Great warships

Chapter 652 Unpredictable

Chapter 652 Unpredictable
It’s not that their 052B’s air defense system is so advanced, the key is that they are close, the target is coming from the front, and they sail further forward, so even if they are launched at the same time, the 052B’s missile is one kilometer ahead of the 052C’s , of course it hit ahead of time.

Then, a voice came from the 052C warship: "The first hit!"

The captain has long known that the success of interception depends on who is closer to the front, so he does not intend to intercept the front target, save it for 052B, and he orders the operator to intercept the rear target!

There was such wisdom in ancient times, it was called Tian Ji horse racing.

Just after the first hit of the 052B, the missile they launched also hit the missile in the center of the incoming target within a second or two.

It was almost equal, and then, the missiles continued to fly, and shining fireballs continued to bloom in the sky, and the incoming missiles were accurately hit one after another.

"Five, six, we shot down six targets!"

On the whole, the 052B still took advantage. In the first round of strikes, they won a complete victory. However, before they had time to be happy, they saw the missiles next door began to launch one after another.

"Side attack target!"

"Damn it, why didn't we find out in advance?" Now, the captain of 052B was not happy: "Quick, lock the attack immediately!"

For the target flying from the side, the 052C took advantage of it, and the missile was closer to them. Therefore, after they found it, they immediately launched a second round of interception.

Missiles were launched one after another, and the entire warship was enveloped. In the thick smoke, the voice of the radar soldier came: "Report, we found a target behind, at an altitude of [-], and a speed of Mach [-]!"

Sure enough, it was Eagle Strike-12!

When intercepting the frontal missiles just now, the 052C shot down a total of three targets, plus the six targets of the 052B, a total of nine, and one target that never appeared at all. They have been on guard. Sure enough, now, from their The tail came up.

The YJ-12 missile is a long-range missile that can fly hundreds of kilometers. It can completely circle the sea and fly over from behind!
Only then did Wu Shengli speak: "That's right, since your Mingzhou Group proposed to carry out a saturation attack, we will practice some more tactics. It happens that the Eagle-12 has just been finalized, and this experiment will be regarded as the Eagle-12. Finalized test flight."

YJ-12, a domestic self-developed supersonic anti-ship missile, finally came out!
Qin Tao was very excited: "It seems that the two modern-class ships we are refitting can also remove the original launchers and replace them with Eagle-12s. Dad, why didn't you say so earlier?"

"We're not sure either. The YJ-12 R&D team made a sudden breakthrough recently and solved several major problems before they produced the sample bomb." Wu Shengli said, "But for our navy, this is still not enough. This is really good news, in the future, we will have a big killer."

"That's right, all existing large warships can be equipped with this type of missile. However, if you want to use it to fight an aircraft carrier, it's still a bit close. Our relevant units have to make persistent efforts."

With a high-altitude range of 150 kilometers and a low-altitude range of [-] kilometers, this kind of missile is still unable to break through the air defense circle of a potential enemy aircraft carrier formation. It must have a range of at least [-] kilometers to be sufficient.

This is the job of the YJ-18 missile, which combines subsonic and supersonic speeds.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!
"This missile will approach five kilometers and then explode. Now, it depends on your interception capabilities." Wu Shengli said.

While he was speaking, the missile specially designed to intercept the YJ-12 had been launched. Because it flew from the tail, the missile launched this time was the missile in the silo at the back.

052B next door was dumbfounded.

what happened?

Since 052B was sailing in front, the view of 052C in the rear could not be seen from the bridge. A sailor working on the helicopter platform at the stern saw the situation in the rear and immediately realized that something was wrong, so he ran to report to the bridge with an internal phone .

The fired missile not only ignited, but also turned and flew backwards!
"What? They started hitting the missiles behind?" When receiving this news, the captain of 052B was surprised for a second: "Is there a target behind?"

"Report, the radar shows... There is indeed a target in the rear, but the speed is very fast, I thought..."

The subordinates are too nervous. They have the upper hand in the interception of the incoming missiles at the bow, but they are behind in the interception from the side. Therefore, they are concentrating all their attention and want to shoot one or two more missiles. Even if there was a target behind them on the screen, they didn't take it seriously.

That target was too fast, it was Mach [-] when it just appeared on the screen, and it had accelerated to Mach [-] in an instant, even Sunburn couldn't fly so fast, so they subconsciously thought it was a false target.

The shaking of the warship and the churning of the waves will cause false targets to appear.

