Great warships

Chapter 607 Rudder Broken

"For a long time, it has been popular to say that super aircraft carriers are useless." On the island of aircraft carrier No. 001, Qin Tao looked at the three J-[-] fighters that had completed their mission and landed, and said with great emotion: "However, these The sayings are all deceiving people, just look at the United States, where the aircraft carrier is getting bigger and bigger, you can know that the super aircraft carrier is the most convenient to use."

"Yes, if we want to operate the J-[-] fighter jets smoothly, the deck area of ​​the aircraft carrier must be large enough." Li Yan echoed: "In the future, if we start to build the aircraft carrier ourselves, it must not be smaller than the current one."

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "The new aircraft carrier designed by our Aircraft Carrier Design Bureau for the Navy must have a displacement of at least [-] tons." Qin Tao said with a smile: "Now that everything is ready, I owe Dongfeng."

"Electromagnetic catapult?" Li Yan asked tentatively.

Qin Tao shook his head: "It's a matter of money. Electromagnetic catapults are nothing. The construction period of an aircraft carrier is long, and the dockyard needs to be built for two years. During this time, our electromagnetic catapults have already matured. The key is whether the navy can have them." Such expenses."

Wu Shengli also felt emotional: "Yes, at present, the superiors have unified their thinking. If we want to protect the economic development and maritime trade, we must have a strong navy. Aircraft carriers must be developed. However, aircraft carriers burn too much money. You see, even European powers do not have enough economic strength to develop a powerful aircraft carrier formation."

The old British, relying on the Invincible-class aircraft carrier with a displacement of [-] tons, the French made a new Charles de Gaulle, with a displacement of only [-] tons, and frequent problems.

What about our side?Our own side has the current 001 aircraft carrier, and it is already very difficult. A lot of the navy's funds have been eaten up by the aircraft carrier. Now, it is not suitable to start building a new aircraft carrier.

"We are different from Europe. We have the advantage of low labor costs." Qin Tao said: "For the same aircraft carrier, our cost is only one-third of that of the West, or even lower, and maintenance is cheap. After this stimulation, those guys on the opposite side will also realize the tastelessness of small and medium-sized aircraft carriers, and their next-generation aircraft carrier will also expand the displacement to more than [-] tons. However, this is just the sunset of the empire, hmph, Now let us step on their shoulders and rise!"

Ships are mobile land. Although the airspace above ships is not mobile airspace, it is a convention that all fleet commanders believe that the airspace above their heads is inviolable. Now, if two three-aircraft formations of one's own side fly over, that is to humiliate the other party Go, at this time, how will the other party react?
Is it angry and yelling, or smashing your teeth and swallowing it in your stomach?

Its electronic system has been modified, and a large number of electronic jammers have been installed, as well as the JTIDS joint tactical information distribution system.

"One of the formations is J-22, and the other formation is Tu-[-]M."


"That's right, it should be the Oriental's Breaker."

"Protest to Big Mao immediately! How can they export this kind of bomber?" After a moment of surprise, Swift responded.

Rupert finally heaved a sigh of relief. Rather than showing off his prestige, he was more worried about the loss of the fleet. Although there were some small losses, all members could return to the voyage after all. For him, this was enough. It's good news.

"Two waves of air formations? Is it J-[-]? Even if this kind of aircraft is equipped with anti-ship missiles, there is nothing to be afraid of. Their Sea Harrier fighter jets have been upgraded and can mount medium-range air-to-air missiles. It is fully capable of intercepting J-[-]." Swift was a little surprised.

"Report, the ship can no longer move in a straight line!"

After a few days, there was no surprise attack by fighter planes, but a warship that broke away from the formation on the opposite side!

"Huh, we have to navigate freely in this sea area, this is our right." Brown continued.

As the U.S. Navy, of course we will not forget the threat posed by the Tu-22M. At the peak of the Red Empire, the naval aviation had nearly two hundred Tu-22Ms. nightmare.

The cigar in Swift's hand dropped to the floor.

"It can only be Ermao, we won't take the blame, Ermao must have sold them!" Grishin said through gritted teeth.

The fleet is blindly arrogant, only two Type 42 destroyers have turned on the search radar, and the early warning time for ultra-low-altitude flying targets is seriously insufficient. Moreover, the fighters of the Orientals are obviously equipped with some kind of electronic interference equipment, which further reduces their combat effectiveness. Radar warning time.

