Great warships

Chapter 635 Sudden Heart Attack?

Chapter 635 Sudden Heart Attack?
When he met these people, Pozharsky understood in his heart that Bazanov's resignation was meaningless at all. Bazanov did not want the secrets of the nuclear submarine to fall into the hands of the Orientals, but Now, the Easterners have a large number of former companions here. Even if they only rely on the knowledge in their heads, they can build nuclear submarines as good as those in the era of the Red Empire, or even better.

So, what's there to resist?It's not as good as it is now, comfortably enjoying the beauty of business trips with subsidies.

Because of the need to improve the 095 submarine and design a larger ballistic missile nuclear submarine, Kvasha's work is very busy. This time, Krasnopolsky is in charge of the work, which happens to be a professional counterpart.

"Come on, let's go to the meeting room and negotiate first." Krasnopolsky led the crowd to the meeting room, and after entering, he immediately ordered the staff to serve wine.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the wine bottles on the conference table.

"Krasnopolsky, are you going to invite us to drink? On this occasion, drinking seems inappropriate?" Pozharsky said to his old friend, restraining the temptation of fine wine.

"Is this appropriate or not? I know your situation. You seldom get to drink alcohol. You just came here today. Anyway, you can't directly put yourself into work. You have to get rid of jet lag first and take a rest."

"However, time is very tight!" Pozharsky said: "We must race against time."

"Have you brought the design drawings? Input it into our computer, and then our computer will automatically run the program to calculate the best cutting position." Krasnopolsky said: "The people who came with you Intelligence officer, if you are worried, you can follow along."

That's right, it's not as convenient as it used to be. When these technicians go on business trips, they will inevitably be followed by an officer in charge of intelligence. The KGB is very concerned about these.The person who followed this time was named Leonid, and he was also an experienced veteran.

Now, the right to choose is given to the officer, who is very hesitant, while Pozharsky and others are surprised.

"Krasnopolsky, what are you talking about? Can your computer automatically calculate the cut site?"

"That's right, our design department has the most advanced computer system, which belongs to the latest server of Godson Corporation. There are hundreds of Godson processors in it, and the computing power can be ranked among the top [-] in the world."

The top [-] supercomputers in the world are actually here?
The intelligence officer Leonid finally spoke: "Okay, I can go to your computer room with the structure diagram."

He was tempted. This time, he came here not only to protect the data of these structural diagrams and take them back after they are used up, but also to see the technological development of the East. Now, he can go to see the top [-] computers in the world. He can also collect more information.

Of course he would not know that these old-fashioned structural diagrams are not the most important at all, the important thing is people like Pozharsky, if these people stay, it will further strengthen the submarine design capabilities of the Mingzhou Group. Submarine design work in the United States will also be of great help.They have the design plan of the Type 949 nuclear submarine in their minds, and they can also complete the structural diagram when needed!

After Leonid left, several people were excited for a while.

"Krasnopolsky, thank you for your hospitality!" Pozharsky raised the bottle.

"You're welcome, we used to be friends, this is what I should do, come on, let's have a good drink today!"

Everyone raised the wine bottle and gulped it down. When the hot feeling rose from their stomachs, everyone felt extremely satisfied.

The familiar feeling is back.

It would be great if it could always be like this!

"Pozharsky, what project are you working on now?" Krasnopolsky asked.

what project?Our side doesn't have any projects right now, okay?Pozharsky felt a little depressed, took a few more sips, and then said: "Our most important project now is the Type 636 submarine, which is currently very popular in the market."

The Kilo class that the West talks about is the Type 877 nuclear submarine in Da Mao. Later, after some improvements, Da Mao launched the Type 636. In terms of submarines, Da Mao's technology is still very good. After the Kilo class obtained export authorization, Sales are not bad.

"Oh, the Type 636 is really good. What about the nuclear submarine? Are there any new projects?"

"Krasnopolsky, you also know that these are secrets, and we cannot leak them," Pozharsky said.

There was no secret, but Krasnopolsky didn't reveal it. He nodded and said, "Yeah, I can't reveal the secret, and I can't reveal the secret. We are... very busy with work."

Work is very busy, what do you mean?
Are you also working on nuclear submarines?