When a target suddenly appeared in a strange way, beyond their cognition, they subconsciously thought it was a false target and ignored it. This kind of air defense system is brand new, and it is possible that there are some immature parts. There is electromagnetic interference.

"That's a pony bullet." The captain was still knowledgeable, and thought of something at once, but it was not their turn to intercept it at this time.

Pony bombs and supersonic anti-ship missiles pose a huge threat to warships. This test will definitely not only count the number of shots shot down, but also weight the target. Intercepting a supersonic anti-ship missile is equivalent to intercepting ten An ordinary missile!
He clenched his fists.

On the surface of the sea, the gunpowder smoke has cleared, and other targets have gradually returned. Only the interceptor bomb launched by 052C is still flying towards the target.

The speed of supersonic targets is fast and the interception window is narrow, which is a great threat to any air defense system!

"The target is ten kilometers away!"

"Enter the countdown to interception!"

"Target starts to perform S maneuver!"

The pony bullet has been pre-programmed, and it will start to maneuver in a snake shape at a distance of ten kilometers, making it more difficult to intercept. It will definitely explode before it gets close to the warship, and the interception must be completed before it explodes!

Hongqi Nine roared down, aimed at the pony, and slammed into it fiercely.

The warhead of the Hongqi-2 missile exploded, and the [-] yuan fragments formed a dense barrage, intercepting the direction of the incoming missile.

Although Xiaoma Bullet had already made a beautiful S maneuver, it still couldn't avoid the barrage, and a piece of debris hit it.

When a plane hits a bird, flesh and blood can smash the plane into a big hole, because the speed of the plane is too fast, not to mention now, the current pony bomb has accelerated to Mach [-] or more, and at such a huge speed , one fragment is enough to destroy it.

The pony bomb exploded in the air, shattered into fragments, and the interception was a perfect success.

There used to be a very popular saying: If your sword is not long enough, then take a step forward, but now, put it on the Hongqi IX missile, it can become if your accuracy is not high enough, then take your warhead Get bigger!
The warhead of ordinary air-to-air missiles is only a few kilograms to a dozen kilograms, and surface-to-air missiles are probably also within this range, and the large ones are only tens of kilograms!The Patriot missile is enough to defy the sky, but it is a warhead of 90 kilograms, which was reduced to 73 kilograms in the later period.

What about Hongqi Nine?In order to make up for the lack of accuracy, the warhead has a full 180 kilograms!What is this concept?Even if it is the Eagle Strike 81 anti-ship missile, the warhead is not so heavy!
"Successful, we successfully intercepted the supersonic anti-ship missile!" Looking at the fireball exploding on the sea in the distance, everyone was very excited.

The other missiles were all destroyed at a distance of about [-] kilometers. In fact, within [-] kilometers, they almost reached the end of the flight of the anti-ship missile. However, this pony missile kept flying Within ten kilometers!
Although it can be intercepted, it is also very thrilling.

There is no way to do this. Sea-skimming anti-ship missiles have a very small interception window, and supersonic missiles are even more difficult to intercept. Intercepting targets in snake-like maneuvers is already very good.

However, this time it was Wu Shengli's turn to be depressed.

"Our newly developed anti-ship missiles were intercepted just like that? The Aegis system is no worse than ours. Does that mean they can also intercept our missiles?"

After studying for so long, I finally found that the missile is still not powerful.

"Dad, this needs to be analyzed comprehensively." Qin Tao said: "First of all, there is only one pony bomb, and we have just been able to stop it. What if there are more missiles flying in? One fish that slipped through the net is enough for us to suffer." Yes, this shows that the performance of our missiles is still good. Moreover, our potential opponents do not have supersonic missiles, they are all subsonic ones."

Only when one's own sea power is not strong enough, will one concentrate on studying how to fight aircraft carriers. When the sea power is strong enough, there will be no such problems. Americans never think about how to fight other people's aircraft carriers. What they think about is How to use carrier-based aircraft to attack land targets, they have the advantage, so they have been using Harpoons all the time, without supersonic anti-ship missiles.

"Any more?"

"What's more, our missiles can continue to be improved. For example, we can use our stealth technology to improve anti-ship missiles, making missiles more difficult to detect and stronger penetration capabilities."

Stealth technology!
Wu Shengli's eyes lit up. The missile was originally detected by radar from a long distance because of its small size. If it has the ability to stealth, it will be even more difficult to be detected!