Jericho's face became ugly.

The two gas turbines were running crazily, even to the point of super power. The propellers stirred the sea water, forming two water waves. Almost everyone was staring at the sailboat.

"Grishin, are you sure that the batch of Tu-22M bought by the Orientals has been scrapped and cannot fly?" The boss immediately called Grishin to inquire.

"Then where did they get the Tu-22M?"

People who like it really like it and think it is promoting the culture of the navy. People who don't like it are full of hostility. What is this?sailboat!We haven't experienced the age of great voyages, we don't need this kind of thing!Now, our navy does not need to untie the cables, nor does it need this complicated set of things!This is purely burning buns.

Of course, Grishin didn't know that Qin Tao planned ahead. When he first started doing business with Nikolai, he took away all the spare parts of the Tu-22M engine in the Pacific Fleet base. , Those engines were not counted at all.

Therefore, it can only be accelerated!

"It seems that they have swallowed their breath." Wu Shengli said with a smile: "From now on, we will be exhausted. If they don't leave, we won't leave either. It just happens to be a training session."

The situation here has attracted the attention of many people. Among them, the most well-informed one is of course the other side of the ocean.

Everyone's expression changed.

The bombers of the Orientals must have been purchased from Da Mao!
This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible, and just two hours later, Moscow received the news.

The gas turbine at the tail continued to rotate at a high speed, and the D970 jumped forward at a high speed of [-] knots. In the distance, the sailboat was also approaching rapidly.

"What's going on? The good show hasn't started yet, how can you admit it?" Swift held the latest news in his hand and said to the people around him, "What are they afraid of?"

Two hundred Tu-22Ms and six hundred KH-22 anti-ship missiles far exceed the U.S. Navy's anti-saturation attack capability.

"Then reply to the Americans like this, this matter has nothing to do with us." The boss made a decision: "We will never sell strategic weapons to neighboring countries, and this is not in line with our strategy!"

"It doesn't matter what warship it is, in short, that ship is for military use, we have to take this opportunity to kill the other party's prestige!"

Since the last time they were attacked at ultra-low altitude, they cheered up. After all, they were within the range of the opponent's carrier-based aircraft. They had to be careful, so their Sea King helicopters began to take off frequently.

"It's a pity that there is no carrier-based early warning aircraft. After our next aircraft carrier is completed, our combat power will be more complete." Qin Tao said with emotion.

"Then what do we do now?"

D970 was a warship in service in 85, so it did not catch up with the tragic sea and air battle. Moreover, it also learned various lessons from the naval battle at that time and carried out equipment replacement. For example, the original 965R long-range air-to-air The warning radar is replaced by the new 1022 radar, and its performance has been greatly improved. In addition to the display of moving targets, frequency agility and pulse compression technology have been added; The radar is replaced and more modernized; in order to intercept sea-skimming missiles, it is also equipped with 992-996 Olikon 2mm cannons and 4 American MKl20 six-tube 2mm "Phalanx" close-in weapon systems.

Although the performance of this kind of early warning helicopter is not advanced and the search distance is short, it is more than enough to provide low-altitude blind-filling functions for aircraft carrier formations.

"Full starboard!" Jericho ordered.

"Listen to the sailboat in front, get out of the way for us immediately!" In the public frequency band of the radio, arrogant English came.

Jericho suddenly had a strange feeling.

The huge hull began to deflect to the right, stirring beautiful waves on the sea surface, and the sea water was tumbling. Jericho's eyes were fixed on the sailboat.

"Yes." Grishin nodded.

Brown looked angrily at the sea water around him, and finally said angrily, "I'm not feeling well, and I'll leave it to you to return to the voyage."

"Damn it! They must have done it on purpose, hurry up! Speed ​​up, speed up!"

Close, closer!

"Now, we can only send a high-powered tugboat to tow the warship back."

After receiving the order, Jericho had no choice but to issue an order: "Attention, we continue to sail forward and ask the other party to give us the way!"

Even the U.S. Navy can't deal with the Tu-22M bomber, and the current formation composed of light aircraft carriers can't deal with it even more. Now I don't know how many such planes there are. If the number is large, it will definitely be their nightmare!

