Great warships

Chapter 623 Peace-07 Maritime Joint Military Exercise

Chapter 623 Peace-07 Maritime Joint Military Exercise (Addition)
After staying overnight at Boris' manor, Qin Tao finally left the next morning. Vitalia reluctantly waved goodbye to Qin Tao and agreed to meet again in the east.

Driving the car provided by the embassy, ​​Xu Zhengyang asked curiously: "Mr. Qin, wouldn't it be more beneficial for us if Boris stayed in Damao's energy field? Especially now, the agreement on the natural gas pipeline has not yet been negotiated." .”

"Yeah, I also hope that he can continue to stay in the energy field, but if he stays there, he will most likely receive a box lunch."

Get lunch?What do you mean?It took Xu Zhengyang a few seconds to react.

"So, as an old friend who has been with you for many years, you want to protect Boris?"

Qin Tao smiled: "Guess what else is good for you?"

Xu Zhengyang focused on two things, thinking while driving, and after a few seconds, he concluded: "With the style of a big boss, there must be an eyeliner around Boris, so these suggestions you give Boris, It is likely to be heard by the boss. If Boris does what you say, then the boss should be grateful to you."

The boss wants to get rid of people like Boris, but it's not good to do it too obviously. The conflicts between them will become more and more intensified until they are finally irreconcilable.Now, before reaching that level, Qin Tao has helped solve the problem. To use an idiom to describe it, this is called a cup of wine to release the power of soldiers.Qin Tao is equivalent to helping the boss solve a problem.

Some time ago, the boss's attitude towards Qin Tao was not very good. Now, after Qin Tao's actions again and again, he can gain the approval of the boss. It will be easier to walk around Da Mao's place in the future.

Qin Tao didn't accept Xu Zhengyang's words, but watched the scene outside the window change.Unknowingly, the person who exchanged hero medals for money appeared in front of his eyes again.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!Look at the surrounding countries, and look at those countries in Europe. Apart from aircraft carriers, which country has a warship with a displacement of over [-] tons?

"The ice we're lying on is about to crack!"


"Do you know that Soros?" Mr. Li also became nervous.

The Pearl of the Orient, Gateway Tower, a pretty figure stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the fireworks and seascape of Victoria Harbour.

"As long as the pirates are wiped out, there will be no problem."

Suddenly, the big guy felt a vibration in the ice lying on it.

"Everyone hold on, hold on, the group will definitely come to save us!" Cui Wenji was still encouraging his subordinates, these words were more like speaking to himself.

"Leader Wu, let's go to our pier now and admire our fleet. At present, the flagship of our fleet is the cruiser Varyag. We attach great importance to this exercise and hope it can be the flagship of our exercise formation. "

The flagship of Da Mao's Pacific Fleet, only the Glory class with a displacement of more than 1 tons is left!
In Da Mao's navy, the name of the Varyag has been used many times, which is enough to illustrate the importance of this name.

Everyone regained their strength at once, looked up into the distance, and sure enough, there seemed to be a big guy appearing on the ice in the distance.

"Can you confirm his news? This kind of trader should be banned from contacting the outside world. How did you get in touch with him?"

The largest displacement?

Didn't expect Nicholas to send out the invitation himself?

Now, the combat warship with the largest displacement in China is the Glory-class cruiser. After it was purchased, it was improved and became No. 138. When it showed off its muscles last year, it was not very complete, but now it is fully operational. up.It's not bad to bring this warship over to participate in the exercise, let Da Mao see the results of our modification!
The displacement of the Glory class is the largest, and slightly lower than it are the two purchased Hyundai class ships, No. 136 and No. 137. For this kind of joint exercise at sea, two or three warships are enough, one of which is [-] Tons, two [-]-ton ones, the scene must be grand!

"Our original plan is not enough to rescue the market, so we need to withdraw all the investment in the Damao financial market." Another person said: "Once foreign capital is withdrawn from our market, we will withdraw enough funds Put it in and maintain our stock market, we must win this battle."

Hearing Nicholas' words, Qin Tao was very moved.

The name Varyag comes from the Eastern Slavs' name for the Vikings from Sweden, the Varyakis.This nation was once incomparably sturdy. It ruled Eastern Europe and established the first feudal dynasty in the history of Mao Zedong, the Rurik Dynasty.With the development of history, the Varyaki people were gradually assimilated and became a branch of the Da Mao nation. The name of Varyag was also passed down by Da Mao.