Stealth technology!
What did the captain on the side think of: "Where's that damn stealth plane? Where is it?"

"Report, the meter wave radar observation, has reached our range of [-] kilometers."

"Can it be locked accurately?"

"Radar is still being tested."

"Ninety kilometers."

"Fifty kilometers!"

"Thirty kilometers! Our phased array radar is staring at it!"

This is a new breakthrough!
Meter wave radar can only detect its existence at most, but it cannot locate it accurately. As long as it cannot accurately measure its position, it cannot launch an attack. It must have been attacked in advance by the opponent.

Stealth machines have great advantages over non-stealth machines.

Now, our own phased array radar has gathered a large number of radar waves, and finally has a high enough reflection echo, which can accurately measure the target data and can be transferred to lock!

"It was discovered within [-] kilometers. Sure enough, the stealth coating we developed by ourselves still has defects." Qin Tao said with emotion: "However, it can be used anyway. This kind of stealth coating fighter can be sold. Wait until we have it Better coating, then use it yourself. By the way, need a lock?"

S-wave belongs to the common band of radar, and puts forward higher requirements for absorbing coatings. China is still lagging behind in this aspect. After all, there is little research time and experience, so we have to find a reference object.

It’s not enough for our own use, but exporting is no problem. It’s safe to fool those ordinary radars. Our side can find out that it’s because the meter wave radar line shines, and then the phased array radar focuses. As long as other customers don’t know this method, It is impossible to find our own J-31A, even within five kilometers.

Now, now that it's captured, it can try to lock on, which will trigger the radar warning receiver on that plane and startle Delano.

Qin Tao is not very satisfied with the stealth of the J-31A, but Wu Shengli doesn't care: "This is already quite against the sky. All kinds of air-to-ground weapons can be launched at a distance of 052 kilometers. It is absolutely enough. Yes, and our [-]B has not found it until now! No other operations are needed, now, our warship is fully starboard and left the test area!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Shengli walked to the front of the radio, switched to a new frequency band, and started calling: "Attention wild dogs, No. 168 withdrew from the battle, and continued to carry out a simulated attack on No. 167 according to the original plan!"

"Wild dog received!" Delano's voice came from the radio. Over the past few years, he has learned oriental languages ​​and is becoming more and more fluent.

"Simulated attack?" Qin Tao couldn't help but click his tongue: "Dad, this is our navy's second-hander? Wait, no, that J-31A is the property of our Mingzhou Group, how can it obey your navy's orders, and, you When the order was issued, it was hidden from our Mingzhou Group! This is not in line with the usual practice!"

"Why doesn't it conform to the convention? That plane has already been requisitioned by us!" Wu Shengli's words were very domineering.

A huge arc appeared on the sea surface, and the waves were surging. The 052C had already come to a full right rudder and accelerated to leave the test sea area.However, the radar is still on, and they need to monitor what happens next.

Delano didn't know that he had been spotted by 052C, and he wouldn't even find out for a long time in the future. After all, this plane was to be sold, and it focused on stealth, so it shouldn't have adverse effects .

On the destroyer 052B, the captain looked curiously at the 052C that turned to leave.

According to the original plan, the two destroyers sailed together in formation and intercepted the target with their own abilities. This may result in different results due to the different positions in the formation, but there is no absolute fairness. Let the navy organize two identical attacks , that is unrealistic. On the one hand, it is too costly, and on the other hand, the second player has experience.

Now, it is supposed to be over!
"052B Destroyer No. 167, request instructions." The captain picked up the radio and shouted to his superiors.

"Continue to maintain the original state and respond to new situations at any time." An order came from the radio.

"Yes!" At this moment, the captain became excited, they still have overtime!
They had an accident in the second wave of interceptions, and their results were not as good as in the first wave. However, their superiors still valued them, so they gave them an overtime match.

"Cheer up!" the captain yelled, "Bring out our best!"

"Yes! According to the report, the radar has detected an ultra-low-altitude flying target. Its height is very low and it is almost close to the sea surface! The distance is fifteen kilometers!"

"Why did you report it now, open fire immediately, and shoot it down!" The captain shouted loudly.

This is a coaxial inverted unmanned helicopter, code-named Seagull. It is an advanced unmanned helicopter successfully developed by the Capital University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 95. This helicopter has multiple functions. Now, it is attached to the On the sea surface, close to 052B, hiding itself in the radar clutter, at the same time, using its own advanced camera to point at 052B, its function is to conduct battlefield evaluation.

