Great warships

Chapter 602 Of course high technology is expensive

Chapter 602 Of course high technology is expensive
The J-31A has appeared in front of the public more than once, and many people are very familiar with it.

The prototype of this aircraft was manufactured in Factory 132, and the initial flight test was also carried out in Factory 132, but the later test flight was transferred to a special flight test institute, after all, the flight test institute is more professional.

Toyota Coaster drove in the direction of the test flight academy, and there were police cars in front of it, and the specifications were very high.

"Everyone, we are flying a large number of new fighter jets in our flight test academy, and the level of secrecy is very high. Therefore, everyone must pay attention to the discipline of secrecy. Don't look at what you shouldn't look at, let alone inquire about what you shouldn't inquire about, especially Mr. Neymar. .”

Being named by Qin Tao in this way, Neymar felt a little upset, but he didn't dare to show it. After all, what the other party said was correct. There is only such a test flight institute in the East, and all domestic aircraft are tested here. very high.

"So, are we going to wear blindfolds?" Neymar decided to make an irony.

"Here, if you strongly request, we can send you one." Qin Tao's answer was watertight, and everyone present suppressed their laughter.

There was the roar of the plane in the sky, and Neymar was able to guess something without wearing a blindfold: "I guess it's a big plane, I don't look at it, I just listen with my ears."

"Yes, this is the H[-]K bomber we are testing." Qin Tao said.

"H-16K? Is it the Tu-[-] of the Red Empire? You have used this aircraft for half a century, right?"

The Super Seven project also experienced ups and downs.

"Welcome everyone to visit." Sure enough, an old bus technician with a beard greeted him with a smile.

Everyone gave way for a long distance before the ground crew began to prepare for take-off, and the pilot also came to the scene wearing a helmet.

"Everyone, our plane is about to take off, everyone stay away a little bit, it will be troublesome if you are sucked into the air intake."

"Of course." Sagas Tres nodded.

"Everyone, our plane is back! Please look up, this plane will give you a 3-minute maneuver!"

This is also what Qin Tao said. The key to Xiaolong's success lies in time. The sooner it is done, the better. After a few more years, there are more second-hand F-16s and MiG-29s in the international market. fewer customers.

"Mr. Husseini, I'm very sorry to keep you waiting." Qin Tao said, looking at the bearded man in front of him.

"Yeah, if it was a few years later, we wouldn't need to buy fighter jets. We bought them just for emergency." Qin Tao explained.

But the 132 factory was not discouraged, the old bus didn't invest, so he would make it himself, anyway, the 132 factory has the funds and confidence!
Tu Lao has also contacted Qin Tao many times and gained Qin Tao's support. Although Mingzhou Group is developing J-31A, it cannot form a competitive relationship with Xiaolong. The former is a medium-sized fighter, the latter is a light fighter, and the latter's The price is lower!

"We are also very honored. Of course, if you want to choose fighters from other countries, you can also choose them. However, fighters from other countries have problems. Most of them are third-generation fighters. They have no stealth capabilities. Only the American JSF has stealth capabilities. , but I heard that this project is not going well, and even copied our plan... Mr. Neymar, what do you think?"

"How did the plane cost less?" Neymar asked.

However, what should be prepared still needs to be prepared, such as this is a self-developed project, such as delaying the time of being discovered by the outside world as much as possible, etc.

"Yes, this is a problem. Our navy cannot live without advanced carrier-based aircraft." Cheney nodded. "Under the current circumstances, it is impossible for us to abandon the joint fighter program. We need an aircraft as a transition."

"You make an announcement to the outside world first, and test the reaction of the outside world. After these fighter planes are delivered to you, you will have to train at night for a long time to avoid being discovered by the outside world."

"This plane is not bad. We will suggest it to the Air Force after we go back. I hope they will come and take a look. Our navy has no funds for the time being." Sagas Tres said.

In fact, what was not allowed to be seen by these people had been put in the hangar long ago, and what these people saw now, of course, was what Qin Tao deliberately let the big guys see.

"I didn't expect that there are so many fighter R&D projects in the East. Why did you purchase the Su-27 from Da Mao?" Sagas Tres asked curiously.

The expression on Neymar's face was very embarrassing, this Qin is always deliberately disgusting people!

"The Orientals are very strong in technology. They have developed technologies such as electromagnetic ejection and electromagnetic interception. We also urgently need similar technologies, especially electromagnetic interception, which is more important for a brand new aircraft carrier."

It's like a small F-22!

"Old bus?"

