Great warships

Chapter 628 Looks like the God of the North Wind

Chapter 628 Looks like the God of the North Wind
The density of water is [-] times that of air, so the shape required for sailing in water and flying in air is completely different.

The most suitable shape in the water is the drop shape, while the most suitable shape in the air is the cone shape.An example of the former is a submarine, an example of the latter is a bullet.

The two types are irreconcilable, which poses a great challenge to submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

The biggest advantage of a submarine-launched ballistic missile lies in its concealment. Therefore, it must be launched from underwater, and then enter the atmosphere to fly after the missile leaves the water surface. In this way, the submarine-launched ballistic missile needs to be transformed.

Julang-2 adopts the design of double fairings. It uses the drop shape with the best fluid performance in the water. After leaving the water surface, throw away the underwater fairings to reveal the conical fairings!

The drop-shaped fairing has not only the front, but also the rear, so that the performance in the water is the best, but at the same time, the design is too complicated!
Da Mao also designed it, but it turned out that the design was too complicated.

Even the technologically advanced West has not made it so complicated. For example, the American "Trident 2-D5" and the French "M51" submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missile. They optimize the submarine-launched missile according to the underwater shape. The process of getting out of the water is very smooth.

However, the drop-shaped fairing has great resistance to flying in the air. How to solve this problem?The answer is the drag reduction bar!

The shape of this missile is like a swordfish. There is a long drag reduction rod in the front. This drag reduction rod will not affect the navigation in the water. When flying in the air, it can generate shock waves in front of the missile. Reduce the drag of the rear projectile.

However, the effect of the drag reduction rod is definitely not as good as that of the conical fairing, and the drag reduction effect is only about 50.00%, which leads to a significant reduction in the range of the missile.

Americans have advanced solid rocket motor technology, so even if the resistance is higher, the range of the missile can still be guaranteed, but the domestic ones can't do it!
At this time, upon hearing what Kwasha said, Old Yang nodded: "Yes, Mr. Kwasha is right, this design will make the system too complicated, but we have no other way, after all, our The goal of a ballistic missile with a range of [-] kilometers is rigid, and we must follow it. By the way, how did you solve this technical problem?"

Now that Da Mao's designer is here, of course he has to listen to the other party's opinion.

"We use the underwater ignition method, relying on the power of the missile itself to get out of the water." Kwasha didn't hide it, and directly said this technology.

Domestic and Western mainstreams use the gas ejection method. The missile is ejected underwater until it flies above the water surface, and then the missile will be ignited. The old man is more direct, ignites in the launch tube, and flies out by himself. , No matter how much resistance there is underwater, let's just rush.

This different design is also caused by the different missile designs of the two sides.

During the Cold War, Lao Maozi’s nuclear submarines were launched one after another. Although they also knew that solid missiles were very useful, they were still unable to figure out the related technology. Therefore, most of them used the technology of liquid missiles. The thrust of the engine is strong, and it is okay to ignite directly underwater.It was not until the typhoon-class nuclear submarine that Lao Maozi began to use solid missiles, which were specially designed for special use. Therefore, when the typhoon-class nuclear submarine was decommissioned, Lao Maozi suddenly found that the submarine-launched missiles he had were useless again!

Of course there is a backup plan. During the Red Empire period, the Makeyev Design Bureau, the leading unit in the development of submarine-launched missiles, has been developing a solid-fuel submarine-launched missile named "Balker" since 1986.However, after several test shots, they failed again and again, and became the laughing stock of the Western media, so that Da Mao finally canceled the "Balke" development plan, and chose the program of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology through public bidding.This organization is the research and development unit of the famous Baiyang missile. It is said that it is very easy to develop sea-based missiles. However, this missile code-named "Bulava" is not much better. It often fails in test launches. The success of the cultivation is considered to have saved face for Da Mao.

Therefore, in the research and development of solid submarine-launched ballistic missiles, Lao Maozi's technology is not good, and he can't provide advice at all.

"It's strange to say that the old man has always used cold launches on the vertical launch missiles, but why did he use hot launches on the submarine launch missiles?" Qin Tao joked on the side, and he also found this very interesting up.

"It's not because the submarine-launched ballistic missile's water-exit technology is too difficult." Kwasha said: "It's not that the Navy didn't know the benefits of solid missiles back then, but they failed to develop several models, and they could only develop liquid missiles. .”

Everyone nodded. It would be beneficial for Kwasha, an old man, to join the meeting. It could provide them with some experience in the development of nuclear submarines, including submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

The technology of solid submarine-launched ballistic missiles is too difficult!