Pozharsky rolled his eyes: "Eastern nuclear submarines are very weak in technology. They are like tractors in the sea. They will be discovered by others from a distance. Have these technologies been improved?"

Krasnopolsky shook his head: "I don't know about that."

"Mingzhou Shipyard has obtained some outdated machinery and equipment, such as a plate rolling machine that specializes in manufacturing submarines. Is the Mingzhou Group going to get involved in the manufacture of nuclear submarines? The performance of their plate rolling machines is not good enough, and they should not be able to build more than [-] displacement. tons of nuclear submarines?"

"That was before, you should have heard that Mingzhou Group has invented the CNC bending machine, which has greatly improved the efficiency of shipbuilding. Now the shipbuilding industry around the world is staring at it and wants to buy their equipment, but Mingzhou Group does not want to buy their equipment. Sell."

Krasnopolski's face was disdainful: "You should also know that there are many technologies in common between the bending machine and the bending machine. Now, let's explain that the State Group has a bending machine with a diameter of more than 13 meters. It’s also entirely possible.”

More than 13 meters in diameter?Everyone's eyes widened: "How is it possible? This kind of machine doesn't even exist in our country!"

"Everyone, since the collapse of the Red Empire, has our domestic technology advanced a step?" Krasnopolsky said: "We only know how to do archaeology, and even archaeology is not good at archaeology. Many things have been lost! For example , if we still want to start building titanium alloy submarines, does our factory have the production capacity?"

The crowd shook their heads.

"And in these years, the technology in the East has been improving! Since I came here, I have felt the rapid development of technology here. Almost every once in a while, there will be new breakthroughs. Now we have used the world's advanced The computer was developed by Mingzhou Group itself! Everyone, do we have this capability in our country?"

Everyone stopped talking.

Krasnopolsky is right. The technology here has been improving and developing. Therefore, it is possible to say that there are advanced plate rolling machines here.

and many more!

In other words, construction of a large nuclear submarine is about to start here?
The lack of a large number of nuclear submarine specialists here?

Thinking of this, they looked at the wine glasses in their hands again. If they came here, would they be able to drink good wine every day?No, can you enjoy your work happily every day?As engineers with ideals, they don't want to waste their time!
Their feelings became complicated.

The intelligence officer Leonid is also in a very complicated mood at this time. He has worked in Eastern Europe and has seen advanced technologies in Western Europe. However, the technologies in front of him make him sure that they are definitely not inferior to the West, and even better!
After the data is input into the computer, modeling and calculations are started, all of which are actually automatic!Computer programmers are absolutely geniuses!The computer calculates the force points of different positions and determines the best position.

The terminal has three large screens, all of which are the most luxurious LCD monitors.

The structure diagram is displayed on the left, with a jumping cursor indicating the position of the calculation. In the middle is a black screen, the code on which is constantly jumping. On the right is the programmer's operation interface, which will be taken over by the programmer when needed.

"The amount of calculated data is huge, and the speed of this computer is too fast!" Leonid couldn't help but said.

"Of course, this is the strongest server developed by our domestic Loongson company. However, it will soon be replaced by Godson 2. The new processor will be built with more advanced technology, and the calculation will be faster. , with less heat generation.” Said the operator on the side.

"Your technology is too advanced, so advanced that it is unbelievable. There are not many countries that can produce general-purpose processors!"

"These are the results of the hard work of our scientific researchers. We must establish advanced industries so as to avoid potential risks. If you need them, we can also provide you with these advanced equipment."

need?Of course it is needed, but these equipment are expensive, and our side simply does not have the funds to purchase them!
Leonid shook his head: "No need."

During the calculation here, the crane ship Zhenhua No. 3 had already headed north, so they arrived just in time when the preparatory work was completed and the crane needed to be hoisted.

Qin Tao, Nikolai, and Popov, the head of the salvage team of the Northern Fleet, and others also embarked on the road back to the Far East. The East is only responsible for salvaging the tail section, and they still have to salvage the front part themselves. So, now They have to observe the salvage process, which is also a kind of supervision.

"The crane ship with a lifting capacity of 1 tons is really the first in the world." Popov said with emotion: "It would be great if we had this kind of crane ship!"

"Mr. Popov, you have many large warships and barges. You only need to transform one barge. Although you don't have a crane with a lifting capacity of over [-] tons, you can use multiple cranes. Cooperate with homework." Qin Tao began to give advice to the other party.