With this system, it can receive information from the mothership at any time. At this time, it sails according to the information of the mothership.

Tu-22M can carry three heavy KH-22 anti-ship missiles for supersonic penetration. As long as it passes through the first line of defense of the Tomcat fighter, it can launch anti-ship missiles, even with a maximum range of 4 kilometers , it can also launch missiles outside the interception radius of the Tomcat fighter jet. This terrible missile can accelerate to more than Mach [-] at the end. Coupled with the huge warhead, one can destroy a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier .

"The reconnaissance satellites in space did not find the base of Tu-22M, and Da Mao did not admit to selling bombers of this level to the Orientals." After receiving the information, Drake reported to the commander.

"No? How did the bombers in the hands of the Orientals come from? Huh, they are clearly covering up!" Brown said angrily.

"According to the latest news, their aircraft carrier formation was swept by two waves of air formation early this morning, and they should be frightened." Brian said.

The opponent's fighter jets penetrated twice last time, which really made them very ashamed. Afterwards analysis, there are many reasons.

In addition to them, Ermao also has them. Now, the Americans are aggressively looking for them, just to pour dirty water on them.

D970 is still rushing over, the size of the two sides is not equal, even if they really collide, is it still afraid that the warship will not be able to collide with the sailboat?
At this time, the sailboat also raised its sails, moving forward bravely, and the speed became faster and faster.

Their reaction, the first is surprise, the second is surprise!

This time I came here to play prestige, and the result?I have been wandering around on the high seas, and I dare not take a step forward. I finally got a chance, but this kind of accident happened again, shameful, really shameful!
"Your Excellency Commander, it is meaningless for us to stay here now. We might as well evacuate as soon as possible and take advantage of the darkness to drag our D970 into the formation. This way we can fool the past. If the outside world finds out that our warship is broken It would be even more embarrassing if you can't walk," Rupert said.

At sea, the two aircraft carrier formations were sailing peacefully with hundreds of nautical miles apart, and time was slowly passing by, one day, two days, three days.

"Yes, I'm sure if those planes can fly again, then the junk in our aircraft cemetery can be resold for money." Grishin said: "Besides, we just counted, Kuzne Zoff Design Bureau has quite a few engines in stock. Even if they were really capable of repairing those planes, they couldn’t have repaired the engines.”

The sailboat had passed through the current at their stern, sailed on, and departed, only to find that her rudder had failed!
If you drill down into the water, you will find that one of the two rudders has disappeared, and the other rudder has been bent and deformed, and it will never return to its original shape!
When sailing at sea, you have to rely on the rudder to control the direction. Now, without the rudder, the D970 becomes like a headless fly and can only circle in circles.

The corners of Rupert's mouth twitched a few times. The commander must be crazy, using warships to bully sailboats. It's too embarrassing for such a thing to spread!

Thanks to the collapse of the Red Empire, a large number of such bombers have also been retired. Otherwise, the U.S. Navy would never dare to boldly eliminate the Tomcat fighter.

Destroyer D970 in the formation accepted the order, left the formation, and headed for the warship acting alone.

Brown immediately became excited: "Quickly, send a warship over there!"

When the news was sent back to the fleet, Brown was immediately dumbfounded: "What's going on?"

After getting caught up in Da Mao, this matter could only come to an end temporarily. The reconnaissance satellites in space kept searching, trying to find the base where this bomber was located, but they found nothing.

"I guess it's the latter." Qin Tao said with a smile: "They want to save face. At most, they investigate secretly, and they must be embarrassed to disclose it publicly."

"Report, the early warning aircraft sent a message that the opponent's formation did not enter our territorial waters, and began to circle on the high seas."

But what about now?
The opponent actually hit the full left rudder!

The collision was too coincidental. From the part of the sailboat exposed at sea, we can be sure that the two ships did not even rub against each other, let alone a collision.

what happened?

Now, if you don't want your side to be hit by the opponent's bow, there are only two ways: either speed up, and when the opponent's bow comes over, your warship has already passed by, or slow down, let the opponent move from your own The bow jumped over.


"Report, the rudder is out of control!"

The bad news kept coming one by one.

