Great warships

Chapter 671 The Interlude of Aircraft Carrier Bidding

Chapter 671 The Interlude of Aircraft Carrier Bidding

Qin Tao intends to build an aircraft carrier for the Saudi Navy in his own shipyard, but after careful study, it will definitely delay the construction progress of his own existing ships. Shipbuilding is different from other projects. Many orders come in two or three years. Yes, it's not good to delay the construction period.

Therefore, after getting the order, entrusting it to a third-party shipyard is a plan that he has reconsidered. In this way, he can also make a fortune as a second-hand dealer. Moreover, this can also train other shipyards to manufacture aircraft carriers. After all, In the future, when the Navy has money, there will be a large demand for aircraft carriers. The construction period for this thing will be very long, and Mingzhou Group may not be able to build it.

Now, let them practice with the Saudi order.

For Qin Tao, this is a small matter, but for Bincheng Shipyard, this is a big event. Sun Xuewen is extremely excited and excited, and he has meat to eat with Mingzhou Group!
Entering the meeting room, there were already many people sitting inside. At this time, they all turned their heads and looked at the group of Mingzhou Group. They knew in their hearts that Bincheng Shipyard was just here to accompany them, and the plan of Mingzhou Group would definitely be approved by unanimous votes. of!
Qin Tao greeted everyone warmly, looked at a famous leader on the rostrum, and was also excited. This is a historic moment!
"Okay, everyone, be quiet, everyone is here, and our bidding meeting has officially started. First of all, I would like to ask Bincheng Shipyard to describe their design plan." This important meeting was organized by the newly established general equipment department. Hosted by Mr. Cao, the new official took office. For him, this meeting is also very important.

Sun Xuewen walked under the projection screen on the side of the rostrum. As the projector was turned on, a structural diagram of an aircraft carrier appeared on it, which was very beautiful and atmospheric.

"Hi everyone, this is the overall structure diagram of our aircraft carrier. In order to pursue safety to the greatest extent, we have adopted the layout of the bow jumping deck. This layout has been applied on our existing aircraft carrier. Its largest The feature is reliability, even if the catapult fails, we can guarantee the smooth take-off and landing of the carrier-based aircraft.”

"Then, can the ski jump takeoff guarantee that the carrier-based aircraft will take off with a full load?" Cao Lao asked enthusiastically.

"Of course, according to the operating experience on the 001 aircraft carrier, when using the apogee take-off point, it is absolutely possible for our J-33 carrier-based aircraft to take off with a maximum take-off weight of [-] tons." Sun Xuewen introduced.

Qin Tao suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. This old Cao seems to be very interested in this layout?

Is it about to happen that the layman leads the expert?
Sun Xuewen continued to introduce the situation of the entire aircraft carrier. The leaders in the seats were very interested and kept asking questions one after another.

The naval leaders sitting together on the rostrum also seemed to have a premonition of something, and their faces gradually became gloomy.

Originally, it took 15 minutes to prepare for the introduction plan of Bincheng Shipyard, but it took a full hour to talk about it!
Sun Xuewen walked down with satisfaction, and Mr. Cao continued on the top: "Now, let us invite the Mingzhou Group, which we all expect, to introduce their plan."

The finale should be the last one, but right now, the atmosphere seems a little unusual.

Babbage stood up and wanted to go to the rostrum to introduce, Qin Tao patted him on the shoulder: "Let me go."

He wasn't trying to steal Babbage's limelight, but felt that under the current circumstances, it was more appropriate for him to be the boss of the group.

Anyway, as long as he typed up the design drawing of the aircraft carrier, Qin Tao would be able to introduce it clearly, without having to discuss anything with Babbage in advance.

"Everyone, our aircraft carrier design is roughly the same as that of the Bencheng Shipyard. The main difference is the bow. We use a straight deck layout, so that two catapults are arranged at the bow and one catapult is arranged at the angled deck. , so that it has a strong dispatch efficiency and meets the needs of high-intensity combat." Facing the design drawing, Qin Tao introduced it.

Mr. Cao listened carefully to Qin Tao's introduction, frowning in thought.

After talking about the deck, we talked about the ship island, and after talking about the ship island, we talked about the hangar and other cabins of the hull. After this detailed introduction, because no one asked questions, it only took more than half an hour to finish.

