Great warships

Chapter 632 Oscar-class nuclear submarine crash

Chapter 632 Oscar-class nuclear submarine crash

The U.S. Navy has the most powerful aircraft carrier formation in the world. Although the Damao Navy is constantly developing, it is impossible to compete with them head-on. This can be seen from the combat missions of both sides: the U.S. Navy formation is thinking hard about how to improve its attack The old Maozi Navy is thinking hard about how to fight the US Navy.

In this long confrontation, the two sides are also constantly developing. The old Maozi wants to attack the US aircraft carrier formation, that is, from the sky, to the sea, and then to the water. The three-in-one strike, only a saturated attack can kill the opponent.

The Tu-22M carries anti-ship missiles in the sky, anti-ship missiles of various ships on the water surface, and cruise missile submarines underwater.

Cruise missile submarines used to be exclusive to Lao Maozi. The nuclear submarines of other countries are either ballistic missile nuclear submarines or attack nuclear submarines. There are no nuclear submarines that specifically carry anti-ship missiles.Lao Maozi has developed many models.

The Type 949 nuclear submarine is the pinnacle of it. It uses a drop-shaped hull with an aspect ratio of approximately 8 and a drop-shaped bow.Due to the double-propeller structure, its tail is not an ordinary drop-shaped recovery, but has two conical tails. The two propeller shafts protrude obliquely from the two conical sterns, and the cross-shaped tail rudder is adopted. .

Its interior uses an inner shell with a diameter of 8.5 meters, but the widest part of the outside is as high as 18 meters, that is to say, there is a thickness of three to four meters between the inner and outer shells!
Between the inner and outer casings, a special 3M-45 "Granite" anti-ship missile is just inserted. Yes, it is the same anti-ship missile as on the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, Kirov-class, and Glory-class cruisers. Missiles are special weapons for attacking aircraft carriers!
A submarine can carry 24 anti-ship missiles, cruise underwater, and launch a fatal attack on the enemy's aircraft carrier formation at any time!
The underwater displacement of the prototype submarine was as high as 11 tons. After building two, Lao Maozi felt that there were still some defects, so he lengthened the hull by 3000 meters. In this way, the underwater displacement also soared to more than [-] tons. Bigger than many strategic nuclear submarines!
At this time, the K-442 Chelyabinsk was such an improved 949A nuclear submarine. This nuclear submarine started construction in 87, launched in 89, and entered service in December 90. Just after entering service, the Red Empire did not up.

It came to the Pacific Fleet. Since it entered service, it has not sailed much. After all, the Navy’s funding is constantly shrinking. For the nuclear submarine force, it is only able to maintain the cruise of one or two ballistic missile nuclear submarines. The port is rusty.

This time they had this opportunity, they actively signed up, competed for several Type 971 nuclear submarines, and finally got the opportunity of this cruise.

In the 32-meter-long command tower, the captain Avakyantz is enthusiastically directing his submarine, and it is difficult to go to sea once. They must seize this precious opportunity.

The sonar soldiers were the most nervous, constantly listening to the movement around them.

"Report, our surface fleet has converged and is launching a joint exercise!"

"I heard the sound of the supply ship, it's too slow."

"Continue to monitor, our exercise is likely to have uninvited guests." Avakyantz said.

"Report, there is noise, behind us!"

Avakyantz showed a smile on his face. As an old submarine soldier, he was familiar with all this for a long time: "Now, tell the whole boat to get ready, we are going to have a crazy Ivan!"

Crazy Ivan action is actually the name of the Americans. Da Mao claims to be the Soviet Union's Great Uprising, but now the big guys are used to calling it that way. In 92, they did it once. The submariners heard that they were going to do it. All kinds of actions are very exciting.

"Left full rudder!"

Following this order, the huge submarine hull began to tilt, the entire submarine drew a graceful curve underwater, and a clear wake low-pressure area was formed at the tail of the submarine.

Thirty degrees, sixty degrees, ninety degrees, 180 degrees!

Bang, boom!
Suddenly there was an explosion.

138 number.

"Report, the sonar found suspicious underwater explosions." The sonar operator shouted loudly.

The commander was stunned for a moment: "Underwater explosion? What's going on? Contact Da Mao!"

"Vostok 138 called the Varyag, Vostok 138 called the Varyag, and heard the sound of an underwater explosion. Is there any submarine activity underwater?"

Everyone on the Varyag was stunned: "Underwater explosion? Why didn't our sonar respond?"

When warships perform different missions, they activate different equipment. Now they are searching and rescuing at sea. The nervous sonar soldiers did not turn on the sonar at all. After all, the surrounding noise is too loud. Besides, there are submarines protecting them underwater. Don't worry about anything.

