Great warships

Chapter 666 Arrives quietly

Chapter 666 Arrives quietly

A few days later, Prince Sultan Air Force Base.

After a long-distance flight, a beautiful fighter plane finally flew to its destination. On the runway, a large group of people waited eagerly.

If stealth is not considered, the appearance of the Typhoon fighter is still very attractive.

On both sides of the wide fuselage, there are large delta wings. Not to mention the fuselage, just these two wings can hold a large amount of fuel. Cooperating with the canards in front, this aircraft will have excellent maneuverability.

Three European Heroes: Typhoon, Rafale and Gripen all use canard layouts. If you subdivide them, these canard layouts are still different. Take Typhoon as an example, the canard wing is far away from the rear main wing.

The advantage of this is that the torsional torque is very large, and only a small canard area is needed to pry the nose, which is very helpful for improving maneuverability. This is actually the basic principle of leverage.

However, there are also weaknesses in doing so. Since the canard is far away from the main wing, the canard can only function as a rudder surface, and the main wing cannot use the vortex generated by the canard. In the case of third-generation aircraft generally using vortex lift Under the circumstances, this design is a bit puzzling.

In contrast, the French are going to another extreme: their canards are very close to the main wing. It can be said that the canards are not used as rudder surfaces, but mainly to pull vortices. This is of course because the French have always They are engaged in a delta wing without tail, and their canards are only a supplement to the aerodynamic layout, not the main one.

"Our Typhoon fighter uses the most advanced turbofan engine, with a thrust-to-weight ratio of up to 9, and the thrust-to-weight ratio of further developed models will exceed 10." Kelly watched the plane land and introduced to everyone happily: "And, Relying on strong power, our aircraft has a loading capacity of up to 7.5 tons. What you see now is the way of loading in transition. Only three auxiliary fuel tanks are mounted. In fact, if it is to perform air combat missions, it will It can mount six medium-range air-to-air missiles and six short-range air-to-air missiles, and has first-class air combat performance.”

The Typhoon fighter has 13 external hardpoints, one of which is used to hang electronic pods, and the remaining twelve can also be filled with air-to-air missiles. This is still the case without using composite pylons. Even the most powerful F The -15 fighter plane cannot mount so many missiles.

Hearing Kelly's show off, Qin Tao asked, "I don't know what kind of air-to-air missiles you are carrying?"

"Of course it is the AIM-120 with active radar guidance. In the future, we can also mount the advanced Meteor air-to-air missile developed by us in Europe." Kelly said.

"That is to say, if Saudi Arabia buys it, the aircraft will not have missiles for the time being?"

Hearing this question, Kelly's expression changed again.

Although the Saudi Air Force is one of the most advanced Western equipment, it is still down a notch. In terms of air-to-air missiles, the Saudi Air Force’s F-15 fighters are mainly equipped with semi-active radar-guided AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missiles. AIM-120, the United States is currently only for its own use, and most of them are exported to absolutely reliable countries such as the United Kingdom and Israel, and Saudi Arabia has to stand aside.

As for the Meteor missile independently developed by Europe, its performance is top-notch. However, this missile was only approved in 97, and it will be in service for at least ten years. With the procrastination of the Europeans, it is possible for 20 years, so , This kind of fighter still has guns but no bullets.

"How can it be said that there are no missiles?" Kelly wanted to refute a few words, and at this moment, the roar of the plane came, which had covered the voices of everyone talking, and the Typhoon fighter jets aimed at the runway and landed.

On the back of the machine, an extra-large airbrake was propped up.

Speedbrakes are the standard equipment of the three generations of fighter jets. Whether it is the F-15 or the Su-27, there are such large speedbrakes on the back of the aircraft. However, many canard fighters do not have them, because as long as the canards are rotated [-] degrees , it can act as an airbrake. The canard area of ​​the Typhoon fighter is small, and it won't work even if it is turned around. Therefore, a special rear airbrake is still used.

Qin Tao didn't pick on this problem, just stood there and continued to watch the typhoon land.

The wheels touched the ground, braked, and landed. The naked eye could see that the brake pads had turned red, but the braking force remained unabated. In many respects, the West is still relatively advanced.

Finally, the plane stopped.

The canopy opened, and the pilot stood up from inside. Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the pilot's helmet.