The first warship named after Varyag was a sail-steam hybrid three-masted light cruiser. Not to mention the others, the fourth was an aircraft carrier, and the fifth was a Glory-class cruiser.

Qin Tao said: "Nicolas, I think these subjects are not good."

The news spread back to South Kimchi Country, and the media who were concerned about the matter immediately reported it, and the Sanxing Group was once again praised by the public.

This is playing with fire!

"Okay, then we'll follow!" Mr. Li finally nodded.

"It can't be messed up because I already know a guy from Wall Street who..."

"You don't want to expose our strength?" Wu Shengli understood immediately.

What now?
These warships are all decommissioned. Even if the warships are still intact, Da Mao has no funds to maintain these warships. Two aircraft carriers, one was dismantled, and the other became Ah San’s Chaoriwang. As for the Kirov-class cruiser , when he went to the Far East, he was so proud, and now he is lying on the pier, waiting for his final fate.

Qin Tao was a little speechless, and had to say, this kind of approach is gross.

Suddenly, Cui Wenji thought of something and became excited: "Is the icebreaker coming to rescue us?"

"Because the financial market will have a chain reaction." Sun Chenghuan continued: "They are now pushing up our stock and maliciously shorting our stock market. When the next fatal blow, we will have a financial crisis. In this way, we are sure It is necessary to mobilize funds from abroad, so we need to transfer a large amount of funds from Da Mao. This will give Da Mao a huge blow."

In other words, did Qin Tao suggest sending warships made by Yishui Lao Maozi to participate in the exercise?

"Okay, then let's bring the Three Elements Group into hell!" The woman said, "After we finish this time, we will disappear, and everyone will get untold wealth."

The characteristic of Lao Maozi's deck is the brick red anti-rust paint, but now, this anti-rust paint has turned dark red. Years of wind, sun, and seawater erosion have made it lose its original color.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, we can send warship No. 138 over, cooperate with our No. 136 and No. 137, and add a supply ship to form the entire formation. The subjects of our maritime exercise..."

"For example, our sea fleet was suddenly hijacked by pirates. What should we do at this time?"

At the beginning, its name was the Red Ukraine. In the year when the Varyag aircraft carrier was abandoned, the name of the Red Ukraine was changed to the Varyag, as if to remember that great era.

"Yes, he told me clearly that Da Mao is the target of their next attack. After all, Da Mao's market is the most unhealthy, and no one wants to see a living Da Mao. After this attack, Da Mao The economy will collapse completely, and those politicians in the United States are also willing to see this situation."

"Get out of here!"

The reasons are all explained, so, should we do it or not?This thing is a bit like gambling!

Two days later, the Arctic icebreaker finally arrived at the place where the accident occurred. The gas on the damaged DAON had almost leaked, and the concentration of natural gas in the surrounding area was just below the critical point. They carefully dragged several other gas ships, After leaving the place where the accident happened, it was more than ten kilometers before he dared to start his own engine.

"Nicolas, thank you for taking care of my son-in-law all these years." Wu Shengli followed suit.

Everyone was full of emotion for the rest of their lives.

He didn't want to lose too much. The Mingzhou Group stood firm in this crisis, and could even grow stronger. Their Three Elements Group must not be left behind!Taking this opportunity, maybe they can become bigger and stronger?
He didn't know that he had fallen into a trap from the very beginning, and now he was getting deeper and deeper, and the last step was something he would regret.

They have no strength to move anymore, their food is gone, and at this point, they are just waiting to die.

At this moment, the shock came again.

"Old Maozi invited us to participate in the sea joint exercise. It is an opportunity and a challenge. We are too close to Da Mao, and many people will be irritated. Therefore, we must keep a low profile." Qin Tao said: "Send us a water The old Maozi's battleship has passed, making the outside world think that we are nothing more than that, and we really have nothing to show for it."

The woman continued to look at the sea view and muttered to herself: "Brother, I have grown up and can help you do many things."

No one is happy for the stock price to rise, because this is not normal, and the operation method is exactly the same as it was in Siam. Now it seems to be prosperous, but it is just a flashback before death.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Okay, then we will follow what you said."