"Mr. Qin, we are very happy. This fighter is going well. It may be finalized in a year or two. We are about to get an advanced fighter," Husseini said.

Husseini nodded, then thought of something, and continued: "But, will the outside world believe that we are developing our own fighter jets?"

The talks ended soon, and that night, after everyone had dinner in the test flight academy, Sagas Tres's itinerary also came to an end.After they returned to the other side of the ocean by plane, Neymar also hurried back home and gave a report to a group of senior military officers.

Of course we have relevant technology!
"Our current self-developed early warning aircraft is using this kind of radar, and the Navy's Aegis warship is also using this kind of radar. The relevant technical reserves have long been sufficient, and it can be developed at any time, but the cost is very high. The Navy's A phased array antenna array is worth more than 5000 million yuan, and even if we use relatively few transceiver units, it must be more than [-] million."

Lei Qiang made a gesture of OK, and then got on the plane.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, our aviation factory is also expanding. After it is finalized, we will be able to mass-produce it. We will provide you with a batch at that time. However, you should also prepare in advance."

This time when Qin Tao came over, he took the time to meet Husseini.

"That is to say, there is already a customer for this plane?"

If there was no funds from Parthia, this project would have been impossible to establish. Now, Qin Tao has to provide fighters to Parthia according to his original promise.

In all fairness, Parthia's military self-research capabilities are not weak. After all, they are restricted by the outside world, and it is not easy to obtain weapons from the outside world. All efforts to keep the Tomcat fleet running.However, the difficulty of developing a brand new fighter is not ordinary.

"Then we have to ask the leader for instructions." Qin Tao took out his mobile phone as he spoke, and made a call on the spot to negotiate.

"Yes, this is a problem, so you might as well develop a light fighter first." Qin Tao said: "With your strength, it should be no problem to improve the F-5 fighter. You can show it to the public. Based on this fighter, you On the basis of this, a brand new fighter has been developed by ourselves, and you can even pull in the Mikoyan Design Bureau.”

However, bragging is still completely fine, and it is still very tall!

Even Neymar had to sigh with emotion that the maneuverability of this aircraft is really good.

"Coming here today has made us more confident. We will firmly purchase the J-31A as our carrier-based aircraft." Sagas Tres said.

"This aircraft still uses a flat-panel slot radar. As a fourth-generation aircraft, it is too outdated to use this kind of radar."

"Can we see this plane?" Neymar continued to ask.

"President Qin, are you here?" After seeing Qin Tao, Zhao Dangsheng was very excited and immediately greeted him.

After visiting the performance of the fighter plane, the next step is to visit the flight simulator.

In fact, these are all conceptual. The 14th Institute is currently developing early warning aircraft and Aegis warships. It simply cannot spare the time and energy to develop this level of fire control radar. Moreover, it must reach the level mentioned by Zhao Dangsheng. , it is even more difficult.

"Okay, then we'll wait." Qin Tao nodded.

"In key parts, we use advanced technology, such as cockpit layout and so on. In some unimportant places, we will also reduce the configuration, such as the operating system, which uses fly-by-wire operation in the vertical direction, but in other directions. It is still hydraulically controlled, which reduces the cost, but the actual performance has not changed much." Qin Tao introduced.

This is the first time Neymar has seen the J-31A. This aircraft that has been rumored to be miraculous and even won a large order looks really special.

"Our Nimitz-class aircraft carrier has a history of more than 20 years. Now, we really should hurry up and develop a new generation of aircraft carrier. In terms of aircraft carrier technology, we cannot be surpassed by the Orientals." Cheney said: "Our American technology is the most powerful!"

The F-16 uses belly air intake, which pursues the efficiency of high angle of attack, but this method is not friendly to the third world. It takes off and lands on some runways with poor conditions, and it is easy to suck in debris on the runway, so , This small fighter has been changed to a two-ribbed air intake.Of course, this design has been slowly formed as early as Super Seven.

Husseini nodded: "We have been waiting for your instructions, and we will officially announce it to the public. We are developing our own stealth fighter, and it is progressing smoothly."

Husseini's eyes lit up.

With the smooth progress of the J-132 project, the superiors finally merged the 611 factory and the 611 Institute together to form the Chengfei Group, and the research and development of Xiaolong was put here at the [-] Institute. Nature is no problem.

Everyone was very excited, even Neymar felt very strange, and walked towards the plane with others.

"In fact, this is only a small function of the advanced active phased array radar. Its more powerful functions are electromagnetic camouflage and electromagnetic deception."

