Great warships

Chapter 646 Pulling the island country manufacturing down from the altar

Chapter 646 Pulling the island country manufacturing down from the altar

The opening remarks went well, at least on the surface the atmosphere was friendly.

A group of people boarded the aircraft carrier and stood on the large aircraft carrier deck. Konosuke Iwasaki was very interested in the Yak-38 fighter jets placed here.

"This kind of aircraft can take off and land vertically, and is the first choice for small aircraft carriers."

"That's right, if you have this kind of aircraft, the Osumi can also carry it."

Osumi!When Qin Tao said this, the atmosphere at the scene became tense.

The original old amphibious transport ships of the islanders have reached the end of their life and need to be replaced. The islanders have repeatedly changed the design. In 92, they finally proposed the latest Osumi class. In 96, the first ship of this class, Osumi No. has just been launched and is still in the outfitting stage.

This warship has attracted a lot of discussion, saying that it is to replace the amphibious transport ship. However, its bow does not have a dock hatch, but is designed at the tail, which makes it difficult to land on the beach at all. Moreover, it uses a direct-to-deck hatch. Layout, the island-style superstructure is set on the right side, so that it looks like a real aircraft carrier.

After the warship was launched, the French "Battleship Yearbook" magazine directly called the "Osumi" class an amphibious assault helicopter carrier.The domestic media in the island country are even excitedly claiming that this kind of warship can be converted into a light aircraft carrier in the future. These guys don't know how to keep a low profile.

However, the island nation's officials have always held a negative view.

"President Qin, you are an expert in shipbuilding. You should know that the Osumi class has no possibility of being converted into a light aircraft carrier. It can only temporarily carry two large helicopters. It has no hangar, and there is no special cabin for flight personnel and maintenance personnel. It also doesn't have the command and control systems that a carrier needs."

"Really? I heard that the floor below the deck is directly connected. There are no planes there, but cars? As for the command and control system, it can be installed at any time. If you don't know how, you can drive over and let us install it." .”

"Boss Qin, you are trying to speculate about us maliciously." Zengshan Xiongshou finally couldn't help it.

"Malicious speculation? Don't you mean that?"

"No, no, we didn't mean that, Mr. Qin, you misunderstood." Iwasaki Konosuke saw that the matter was about to become tense, and immediately spoke to dissuade him. He turned his head and looked at Zengshan Xiongshou: "Mr. Always apologize!"

"Apologize, it's okay. A bow or something can't change your true thoughts." Qin Tao said: "Do you know? There is a worker in our shipyard who beats his wife when he drinks too much, and kneels down the next day. I slapped myself in front of my wife, begging her to forgive me, and when I drank too much that night, I continued to slap my wife, and the slapping didn’t work, what’s the point of just apologizing?”

"Mr. Qin, I know that you are still brooding about what happened last time. It was just a failed business operation by the people below, which affected you. We are willing to make up for the damage done to you." Iwasaki Konosuke said.

"Make it up? How do you plan to make it up?" Qin Tao was a little curious. He didn't know what kind of tricks these people were playing. Why did they suddenly lower their attitudes? Don't the little devils always have their eyes above their heads?
"We are willing to transfer the two cargo ship orders in hand to you." Iwasaki Konosuke said: "The profit of these two ships should be 3000 million. Is this enough to make up for our rift?"

"What kind of cargo ship has such a high profit?" Qin Tao was curious.

"It's just a bulk carrier."

Bulk carrier?10,000 Heavy Industry actually dared to touch the bulk carrier?Qin Tao is also very emotional. In this field, I don’t know how many shipyards have died. Therefore, ordinary shipyards dare not accept such orders at all, especially for ocean-going bulk carriers of [-]+ tons, almost It is the meat on the lips of the Mingzhou Group.

Now, the other party actually has an order for this kind of ship, and the other party wants to give the order for this kind of ship as a gift to yourself?

Qin Tao secretly laughed in his heart. Could it be that you couldn't make it, so you specially handed it over to us?

"The ships built by [-] Heavy Industry are all large-scale. At present, we have received a lot of orders for container cargo ships. Our largest container is already [-] boxes, which is well received by the market. Therefore, we want to convert these two The order for the bulk carrier will be passed on to you," said Masuyama Yumon proudly.

Now, in international trade, container cargo ships have gradually become the mainstream. At the same time, the carrying capacity of such container cargo ships is also constantly developing. The first generation of container cargo ships has a total weight of 96 tons and carries about [-] containers. By [-], the fourth-generation container ships were able to transport [-] containers.

