babbage nodded excitedly: "Okay, then we will arrange it immediately!"


A few years ago, Qin Tao brought down Dazhou Heavy Industries. This time, if Sanhang Heavy Industries is brought down again, then only Hyundai Heavy Industries is left in South Kimchi Country and is still building ships. The strength of the other party will be greatly reduced. Competitors in East Asia Just one less.

"Mr. Qin, do you have any idea to set up a shipbuilding company in Wanwan?"

"That is to say, he was inserted by the Americans?" Qin Tao said, "Since this is the case, then we will not be polite!"

Although the Mingzhou Group has already manufactured an aircraft carrier for Siam, the displacement of that aircraft carrier is only about [-] tons, and most of them use civilian ship standards. There are also [-] to [-] tons, which is a real medium-sized aircraft carrier!
They have long wanted to do it, but the football country has no money, and the football country's funds are entirely based on iron ore. This thing is very slow, and it takes time to mine and transport, so there is no rush here.

"Compete with us?"

"Large CNC three-dimensional plate bending machine. The unique skill of our Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao said.

The aircraft carrier built for the football country uses a ski jump take-off plan. The entire plan has been finalized. The other party once wanted to replace the gas turbine, but in the end they gave up because of funding problems. Now, they actually asked for an electromagnetic catapult. , it is clear that there is a purpose!
"Electromagnetic catapults can make carrier-based aircraft dispatch more efficient, and it is possible to operate carrier-based early warning aircraft in the future. For us, even if it costs money, it is worth it. We want to take a look first." The proposed Ren continued: "It would be even better if I could visit your experimental base."

"This fellow of Sagas Tres, ostensibly named Neymar, is an officer in charge of equipment in the army. However, we have investigated all his information and found no evidence that he had served in the navy of the football country before. Any resume, he seems to have appeared out of thin air."

Seeing the back of Vitalia leaving, Qin Tao breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally I sent her away."

This efficiency is too high!
In general shipbuilding, the steel plate is cut first, and then sent into the bending machine, but the current manufacturing is reversed. It is formed in the bending machine at one time, and then the excess part is cut off. The first steel plate is It was hoisted into the dock and ready to be welded with the second steel plate.

Wanwan’s strength lies in the electronics industry. A single TSMC can make Wanwan extremely rich. He engages in SMIC and Godson, in fact, to fight against Wanwan. As long as he occupies the mainland market, he will be able to Let TSMC lose most of its profits.

The country bumpkins from the football country were surprised to see a steel plate being hoisted up by the crane. The area of ​​the steel plate was so large that it reminded them of a football field. It would be no problem to play a football game on the steel plate!
"How could there be such a large steel plate?" Ilgus who followed him couldn't help but ask.

Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works has developed into a large-scale iron and steel plant known throughout the country. Although their output is not as good as that of Shougang and Anshan Iron and Steel and other large steel plants, their quality and profitability are definitely higher than the latter. not on.

"By the way, how is the manufacturing of the steel plate of the aircraft carrier?" Qin Tao thought of something.

"En." Xu Zhengyang continued to nod.

The 001 aircraft carrier was about to be completed, and Makarov went up to watch the progress of the outfitting every day, but Babich was free and began to arrange the start of the second aircraft carrier.

"The larger the area of ​​the steel plate, the more difficult it is to bend the plate." Another person said: "The steel plate with such a large area is very useful for making decks, but if it is used on the hull of a warship, it will cause serious problems." The bending machine is a huge burden.”

"Your efficiency is really high!" The man spoke again, his eyes full of envy: "The world's largest steel plate, the world's most advanced bending machine, and your shipbuilding technology are also the world's most advanced !"

All kinds of large cargo ships have also used this kind of steel plate, and the master welders of Mingzhou Group have greatly reduced their workload.

"Originally, it was difficult to bend a steel plate of this size. However, we have introduced a large bending machine, which can directly insert this steel plate into it for bending, and the efficiency is even higher."

The dock has been vacated, and the next step is to arrange to build an aircraft carrier for the football country.

"Zhengyang, contact the football country and invite them to come and participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of the aircraft carrier!"

"Leave so soon? Let's have a chat and have a meal before leaving."