However, it didn't expect that the guy opposite would be so cruel.

With a bang, the Hongqi-[-] missile broke through the hatch, flew out of the bomb bay, ignited on the upper side, flew upwards for a while, and then dived down rapidly.

When seeing the launch of this missile, 052C exclaimed.

"What's going on? Did they also discover the stealth machine?"

"And, are they going to attack?"

Everyone was very surprised by the action of 052B launching missiles. Moreover, the warhead of Hongqi IX is very large. Once it explodes, it is estimated that it can blow up the plane into a sieve, and the mad dog will become a dead dog.

"No, it didn't hit an air target, it dived!" someone shouted.

Sure enough, the missile rushed to the sea.

"Is there any target on the sea?"

"Yes, there is one of our drones that undertakes the task of observing and recording the battlefield. It seems that the 052B is still capable of dealing with ultra-low-altitude targets." Wu Shengli said.

This is almost the last glory of 052B.Because its four-sided phased array radar is installed higher, it can theoretically detect targets closer to the sea. Now, the missile launched by 052B has rushed towards the poor seagull drone.

However, at this moment, the rotating phased array radar suddenly found a target in the sky.

"Report, found a target that suddenly appeared in the sky! Altitude [-], speed [-], distance [-]! Oh, damn, it dropped a bomb!"

The target appeared suddenly and then disappeared suddenly, but another target appeared from its original position and began to fall wobbly downward.

This shows what?
It must have been a bomb!
"When the stealth aircraft opens the bomb bay, it will destroy its own invisibility. At this time, ordinary radar can easily detect it, but generally speaking, it is too late to prepare for interception, unless the stealth aircraft is looking for death. Flying the same route for several days in a row, dropping bombs at the same location, will be targeted." Qin Tao said.

"Yes, our 052B destroyer did not find its existence until the stealth plane dropped the bomb, which shows that the performance of this fighter is great! For our navy, this aircraft is of great significance! Our navy needs Equip a batch!" Wu Shengli said.

In this way, the J-31A won the favor of the navy by accident. Its stealth is so against the sky that even the special air defense destroyer 052B cannot detect its existence.

The bomb was still swaying down. On the 052B destroyer, the captain shouted loudly: "Attention, the left rudder is full, and avoid it!"

At this time, no one cared whether the Hongqi-[-] missile could hit the target. Anyway, this missile had already entered the active attack stage, and there was no need for the warship to do command and guidance work.

The warship began to tilt to the right, and everyone grabbed the handrails around them. The gas turbine at the tail was rotating at full power, pushing the warship to accelerate.

"It turned a corner, it followed, it's a guided bomb!"

Everyone tensed up.

Guided bomb!

Just throw an ordinary bomb down, simulate the attack, and now you can still turn!

How to do?
Everyone's mood became tense.

"Attention, the naval guns and near-defense guns are all aimed at me!"

Now it is too late to fire Red Flag [-] again, the distance is too close, precision-guided bombs are roaring, they have to use other weapons!
The naval gun quickly turned around and fired at the sky. Amidst the booming sound, fireballs emerged from the muzzle, and shells flew into the sky one after another.

The 730 close-in anti-aircraft gun was also activated, and its speed was faster. After aiming, a buzzing sound sounded, the barrel rotated, and a series of flames emerged from the muzzle.

Many barrels fired together, and the sound combined into this roar.

Dense projectiles flew into the sky, covering the precision-guided bomb that landed. Just two kilometers away from the target, a ball of fire appeared in the sky.

Did the near-defense gun blow up the bomb, or did it choose to self-destruct at the end of the attack according to the predetermined procedure?
No one knew, so no one cheered. At this moment, they all seemed to be alive after a catastrophe, with sweat streaming from their foreheads and backs.

"Is it over?" someone asked.

"It should be over."

"Fortunately, only one was dropped. If two or more were dropped, we would have no time to react!"

They are all clear in their hearts that they have used all their close-in firepower, and it seems that they have intercepted it. However, if the opponent's attack density is higher, the consequences will be unpredictable.

The opponent is too ruthless!
"This is the advantage of the stealth machine. The future war has been rewritten by the stealth machine. If we don't discover the ability of the stealth machine, then we will die if we go out!" The captain said with emotion: "Fortunately, there are stealth machines in the world." There are not many countries with machine tools.”

(End of this chapter)

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