"Sonar operator, what's going on?"

"Report, we have heard no underwater explosions."

"Could it be Dongfang's misjudgment?"

"That's right, their sonar must be malfunctioning!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Nicholas also frowned. Of course he knew how seriously his own naval strength had deteriorated over the years, and he also knew the rigor of the Eastern Navy. Since it was said that an underwater explosion was detected, there must be something wrong.

But can they admit it?Wouldn't they be compared in this way?

At this moment, another call came.

"No. 908 called the Varyag, and No. 908 called the Varyag. We carried a deep-sea lifeboat, and now we request an underwater search and rescue exercise!"

Generally speaking, the communication between the two sides of this kind of joint exercise is carried out through the flagship. At present, the call of No. 908 is already illegal, but now that the situation has changed, Qin Tao must stand up.

That's right, the voice of this call belonged to Qin Tao. At this time, hearing his voice, Nicholas made up his mind: "Change the subject of the exercise to underwater rescue, immediately!"

During the exercise, the formation used the same frequency band to call, so No. 908 also received the call from No. 138 to the Varyag. When Qin Tao heard this call, he was immediately surprised.

Underwater explosion?what's the situation?According to my memory, there can only be one kind!

Regardless of whether it is true or not, he can't be idle anymore. After all, those submarine soldiers are innocent. If there is an accident and the submarine soldiers are killed and he does not lend a helping hand, he will still feel a little guilty.

Therefore, Qin Tao immediately pressed the call button and called Nicholas directly.

Qin Tao still has influence, and he was relieved to hear Nicholas' order.

"Please indicate the specific location of the explosion on the 138th, we are going to release the lifeboat!"

At this moment, Qin Tao issued orders again. Originally, he did not have such power. However, since the next protagonist is the Jiaolong of Mingzhou Group, everyone also acquiesced to his suggestion.

After finishing the call, Qin Tao walked away.

"President Qin, what are you going to do?" Xu Zhengyang immediately realized something and shouted to Qin Tao.

"I'm going to the Jiaolong."

"No, Mr. Qin, you can't go, it's dangerous!" Xu Zhengyang ran forward a few steps and stood in front of Qin Tao. He stretched out his arms to stop Qin Tao.

In the past, Qin Tao used to go down on the Jiaolong, but after all, there was nothing unusual below, but now it is different, there was an explosion below, what if it happened again?Dangerous, too dangerous!

"Xu Zhengyang, you are so courageous, get out of the way!"

"No! If you persist, I will have to knock you out!"

Seeing Xu Zhengyang's resolute attitude, and considering the difference in fighting skills between the two, Qin Tao could only shake his head: "Okay, listen to you, shall I go to the head office of the surveillance station? You, you don't even listen to me Now, I have to find a woman to control you in the future!"

Qin Tao also knew in his heart that Xu Zhengyang was worried about his own safety, which was also Xu Zhengyang's responsibility, so he was not wrong.

I just want to go down to see if there is an accident with the Oscar-class nuclear submarine, and now I can only watch it on the monitoring platform.

No. 908 stopped in the sea area instructed by No. 138. At this time, the wind and waves were a bit strong. If it was a mother ship of several thousand tons, it would really be impossible to start operations.

The Jiaolong was launched again. Since its birth, it has become a versatile player. Whether it is deep-sea exploration, underwater treasure hunting, or rescue operations, it can handle it with ease. Now, the underwater situation is complicated, and it is still a leisurely stroll.

On the monitoring platform, there was a picture of the front of the Jiaolong, which was captured by a special camera. Due to the use of cables towed down from the mother ship, it has sufficient power and data transmission channels.

"The average depth of this sea area is more than 600 meters, and the depth of the sea area we practiced is 1000 to [-] meters. If there is really an accident with the submarine, then, I am afraid it will be more or less ominous!" Zhang Qing said worriedly.

Ordinary submarines dive to a depth of 300 meters, and nuclear submarines are only 500 meters. Now, if an accident occurs and the submarine falls to a depth of more than 1000 meters, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Don't think the submarine is so terrible." Qin Tao said: "That's just the design depth of the submarine. In fact, the limit dive of the submarine is far greater than its design depth. Especially the old Maozi's nuclear submarine, I don't know 949 Whether the model uses titanium alloy or not, if it is used, it will be trivial for a thousand meters, but if it has experienced an explosion, it is really hard to say."

Submarine technology is top-secret. Even if Qin Tao and Nikola have a good relationship, they will not know this top-secret information. According to the public information, it is a pressure hull and a hybrid structure, and some of them use yield strength and HY-130 steel. The casing is made of considerable materials, and some are made of titanium alloy materials.