Unlike other smooth helmets, the back of the helmet worn by this pilot has a large number of bumps and pockmarks, which looks like an ugly monster. If a Phalanx patient sees it, he will get goosebumps all over his body pimple. (I don't know why, but the hero of East China will also feel very uncomfortable after watching it, and he is absolutely unwilling to watch it a second time.)
"Excuse me, what's so weird about this helmet?" asked a senior Air Force official present.

“This is our most advanced striker helmet,” Kelly said. “It makes it easier for pilots to gain an advantage in combat.”

"Does it have helmet sights?"

"Helmet sight? Those are outdated things." Kelly said: "Our helmet can be called the head equipment component HEA and the helmet sighting system HMSS. Its appearance is a revolution in the helmet technology of Air Force pilots."

Speaking of helmet sights, the first thing that comes to mind is the Shchel-3UM helmet sight used on Lao Maozi’s third-generation aircraft. There is an additional component on the pilot’s helmet: a small flat piece, like a large piece of chocolate, and There are tentacles and the like, which can cooperate with the infrared search and track (IRST) system in front of the cockpit, so that the pilot can kill with his eyes in actual combat, where the head turns, and the R-73 missile mounted on the wing You can aim wherever you want and fire at any time.

However, in fact, the first person to use helmet sights in actual combat was not Lao Maozi, but the only developed country on the African continent: the "Phantom" F1AZ pilots of the South African Air Force wore AV8-8 VTAS. The APH-6A helmet has a reflector stretching out to the pilot's eyes. The pilot can point the sight in the lens to the target so that the V3A short-range air-to-air missile seeker can be aimed at the target.

Helmet technology is constantly developing. After the West finds itself behind, of course they have to catch up. Moreover, they will be able to reverse and overtake soon by relying on the advantages of electronic technology.

Just like now, the striker helmet used by the Typhoon fighter jet in front of him is such a high-tech product.

"President Qin, can you see the knowledge in our helmets?" Kelly asked Qin Tao triumphantly.

This thing has not been announced to the public yet. In fact, it has not been fully equipped yet. It is just used for appearance. It is not truly mature until the Striker 2 helmet.

"These ugly pits on the helmet are disgusting like some invertebrates. They are actually some photoelectric probes." Qin Tao felt very bored about this kind of test. Although he was a shipbuilder, he was also discerning. Will not know this thing?
"These photoelectric probes cooperate with several positioning points in the cockpit to accurately determine the position of the helmet, that is, where the pilot's head is turned." Qin Tao said: "In this way, the airborne weapons can be controlled to aim at the pilot. The direction to look."

Kelly was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that Mr. Qin was so powerful that he could recognize him at a glance!
"Now, since the plane has arrived, can you demonstrate it to the big guys?" Sure enough, Qin Tao's next words began to embarrass him.

"Well, we're only simulating confrontation this time, so we haven't mounted missiles and can't demonstrate it," Kelly said.

"This is easy to solve. The air force base here has Sidewinder missiles. Just hang them up for you. By the way, your fighters can carry Sidewinder missiles, right?"

"Of course, but..."

"Just what? Isn't this helmet just a decoration?" Qin Tao asked.

"Of course not. It's just that the field of view of the Sidewinder missile's seeker is too small to give full play to the strength of this helmet sight. If there is an IRIS-T missile here, we can demonstrate it."

In terms of medium-range missiles, Europe is outdated. However, short-range missiles are different. Europe is developing its own ASRAAM, trying to gain the upper hand in future air combat. This project was launched in the 80s. However, after the merger of East and West Germany , they came into contact with the R-29 missiles on the East German MiG-73, and immediately made changes. The German company focused on improving the maneuverability of the missiles, using thrust vectoring gas rudders and 4 pieces of can The IRIS-T missile was developed by combining the moving tail and four cruciform wings. Its maneuverability and sharp turning performance have been greatly improved. At the same time, due to the use of the infrared focal plane seeker, it has forward-facing Ninety degree field of view.

This missile and helmet sight are a perfect match!

Kelly got rid of this topic, and was a little annoyed in his heart. He looked at Qin Tao: "President Qin, after talking so much, our plane is right in front of us. Where is your plane? When will it arrive?"

"Well, I don't know too well."

"I don't know? If you didn't come, you didn't come. What's unclear? The base's radar can monitor the surrounding airspace of [-] kilometers, and your landing site is only [-] kilometers away from here. Our radar found that other than us Is it a military target?"

"Our radar didn't find anything except the Typhoon fighter jets," said the officer in charge of the radar.

In order to protect the safety of the base, they arranged Patriot missile positions around the base. The flat-panel phased array radar was rotating slowly. If there were other targets in the sky, they would have been discovered by it.

