Great warships

Chapter 604

Chapter 604 Scaring those bastards to death

"If it is an ordinary natural gas ship, of course it can be resold to a third party, but no customer is willing to ask for this ice-breaking natural gas ship." In the office of Mingzhou Shipyard, Qin Tao gave Xu Zhengyang a brief analysis He said: "The ice-breaking natural gas ship needs to thicken the hull steel plate and strengthen various key positions, so it is much heavier than ordinary natural gas ships, and it needs more fuel. For the shipowner, this is absolutely impossible to accept. of."

Any transportation company will pay special attention to operating costs. Among all operating costs, fuel consumption is a big one.

Xu Zhengyang nodded: "Yes, this batch of ice-breaking natural gas ships must be in the hands of Sanhang Heavy Industry. By the way, Mr. Qin, I just received the news that our oil pipeline in the northeast is about to be completed. Are you sure? Do you want to attend the completion ceremony of the pipeline?"

Qin Tao is a typical style of delegating power. No matter what it is, he will not hold it in his own hands, but only provide guiding opinions.

The oil pipeline in the Northeast was finally built under Qin Tao's suggestion. However, Qin Tao did not ask about the follow-up matters, but occasionally used it as a trump card when needed.

Now, the oil pipeline is about to be completed. This is a memorable moment. At this time, of course Qin Tao will go to attend the ceremony.

Qin Tao and Wang Dong, the Chinese representative and head of the petroleum department, went to the ceremony together. In the Mercedes-Benz car, Wang Dong kept expressing emotion.

"President Qin, the completion of this oil pipeline is really timely! It just solved our oil shortage." Wang Dong said: "Last year, we became a net importer of crude oil!"

In fact, in 93, China had already become a net importer of refined oil products, that is, imported refined refined oil products. In that year, the net import of refined oil products was 1469 million tons, and it continued to increase after that; Imported crude oil, the net import of crude oil in that year was 222 million tons, but in 97, the crude oil shortage is expected to be more than 1000 million tons, and next year, the gap may reach more than 2000 million tons!

If there is no oil pipeline, the oil must be transported by giant tankers. Not only is the speed slow, but the cost is also high. Crude oil pipeline transportation is the cheapest solution. If Qin Tao hadn't planned ahead, he proposed to start the construction of this oil pipeline , the country will fall into the plight of lack of fuel.

"Only this one is not enough." Qin Tao said: "By the new millennium, our crude oil shortage will expand to more than 5000 million tons, and within ten years, the gap will exceed [-] million tons."

If in the past, Wang Dong didn't dare to think about it, but now, there is really such a possibility. After all, the country's economy is developing too fast. If it reaches the level of the West and every household has a car, then it should How much crude oil is needed?
I dare not even think about it, it is not impossible for the crude oil gap to exceed [-] million tons.

"Yes, the shortage of crude oil will become bigger and bigger. Only this Tyner line is not enough. Should we discuss the second plan with Lao Maozi?"

Article [-]?
Qin Tao shook his head: "It's inappropriate to only pin our hopes on Lao Maozi. If Lao Maozi turns against us one day, wouldn't the oil pipeline be cut off?"

Wang Dong nodded.

"In the past, I proposed to build an oil pipeline in Laoba, so that it can be shipped directly from Anxi Bay, so as to avoid our oil tankers taking the dangerous Malacca route. It doesn't matter in peacetime. Once there is a change in the external environment, Our oil transportation channels are easily cut off, and our navy is not strong enough to deploy globally."

Although the navy already has an aircraft carrier, it still cannot compare with the world's police. A dozen or so aircraft carriers can wipe out a medium-sized country in minutes.

"Where is the old bus?"

"Yes, from the newly-built Gwadar Port we have been through the Himalayas to reach our country, so that we can go completely by land."

"This is a big project!" Wang Dong said with emotion.

"That's right, it's a big project." Qin Tao said, "However, what needs to be done must be done. If we don't plan ahead, we will be controlled by others in the future. Well, let's not talk about this, there are still negotiations with Lao Maozi, after all Energy includes not only oil, but also natural gas. If possible, we hope to negotiate the natural gas pipeline to avoid future problems.”

The proportion of natural gas in energy supply will increase. This is of course because of those nonsense environmental protection requirements. After natural gas is burned, there is very little pollution. Therefore, in the face of increasingly severe environmental pollution, many companies are forced to burn natural gas. , so the demand for natural gas will expand rapidly.

