Great warships

Chapter 616 Full of Sincerity

Chapter 616 Full of Sincerity
The morning sun in the east is slowly rising, another day full of hope and vitality!
"Mr. Simonov, are we going to Fazoron today? Let's see how their N011 radar was developed." Mr. Lin said to Simonov, but for some reason, Simonov's expression was obvious today. Something is wrong.

"I'm very sorry, friends, our expedition has been cancelled," Simonov said.

"Cancelled? What does this mean?" Elder Lin's expression changed immediately, but his heart was filled with beauty. Hurry up, it was too soon. After performing last night, the other party regretted it today!

Now, it’s not that one has no money to buy the Su-35, but that the other party doesn’t sell it. If this is the case, then one’s own party is not in breach of the contract, and the other party can no longer pursue the J-[-]’s infringement, and the other party has to apologize. right.

"After the evaluation, our superiors think that the Su-35 is not yet qualified for export." At this time, Simonov was extremely annoyed. Orientals talk!Do you know how much the reception last night cost?

The Orientals have promised to buy [-], but you don't want to sell them again. This is too deceitful!
What is even more irritating is that the decision not to sell was made by a certain boss, but the boss would not come out to explain the matter. In the end, Simonov had to come forward and explain to the Orientals. He didn't know yet How would the Easterners react?

Simonov didn't dare to look at Elder Lin's face anymore.

"Since you think this fighter is not qualified for export, why are you still selling it to us? We didn't come here for leisure. We gave up a lot of jobs in the country and made a special trip to inspect it. Is this how you treat us? "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, it was because of our poor coordination in advance. Please rest assured that we will not pursue your J-[-] infringement. The two-seat fighter-bomber you developed has nothing to do with us, and we will announce it to the public. declared."

In fact, even if they wanted to pursue it, there would be no result, claim?The Orientals will definitely not give them money, and it is impossible for them to block the Orientals by cutting off supply. Now the East can already produce almost all parts.

What they want more is to continue to cooperate.

"We came here this time with the hope of gaining something. We have already applied to our superiors for special purchase funds, but we returned empty-handed." Elder Lin continued to express his dissatisfaction.

"Yes, we know your sincerity, so we have also made a compensation plan. You can purchase the latest engine developed by the Salyut plant that you saw yesterday, with a thrust of 13.5 tons. Our Sukhoi The Design Bureau will also provide technical assistance to allow you to install this engine on the fighters you produce, so that the thrust of the whole machine will increase by two or three tons, and the thrust-to-weight ratio of your fighters will be further increased, especially the two-seater J-[-] , using this increased thrust engine, it can achieve the same air combat performance as a single-seater aircraft."

What is the difference between the two-seater J-[-] and the two-seater Flying Leopard?
It's self-defense!

The Flying Leopard only has limited self-defense capabilities. When performing high-risk missions, it still needs fighter jets to accompany it. But J-27 is different. After dropping the bombs, it can also use its own air-to-air missiles for air combat. The performance is not much worse than that of the single-seat Su-[-], and even after adopting a new engine, the performance can be greatly improved!

"The engine I saw yesterday is good, but that engine has not been successfully developed. We will not pin our hopes on such an immature engine. It seems that we have come in vain this time!" Mr. Lin said to the people behind him: "Pack up your things, we are going back!"

Is this going?
Can not be done!
Simonov was in a hurry. Since he was here, he had to place an order before leaving. If he left like this, his side would get nothing, and he even recognized the legitimacy of J-[-]!

"President Qin, President Qin, please stop!"

Seeing Mr. Lin leaving in a huff, Simonov called Qin Tao to a halt. At this time, he urgently needed Qin Tao's help.

"Mr. Simonov, I am also very disappointed. When the Su-27 was introduced, I came here with Mr. Lin. I saw the deal with my own eyes. We became good friends with Sukhoi, but now, I did not expect It would be embarrassing for us to go back because you gave me a trick!"

"Actually, we also want to export Su-35 fighter jets, but we got stuck on them. I hope you can tell Lin about these unexpected situations." Simonov said.

"No matter who gets stuck, in our eyes, it's playing tricks on us." Qin Tao said: "Besides, you don't have any sincerity in the compensation you gave us, using an engine that hasn't been developed yet Come on fool us, if we want that engine, surely we need to invest a certain amount of research and development funds?"