"We've listened to both plans, and it can be seen that the main difference lies in the way of take-off." Cao Lao said: "Mingzhou Group's plan focuses on high-intensity dispatches, with three catapults, which are comparable to American super aircraft carriers. The plan of Bincheng Shipyard focuses on reliability and inheritance. With our existing operating experience of the 001 aircraft carrier, it is more secure. Among these two plans, I think the plan of Bincheng Shipyard is more suitable for our current national conditions. .”

This is simply a reversal of the gods. Everyone thought that Mingzhou Group would safely get the construction task of the aircraft carrier. Who would have thought that when the final decision was made, they would lose to the accompanying Bincheng Shipyard. ?

Everyone has an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

Even Sun Xuewen didn't realize this scene, his face was a little embarrassed, Mr. Qin, we really didn't play tricks behind our backs!

If the Mingzhou Group failed this time, and they believed that their Bincheng Shipyard’s secret operation was behind it, how could they continue to do business with the Mingzhou Group in the future!Once isolated, it will be very difficult for them.

Mingzhou Group does not build aircraft carriers for the navy, and there are football countries, Saudi Arabia, people are not afraid, but the ducks they got suddenly flew, and Mingzhou Group suffered a big loss. How can they continue to lead the industry in the future?

However, if Sun Xuewen wants to stand up now and say what is wrong with his aircraft carrier, he should choose the Mingzhou Group's plan, which seems inappropriate.Isn't this teasing the leader?
"Mr. Cao, your worries are justified." At this moment, Qin Tao said: "Big guys like aircraft carriers are expensive to build, so of course nothing can go wrong. Of course, our plan also takes into account reliability. In terms of takeoff, electromagnetic catapult takeoff is more reliable than ski jump takeoff."

more reliable?
The big guy knew in his heart that Boss Qin would definitely fight back, but how to fight back was still unclear. Now that such an argument has been uttered, it is refreshing.

Which of the two solutions is reliable, isn't it clear at a glance?Yuefei relies on the power of the aircraft itself, and it has nothing to do with the aircraft carrier. As long as the aircraft has no problems, it can take off successfully.Once the catapult is broken, it is scrapped.

"I know that many people don't agree with this argument, so let's speak with facts, Magong!" Qin Tao looked down: "Report the data of the ejection take-off experiment conducted at the Huangdi village base. "

Ma Ming stood up: "At present, we have carried out [-] slider ejections and [-] carrier-based aircraft ejections at the Huangdi Village base. In all the ejection experiments, all of them were successful, ensuring zero failure rate."

His answer was very simple, and the data was also very simple, but everyone who heard it was not calm.

"All success?"

"Yes, there is no failure." Ma Ming said: "There are still 33 full-power ejections, which means that the J-[-] can reach a maximum take-off weight of [-] tons. During this ejection, the catapult also The chain is not broken, everyone, it is inappropriate to use the standard of steam catapults to judge our electromagnetic catapults, this is like the difference between a steam train and a high-speed electric locomotive."

Of course, Qin Tao has the confidence to use the all-electromagnetic ejection solution. He knows that Ma Ming will not let him down.

"Everyone, our experiment is still going on, and there will be more test data. Just use the current data to calculate, our electromagnetic catapult can eject [-] times without failure, and three electromagnetic catapults can eject More than [-] times, or even [-] times. Even if our aircraft carrier conducts a full-machine ejection every day, it is only seventy or eighty times. In this way, our aircraft carrier can guarantee trouble-free ejection for three years. , the catapult can guarantee that there will be no problems for ten years of use, isn't such reliability high?"

Mr. Cao and the others were a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, they nodded again: "That's right, if our electromagnetic catapult can have such reliability, we really don't need to consider failures."

"It is impossible for the three catapults to be broken at the same time. As long as one of them is good, the fighter planes can continue to be dispatched." Qin Tao said, "However, the ski jump is different. The danger of flying will come at any time. Everyone, you can take a look. screen, let me watch a video."

The ski jump take-off and the electromagnetic ejection have yet to be concluded after a lot of debate. Fortunately, Qin Tao is well prepared, and gold is not afraid of fire.

The scene of a carrier-based aircraft taking off appeared on the screen. After a little identification, everyone knew: "This is the Kuznetsov of the old man!"

"That's right, last year, Lao Maozi finally got together the Su-33 carrier-based aircraft for this aircraft carrier, and started training pilots. Now, everyone can see the results of Lao Maozi's training."

In the video, the Su-33 prepares for the take-off point on the left, and then taxis towards the bow of the ship with all its strength. However, for some reason, its flight deviates from the white take-off line and keeps deflecting to the right.