The gap of natural gas will be bigger than the gap of oil.

During the conversation, the car crossed the border and came to Brachaveshchensk on the other side of the Heihe River.

"President Qin, welcome to our completion and commissioning ceremony. Let's rest here first, and then take a special plane to Skovorodino." Yalevsky, who was a representative of the oil pipeline negotiation, came to greet him. He is still an important figure in Damao Energy System.

"Qin, I am very glad to meet you. My daughter is very happy in the East. I have already decided to retire in the East." Berezovsky also spoke.

Although Wang Dongcai was the person in charge of the delegation, the people on the opposite side were obviously more enthusiastic about Qin Tao. He also knew that this was of course because of Qin Tao's special relationship. His relationship with these people was far from being comparable to his own.

If it weren't for Mr. Qin's personal relationship, this pipeline would not have been built in such a short period of time.

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded with a smile: "I don't think there is any need for later, just now. Boris, my friend, you should just retire now, and when this ceremony is over, go to the East with me .”

Berezovsky's face was a little embarrassed, he smiled and shook his head: "It's not enough now, I still want to work in China for another 20 years."

20 years?If you continue to work for another three or four years, disaster will strike!Qin Tao sighed in his heart, it was very difficult for these people to let go.

"By the way, let me introduce to you. This is Wang Dong, the person in charge of our domestic petroleum." Qin Tao could only temporarily change the subject.

After some pleasantries, the two sides sat down and started the Sino-Russian energy cooperation subcommittee meeting.

"Everyone, at present, the first phase of our Taina line project has been completed. We can first sign a five-year contract to supply 500 million tons of crude oil per year. After our second phase of the project is completed, we can adjust the oil supply." Ya Levsky began to say the formal content.

Wang Dong's face changed, he almost forgot about it!

The oil pipeline currently under construction is officially called the East Siberia-Pacific Oil Pipeline. Although this pipeline has been repaired and can supply crude oil, it is only the first phase of the project!The pipeline from Angarsk Oilfield to Skovorodino has been repaired, and there is a second phase of the project, the pipeline from Skovorodino to Nakhodka!

When the second phase of the project is completed, will the country still be able to obtain 500 million tons of crude oil every year?If the islanders play tricks, they might buy all the crude oil!The pipelines built by ourselves will be abandoned in a few years!
Anyway, for Lao Maozi, selling to anyone is selling, there is no difference.

"Okay, then we will sign a five-year contract first, and we will directly use foreign exchange to purchase oil." Qin Tao doesn't seem to be very worried about this matter: "However, there are many places in your country that need money. The money needs to be used in other places, so if you want to build the second phase of the project, I suggest you continue to borrow from the island country."

Berezovsky's eyes lit up: "That's right, you are right, we will continue to borrow money for the second phase of the project!"

Wang Dong began to ponder. Mr. Qin's arrangement seems to have some other purpose!
In the first phase of the project, each of them repaired their own domestic pipelines. Of course, there is no need to worry about the source of funds, but what about Da Mao's pipelines?Da Mao has no money to fix the plumbing!Therefore, the loans provided by the island countries were used at that time.

The island country must provide loans, otherwise the pipeline will not be repaired, and the island people will not be able to use it!
The funds spent on the first phase of the project in Damao were all provided by the island country!After the completion of the first phase of the project, Da Mao began to sell crude oil and had money on hand. It is said that he could continue to build the second phase. However, Qin Tao gave a bad idea to continue to borrow from the island country!
There must be a purpose to this one!

As long as there is a project that President Qin participates in, there will be no accidents!Wang Dong was full of confidence again.

For Berezovsky, this is of course a good idea, so that he can put all the money from selling crude oil into his own pocket!
"Everyone, if there is no problem with this project, then let's talk about the second project." Qin Tao said according to his own ideas: "The next step is the natural gas pipeline project. Build gas pipelines."

"Of course." Yalevsky nodded immediately: "We can connect the gas fields such as Kovikkin and Chayankin in the Far East, and then pass through HLJ and export them to your country."

It's all about making money anyway, so why not do it?

"Then let's discuss it in detail?" Qin Tao said and took out a project proposal.

The meeting lasted for two full hours. After the meeting, everyone took a plane to Skovorodino.