At the same time, Zhao Dahai, the captain of the Polang, was also looking at the approaching destroyer through the binoculars, at its antique hull, and at the unique big ball above the bridge: "It's a Type 42 destroyer. The superior reports that everything is planned. Order the entire ship and prepare for collision at any time!"

Like two raging bulls, the two sides are rapidly approaching, approaching.

According to the general situation, they have full right rudder, and the opposite side also has full right rudder, and the big guy will miss it.

In the sky, the Air Police-2000 is flying, and it is accompanied by two Su-27s to deal with emergencies at any time. Electromagnetic waves radiate to the surroundings, giving a panoramic view of the entire southern sea area.

"Impossible, this is impossible! How could the Easterners have such weapons?"

They came here to play prestige!

"Damn it, why is it this kind of warship?" Jericho said angrily, "Report to the superior, the target is a sail training ship!"

fine!Jericho's mood relaxed. He had already calculated it simply. When the sailboat came over, it happened to pass through the tail of his own warship!
This is the advantage of high speed. At sea, [-] knots is a speed that warships must reach, because at this speed, warships can maneuver better!
Like it is now!
The sailboat is no good, because it is sailed by sails, so the operation of the sailboat will be very difficult, and it is impossible to adjust it in time!
The sailboat was still moving forward, and when it was about to stagger with them, boom!There was a loud crash.

Under the threat of the bombers, they dared not take a step forward, and it was no way to hang around here all the time!
"Report, our Sea King early warning helicopter found that there is a warship acting alone by the other side a hundred nautical miles away from the formation."

The other party did it on purpose!The other party must have done it on purpose!The other party has an early warning aircraft, so it is impossible not to know that this warship is coming. Is all this a trap?
Seeing the distance between the two sides getting closer, Jericho suddenly hesitated in his heart.

After speaking, Brown strode out.

The Breaker left gracefully, mission accomplished!

"This is our country's territorial waters, please leave immediately!" An echo came from the other side.

In this way, the two sides became a T-shaped route, D970 was horizontal, and Breaker was vertical, so that Breaker could just hit their sides!

However, it is not easy to slow down a destroyer of more than 4000 tons. This is not driving a sports car on land.Relying on the effect of propeller reversal, the deceleration is like a slow motion in a movie, slowly.

Now, the Breaker is finally about to unleash its power!

Now, just be fast!
The Type 1022 radar on the top was searching the sea surface, and soon it found the small target. Captain Jericho was standing on the bridge, searching the sea surface with binoculars. When he saw the silhouette of the distant target At that time, I was taken aback for a moment.

The two gas turbines at the rear are working at full power. This Olympus TM3B gas turbine is their flagship gas turbine for ships. Each has a continuous power of 18.38MW. When two of them are used together, they can provide 4000 horsepower, which is enough Let this more than [-]-ton destroyer reach a high speed of [-] knots.

"The lookout post of D970 can be sure that the sailboat passed behind them and should not collide with them, and they also took photos. This time it should be an accident, maybe it hit a reef on the bottom of the sea .”

"Then what do we do?"

what is that?
With long masts and bulging sails, it was not the frigate they expected at all, but a sail training ship!

Then it could only be a reef that hit the bottom of the sea. After all, it was a strange sea area for them.

Zhao Dahai's face was full of excitement. The service of this sailboat had attracted a lot of criticism.

"Damn it, it's too embarrassing. If it gets out, do we have any face?" Brown was very annoyed.

Now, they can no longer be negligent. The early warning helicopters alternate relays to provide 24-hour uninterrupted early warning capabilities. At the same time, one or two Sea Harrier fighters are always on alert over the formation.

On the light aircraft carrier, when Brown received the news, he froze for a moment: "What, it's a sail training ship?"

That night, the fleet left the relevant waters disheveledly and embarked on the voyage home.

The Yun-[-] surveillance aircraft on duty at sea found this scene and sent the news back to the formation, and the entire formation was immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

"We won again!" Wu Shengli said with emotion: "This time, our sail training ship has made a great contribution!"

"That's right, although it can't be disclosed to the public, it's enough for our internal people to know." Qin Tao said cheerfully, "This sail training ship is the best for dry and wet work. This time it is very accurate and fully reflects the The superb skills of the sailors should be given second-class credit to their collective, their actions were the last straw that broke the camel's back."

"That's right." Wu Shengli nodded: "What's next? How do you plan to go back?"

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