"Crosswind, this is a deck crosswind!" Some people reacted, and more people held their breath, worried about the plane.

The plane was still veering to the right, and before it slid to the bow of the ship, it was already on the take-off line on the right!
Slide, keep sliding!
Finally, at a distance of more than ten meters from the top of the jumping deck, the wheels had already left the deck, and the fuselage fell instantly, and then was pulled up by the pilot. Fortunately, it did not fall into the sea.

"During the jump, the fighter jets take off entirely on their own power, and there is no fixed trajectory. Once affected by the crosswind, it will be very dangerous. Our navy has not encountered this kind of situation for the time being, because the sea area we train in is very dangerous. I am familiar with it, and I have never taken off in strong winds." Qin Tao said: "However, the war will not stop because of the weather. The more windy and thunderstorm, the better the weather for attack."

The electromagnetic catapult is not afraid of such accidents, because the front wheel of the aircraft is fixed on the electromagnetic slider, the aircraft can only move forward along the track, and no matter how strong the wind is, it will not deflect it.

Therefore, in terms of reliability, electromagnetic ejection is more reliable.

When seeing this, Wu Shengli's tense face finally began to relax.

If it was before, their navy would be able to make a decision, but now, a superior must come to preside over it.

This is definitely not because Qin Tao is his son-in-law. From the needs of the navy, electromagnetic ejection is more suitable for them. If the ski jump is really easy to use, why don't the Americans use it?
Don't listen to the Americans fooling around, super aircraft carriers are live targets, small and medium-sized aircraft carriers are enough, just look at what the Americans are using now, and you can know what is the most suitable.

When you have no experience and just set foot in a certain field, it is right to learn from others, and there is no shame in it.

"By the way, I just forgot to introduce our full deck attack status." Qin Tao continued: "Since the bow of the ship is flat, if we need to prepare in advance, this part of the bow area can also be used."

For ski jump take-off, the front deck is a slope, and the plane cannot be parked. Now this kind of straight deck is different.This area of ​​the bow of the ship can also carry carrier-based aircraft, so the number of carrying aircraft is larger.

"In the limit, we can store fifty carrier-based aircraft just on the deck."

Following Qin Tao's introduction, another picture appeared on the big screen. Everyone looked at this picture and couldn't help feeling: so many!


Since there are also planes in the landing area behind, it is impossible for the fighter planes taking off in front to land if there is a situation before the landing area is vacated in this way.For this reason, rescue forces are needed, and 3 helicopters are parked: 1 is located in front of the 105-meter short take-off position of the bow, 1 is located above the front elevator, and 1 is located at the end of the beveled flight deck. If there is a situation, rescue at any time.

This is already the maximum number of deployments.

The ejection aircraft carrier is different. When needed, the bow part can be filled with aircraft, and only the bow can accommodate [-] aircraft!Coupled with the number behind, it is well over fifty. As for taking off, you only need to use the catapult on the angled deck.

This picture is still very spectacular, even Cao Lao was attracted.

If it is on the ground, this is equivalent to the size of two aviation regiments.

"From this point of view, the Mingzhou Group's plan is more promising." Mr. Cao finally changed his tone.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Wu Shengli said, "Leader Cao, shall we hold a vote next?"

In general bidding, one person cannot have the final say, and a group of people have to vote. However, they also have to look at the face of the leader. If the leader has publicly expressed his support for a certain project, they will vote for another project. That is to fight against the leader, and you have to be prepared in the future, and you may wear small shoes at any time.

Now that Mr. Cao has changed his opinion, you don't have to worry about voting again.

"I still have some questions." Cao Lao continued: "If we divide the construction of the aircraft carrier into several sections, build them at different shipyards at the same time, and then transport them together for welding, will this speed up the construction?"

Hearing these words, Qin Tao already understood.

The tree attracts the wind.

Now, Mingzhou Group is already the most outstanding shipbuilding group in China, whether it is a civilian ship or a warship, they are all good at it.However, a group in a state of monopoly is not liked by the high-ranking leaders. They think it is difficult to control. After all, for thousands of years, the tactics of checks and balances have been played by various emperors to perfection.Any emperor likes his subordinates to disagree and fight with each other, so that the kingship will be stable.

If all the projects are owned by Mingzhou Group, then the cost cannot be reduced through competition, and Mingzhou Group may even use monopoly to increase profits.

Qin Tao felt a little helpless in his heart. Although he had expected this situation a long time ago, when it really happened, it still made him feel complicated.