The Damao Navy has always aimed at actual combat and engaged in various military operations, but it has never engaged in this type of training.

Nicholas was a little curious: "Qin, we have never heard of what you said before!"

"The person in charge of Sanxing Securities decided to follow in our footsteps!" A man in a suit and leather shoes walked up to him and whispered.

As the president of Sanxing Group, of course Mr. Li has maintained certain contacts with Wall Street. Mr. Li also knew Soros. However, when huge funds began to sweep Siam, Soros disappeared. No one knew that he was in Where, I only know that he is directing behind the scenes.

"Dad, since we are going out to conduct exercises, of course we must send out our largest warship." Qin Tao said.

In the most glorious 80s, Da Mao's Pacific Fleet was very large. At its peak, the Red Navy was very domineering. The Pacific Fleet had two Kiev-class aircraft carriers and one Kirov-class cruiser. The displacement of these three warships alone exceeded [-] tons.

"That's right, this kind of warship is indeed very powerful." Wu Shengli nodded, and followed Nicholas to the deck.

As for No. 112 and No. 113, they have become like tasteless existences, and they have been wandering around the Bohai Bay all the time.

"Not good? Why?"

In addition to Soros, other financial giants on Wall Street have also disappeared!
If this is not the case, Mr. Li really wants to ask, it is fine if you build a few small countries, why do you want to plot against our southern kimchi country?

However, none of the top executives of the Sanxing Group could be happy, because they saw a terrible crisis in their eyes.

The crew on the DAON ran the furthest, and they were the first to be rescued!

"Now, the pattern of the world has changed. For a long period of time, there will be no confrontation between two military powers. It will be more about maintaining sea transportation lines and solving some emergencies. The name of our exercise is How about calling it Peace 97? We are not targeting any country, but are responding to brand-new challenges. The content of our exercise can be subjects such as joint blockade, raids, arrests, and joint rescue. , the determination and ability to maintain international and regional peace and stability, and respond to various peace missions in emergencies.”

"By the way, you also have a warship of the same model. This time, you will come to the joint military exercise. Do you want to come with this warship?"

This guided missile cruiser is still relatively new. It is the No. 61 ship of the Type 1164 guided missile cruiser built by the 3 commune shipyards in Nikolayev. It started construction in 79 and was launched in 83. Delivered to the Pacific Fleet.

This country is in a half-dead state, but this state is the best for our side!

"If you do this, you won't be afraid of the crazy revenge of the pirates? In the future, the pirates will rob your cargo ship when they see it?"

An icebreaker, indeed an icebreaker!

Just when Qin Tao lamented the impermanence of the world, other people who were almost forgotten were still struggling.

A group of people came to the pier and looked at the rusty Varyag.

"Then why did they attack our South Kimchi Country?"

The first professional anti-aircraft destroyer is still under construction. It is about to be launched recently, and then it will be outfitted. It will take a while to serve. Apart from this kind of warship, the domestically available two 051Cs.

"What's the use of leaving? Leaving is death, so just die here."

First of all, the first question, of course, is the model of the dispatched warship!The most advanced Aegis battleship in the country has not been launched yet, otherwise, it must be the Aegis battleship, and the other warships are not so eye-catching.

"No, no, everyone, don't think that way, the group will never give up on us!" Cui Wenji continued to encourage everyone.

"Of course I don't know each other. I just got in touch with a trader under them, and that trader will secretly send me a message to tell me the next move." Sun Chenghuan said.

"Everyone, you are all too timid! For us, this is a challenge and an opportunity." The No.3 executive stood up: "Now, Da Mao's treasury bond yield is very high, three The monthly income is 30.00%. For us, this is a huge profit, and we must not just withdraw it. Moreover, you think, if international speculators enter the Damao financial market to speculate, the yield of these government bonds will still be high. It will be fired up, so that we can make more money! This is enough to make up for our losses! So, I think, at this time, not only can we not withdraw funds, but we must continue to raise funds! "

Qin Tao is of course in the Far East, at the base of the Pacific Fleet. At this time, not only is he there, but Wu Shengli has come here specially.

""Unrestricted Warfare"? Qin, can you give me an example?"

"When this trader was at his worst, I once provided him with a sum of funds. With this fund, he did not jump off the building. After that, I have been in touch with him. Recently, he became a trader, and he is a big Trader, his subordinates control dozens of traders, and he has the power to communicate with the outside world."