Simonov stopped talking, and that was true.But he didn't say it out loud. If he did, Elder Lin would definitely be even angrier.

What do you think above?Don't consider the actual situation at all!
Simonov was very helpless.

"Qin, please help us." Simonov showed an expectant look. Now, only Qin Tao can help them.

"We won't purchase those engines that haven't been developed yet, and we can't be taken advantage of. If you still want to do business with us, you have to show sincerity."

"What kind of sincerity do you show?" Simonov was overjoyed.

"Since you can't come up with more advanced equipment, then lower the price. For example, if the ex-factory price of the AL-31FN engine of the Salyut factory can be reduced by 20.00%, I can consider convincing the Air Force to order it again. Up to five hundred."

The turbofan [-] is not yet mature, even if it is no problem in the air test run, at most it can only be installed on a dual-engine fighter. The single-engine J-[-] will still have to be modified with the third uncle's single engine for a long time.

Therefore, these engines were originally intended to be imported, and now, according to Qin Tao, reducing the price by 20.00% is to save money for the Air Force.

price reduction?Hearing Qin Tao's request, Simonov frowned a little. According to the development trend, this kind of engine needs to increase in price!
The third uncle of the 90s, one is about 250 million US dollars, and the price has continued to soar. For example, in December 2005, an additional 12 AL150F turbofan engines were ordered, with a total value of 31 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 5 million US dollars.By 300, only 2011 AL123F engines were purchased for 31 million U.S. dollars. In equivalent terms, one engine would cost 400 million U.S. dollars.

There are many reasons for this price increase. It is said that large-scale production, technology is becoming more and more mature, and the cost of production is gradually decreasing, but the old man is not. As their production gradually proceeds, their skilled old workers gradually retire. , The workers' skills became more and more unfamiliar. In the later period, the quality of the third uncle gradually declined, and the production cost became higher and higher.

On the other hand, it is also due to the continuous depreciation of the US dollar as an international currency and the continuous decline in purchasing power.

At this time, Qin Tao asked to lower the price, and Simonov found it difficult to accept, but it seemed that there was really no other good way except this way.

Even if Turbofan Ten is immature, at least Turbofan Fifteen is still there!Orientals have a backup engine to choose from, and they have enough confidence in their hearts.

If you want to continue doing business, you have to show greater sincerity.

"Boss Qin, maybe you can consider a 5.00% price reduction. A 20.00% price reduction is too much." Simonov said hesitantly.

"5.00%? What's the difference between that and no price reduction? Isn't the Salyut factory going to develop new engines? This requires huge financial support. The profit of [-] engines is enough for them to do research and development. Let's do it. One step, the price will be reduced by [-]%, I will persuade the Air Force, and you will persuade the relevant departments, how about it?"

Ten percent?

Simonov knew that this was already Qin Tao's final plan, and it was pointless to struggle with it any longer.

"Okay, I'll do my best."

"If this transaction can be carried out, your Sukhoi Design Bureau can also share part of the benefits, which will be of great help to your current fourth-generation aircraft project. It will also save your research and development projects from becoming starvation projects." Qin Tao said.

Hearing the term Hunger Project, Simonov felt a little helpless.

The development of a brand new fighter requires a lot of investment. Even the Sukhoi Design Bureau, which is full of oil in the field of military aircraft export, still has a big funding gap if it wants to build a fourth-generation fighter. Come now. It is said that the Sukhoi Design Bureau's internal allocation for this project can only reach about 40.00% of the project's required funds, so, internally, this project is called the Hunger Project.

Even, if it wasn't for the joint development of 601, this project would not have started at all.

I don't know where Qin Tao heard this statement, but it is really appropriate. At this moment, Simonov has mixed feelings in his heart.

"Okay, we will work hard," Simonov said.

"You can also assure the Salut factory that as long as they develop an improved engine, we will definitely place an order for no less than [-] units." Qin Tao continued to paint big cakes.

The Air Force delegation left Sukhoi in this way, and they also had mixed feelings about this trip.

"Actually, even if we don't exaggerate the danger of copycats, Lao Maozi will feel it himself." On the return plane, Lin Lao said: "So, even if we place an order for Su-35, we may It will be interrupted by certain factors."

Although Lao Maozi is poor, he still has vision. Even if he buys [-] at a time, it is not enough to offset the risk of being copied.

Qin Tao smiled: "Yes, if we have raised enough funds and really decide to purchase, then we have to change our operation."