The completion and commissioning ceremony started in Skovorodino. It was almost noon, the sun was shining brightly, and it was a nice day.

"President Qin, do you want to speak later?" Wang Dong asked Qin Tao.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No need, I'm just a foil."

At this time, there was no one around, so Wang Dong hesitated and said, "Boss Qin, about the second phase of the project..."

"Don't worry about this, the second phase of the project won't be built." Qin Tao said: "The wishful thinking of the islanders will come to naught."

Can't build it?Wang Dong was overjoyed. Sure enough, Mr. Qin had calculated everything. He spent the money of the islanders to build the pipeline, but the islanders couldn't use it in the end!

While talking, on the road in the distance, a Lada car was driving quickly, which attracted the attention of many people.

The car stopped nearby, and after the door opened, a familiar person came out from inside.

Qin Tao frowned suddenly.

Big guy from Moscow!

Both Yalevsky and Berezovsky went up to greet each other warmly.

Qin Tao stood behind and watched, and he could see that although the boss was friendly on the surface, there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes. This boss has long been dissatisfied with people like Berezovsky, It's just that the power is not enough now, so I can't do anything.

"Qin, let me introduce you. This is the head of law and foreign economic relations in Moscow." Berezovsky enthusiastically introduced Qin Tao.

"Nice to meet you." Qin Tao said: "Our two countries share common interests, and hope to have more opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"Yes, we want to achieve a win-win situation through cooperation." The boss and Qin Tao shook hands politely, and then walked towards the rostrum.

It seems that this guy doesn't have much affection for him, Qin Tao secretly sighed in his heart.

I don't know how many inheritances of the Red Empire have been squandered. This guy is determined to revitalize Da Mao and restore the glory of the original Red Empire. How could he like himself.

However, the prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. I still have a way to get him to recognize me.

The rostrum was built next to a valve. After the boss went up, he turned the valve with his own hands, which meant that the crude oil from Damao had been transported to the east through the pipeline.

There was a burst of applause from below. Since the boss is here, of course he will complete this procedure.

"We are very happy to have more in-depth cooperation with China in energy." Daxie released an enthusiastic speech at the conference: "We will become China's most important cooperative partner, and we also hope to further increase the cooperation between the two countries." Cooperation between countries…”

At the meeting, Xu Zhengyang's cell phone beeped again, and when he opened it, his expression turned ugly.

"Boss Qin, there's something I need to go back and deal with."

Qin Tao nodded. Anyway, the things here have been done, and it is time to go back. If he counts the time, he can probably guess what happened.

After the ceremony, the boss returned to the Lada, only this time, Yalevsky got in.

"Your Excellency, we have a new cooperation intention, which is related to the construction of the Sino-Russian natural gas pipeline."

The boss was driving while listening to Yalevsky's introduction. When he talked about the route, he immediately frowned: "No, if you want to build a natural gas pipeline, you must pass through Mongolia."

"Why?" Yalevsky was surprised.

"Because it is related to our strategy." The boss said: "Eastern people need natural gas, so they must go to Mongolia."

Yalevsky was dumbfounded. He knew that since the big boss said it, he would never change it. This person is very domineering, and now he is in charge of foreign economic affairs, and the project must be signed by the big boss before it can take effect.

It seems that this matter is troublesome.

The completion and commissioning ceremony of the Sino-Russian oil pipeline held in Skovorodino on the other side of the Mohe River caused a sensation in the energy field, and everyone knew what it meant.

If a country wants to develop, it cannot live without energy!If I don't have enough energy, I have to transport it. The way of transporting through land pipelines is very fast and efficient. With this oil pipeline, the economy of the East can take off again!
Many news media reported on this incident, but they didn't notice that there were waves on the originally calm sea.

When Qin Tao came to Huanglou, he already felt the tense atmosphere here, and there was a special atmosphere in the air.

"President Qin, you are finally here, please go to the meeting room."

Under the guidance of the secretary, Qin Tao came to the meeting room and saw a room full of people.

Under the introduction of everyone, Qin Tao knew that a fleet was coming. There were aircraft carriers, destroyers, supply ships, and there must be nuclear submarines underwater. Such a huge formation was already the last twilight of that huge empire. up.

Now, they are planning to show off their might!
It's just that the motherland is no longer that country that is at the mercy of others, and the motherland's navy has become stronger!