Of course, compared with the super container cargo ships of the later generations, they are nothing. The later generations often have 2 containers, or even more than [-] containers.

In the field of container cargo ships, [-] Heavy Industries is also the leader. They are the first to start construction of the [-]-container cargo ship, creating the world's number one. Now, speaking of this, Zengshan Xiongshou is also very proud, you guys Mingzhou Group is the leader of natural gas ships, and our [-] Heavy Industry is also the leader in the field of container ships!
"I'm sorry, our current order for bulk carriers has been scheduled for five years, and I'm afraid we don't have the energy to accept your order." Qin Tao said: "We appreciate your kindness."

Qin Tao looked at these guests with a sincere attitude: "Recently, there have been many rumors in the outside world, saying that the series of problems that [-] encountered in our domestic development all have the shadow of our Mingzhou Group, which is completely throwing dirty water on us. , we Mingzhou Group will never rely on slander and attacking competitors to develop ourselves, but rely on our strength."


Iwasaki Konosuke looked at Qin Tao, he had never seen such a brazen person in the world!The two shipyards in the South Kimchi Country went bankrupt and closed down. Could it be that there is no Mingzhou Group in it?
"We have a vast market in the East, and our consumers are sharp-eyed. Only companies that value our market can develop and grow. If they despise us while earning our money, such companies will be rejected sooner or later. Our market is eliminated." Qin Tao said: "Of course, you [-]s didn't make your fortune from cars, even if cars really withdraw from our market for various reasons, you won't have much influence."

Many people scold Volkswagen, saying that ordinary car companies study bicycles, and Volkswagen studies Chinese people. In fact, this is right. If you don’t study consumers, can you have good results?The so-and-so car recommended by those brick-and-mortar dealers was a good car, but all of them sold poorly, and were even delisted from the market sadly, and a large number of car owners were cheated: there was no room for follow-up maintenance!

It's like a teacher who says that his teaching level is so high, but the class he teaches is the bottom one. Can he be a good teacher?Whether a car company is qualified depends on its sales volume and whether it can be recognized by consumers, instead of shouting that my car is very good, because the market does not understand cars!This is the same as the teacher calling my teaching level very high, but my students are too rubbish.

"No, no." Iwasaki Konosuke said: "We attach great importance to the Eastern market. We came this time to ask, what can Mr. Qin do to make our cars regain the recognition of consumers."

The automobile market in the East has unlimited potential, because the East has the largest population in the world. In 90, the annual sales volume of automobiles was only 50. By the new millennium, this figure is predicted to reach 200 million. There is a thriving vitality here. and vitality.

The recent incidents have brought huge troubles to [-], so Iwasaki Konosuke came to the east to meet Qin Tao, hoping to find a solution to the problem.

"Facing history squarely." Qin Tao spit out this line of words: "A few years ago, the relationship between us was very good. Why? It's not because of your sincerity, but now, your side is getting more and more wrong on the wrong road. The further we go, the different treatment this time is just a trigger, and the historical factor is the most important, Mr. Death, am I right?"

The faces of the visitors turned ugly in an instant. Of course they knew what Qin Tao was talking about, but the suggestion Qin Tao made to them was difficult to implement. The reason is very simple.

For them, the East is not their only market, and they cannot offend other customers, especially those from their own country, because of the East market.

"Has everyone finished watching it? If it's almost finished, let's go down. There is a good place below. I want to show you all."

"Okay." Iwasaki Konosuke nodded.

However, when a group of people came to the Sino-Japanese War Memorial Hall, looking at the sign above and listening to the translation's introduction, they all stopped in their tracks.

"President Qin, what do you mean by this? We came here with sincerity, are you going to humiliate us?" Zengshan Xiongshou became angry again.

"No, how can this be a humiliation? It's almost a shame. It's a shame that the people of our motherland will never forget." Qin Tao said: "Inside are some wrecks of the shipwreck we salvaged at that time. The main parts of the shipwreck are all It was salvaged by your side, and it is said that someone from your side made two doors with bullet-riddled warship steel plates to show off their military exploits. Who do you think is humiliating whom?"

Zengshan Xiongshou did not speak again, but none of these guests moved forward.

"Mr. Qin, what's the use of the Sino-Japanese War Memorial Hall? It's all in the past. If you are interested, how about we cooperate to build a Sino-Japanese Friendship Street? We are willing to spend a lot of money to build the entire street into our The look of an island country."