Everyone has a deep understanding. Hearing what Kvasha said at this time, everyone frowned, and the conference room fell into a state of silence for a short time.

Qin Tao is also thinking about how to balance underwater and air?The American way of drag-reducing rods cannot be used. Is there a better way?
The density of water is high, and the resistance is high, and the resistance in the air is much smaller. It would be great if the missile was the same under water as in the air!

When thinking of this, Qin Tao suddenly thought of something: "Everyone, have you heard of supercavitation?"

The supercavitation technology was first used in torpedoes, and Da Mao made a positive result, and created a storm torpedo with an underwater speed of [-] knots. Its principle is actually very simple, that is, to create air bubbles in front of the torpedo, so that the torpedo can sail In the air, much faster than in the water.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone's eyes lit up, yes, why didn't they think about this kind of technology?If an air bubble generating device is added to the front end of the missile so that the missile is surrounded by air when it exits the water, then the air resistance of the missile in the water can be greatly reduced!
"President Qin, the plan you mentioned is very valuable, and we will seriously consider it." Elder Yang said, "It's just that in this way, the length of the missile may be increased, and it may have to reach 14 meters."

Qin Tao nodded: "We will design the nuclear submarine based on the length of 14 meters, and the specific indicators must be approved by the military. If we are willing to increase the budget and increase the displacement, we may cancel the turtle back of the nuclear submarine."

The 13.5-meter pressure hull diameter is the largest, but building such a large pressure hull will inevitably mean an increase in displacement and a soaring construction cost. Therefore, overall considerations must be made to see if the Navy can afford it.

If the navy feels that the displacement is too large, it doesn't matter if it is lowered, it's just adding a turtle. Anyway, almost all missile nuclear submarines of other countries have turtles.

"First, please ask the third design office of Mingzhou Group to design according to the plan without revealing the turtle's back, and then after the budget report is issued, the superior will decide." An officer present said.

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded.

"The detailed design needs to be calculated in the future, but now, I can report the general parameters to the Navy." As the best submarine designer, Kwasha quickly calculated roughly.

"The length is 170 meters and the width is 13.5 meters. Without a turtle back, it can carry 16 ballistic missiles. The water displacement is about [-] tons and the underwater displacement is [-] tons."

This parameter immediately shocked everyone.

Everyone knows that this submarine will be very big, but I didn't expect it to be so big!
Now the only strategic missile nuclear submarine in China, 092, is only 120 meters long, more than ten meters wide, and has an underwater displacement of only [-] tons. Compared with the big guy in Kvasha's mouth, it is definitely a child!

Qin Tao was also surprised. He was surprised by another thing: the technical parameters of this submarine are almost exactly the same as Lao Maozi's 955 nuclear submarine!Is Kwasha planning to get the 955 nuclear submarine directly?

The Type 955 strategic nuclear submarine is the famous God of the North Wind, the most advanced missile nuclear submarine of the later generations!

In fact, as early as the early 80s, Lao Maozi began to conduct project demonstrations. They needed to develop a next-generation submarine to replace the Type 941 strategic nuclear submarine. However, when the Red Empire collapsed, this project also stayed at the demonstration stage. In the 90s, after the collapse of the Red Empire , Lao Maozi looked at the existing inventory on hand and decided to make a direct transformation.

There were two options at that time: one was to use the semi-finished products of the unbuilt Type 971 "Akula" class to transform, code-named Type 955 (A), and the other was to use the semi-finished products of the unbuilt Type 949 "Oscar" class , the project code is 955 (B) type.

After some analysis, Lao Maozi believed that the potential of the Akula class was greater, so he used it to transform it. The first few submarines of the Type 995 that were finally built were almost all spliced ​​together. For example, the first boat was 971U type "Akula II" class K-337 "Puma"; No. 2 boat is 971U type "Akura II" class K-333 "Bobcat"; No. 3 boat is said to be 971M type "Akula" III" and some parts of the decommissioned K-480 "Snow Leopard".

Of course, these are just legends, and the outside world doesn't know what's going on at all, but the basic parameters are still certain.

Lao Maozi's nuclear submarine technology has been developed for decades, and it is almost completely mature when it reaches the Akula class. Even the Type 095 designed by Mingzhou Group is very similar to the Akula class in appearance, and the 955 The shape of the Akula class is also borrowed from the Akula class, and even the unfinished Akula class is directly used for the head and tail.

Now, Qin Tao can understand Kwasha's plan, but some of them are still very curious: "You said that the maximum width of our nuclear submarine is 13.5 meters?"