However, there are many problems with this statement. It is not easy to weld titanium alloys. Is titanium alloys welded with other steel plates as pressure shells?No matter how unreliable it sounds.

In any case, the diving depth of the Oscar-class nuclear submarine is still good. Although it has crashed now, I hope it can survive until rescue arrives!
The Jiaolong is still diving slowly, and this process feels a bit long.

The entire fleet stopped other work, waiting for the report from Jiaolong.


"Report, no response to active sonar communications."

Hearing this answer, everyone's expressions became serious.

Electromagnetic waves cannot be used underwater, so communication between the submarine and the outside world is very difficult. Generally speaking, satellite communications are used for floating at a fixed time. Only in emergencies, active sonar will be used to communicate.

But now, even if the inquiry is sent with active sonar, there is still no answer from the other side.

This shows what?
No. K-442 had an accident!

Da Mao also attaches great importance to the Type 949 nuclear submarine. Even if military expenditures are tight, the construction of the Type 949 nuclear submarine is still maintained. The latest one will enter service at the end of this year. Now the Type 949 nuclear submarines in each fleet are elite.

I didn't expect such an accident to happen!

Nicholas' face was gloomy: "The sea water here is thousands of meters deep. If the submarine really crashes, then..."

"Report, listening to knocking sounds underwater."

This time, their sonar also started to work, and finally heard the sound from underwater.

Percussion!what does that mean?
"It means that the people inside are still alive, and they are sending us a distress signal by tapping!" Nicholas said: "Quick, prepare a helicopter immediately!"

"Where are you going?" asked the adjutant.

"Of course it's the No. 908!" Nicholas said, "I want to watch their deep-submersible lifeboat rescue our crew. This is really a blessing in misfortune!"

This exercise is of great significance. It is an exercise for their Pacific Fleet to regain their vitality. Who would have thought that such an accident would happen!

The good news is that the subjects of this exercise include sea rescue. Although there is an accident now, they can cover it up in the name of the exercise. However, the personnel in the submarine must be rescued, and the submarine must find a way to get it out. Come on, such a loss is still acceptable.

Now, Nicholas must rush to No. 908 as soon as possible to direct the rescue in person. He also hopes that this accident will not affect his official career.

Thanks to Qin Tao!This old friend has been helping him for years.Thinking of this, Nicholas finally felt relieved. He believed that with Qin Tao around, the accident could be finally resolved.

The Ka-27 helicopter landed on the deck of No. 908, and Qin Tao was already waiting for Nikola on the deck.

Nicholas said with a serious face, "Qin, how is the situation now?"

"I don't know yet. Our deep-diving lifeboat has dived to the bottom of the sea and is currently searching around the bottom of the sea. You should also know that it is not easy to find a submarine sitting on the bottom of the sea."

"We have heard the knocking sound, you can follow the sound to find it." Nicholas said.

"Okay, then let's immediately notify the underwater lifeboat."

"Report, Jiaolong found the target!"

After hearing the news, everyone was nervous for a while, and Nicholas' tone became hasty: "Qin, hurry up, take me to see it immediately!"

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded: "Follow me!"

Nicholas followed Qin Tao to the console with strides. When he saw the graphics on the screen, he felt nervous for a while.

At this time, the Jiaolong had just approached K-442, and the bright searchlights illuminated part of the outline of the submarine. As the Jiaolong moved forward, the graphics also changed.

The hull was relatively upright, and the hatches were all above, which brought great benefits to the rescue. The Jiaolong circled the submarine for half a circle, and when it came to the front, everyone gasped.

The drop-shaped bow of the boat has been blown wide open, and it looks terrible. The sailors in the torpedo compartment of the bow are probably in danger!
At a depth of more than 1000 meters, the pressure is more than 100 atmospheres, which is higher than that of many high-pressure vessels. Under this pressure, the hull of the submarine can still remain intact, which makes many people feel very emotional , Da Mao's submarine steel quality is definitely quite good.

Nicholas also breathed a sigh of relief. Only the bow of the boat was damaged, but the rear remained intact, which meant that the submarine soldiers inside could still survive, and a few sacrifices were acceptable. If all of them died inside, it would be a big accident.

The Pacific Fleet will definitely take responsibility, but this cannot be entirely blamed on myself. Over the years, due to the shortage of military funds, the submariners have not come out for training for a long time, and some accidents were also caused by unfamiliarity. After the incident, Nicholas could even get some credit for the timely rescue.

Thinking of this, he became optimistic again.