Qin Tao shook his head: "We are not interested. As for the establishment of this memorial hall, it is to let our people never forget that period of humiliating history. It is precisely because of the humiliating history in the past that we are now taking great strides forward and moving forward bravely. We in the East have a saying, "Although the world is safe, if you forget the war, you will be in danger. We don't want any more wars, but when the war comes, we will definitely not be afraid. If you don't want to go in, let's forget it." "

Generally speaking, there was nothing to gain from this contact. Qin Tao disregarded the relationship, saying that the affairs of the [-] Group had nothing to do with him, and it was impossible for [-] to agree with Qin Tao's suggestion.

This thing is over.

When he came back to the front of the car, Iwasaki Konosuke looked back at the entire aircraft carrier park again. He already knew the reason why Qin Tao invited him to meet here, and he sighed. competition will become more intense.

At this moment, an assistant beside Masuyama Yushou whispered something, and suddenly, his face was extremely ugly, and he said to Iwasaki Konosuke: "Your Excellency Iwasaki, we should go."

"These people left too hastily, did something happen?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

Xu Zhengyang nodded: "That's right, something happened. I also just received the news."

What happened?Qin Tao looked at Xu Zhengyang with urging eyes.

"The MOL COMFORT, the world's largest container ship manufactured by [-] Heavy Industry, broke in two in the calm Indian Ocean." Xu Zhengyang picked up his mobile phone and read the short message inside.

"Break in two? Alas, there are so many accidents at sea this year. This is enough for [-] Heavy Industry. However, I guess it must have something to do with their data falsification for many years." Qin Tao said: "Take the island people's Personality, the investigation will take a long time, so we have to add fire."

In the car, Iwasaki Konosuke said angrily: "What's going on? Why did the good-looking cargo ship break in two? Did someone deliberately destroy it?"

Needless to say?They used to play tricks and wanted to destroy the cargo ships produced by the Mingzhou Group, and the Mingzhou Group could also do the opposite and destroy their cargo ships.

"Probably not, because this cargo ship belongs to our Sanjing Merchant Ship, and the crew on it are all our own people." Zengshan Xiongshou seemed to be trembling involuntarily when he spoke, and he didn't know this. What was going on, however, he had a bad premonition.

"No, they destroyed it. Because of our previous operation, they were angry and wanted to retaliate against us, so they blew up our container ship." Iwasaki Konosuke said.

Zengshan Xiongshou has come to his senses, and the investigation and so on are all follow-up. The only way now is to put the shit pot on the head of Mingzhou Group. Only in this way can we get out of the crisis.

"That's right, it's their operation. They are so hateful. We came to reconcile in person, but they did this kind of thing behind the scenes!" Zengshan Xiongshou said: "We must let the whole world know about Mingzhou Group's actions. True face, after we go back, we will hold a press conference."

By the time the group hurried back to the island country, it was already midnight, and after getting off the plane, Iwasaki Konosuke's assistant greeted him: "Everyone, I brought a video tape, please watch tonight's show in the car. "

"Program? What program?"

"You'll know it after you see it." Obviously, the assistant also knew that he couldn't explain it directly, and everyone had to read it.

They were greeted by a commercial vehicle with a TV set behind the driver's seat, and the TV started playing while the car was driving.

"Dear audience, I am standing at the construction site of our Three Gorges Dam. We know that the relevant departments have been discussing for decades before finally starting to build the Three Gorges Dam. This is a century-old project, a millennium project. In order to ensure the construction quality, we More than 600 tons of steel were imported from the island country, but after our inspection, the quality of this batch of steel was completely substandard."

Steel not up to standard?
Iwasaki Konosuke's complexion instantly became ugly.

"Look, I have a quality inspection report in my hand, which clearly shows that the toughness and strength of the steel are not up to standard. This batch of steel is used to connect the generator set and the water diversion steel pipe on the dam, and it has to withstand huge water pressure. , This batch of unqualified steel will lead to rupture, and the consequences are unpredictable. The construction department of the Three Gorges Dam knows that this matter is serious, so this is the third inspection, and the whole process is videotaped, and the detected data is still not good. qualified."

"We notified the island countries and asked them to come to negotiate. We thought they were here to apologize, but we were wrong. They didn't apologize at all. Instead, they were still blaming us."

"Our steel is qualified, you have a problem with the test data!" The video switched to the scene of the islander, and the aggressive attitude of the man on it was simply disgusting.