While Kelly was talking to the radar officer, Qin Tao picked up his cell phone and dialed the number.

"Hello? What, just landed? Okay, I'll tell you the news." Qin Tao put down the phone and looked at Salman.

"Mr Salman, our fighter plane has just landed too."

Just landed?

Kelly's eyes widened: "Impossible, it's absolutely impossible! The base's radar didn't find anything, how did your fighter plane land?"

"Because our aircraft is a stealth aircraft." Qin Tao said: "If it is captured by ground radar, what kind of stealth aircraft is it? Moreover, there are personnel from the Saudi Air Force on the spare runway over there. They should be able to give confirmed the news."

"Did you come here in a big circle?" Kelly still didn't believe it.

"Even if you go around a big circle, you have to land at a base fifty kilometers away, and it will always be within the search range of that radar." Qin Tao gave Kelly a white look: "I admit that our aircraft has excellent performance. Is it that difficult?"

"Great, great, now, let's go to see the fighter planes coming from the east! Immediately, immediately!" Salman shouted loudly.

The typhoon is right in front of them, but this kind of aircraft is no longer attractive to them. The fighter plane from the east landed almost at the same time as the typhoon, but that plane was silent, and our side did not find anything. If in wartime, this kind of aircraft is the best offensive tool.

Salman was very moved.

Of course, the same was true of the other Air Force chiefs. They immediately strode towards the luxury off-road vehicle and got into it.

"Hey, hello, our fighter plane has just landed. There are a lot of advanced equipment on the plane. Don't you want to see it?" Kelly shouted loudly: "You can enter the cockpit experience!"

Just as Kelly shouted, off-road vehicles started to move one by one, leaving him with a lot of exhaust gas.

Kelly clenched his fist, hum, isn't it just invisibility?Is it that important?Now, besides the United States that has research and development of stealth aircraft, who else has it?You will not face the threat of stealth aircraft, so why are you so excited?
In terms of combat effectiveness, it has to be our typhoon.

"How did you fly here?" At this time, Salah, an excellent pilot of the Saudi Air Force, was looking at the pilot who was getting off the plane in the temporarily converted air force base on the desert highway, and asked in surprise.

Salah has rich experience in the Saudi Air Force. He was one of the early pilots who modified the F-15. He also served as an exchange pilot in the US military. Moreover, he still has the results of shooting down.

However, this shooting down result was not what he wanted to mention. It was the Phantom F1 shot down in Operation Desert Storm. He used to be a good friend, but in the end he had to fight for the foresight, which was not what he wanted to see. He didn't want to fire, but was pushed by the US military instructor in the back seat.

The base here also opened a ground radar, but found nothing. When they heard the roar from a distance, they were still chatting in the tent. When they came out, the black fighter plane had already appeared on the glide line up, then down.

It made them unbelievable.

Hearing his words, Delano smiled, and then replied in fluent English: "It just flew over."

How can you fly, just fly normally!

"I mean the air route, what air route are you flying?"

"From Kamla in Pakistan, draw a straight line here, and I flew here along this straight line. The normal flying altitude is [-], which is more fuel-efficient." Delano said.

Of course, many pilots were vying for this mission to go abroad. Hearing that he was going to fight against the typhoon, Delano was very excited and volunteered. Considering the safety of Delano, he was not originally planning to let him come, but , Delano is in a hurry, if he is not allowed to come, he will not do it!
Seeing Delano's insistence, and the fact that this fighter is top secret, Saudi Arabia will also protect it and prevent the fighter from contacting Westerners, so the superior finally agreed.

Draenor is so excited to finally be out and have fun again!

Although it was a long journey, for Delano, there was nothing to worry about. As a naval pilot, he had to learn to endure loneliness, and, along the way, he did not trigger any country's air defense system, which made him even more proud. This kind of aircraft Flying is really fun!
If it wasn't for the lack of fuel, he really wanted to fly over other countries and come back after a big circle.

"Without our guidance, you can directly find the base here, which is not easy." Salah said.

"What's so difficult about it? Our aircraft is equipped with a global positioning and navigation system, so of course we can accurately find the target."

At present, the domestic Beidou navigation system is still under research and development, and has not yet been launched into space. The old man's GLONASS is already in a semi-abandoned state because of lack of money, leaving only the US GPS to use.

The receiver of this terminal only passively receives signals and does not actively emit electromagnetic waves, so there is no possibility of revealing whereabouts. The only flaw is that the signal may be cut off at critical times.