"What operation?" Elder Lin was very curious.

"Leak out our development plan for the fourth-generation aircraft." Qin Tao said: "We already have the fourth-generation medium-sized aircraft and are currently developing the fourth-generation heavy-duty aircraft. The Su-35 imported from Lao Maozi is just our fourth-generation heavy-duty aircraft. There is no need for us to copy the transition before the aircraft enters service.”

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The old Maozi regards the three-plane Su-35 as a treasure, because this fighter is already the trump card they can hold, and it is their most advanced fighter. However, the technology of this fighter is outdated!In this era, the most advanced fighter jets must have stealth capabilities!
Dongfang has already produced the stealth J-31A, and now, it is going to develop the fourth-generation stealth aircraft, which is also logical and completely justified!Lao Maozi's Su-35 is just a transition before the fourth-generation aircraft enters service. Our side has no plan to survey and map imitation, because it is not necessary at all.

In this way, Lao Maozi has no worries, and now Lao Maozi is relatively short of money, so it is conceivable that Lao Maozi will happily sell the Su-35 to his side with confidence and boldness.

Qin Tao has already made two-handed preparations. Whether it is to sell or not, it is the old Maozi who has the final say, and his side is passive. In this way, the old Maozi will not be able to pursue the matter of Jian Shiliu.

Although it was just a feint this time, it was enough to reach Lao Maozi's understanding of J-[-] without spending any money.

Next, it will be even more satisfying to purchase a batch of three uncles at a low price.

The trip was successfully concluded, and when he returned to the capital, Qin Tao received another good news.

"President Qin, this is the first edition of our "Unrestricted Warfare", please read it." Holding the book, Zhang Zhong and the others enthusiastically came to Qin Tao for review.

After receiving the book with the fragrance of ink, Qin Tao was very surprised: "So fast?"

It’s not the Internet age yet, there are no tentacle monsters with tens of thousands of words a day like Internet writers. For physical writers in this era, it is possible to write a book of 10,000+ words for two or three years. enjoy life.

Is the book in front of you written too fast?

"Yes, Mr. Qin, these contents have actually been lingering in our minds all the time. In the past, we just didn't have a suitable opportunity. This time, after receiving your guidance, we were suddenly enlightened! Therefore, this book can It is also your credit for writing it so quickly." Qiao Liang said with a smile: "Now, please check it quickly, if there is no problem, we will officially release it to the public."

Qin Tao nodded and turned to the first page of the book, the preface.

Everyone who has experienced the last decade of the [-]th century will deeply feel the changes in this world...In the post-modern and industrial age, war will not be completely deconstructed, it is just more complex and broader, Stealthier, subtler ways to re-invade human society...

Qin Tao nodded after reading it. The quality of this book is good, and the preface at the beginning is so well written!

He flipped through it carefully, quietly feeling the charm of this book in this sunny afternoon.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky outside became dark, and Qin Tao's stomach was growling with hunger, so he finally closed the book.

"This book is very well written." Qin Tao said: "Since it is written, let's publish it!"

"President Qin, do you want to leave a mark on this book? For example, what are your impressions after reading it?" Zhang Zhong looked at Qin Tao expectantly.

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "Forget it, I, and our Mingzhou Group, don't want to have anything to do with this book."

There was a little disappointment in the eyes of several people, Qin Tao smiled again: "You have to be full of hope. After this book is published, it will become popular all over the world. You will also start a brand new military revolution. Your name will be resounded throughout the world. Globally, the power of this book is comparable to "36 Strategies", and you will become world-renowned military theory writers, and you will become the torches in the minds of countless people, and the lights that illuminate their way forward."

What is the meaning of the game between great powers?Let the person on the other side think about what to do next!

This thought bomb has been planted, and when it will explode, even Qin Tao doesn't know, and the world situation he stirred up will become even more unpredictable.

Chongming Island Shipyard.

In the office, the two were chatting quickly.

"Now, our Sanxing Heavy Industry has encountered a major crisis. At this critical time, Chongming Island Shipyard must lend a helping hand to help us." Zheng Zhenze said to Zheng Xianyu: "If you can help us sell ice-breaking natural gas ships Going out will solve our urgent needs, otherwise, our group may be dragged down!"

Those damn bastards have refused to pay a penny more until now, and they can't even be contacted at all!When they sent someone to check the company address at Da Mao, they found out that the company had moved.