After our plate rolling machine is built, the maximum diameter that can be rolled is 13.5 meters. It is easy to say about the height. It must be opened on the pressure shell to poke the missile in. However, the width must also be enlarged!
"Yes." Kwasha nodded: "Our hull height is higher, and the two sides behind the conning tower must be in a plane shape, so as to meet the requirements for carrying missiles, but in the horizontal direction, there is no need for too much space." Wider, this will increase our sailing resistance." Kwasha, the submarine designer, has already entered the working state.

The increase in height is to meet the needs of launching missiles, and the submarine already has a conning tower, which would have been one section taller, but there is no need for this in terms of width.

There is no turtle back, but it becomes a flat upper hull behind the conning tower, which just accommodates the launch tube.

What about width?Kwasha still hasn't solved the width problem!
Kwasha continued following his train of thought: "In this way, if we install two nuclear reactors, the maximum underwater speed of this submarine will definitely exceed 30 knots, and even reach more than 33 knots."

Da Mao's Borei God uses a 190 megawatt nuclear reactor, which allows the underwater speed of this submarine to reach 29 knots. Our own side uses two nuclear reactors with a total power of 300 megawatts, and the speed soars to 35 knots. possible!
"More importantly, due to the sufficient power reserve, we should be able to enable the submarine to achieve a silent sailing capability of 15 knots without turning on the primary circuit circulating water pump and only relying on the natural circulation of the nuclear reactor." Kwasha continued Talking about all kinds of data, several naval officers present were excitedly recording, if these data can be realized, that would be amazing, our own nuclear submarine will be ranked among the world's first-class level in one fell swoop!

"Kwasha, why is the width 13.5 meters?" Qin Tao finally couldn't help it, and asked Kwasha directly.

Kwasha was taken aback, and then he understood: "Well, of course it's because our largest diameter is 13.5 meters. By the way, I forgot to mention that our submarine will adopt a single- and double-hull hybrid structure. Bow and stern, we use a double-hull structure and a single-hull structure in the center."

Qin Tao nodded. He proposed this single-shell and double-shell mixture by himself. He didn't expect that he would forget it here!
The double-hull reserve buoyancy is large, but it is bloated and the internal space is small. The single-hull is just the opposite. Therefore, the combination of single-hull and double-hull structures has become a trend led by Mingzhou Group.

On diesel-electric subs, they designed it that way, and nuclear subs are no exception.

This time, double shells are used at the front and rear. Of course, the front is to deal with possible collisions. The double shells are stronger, and the rear is for better mute performance. The center uses a single shell, and the internal space will be more abundant. The projected area of ​​the submarine.

This Kwasha is really powerful enough, he is an old designer of nuclear submarine development!
Even Huang Lao and Peng Lao nodded frequently there, very satisfied with Kwasha's design.

"In the design stage, we can also help out." Huang Lao said, "It's a great honor to have such a strategic weapon appear in our hands."

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course it's the best, everyone just come with us."

It was agreed last time that during the development of nuclear submarines, Mr. Huang and Mr. Peng are going to be consultants, and this time they happened to go together.

Even if this meeting is almost over now, Kwasha seems to have no plans to leave. He looked at everyone: "Everyone, I don't know how the development of cruise missiles by our domestic agencies is going? I am Say, a cruise missile like the Tomahawk?"

Some of the people present were from aerospace systems, and some were equipped by naval directors. It should be the best to ask them about these things.

Kwasha is engaged in submarines. Apart from submarines, he doesn't know about other projects.

Hearing Kwasha's words, the people present were a little curious. They didn't know what the purpose of Kwasha's question was, but Qin Tao quickly realized it. It's getting more and more flexible!
The strategic nuclear submarine bears the heavy responsibility of the second nuclear counterattack. This kind of weapon is usually not used. Once it is used, it will be the end of the world.Strategic deterrents are best never put into battle.

In this case, isn't this weapon a waste?
With the end of the Cold War, the Americans felt that the Ohio-class nuclear submarines they had were redundant, so they wanted to use them for other things.

What are you doing?
The Americans thought of cruise missiles, so they converted the first four "Ohios" that could only carry "Trident I" from strategic missile nuclear submarines into cruise missile nuclear submarines. Lao Maozi also has cruise missile nuclear submarines, but they are only used to launch anti-aircraft missiles. Ship missiles are different from the ground attack cruise missiles used by the Ohio class.

The original Ohio class had 24 MK46 launchers, these launchers remained unchanged, 22 of them were changed to cruise missile launchers, and 2 were changed to special personnel delivery compartments.