Qin Tao smiled: "Everyone, I'm a shipbuilder, so I don't need to be involved in this kind of thing, right?"

"President Qin, you are not just a shipbuilder, you are also our smart star. The main destroyers and frigates of the navy are all produced by Mingzhou Group. You also know best how to operate these warships. The big guy just wants to hear from you. Opinion."

"Hey, how can I provide any advice? I'm not a soldier, but if you talk about it on paper, you can have a good time." Qin Tao said: "At present, the outfitting of the 001 aircraft carrier is almost done, and the sea trial is no problem. Now, it is completely ready for official service."

At this time, we must definitely bring out the strongest force. Although the opponent also has an aircraft carrier, but there is only a sea harrier, and it is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of J-[-]!

"By the way, has the flight control failure of J-[-] been resolved?" Qin Tao suddenly thought of something.

"After going through the blowing hole, the cause of the fault has been found, and now the code is being rewritten, and it will be resolved soon." Wu Shengli said.

"That's good. We can organize an aircraft carrier formation and conduct exercises in our South China Sea. At the same time, we will demarcate the exercise area. If the other party dares to break into our exercise area, we deserve to be accidentally injured by us."

Another exercise?It's almost the same as the last script!
"It's a pity that our Aegis warships will take a year or two to serve, so we have to use those two 051Cs as the main force of air defense for the time being, but we have already served 054, so we can use this frigate as the backbone and build up A complete anti-aircraft firepower network."

"This seems to be the same as last time!" Someone finally spoke, this is too boring!

Why did you let Qin Tao come over?It is because Qin Tao has new ideas every time. The exercise at sea last year shocked the other party. If he continues to conduct the exercise this year, it is exactly the same as last year. What's the point?
"Of course there is creativity, it depends on whether you dare or not."


"For example, we can dispatch a flight formation, not too many, just three or four, and fly over the opponent's formation at ultra-low altitude over the sea."

This kind of action is risky. If it is discovered by the opponent, if it is targeted by the opponent's anti-aircraft missile, then one's own plane may be shot down. After all, flying over the opponent's fleet is definitely a red fruit Provocative behavior.

However, if it can fly over, it would be very spectacular!
"It would be great if it was a stealth aircraft. I don't know if the J-31A can be mobilized here." Someone began to propose.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, the J-31A's stealth coating has not been successfully developed, and this aircraft does not yet have stealth capabilities, and it has not passed the take-off and landing tests of carrier-based aircraft, and has not cooperated with aircraft carriers, so it is not yet possible. "

Different aircraft have different operational characteristics. The J-31 was determined after countless sorties of experiments. The J-[-]A has not yet been matched with the aircraft carrier, and it is not available for the time being.

"However, we can use the Air Force's early warning aircraft." Qin Tao said: "Ask their planes to fly over and help us monitor this formation. There's going to be a problem. If there's an electronic jamming pod, we'll have to get it up too."

Although the navy's early warning aircraft does not yet exist, the air force already has one!This project is developing very fast. Although the Air Police 2000 has not officially entered service, the test has already begun. This time it will be pulled out for testing.

"It's too far to fly over." Someone denied it.

"Why can't we fly? Don't forget, we have an aviation base built from the sea and an island with a length of more than 3000 meters. Are you afraid that we won't be able to take off and land the Air Police 2000?"

Everyone's eyes lit up: "Yes, there is no problem at all, this time I just borrowed the Air Force's early warning aircraft!"

The performance of the Air Police 2000 is powerful, and it can monitor every move of the opponent's fleet at [-] kilometers, or even [-] kilometers. However, the opponent's fleet lacks long-range early warning capabilities, and it will never find the existence of its own early warning aircraft!
Compared with last year, we have more weapons on hand!

"In this case, it's a bright idea." Wu Shengli nodded.

"If you want to be more exciting, then organize two formations, one of which is J-[-], and the other is our H-[-] J, to scare those bastards to death."

Boom six!What a shocking effect it would be if this kind of bomber appeared over the opponent's aircraft carrier!At this moment, even Qin Tao was looking forward to it. It would be even better if he could sit in the cockpit of one of the planes and participate in the action himself.

Of course, there is no need to think about such things.

"And the sail training ship must also join in. If any warship wants to break into our exercise area, then hit it."

(End of this chapter)

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