Of course, there is no such problem in exporting to Saudi Arabia. Even if it is a civilian signal, the accuracy of ten meters is enough to find the temporary air force base here.

As Delano said, he took off his flying helmet. Only now did Salah see clearly that it was a pilot with a western face!
"Aren't you from the East?" Salah was surprised.

"Yes, I am Chinese." Delano said, "What's so strange? Only people with yellow skin and black hair can be Chinese?"

At this moment, off-road vehicles drove over. In order to take a shortcut, they walked directly into the desert, speeding up and down the dunes, and even flew directly down from a small dune, which showed how anxious these people were.

The convoy drove directly to the runway made of a wide highway, and then drove to the plane.

In the past, they had seen the majestic appearance of this aircraft in the promotional brochures, but there was still a difference between the photos and the reality.

The black fighter looks so spectacular and beautiful. Compared with the white Typhoon fighter, it is definitely a product of two eras.

The nose of the diamond-shaped cross-section, the air intake is just attached to the two slopes below, and there are two bulges at the front of the air intake, which looks so perfect. The canopy above reflects a layer of yellow light, which must be Gold plated on top.

Looking back, it is a butterfly-shaped wing with first-class stealth ability, which is very close to the tail at the back. The two vertical tails form a V-shape sloping outwards, and even the nozzles of the engine are in a zigzag shape. Can play the most perfect stealth effect.

A large group of people pounced on it and began to observe the plane. Salman looked at the Western face who was chatting with him in surprise, and said suspiciously, "Is that your pilot?"

"Yes, you probably know that our J-31A adopts the method of international cooperation, and we also have a large number of foreign technical personnel, but many of them have become Chinese, and this pilot is one of them. One." Qin Tao said: "He is now our best test pilot and has thousands of hours of flying experience on this aircraft."

"It really uses a whole LCD screen!" At this time, someone had already climbed into the cockpit and began to look at the equipment inside. When they saw the whole LCD screen, they immediately shouted in surprise .

Now, Lao Maozi's plane is still an ancestral watch shop. The Western fighter planes were originally laid out with one level and three layouts, which has been considered the most advanced. However, when it comes to the Eastern fighter planes, they are all compared!
The entire cockpit is very simple, with a green diffractive head-up display on the top, a long bar-shaped display on the bottom, and some switch buttons on the bottom. The visual impact of this display is too strong!

At the beginning, when this aircraft was first tested for flight, it still used one level and three strokes. It could have been delivered to the customer last year, but Qin Tao deliberately waited for a while. Although the main thing that was waiting was the stealth coating, other The technology is also developing, especially after BOE introduced the LCD production line, it immediately put into large-scale production, and the speed is very fast, and the R&D team of J-31A is also very fast, directly using this long strip LCD display .

Sci-fi, so sci-fi, much better than the helmet of the Typhoon fighter!
"Yes, we have reached the world's advanced level in terms of cockpit display." Qin Tao introduced: "This also reflects the leap of our electronic technology. On the future battlefield, advanced electronic technology is the ultimate goal of defeating the enemy. magic weapon."

Everyone surrounded the plane, watching it non-stop, until it was dark, and then reluctantly went back.

The hotel was full of excitement, and Salman greeted everyone enthusiastically: "Come, let's eat together. This delicacy will take seven days to prepare. It is the best gift for entertaining guests. We originally planned to serve this delicacy after the test tomorrow." dishes, but in order to entertain the distinguished guests, we will serve it up today."

There is a mountain of food on the table, which is the Saudi state banquet: roasted camels!
Roasted whole lamb is already considered a big meal, but in front of roasted camels, roasted whole lamb is a pediatrician!
As long as you look at its size, you can tell that it is huge. It requires a special oven and even a crane. At this time, a row of knives was inserted into the body of the camel. Cut the meat and ate it.

"Everyone, let's do it!"

Qin Tao also picked up a knife, cut open the thinnest belly, and cut a piece of mutton from it.

"Yes, this mutton is really delicious!"

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Kelly regained his self-esteem again: "President Qin, this is a roasted camel!"

"That's right, it's a roasted camel."

"But you say it's mutton? That's disrespectful to camels."

"Really? I still want to eat roasted chicken legs. I'll look for it inside." Qin Tao continued to pick inside with a knife skillfully.

Then, Kelly was surprised to see Qin Tao take out a chicken leg from it!
(End of this chapter)

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