"Yes, we think so too." Popov said: "After the rescue plan is determined, we have received funding. Now, we are transforming the barge, and we will be able to start work in the spring of next year."

"However, if multiple cranes are used, these cranes involve coordination issues." Qin Tao continued: "Due to various factors, the cables of the cranes have to be compensated to calculate the force. You have to prepare alright."

Popov was taken aback.

What pull compensation should be calculated?
According to their calculations, they plan to install 26 hydraulic cranes on the barge, each crane is [-] tons, so that the lifting capacity can reach [-] tons. Such cranes can be produced by themselves. You don't need to spend money to purchase, and you can also make a fortune for domestic crane manufacturers. After the collapse of the Red Empire, everyone's life is hard.

They only calculated the lifting capacity, but never considered the coordination between the cranes, which is really too difficult.

"Boss Qin, according to our plan, we just need to tighten the hanging ropes and then work together, isn't it all right?"

"Of course not enough." Qin Tao said: "What is being salvaged now is the submarine! After the submarine is damaged and sinks, its performance in all aspects will change, such as the tendency of expansion and spread after damage and the change of structural strength, and the bending moment of each cross-section of the submarine. , The dynamic process of shear force. When lifting, more factors must be carefully considered. During the process of floating, the submarine's gravity, buoyancy, center of gravity, and buoyancy center will change in real time, as well as the impact of surging sea water. .If these factors are not taken into account, how can we salvage? At that time, only half of the slings will be tightened, and the remaining half will be loosened. Think about what will happen?"

If only one crane is used, then of course there is no need to consider these things, just lift slowly. However, if multiple cranes cooperate, the process will be complicated.All the slings must be tightened at the same time, if one of them is loose, it will not work.

On the processor of the mobile phone, one core is difficult, and the eight-core onlooker scene, of course, will also appear when multiple cranes are hoisting together.

The cooperation between cranes is very complicated!
Once a part of the sling fails to work, and the remaining sling is not enough to complete the task, the sling will break, the salvaged things will fall again, and the barge will be pulled over!

It is not uncommon for the crane to overturn when an accident occurred during hoisting.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's introduction, Popov's face became more and more gloomy. As a professional salvage team, they should know these reasons. After the old people in the salvage team retired, they were nothing Experience, actually neglected such an important thing!
But how is this calculated?They simply don't have this ability.

Xu Zhengyang on the side knew in his heart that in this salvage, it is impossible for his side to only get half of the salvage cost, and the salvage task subcontracted to Popov and the others may not be able to complete!

In the end, you have to come to your own side for help.

The equipment of the heavy lifting ship belongs to the operation mode of not opening for half a year, and opening for half a year. Now that there is such a rare salvage task, of course, more benefits should be obtained.

Moreover, this can also demonstrate our own professional capabilities in submarine rescue and salvage. In the future, when Southeast Asian countries encounter this kind of thing again, the first thing that comes to mind is our own side!
Popov was no longer as relaxed as he was at the beginning. For the rest of the journey, he was almost stern and his mind was in a mess.

what to do?How to solve this problem?

The weather in the Far East was already very cold. When everyone arrived on the No. 908 supply ship, Mingzhou Group had already sent a professional cutting plan.

"Everyone, let's start. The first step is to cut the submarine apart." Qin Tao said, "I hope the weather will be better these days, so that we can guarantee the progress of the construction."

Under 1000 meters of water, it will not be affected by the wind and waves on the sea surface. However, No. 908 is the mother ship of the Jiaolong, which is responsible for providing electricity and oxygen to the Jiaolong, and lifting and releasing at the same time. The work cannot proceed.

"That's right, we need to proceed as soon as possible!" Nicholas nodded.

There were a lot of onlookers, including ships on the sea and helicopters in the air, so that the Pacific Fleet had to dispatch two warships to cruise near the operating sea area to prevent those guys from approaching.

It cannot be expelled, because these people are all under the banner of monitoring nuclear leaks, as they should.

The weather was quite favorable, and the Jiaolong carried the underwater cutting device and started a new job.

Huating, the work is over, and it's time for Pozharsky and others to leave.

"Krasnopolsky, we are leaving." Pozharsky said with some reluctance: "In the past few days, our work and life here are very happy."