When did the Oriental technology become so strong?Neymar was shocked in his heart, but what shocked him even more was yet to come.

"For example, every unit of our radar emits electromagnetic pulses irregularly, so even if it is received by the other party, it is just a bunch of garbled codes, which has no practical meaning at all." Zhao Dangsheng continued: "Frequency hopping and spread spectrum, of course, are also the housekeeping skills of our radar. Needless to say, frequency hopping is a common technology now, but it is not easy to jump to a good level. As for spread spectrum, it is our There are a lot of junk signals in the electromagnetic signal, and after receiving it, the other party will also be submerged in the ocean of junk signals."

When Sagas Tres and others went to listen to Xiaolong's introduction, Qin Tao came to another room.

"Announce your self-developed fighter." Qin Tao said, "This fighter is not sold to you by us, but developed by you yourself."


The project is progressing smoothly. It just completed its first flight a few days ago. After receiving Qin Tao's suggestion, it flew to the flight test institute yesterday just to show it to customers.

Looking at the modern flight simulator and listening to Zhao Dangsheng's introduction next to him, Sagas Tres' worries were dispelled, and there was no major problem in training pilots only in this way.

Everyone looked up and watched the special-shaped fighter plane make dazzling movements over the airport, applauding and applauding.

"High technology is expensive. In fact, this kind of radar is no longer a simple radar. A more appropriate name is a multi-functional radio frequency management system. You should know the working system of the active phased array radar. It is an independent T The /R unit works. Therefore, the phased array radar antenna can not only be used to search for targets, lock on the attack, but also do other work, such as separating a part for electronic countermeasures, a part for communication, and a part for ground scanning. .”

"What to prepare?"

The nose, wings, and tail, except for the bulging air intake and the single engine, are almost all made from the same mold. Sure enough, the Orientals only copy and have no innovation ability!
The canopy is flipped forward, the crew is doing maintenance, and some aircraft designers are checking along with them, a busy scene.

Speaking of these, Zhao Dangsheng was eloquent.

"You're right. This plane is only used to test the airframe, so the avionics are temporarily made up of other domestic models." Zhao Dangsheng introduced from the side: "According to the plan we announced to the public, This fighter has two types of radars, the low-end model uses a common flat-panel slot radar, and the high-end model will use a dedicated active phased array radar."

There is no choice for carrier-based aircraft, only the J-31A, but there are too many options for land-based fighters. The football country is a potential customer of Xiaolong!
Hearing the price of more than 1000 million U.S. dollars, Sagas Tres was tempted: "Can we go and have a look?"

That's right, the chief test pilot of this plane is Lei Qiang, and he is also one of the few test pilots in the test flight academy who directly flies two different planes.

During the conversation, the car drove into the flight test yard and parked directly beside a tarmac.

"After the test flight is completed, if there is still some fuel left, the pilot can be arranged to do a few flight maneuvers."

"Everyone, the old bus welcomes us to inspect in the past."

"Well, bring the client over to see, what is the subject of today's test flight?"

"Except for the different intakes, this aircraft is simply a replica of the F-16." Neymar said his first impression.

"Of course." Qin Tao nodded: "This plane was originally shown to you."

"The biggest feature of this aircraft is the balance between performance and price. We know that the more advanced the performance of a fighter, the higher the price, and the third world has the demand for third-generation aircraft, but they cannot afford the expensive procurement funds. Therefore, we will This aircraft was developed specifically to meet the needs of third world countries. It is also the best choice for football countries.”

"It's a pity that our joint fighter program has just begun. Looking at this trend, it is impossible to catch up with our new aircraft carrier." Swift shook his head and said: "Damn Congress, it shouldn't block our budget and let our navy be independent The development of carrier-based aircraft will also be much faster than it is now."

"Yes, this fighter was jointly developed by our domestic Chengfei Group and Laoba. Laoba paid half of the research and development funds, and it will be produced in their country in the future." Qin Tao said.

"Why, do you think what I said is wrong?" Qin Tao continued to tease.

"Low altitude and high speed, test the airframe's ability to withstand pressure." Zhao Dangsheng said.

As a medium-sized machine, it uses a high-thrust engine, and its performance is of course good, not to mention that there are no missiles on it now, and there is very little fuel.

Husseini is a representative from the Parthian State, and has been participating in the J-31A project. After all, they are the largest shareholders of this project, even if Salman later invested a large amount of money, surpassing the Parthian State and becoming the number one The major shareholders, people from Anxi Kingdom still receive special treatment.