In addition to Invar steel, they are also at the forefront of the world in terms of steel for aircraft carriers and submarines!

"Mr. Sagas, you are going to modify the design of the aircraft carrier? Since we have already started construction, it will cost a lot of money to modify the design!" Qin Tao looked at Sagas. .

"Dare to make it with a [-]% down payment? This is a real poisonous order." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Even if we don't do anything, they are still in crisis. If we do anything, they will go bankrupt! Since it is Whatever comes easily, let’s do it!”

When did the football nation become so generous?

"As Max said, he has relationships with many capital tycoons, and this matter is expected to happen in a month or two. If you are interested, you can take advantage of it."

Qin Tao didn't know about many things, and they were handled by his subordinates. Qin Tao's secretary, Xu Zhengyang, was very clear about these things.

This time it was Neymar who was asking questions. Hearing his question, Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, that warship is an air defense destroyer that we are about to launch. It uses four-sided phased array radar and vertical launch missiles. This combination can It can better complete the task of fleet air defense, especially escorting aircraft carriers."

Vitalia suddenly became interested: "What is it?"

"That's right, take the largest international shipyard in Wanwan as an example. Their main business is container ships, bulk carriers, frigates and other large ships, as well as oil tankers, semi-submersible heavy-duty ships, refrigerated ships, and elevating oil drilling platforms. , Self-unloading cement carriers and other types of ships. The last time we bid for bulk carriers with us, we snatched our order with a [-]% down payment."

Qin Tao was very satisfied: "In the future, we will install automatic welding equipment, and we will need less welding work. At that time, we can make dumplings when we build an aircraft carrier!"

This man has fair skin, a high nose bridge, blue eyes, and a burly figure. He looks like a very ordinary Westerner, but the questions he asked are not ordinary at all.

"This kind of warship must be very expensive?" Sagas Tres also said, their football country will also have an advanced aircraft carrier formation, and they also need escort warships. Last time, they only saw frigates from here. They couldn't even imagine such a professional air defense destroyer.

"Yes, it is indeed very slow, but we should also start building it. After the aircraft carrier is launched, the navy's order should come."

To explain that the most eye-catching thing in Zhouzhou Shipyard must be the 052C under construction on the berth!
Since the last time it built two simple air defense ships equipped with S-300 missiles, Mingzhou Shipyard has been silent for several years, and has never built a destroyer of more than [-] tons. This restart is of great significance.

Now, after hearing Xu Zhengyang's suggestion, he has realized that Xu Zhengyang has something in mind.

Qin Tao didn't think about getting involved there, because the situation there is not good enough. In Asia, the main domestic competitors are Japan and South Korea, so if one can be ruined, it counts as one.Wanwan does not have any advanced shipbuilding capabilities at all, and they have long hovered at the level of the middle and lower reaches.

"I really don't know what type you like." Qin Tao sighed: "It's not good for you to reject people for thousands of miles. When I meet a suitable one in the future, I will..."

In fact, Qin Tao did not attack Wanwan because he knew that this year's financial turmoil did not affect Wanwan. Wanwan was very smart. Before the storm came, he immediately devalued the currency by 20.00%. In addition, Wanwan has the third largest foreign exchange reserves in the world, which allowed them to weather the crisis calmly.

"President Qin, we have been planning for the economic crisis in a few months. Are we going to take this opportunity to completely destroy the Sanxing Group this time?" Xu Zhengyang changed the subject.

The last 001 aircraft carrier was a semi-finished product, so there was no need to make a big deal of it. Now this ship is a new production, and the demand for steel plates is very large.

"Yes, it seems that you are also a veteran of shipbuilding." Qin Tao looked at that person: "If there is no supporting bending machine, then such a large steel plate must be cut to use, which is a waste of our rolling mill king."

"That's right, the price is very expensive, so we only built one, and our brother units built warships with rotating radars." Qin Tao is very frank: "This kind of high and low matching is the future plan of our navy."

Nimar nodded. It seems that as they inferred, even if Dongfang has this kind of technology, it doesn't have so much money!

Even after the Easterners' aircraft carrier is in service, it has to be parked in the harbor most of the time, because the Easterners don't have enough military expenses to maintain a huge sea formation!


(End of this chapter)

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