Since the diameter of the "Trident I" submarine-launched ballistic missile is 1.8 meters, and the diameter of the BGM-109 "Tomahawk" cruise missile is only 0.53 meters, seven plum blossoms can be placed in the original circle with a diameter of 1.8 meters. A circle with a diameter of 0.53 meters is arranged in the same shape, that is to say, this becomes a way of seven bombs in one pit. An Ohio-class nuclear submarine can carry 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles, becoming a professional ground attack submarine.

This seems to have lost a group of strategic nuclear counterattack forces, but it has greatly increased the ground attack capability. In fact, the Tomahawk can also be equipped with nuclear warheads when needed, and its flight is more concealed, serving as the first wave of sub-nuclear weapons. Strike force is also possible.After all, cruise missiles fly slowly, but they also fly far. Similar to the Tomahawk, they can fly 1 kilometers, which is farther than the range of Julang-[-].

"Everyone, our idea is to make calculations based on the domestically produced cruise missiles to see how the size of the launching tube is more suitable. After that, we can modify the cruise missiles at any time." Qin Tao explained to everyone.

The crowd reacted.

"We are currently developing cruise missiles similar to the Tomahawk class. The biggest difficulty is the low-thrust aviation turbofan engine. After the relevant technologies are overcome, we will have similar cruise missiles." A leader of the First Institute said. Said: "Don't worry now, Mr. Qin, if you have a way, would you like to get us some samples from abroad? It would be great if you can have a tomahawk."

Difficulties with aero engines have always existed. At present, the domestic high-thrust turbofan [-] has not yet been finalized, and the low-thrust aero turbofan engine is also blank.Therefore, domestically produced cruise missiles still have a long way to go.

Qin Tao smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's hard, if the old man has it, it's okay to say that the advanced Tomahawk cruise missiles are American products! Unless the Americans use them in war, let's find a few unexploded missiles and get them back for research. More or less."

In the war in 91, the Tomahawk missile also entered the stage of the war. This kind of missile technology was advanced, but Qin Tao hadn't developed it at that time, so he couldn't go to the local area to collect the trash. Now he has no choice but to do so.

Next, we can only wait for 99 years?

Kvasha didn't say much either. He had already obtained too much useful information from this meeting, and he needed to digest and absorb it for a while.

After the meeting was over, Kwasha went back with a mission. He was accompanied by Mr. Peng and Mr. Huang. Qin Tao hadn't left yet. Now that he was here, of course he had to go and see his father-in-law.

This time the old man didn't show up. On the one hand, he was busy with work, and on the other hand, he wanted to avoid suspicion. After all, the strategic nuclear submarine didn't seem to bid much, so it was directly handed over to the Mingzhou Group.

There is no way, only Mingzhou Group has the most advanced design!However, with Huang Lao, Peng Lao and others in the past, it can be regarded as a magic needle. I have to say that Qin Tao is still very smart and knows how to coordinate these things.

Qin Tao returned home and teased Qin Haiyang a bit. The child is getting older and his habits have changed. He no longer pinches Qin Tao's face.

Qin Tao chatted with his mother-in-law for a while, mainly about the child's next school. At night, when Wu Shengli came back, the two of them had a drink again.

"The project of the military exercise is almost coordinated, and it will officially start in about a month. This year's exercise area is on Damao's side. When we come to our place next year, it will be fixed in the future." Wu Shengli said: "In the future, we will often Conduct joint military exercises with navies of other countries, this will also show our existence and train our team..."

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, we will be able to conduct military exercises with Laoba and other countries in the future, and we have to go out, so that we can better sell export-oriented warships."

"That's right, the subjects of this exercise include search and rescue, so you Mingzhou Group will also participate."

We have a share?

have what?Qin Tao is very curious, this is a matter of the navy!
"Didn't you build a deep-sea lifeboat? It's the Jiaolong, which happened to be brought there this time," Wu Shengli said.

Since it was arranged by the old man, Qin Tao has nothing to say.

"By the way, go there if you have time. After all, you and Nicholas are good friends. If there is any communication problem, it would be better for you to mediate."

Qin Tao nodded.

The two talked for a long time, but the topic still didn't involve the missile nuclear submarine, as if the two deliberately avoided the topic. Qin Tao was thinking about how to speak, when the door suddenly opened.

"Leader Wu, an international emergency has occurred, and the superior called a meeting of all the leaders."


"Well, Mr. Qin can turn on the TV, and all the TV stations in the world are reporting urgently."

Qin Tao looked curiously at the TV that was turned on. When he got to the news channel, he saw...a burning building.

"**airline** flight..." The narrator spoke quickly, obviously surprised and nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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