"Quick, dock with our submarine immediately and rescue the people inside!"

"As long as it is a standard interface, our lifeboat can be docked." Qin Tao said.

The basic steps of underwater lifesaving are to drive the lifeboat, dock it to the hatch of the submarine, and then let the submariners inside climb onto their own lifeboat. It may not be able to fit in the lifeboat at one time, and it must be repeated more than ten times. Docking is always the first step, and if docking cannot be achieved, it will be impossible to rescue the people inside.

You must know that under a hundred atmospheres of pressure, as long as a person gets out of the submarine, he will be immediately crushed by the sea water.

"Standard interface?" Nicholas frowned: "It seems not!"

The old man never paid much attention to lifesaving, otherwise there would be no tragedy of the Kursk. At this time, when thinking of this, Nicholas's heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, he thought of something again: "However, On the enclosure of the conning tower, there is a floating rescue capsule, and the interface of that rescue capsule is standard!"

"Call the Jiaolong immediately and look for the emergency cabin on the conning tower." Qin Tao said.


The Jiaolong began to move its position again, the picture below was not very real, it was intermittent, and everyone was sweating in their hearts.

The control tower is getting closer and closer, and the Jiaolong is moving slowly, 1.1 meters away. After more than ten minutes, finally, the Jiaolong sent an exciting news: "The docking has been completed. !"

"Be careful." Qin Tao shouted.

Docking is very critical, and it is also very dangerous. If the hatch is opened without sealing it in place, seawater under high pressure will gurgle in, and the Jiaolong will be destroyed.

"Yes, I understand. The negative pressure has been established and is currently stable. It is confirmed to be safe."

"Then open the hatch."

Amidst the creaking sound, the hatch was opened, and the rescuers on the Jiaolong looked down excitedly, and a big-haired submarine soldier in a sea soul shirt climbed up: "Thank you for your rescue, we thought we were all I'm going to die!"

Below, the captain Avakyantz shouted loudly: "Children, arrange according to age, young children go up first!"

Although he made a mistake in command, now, when encountering rescue, Avakyantz still showed the qualities that a captain should have. He did not escape according to his rank, but according to his age!

They moved very quickly, and after 3 minutes, the Jiaolong was full of people.

"People below, please rest assured, we will continue to rescue and will not give up on anyone." The rescuers on the Jiaolong comforted them, then closed the hatch and prepared to leave.

On the surface of the sea, there was a bit of wind and waves, and the 908-ton No. [-] was shaking slightly. In a very dangerous situation, the crane lifted the Jiaolong out and put it on the side of the ship.

Nicholas was already standing in front of the Jiaolong, looking at the submarine soldiers coming down from above.

"Great, you are finally out of danger, where is your captain?"

"The captain is still below. He will be the last to leave the submarine."

"What's going on down there?"

"Report, we found a suspicious target and planned to turn around to find the target, but after turning 180 degrees, we suddenly collided with something, and then the torpedo at the bow exploded."

Among the people who came up, there was a submarine soldier who was the closest to the torpedo cabin, and he explained the situation clearly.

Spotted a suspicious target underwater and crashed into it?

Nikolai's face was gloomy: "Order all warships to switch to anti-submarine operations immediately! Call the base to dispatch anti-submarine aircraft!"

The Americans have a professional anti-submarine aircraft such as the P-3C, and the old man is not ambiguous. On the basis of the Il-18 airliner, the Il-38 anti-submarine aircraft has been refitted. It is their main anti-submarine aircraft. Now, since there is an accident underwater The target, what else is there to say, of course we must find out the damn perpetrators underwater, and then let them compensate for the damage!

Qin Tao also frowned: "Did the torpedo explode? Did your submarine carry that dangerous hydrogen peroxide torpedo?"

Hydrogen peroxide with extremely high purity is a very dangerous liquid with extremely strong corrosive and oxidizing properties, and it will violently decompose into oxygen and water at 153 degrees.It is used because it is more convenient to store than liquid oxygen, but if it leaks, it is a dire danger.

"Yes, two 65-76 torpedoes were installed on our submarine, but we don't know whether this kind of torpedo exploded. When the explosion happened, we immediately closed the door of the torpedo compartment."

The torpedo cabin exploded and was connected to the outside world. Sea water under high pressure poured in frantically. In order to protect the entire submarine, their only way was to close the hatch of the torpedo cabin immediately!
Working on a submarine is very dangerous. Many times, I know that my actions will send my companions to die, but I have no choice. Compared with killing the people in one cabin, this multiple-choice question is not difficult to answer.

Qin Tao was silent for a minute, and then continued to ask: "Is the nuclear reactor okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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