"That is to say, we can enjoy the performance of this plane?"

"It is the product of the former Super Seven, Laoba's Saber 2 plan." Qin Tao introduced: "It can achieve 1680.00% of the performance of F-1000, but the price is only more than [-] million US dollars. It is definitely the first choice of the third world."

"The engine modification of the MiG-29, code-named RD93, but we are also developing a similar engine in China, and we will replace it with our engine in the future."

"Everyone, today's weather is good. Our J-31A is preparing to take off. Next, you can see a wonderful flight show." Qin Tao was the first to get off and said after glancing at the plane.

"What's that?" When he saw a small fighter plane, he couldn't help it anymore.

Looking at the whole world, there are no more than ten countries that can develop their own fighter jets, and very few countries have developed their own fourth-generation fighter jets.

"What engine does it use?" Sagas asked with interest.

Everyone walked while talking, and they had already arrived in front of the plane.

Can you still do that?
Sure enough, these bumpkins were surprised again.

Neymar's eyes began to look left and right. Although Qin Tao told him not to look around, since he came here, of course he had to collect more information.

"However, these are passive. Our multi-functional radio frequency management system also has the ability to actively fight. When being irradiated by the enemy, we can locate the opponent at the first time, and then want the opponent to carry out precise electronic interference, so that the opponent If you can’t track and lock yourself normally, future air combat will belong to electronic warfare, and if you can’t seize information rights and electronic rights, you won’t be able to succeed.”

"In the future, we will surpass the United States in all aspects. In the future, you can purchase advanced equipment from us. By the way, do you want to learn more about the Xiaolong fighter? We can arrange professional personnel to explain it to you .”

Neymar was still looking around. At this time, the nose was opened, and the crew began to check the radar equipment. He leaned over and began to point out.

At this time, Qin Tao smiled when he heard Neymar's words: "In terms of performance, it is to match the F-16."

"This plane is not bad, the cockpit is still leveled three times." Ilgus climbed up the gangway, took a look inside, and felt emotional.

At this time, Neymar was incomparably shocked.

Now, since the people from the football country have come, in addition to visiting the J-31A, they will also put Xiaolong in front of them. What if they fall in love with it?

After Neymar talked about these techniques, everyone nodded again and again, yes, this technical route is very good, and we must go on firmly!

"Lei Zi, do a good job!" Qin Tao shouted.

The old bus in the 80s was very enthusiastic and wanted to develop a light fighter on the basis of the J-[-]. At that time, there were quite a lot of ideas, such as Western avionics and engines, but later, as the Western supply was cut off, this project fell into disuse. .


"That's Xiaolong, a light fighter developed by Cheng Fei himself. It focuses on cost performance and is the first choice for small and medium-sized countries." Qin Tao said.

In the international market, this is the number for a heavy fighter, such as the Su-27 and F-15 fighters.But now, the radar in front of me needs so much money, and it's just an antenna!
This has to make people sigh, the fourth-generation machine is burned out with money!
"How can it be so expensive?" Sagas asked.

The airframe is even smaller than the F-16, with two ribs for air intake, a single engine and a single vertical tail, this is the first time he has seen such a small aircraft.

"That's right, after we improve it, we can use it for another half a century."

This is not a joke. Similar incidents have happened before. The ground crew started the engine while maintaining the aircraft. As a result, the person standing in front of the aircraft was sucked into a meat paste and even cooked directly.

Everyone watched and discussed, time was slowly passing by, and there was a whistling sound in the sky.

"President Qin is right. The JSF project in the United States has indeed encountered many problems. In this regard, Mingzhou Group is at the forefront."

"How about improving our bumble bee?" someone suggested.

"Bumblebee? How to improve?"

"Currently, General Electric's F414 engine is progressing smoothly. This engine is improved by combining the F-12 engine of the A-412 project, the original F404 engine of the Hornet, and the F120 engine that bid for the fourth-generation aircraft. F404, its thrust has increased by 30.00% and its fuel consumption has been reduced by 404%. According to the requirements of our navy, the external dimensions of this engine are exactly the same as those of F[-] and can be replaced. After installing this engine, there will be no No longer are people laughing at our planes as slow, big bugs."

For any fighter, the biggest difficulty is the engine. Now, with this advanced F414 engine, the Hornet can completely transform into a Super Hornet!
"Let's modify the shape again to make this aircraft have a certain stealth capability, and use the current technology to replace the avionics, so that the modified Hornet will allow our navy to persist until the arrival of the joint fighter."

(End of this chapter)

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