Now they can't find customers, and the contract period has passed long ago, so they have every right to sell these ice-breaking natural gas ships.

However, after searching all over the world, I found that no customer needs this kind of natural gas ship!
Besides Lao Maozi who wants to open up the Arctic sea route, who else would want this kind of natural gas ship?The customer was originally very interested in purchasing a natural gas ship at a low price, but when they heard that it was an ice-breaking type and the hull steel plate was extra thick, they immediately gave up.

Not even cheap!

A natural gas ship will have to operate for at least 30 to [-] years!In these years, the fuel cost due to the super thick hull will far exceed the purchase price of the ship!Even if the three-line company pays back the money, they will not ask for this kind of money. The shipowners are all very shrewd and consider the cost of the whole life.

At this moment, upon hearing Zheng Zhenze's words, Zheng Xianyu's expression was very embarrassing: "I'm sorry, I'm in the shipyard, I'm a technical engineer, and I've never had contact with customers. I don't have any customer resources at hand."

Even if there is, I can't say it. Zheng Zhenze has more customer resources than him, and there is no way to sell the ice-breaking natural gas ship. What can he do?
This is a hot potato, absolutely not in my hands!Zheng Xianyu quickly shook his head.

"We at Sanxing Heavy Industry are currently seriously short of funds. If you can't help sell natural gas ships, then you need to provide us with a sum of money to help us tide over this crisis."


Zheng Xianyu understood, this is the real purpose of Zheng Zhenze's coming here: to ask for money!

Sanhang Heavy Industry was originally a shipyard with strong profitability, but it blindly invested in the natural gas ship project and consumed a large amount of funds. They invested and cooperated with Mingzhou Group to establish the Chongming Island Shipyard, where they trained technicians , and at the same time obtained the patent authorization for natural gas ships, and began to manufacture advanced natural gas ships, because all ship owners were waiting to see, so when Da Mao's ship owners came to their door, they couldn't wait to sign the contract for ice-breaking natural gas ships , and there are still eight ships!

If they only take over one ship, they may still be able to recover without hurting their bones. Now, eight ice-breaking natural gas ships have completely dragged them into the most terrible situation: the ship owner does not accept the ship and does not pay the final payment , They continue to invest money in shipbuilding, and even borrow money from banks.

"I'm sorry, Director Zhang is in charge of the funds." Zheng Xianyu said, "If you request to transfer funds, then Director Zhang must agree. However, from my observation, Chongming Island Shipyard is also There are no funds left."

"No extra funds? How is it possible? Isn't your shipyard very profitable?"

"Yes, our profitability is very strong. However, at the beginning of this year, the shipyard received foreign orders for a batch of offshore oil drilling platforms. As you know, Mingzhou Group has never been involved in this kind of business. , Zhang Yang, the director of our Chongming Island Shipyard, is a person who is willing to pioneer and innovate. He decided to make a breakthrough in this technology. Therefore, under his leadership, he invested a lot of money in research and development. If it weren't for the shipbuilding orders in the factory If they all require an 80.00% advance payment, I am afraid that the shipyard has already broken its capital chain."

"What did you say?" Zheng Zhenze was surprised.

"Shipyards should vigorously develop offshore oil drilling platforms."

"It's not this, it's the latter. You said, the shipbuilding order you received required an 80.00% advance payment?"

"That's right." Zheng Xianyu said: "Mingzhou Group's reputation has already been established. They don't have to worry about orders. Their requirements are very high. Not only will they not lower the price to bid, but they will also ask for a higher down payment."

Even Sanhang Heavy Industries required only [-]-[-]% of the advance payment when receiving the order!For those ice-breaking natural gas ships, the advance payment was even less than [-]%. The Mingzhou Group is actually so powerful!
Is Mingzhou Group doing this just because they are the boss in the industry?Or do they have other ideas?

Zheng Zhenze thought for a few minutes, but still couldn't figure it out: "Then go to that factory manager Zhang. If he disagrees, we, Sanxing Heavy Industry, would rather divest the capital!"

At the beginning, they jointly built the Chongming Island shipyard with Mingzhou Group, just to learn the construction technology of natural gas ships. Over the past few years, their technicians here have learned the welding of invar steel, and they no longer need Chongming The island shipyard is gone. If they can't give them blood transfusions, they would rather give up everything here, transfer the funds back, and give blood transfusions to Sanxing Heavy Industry!

(End of this chapter)

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