"What did you say?" Everyone gasped for breath.

"Tell me, what kind of warship is more suitable for our navy to dispatch?" Wu Shengli was thinking about these things along the way.After seeing Qin Tao at the airport, he immediately chatted with Qin Tao.

For the navy, this is also a rare opportunity to move forward from the offshore navy to the ocean-going navy. From then on, it is necessary to go out more!

Everyone knows that the people from Wall Street created the financial crisis in Southeast Asia. Now, Sun Chenghuan actually knows such a person?

"You have all worked hard, and the group will not forget you. The group spent huge sums of money to reach an agreement with Damao, asking them to come to the rescue." Zheng Zhenze said: "Next, you rest on the icebreaker, and I will take you back with the ship." Home."

"Save? If we want to be saved, we have been saved long ago. We have been abandoned by the group. After all, when we die, we only need to be given a pension, which is much less than the cost of rescue." A crew member said weakly: "We A bunch of poor wretches who were abandoned."

Wu Shengli frowned.

"Mr. Li, if we don't do something strange, then we have to give up the car to protect the handsome man. We have already lost the shares of the Chongming Island Shipyard. We can't lose more shares. Now we are doing this, not only for safety. Through the economic crisis, we can continue to make a fortune! For us, this is a challenge, but also an opportunity!"

Mr. Li looked at the person who spoke. He was Sun Chenghuan, the person in charge of Sanhang Securities under the Sanhang Group: "What if it messes up?"

They got excited, took steps, and went in the direction of the icebreaker.

"Welcome, welcome to our Pacific Fleet." Nicholas also walked over, and extended his hand to Wu Shengli with a smile: "Qin and I are always good friends, and you are President Qin's father-in-law. People, if there is anything, we will discuss it."

What about brother?where are you now?

"A large amount of capital is pouring into our country. The stock price of our Sanxing Group is soaring on a rocket." In the conference room of the group, an executive said worriedly: "Now, they are shorting us stock market, and by the time they leave, we'll have a dire crisis."

When they boarded the Arctic icebreaker, they saw Zheng Zhenze.

"This warship has a displacement of [-] tons. In this era, it is the most powerful war machine. Qin, according to your statement, our warship should be regarded as an arsenal ship." At this time, Nicholas was still very proud .

"How about communication drills, formation air defense, sea shooting, joint maneuvers, joint anti-submarine and other subjects?" Nicholas said: "If necessary, our warship can also launch an anti-ship missile to join in the fun."

"Needless to say, find the lair of the pirates, and then use the marines to kill them!"

"what happened?"

"The times have changed, Nicholas, have you read "Unrestricted Warfare"? If not, I can give you a few boxes, and you have to organize the officers and soldiers to learn it. In the future, naval battles will not be fought like this. of."

Since this warship was built later, it is somewhat different from other glorious ships. For example, the missile launch tubes on both sides of it are stuffed with the latest P-1000 anti-ship missiles (3M70) , on its bridge, it also uses the latest МР-750 "Warship Bird-МА" radar.

Looking at the Varyag with peeling paint, Qin Tao suddenly had a special feeling in his heart. When the official exercise was held, this rusty warship was put together with his brand new and improved warship. What kind of scene should it be?
Should our side keep a low profile and only dispatch two Hyundai-class ships?

On the huge ice surface, a group of people lay on it, looking at the sky, their eyes were full of ashes.

The crowd nodded.

"Will they attack Da Mao next?" Mr. Li continued to ask.

Fighting nations have always used their fists to deal with pirates. Even in the later period, the pirates tied up Da Mao's crew. After discovering it, they were shocked and sent them back. In the end, they were still sent to their old nest.

Kidnapping meat tickets is very difficult to succeed here in Damao, because Da Mao would rather accidentally injure meat tickets than let criminals go, which is completely different from other countries.

"However, it's good to learn more knowledge, Qin, you send the books over, and we organize the study." Nicholas quickly changed his words.

If the plan for the joint exercise is too targeted, it will inevitably attract the fear of others, and Dongfang has never caused trouble and will not take too obvious actions. Qin Tao's proposal is also quite good.

 PS: I'm very sorry, the chapter in the early morning is only out now, and I will add a new chapter for everyone, thank you for your great support!
(End of this chapter)

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