"After the arrival of the islanders, we chose a third-party testing agency and conducted a second round of re-inspection. The test results are reported here. Same as last time, the quality of the steel is still unqualified! However, the islanders still don't admit it. This test result, therefore, we sincerely invite representatives of steel companies around the world, journalists, etc., to witness together, we will conduct another test to see whether the steel produced in the island country is qualified, and now here, we also want to ask One question, how did this batch of unqualified steel leave the factory? The islanders claim to be exquisite in craftsmanship, so could it be that they couldn’t detect any problems with the data before leaving the factory?”

The recording ended, and the car was completely quiet.

They feel a little uneasy in their hearts. For a long time, the products of the island country have given people a sense of reliable quality. It is precisely because of this reputation that their products sell well all over the world. The myth made by the island nation is shattered.

Moreover, the incident reported in the news was too coincidental. It was just when their container ship sank. It is easy to think that the sinking of the ship was because the quality of the steel they built the ship was not up to standard?
The disclosure of the last incident has already damaged the reputation of [-] Heavy Industry. This time, if the slander is intentional sabotage by Mingzhou Group, but it turns out that the quality of the steel is not up to standard, then they will completely lose their international reputation.

How to do?
Even Konosuke Iwasaki, who has experienced strong winds and waves, has nothing to say at this time.

At this time, Qin Tao and his wife were heading north in a sleeper car.

The time of the plane was inappropriate, and it was a luxury to fly her own plane. Therefore, Zhao Ling suggested that Qin Tao take the train together. Anyway, it is a sleeper car, which is more convenient. After a night of sleep, he will arrive the next day.

Moreover, after Xu Zhengyang's arrangement, the sleeper car where Qin Tao was in was very quiet with no one else.

"Thanks to the evidence we collected in advance, otherwise, we would not be able to make such a wonderful report in a short time." Xu Zhengyang said.

"Yes, the history of man-made fakes in island countries has long existed, but there are always some people who are not confident and think that foreign products are better than Chinese products. Now, we are going to slap them in the face severely!"

Shepherd dogs exist at any time, the moon in foreign countries is round, the air in foreign countries is sweet, and foreign products are good. In later generations, with the development of the Internet, these fuzimen will finally be unable to blow .

The people of Kua Island are orderly and behave in the subway station, but it was revealed that the picture is a domestic subway station!They praised the quality of the island country’s products and good shipbuilding, but they were slapped in the face by the island country’s container ship that was broken into two pieces. This thing created a precedent for human container ships to break!I went abroad to purchase foreign goods with great interest and came back. The toilet seat cover worth tens of thousands of dollars was a tall one, boasting hype, and finally found a label somewhere: Made in China.

Domestic products do have fake and shoddy products, but you get what you pay for. At the same price, domestic products are not inferior to foreign products at all.If a Xiaomi mobile phone costing 1000 yuan lags for two years, compared to an Apple mobile phone worth [-] or [-] yuan, it is either stupid or bad.

"The rest of the projects, continue to launch?"

"Don't worry, the truth is revealed little by little." Qin Tao said: "Wouldn't it be suspicious if it was revealed all at once? However, the publicity on the Internet must start, and promote the progress of this matter." fermentation."

In the East, only a small number of people have computers, and even fewer people can access the Internet. However, the Internet in the West has long been perfected. I believe that many people want to see the myth made by the island country shattered. Set off some waves in the range.

"Understood." Xu Zhengyang said: "I will arrange it now."

Zhao Ling did not interrupt the conversation between the two, and sat quietly in front of the window, watching the scene outside.

How long has it been since you have been so relaxed?Over the years, she has been busy all the time like a tight chain, and has never been idle. This time, is she finally going to relax?

Zhao Ling's mood is very complicated.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Tao asked.

"Nothing, just in a daze." Zhao Ling said with a smile.

"After we go back, it's time for the ocean to go on vacation. Let's take the ocean on vacation together, swimming, diving, lying on the beach and basking in the sun." Qin Tao said: "Give the children a perfect vacation."

"En." Zhao Ling nodded.

"By the way, I said hello to Vitalia, and she will go with her father when the time comes," Qin Tao said.

"I haven't seen Vitalia for a long time, and I don't know how she is now. By the way, is she married?"

"No, she hasn't had enough fun yet, and she hasn't met anyone she likes. Foreigners are different from us Chinese. They want to enjoy their beautiful youth," Qin Tao said.


 PS: Thanks to book friends l599xl, I Zaifeng, Comrade Xiao Xiao, Qiankunying, LSTS and other friends for their rewards, thank you all book friends for subscribing and voting!Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, all kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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