"Old Cao, this is ideal." At this moment, Sun Xuewen said: "Shipbuilding is different from other streamlined industries. Shipbuilding is more like manual work. No matter how precise we do it in advance, there may be errors. , In the same shipyard, the method of segmented construction has been used to improve the progress. If it is assigned to different shipyards, then once a welding error occurs, the completed segment may be scrapped, and the loss can be as large as It’s too big, and our shipyards are far away from each other, so we have to use ships to transport them after they’re built, which increases the cost even more.”

Mr. Cao looked at Sun Xuewen with meaningful eyes, you are actually speaking for Mingzhou Group now?Are you not in competition?

Sun Xuewen did not bow his head under Cao Lao's gaze, he gritted his teeth and continued: "Cao Lao, you just took over a new position, you may not know much about our shipbuilding industry, in our industry, Mingzhou Group is well-deserved Boss, they can provide the navy with the best and most advanced warships. Our other shipyards admire Mingzhou Group. Now, although we are engaged in competition, we also have cooperation. Our shipbuilding industry is now in Mingzhou Under the leadership of Zhouzhou Group, we will become bigger and stronger together, so that we will be more competitive in the international arena.”

He had to say this, and it was for Mr. Qin.

Lest Mr. Qin think that their Bincheng Shipyard is playing a conspiracy behind the scenes, trying to use crooked ways to win the bidding contract for the aircraft carrier.

It is inappropriate for Mr. Qin to say these words, that is to brag about himself, and it will be convincing if the competitors say it.

Do the superiors feel that the Mingzhou Group is too powerful and they want to suppress it?This cannot be determined, but Sun Xuewen has to tell the superiors that thanks to the strength of the Mingzhou Group, we can become stronger together!
"Yes, Mr. Cao, our Huating Shipyard did not participate in the bidding this time, but we also want to say a few words. Our shipyard was developed under the big tree of Mingzhou Group. Now, we The most profitable business of the shipyard is the natural gas ship. Our domestic shipbuilding industry is the most profitable. This project is also the project. Mingzhou Group invented a new natural gas ship patent, and the patent fee for us is less than half of that of foreign manufacturers. We can Making money depends entirely on the profits that Mingzhou Group gives us. The strength of Mingzhou Group is beneficial to all our domestic shipyards. "

People in other shipyards couldn't sit still anymore and wanted to stand up and speak.

In Qin Tao's heart, there was a burst of emotion.

These people say this on this occasion to offend the leaders. There may not be any warship orders in the future, but they still want to say this, they want to uphold justice for the Mingzhou Group, and they want to let the leaders know that the shipbuilding below What kind of attitude does the factory have!

However, it's still inappropriate to do so. If the leader considers this a forced palace, then it's not good.

Qin Tao was thinking about how to speak, and Cao Lao who was sitting in the seat spoke first.

"You guys are all of one mind. How do I feel that what you said is just aggrieved by the Mingzhou Group? Did the Mingzhou Group suffer unfair treatment?"

The faces of the people below were slightly ugly, but they continued to be firm again: "Mr. Cao, we just want to let you know the specific situation of our shipbuilding industry. We don't mean to offend any leaders."

"Haha." Mr. Cao let out a hearty laugh: "Okay, let's be open and honest at today's meeting. That's right, after I took office, there were a lot of rumors that entered my ears."

These old leaders are all worthy of respect. Their life experiences are extraordinary. They can uphold the truth, uphold justice, and can be frank.

"Mingzhou Group takes care of everything. They have covered all kinds of warships for the navy, ranging from small missile boats to large destroyers. Is there any tricks and nepotism among them?" Cao Lao said: "I'm seeking truth from facts. Looking at various data, I do have this suspicion. However, as the old saying goes, you have no right to speak without investigation. Today, under such circumstances, other shipyards can still speak for Mingzhou Group. It shows that although Mingzhou Group has become bigger and stronger, it has not forgotten its roots. What is our basic policy? Get rich first and then get rich, and finally achieve common prosperity. In the shipbuilding field, there is Mingzhou Group, a leading enterprise, driving the entire shipbuilding industry Therefore, the strength of Mingzhou Group is our pride!"

Qin Tao was very moved.

"Rumors stop at the wise, and rumors are always rumors. I am optimistic about Mingzhou Group! In fact, Mingzhou Group has built so many aircraft carriers. If the navy's aircraft carrier is not handed over to them, who else can it be? Now, everyone votes Bar!"

All those eligible to vote voted for the Mingzhou Group, unanimously passed!

(End of this chapter)

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