Affluent life, advanced equipment, and new projects meant by large plate rolling machines... Is it really necessary to say goodbye to all this?
"If you like, you can stay here for a longer period of time." Krasnopolsky said: "Anyway, you will have nothing to do when you go back."

Stay longer?Pozharsky's eyes widened: "Is this appropriate? What reason do we need to stay here?"

Leonid also frowned. When he came, he accepted the task of protecting the safety of the data, but if these people stayed in the east, it would be inappropriate!
"Reason? You have the right to choose your own work. What reason do you need?" Krasnopolsky said: "Since the collapse of the Red Empire, how many people have gone to Western Europe and the United States. If you want Stay in the East, of course you can stay, this is your freedom."

"Mr. Krasnopolsky, you can't do this. It will harm the interests of our big hair." Leonid said, he must stop it, if he is the only one left when he goes back, then he Definitely will be punished.

"What damages your interests? The Ruby Design Bureau has no projects at all recently, and the wages cannot be paid normally. Since the state cannot guarantee them a basic life, why can't they choose the life they want?"

"If they can't, they can't. In short, they must go back." Leonid said: "If it is serious, they will even commit treason!"

Hearing this, several people trembled.

Pozharsky's face was pale, he had already figured out a lot of things, he was in big trouble!
This time they went back, they will definitely be investigated!

If you don't go back, what reason should you use to stay?
"Oh, my, my chest hurts!" Pozharsky said, covering his chest.

"Mr. Pozharsky, what's the matter with you?"

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Quick, Quick-acting Jiuxin Pill, quick, call an ambulance immediately!" Krasnopolsky couldn't help applauding Pozharsky's acting skills, it's great!

People are sick, so they can't go back now, can they?Let's stay in the country first.

As for Leonid?He had to safely protect those materials and go back, so he could only go back alone.

Amidst the sound of the ambulance siren, Leonid stood there quietly, then shook his head helplessly.

In the salvaged sea area, the work is extremely busy and extremely efficient. The Jiaolong is very flexible underwater and cuts accurately according to the plan. The picture is directly transmitted back through the camera, so that everyone can clearly see the whole cutting process.

"Report, President Qin, Your Excellency Nicholas, our Zhenhua No. 3 is scheduled to arrive tonight." Xu Zhengyang came to report after receiving the news.

"So fast?" Nicholas was also very happy: "In this way, after the cutting is completed, it can be hoisted immediately. According to the report of the meteorological department, there will be a cold current passing by in three days. If we can complete the salvage before then ,It would be great!"

"Yes, we will be able to successfully complete the salvage!" Qin Tao said: "There are so many spectators around us, we can't let them really see the joke, Popov, what do you think?"

Popov forced a smile and nodded. Obviously, what Qin Tao said made Popov depressed.

Just as he was saying this, Nikolai's adjutant also came in: "Report, I just received the latest news that Pozharsky, an engineer from the Ruby Design Bureau who went to Mingzhou to coordinate the cutting, had a heart attack and has entered the The best hospital in Huating for treatment. He brought several followers to take care of him together."

"Heart attack?" Qin Tao was stunned: "Then he must be cured, and he must not be allowed to have any accidents! If he suddenly disappears in our Huating, how can he explain to the Ruby Design Bureau!"

Nicholas looked at Qin Tao with complicated eyes, do you really not know what's going on?
"Oh, it's really a blessing in misfortune. Next, I ask Mingzhou Group to take more care."

"That's natural. All the treatment expenses will be reimbursed by our Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao said, "Let him live with peace of mind, and he will go back when he fully recovers." Qin Tao is very solemn: "We Don’t be afraid to spend money, as long as people can be cured.”

"Report, the middle section of underwater cutting has been completed!" At this moment, good news came from underwater.

"Great!" Nicholas looked at the display screen: "The cutting is complete, and the hoisting can be done next! Let Zhenhua 3 get ready when it arrives, and the hoisting will start tomorrow. Once the hoisting is successful, immediately give Moscow Report the good news!"

Mingzhou Group has hired several submarine designers, which should make Moscow dissatisfied. However, Mingzhou Group is here to help rescue, so Moscow can’t say anything, right?Nicholas looked at Qin Tao, this friend has calculated everything!
(End of this chapter)

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