Great warships

Chapter 675 It’s Like We Have Gained Alien Technology 1

Chapter 675 It’s Like We Have Gained Alien Technology

The runway was approaching, and Salah tried hard to control his fear. He told himself silently in his heart: trust the instructor, trust the instructor, the landing of the carrier-based aircraft is like this!

Finally, the plane jerked violently, the landing gear had hit the runway, and continued to slide forward, his body began to jump forward, the seat belt tightly held his body, and he felt that his eyes began to dim again .

He didn't know when the plane stopped or how it slid back to the tarmac. When the canopy opened, he tried to stand up and tried to walk down the ramp by himself, but for some reason, two The legs are shaking involuntarily!
Shame, what a shame!
"Salah, what do you think?" Delano said to him: "After this flight, do you have a more comprehensive understanding of the takeoff and landing of our carrier-based aircraft?"

"The dancer on the tip of the knife, the eagle in the blue sky." Salah said: "Sure enough, the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft is the most difficult. This is just a small trainer aircraft. If it is a larger fighter jet, It will definitely be more difficult to take off and land. I think it takes a lot of effort and hardship to master the takeoff and landing of this kind of aircraft."

The carrier-based pilots of the U.S. Navy have never looked down on Air Force pilots. In their eyes, the Air Force's smooth and stable flight is not a veteran flight at all, it is nothing at all.

Now, Salah can be regarded as realizing that this take-off and landing is not something ordinary people can bear.

"It seems that this kind of take-off and landing is a great challenge for us." Salman also understood that if they want to realize the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft, it is not so easy.Their elite pilots have come to this conclusion: Carrier-based aircraft are not something that ordinary countries can play.

So, they still put the J-31A on land and forget it, as long as it is well protected, aren't those Dongfeng-3 missiles also well protected?

He thought for a while, and then continued: "Mr. Qin, your aircraft is one aircraft with three types. The vertical take-off and landing fighter jet has never been shown. I wonder how the development is going?"

"Everyone, the technical difficulty of this aircraft is the greatest. However, we have achieved phased results. If you guys want to see it, we can arrange a performance of a vertical take-off and landing fighter."

"Okay, great!"

"Where is the fighter plane?"

"Have you seen it? Aren't there three black fighter planes on the tarmac over there?"

Now, when they see the black-skinned fighter plane and look at its general shape, they can tell that it is the J-31A. They are used to the appearance of this kind of plane at the naval aviation training base in the East, and they don't think there is anything wrong with it.

However, when Qin Tao said this, they suddenly realized: "Could it be that one of them takes off and lands vertically?"

"That's right." Qin Tao nodded: "When we were designing, there are three types of fighters in one aircraft, and the vertical take-off and landing fighter jets have the same shape as other models. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference at all."

The American JSF also has three models in one machine. However, when the vertical take-off and landing F-35B is put together with the other two models, the difference between them can be found immediately: this B-type is obviously fatter, with a full circle of fat, plump The famous F-35B has won the title of "Fertilizer" for all.

So, what exactly is causing it to be fatter?
The first is the huge lift fan. The diameter of the F-119 is 1.17 meters, and the diameter of the lift fan is 1.27 meters. To stuff this thing in, the body has to be thicker.

The second is the requirement of flight range. The space of the airframe is squeezed by the huge lift fan, but the flight range must meet the standard and the wings must be folded, so we can only find ways to make the airframe fatter and carry more fuel.

The aircraft produced by Mingzhou Group will not do that. One aircraft and three types are intended to make the parts common, so as to reduce production costs. It is like BMW’s three-cylinder engine, with a single cylinder of 0.5 liters. The three-cylinder is 1.5 liters, and the four-cylinder is 2.0 liters, so that most of the parts can be used in common, and the cost saved by the car company will become profits, and it will definitely not be given to users.

If the vertical take-off and landing model is different from other aircraft, it will be difficult to produce on the same line.

Therefore, the airframe of a vertical take-off and landing fighter is the same as other fighters. As for occupying the internal fuel space, at worst, the flight range will be reduced.

Look at the other two fighter jets of this era, whether it is the Sea Harrier or the Yak-38, they are all proper mast defenders. Don't look at the Sea Harrier boasting that it has a range of more than 2000 kilometers. In fact, the combat radius of vertical take-off and landing is only One to two hundred kilometers, short take-off and landing means a combat radius of [-] kilometers. This vertical take-off and landing fighter of our own side can extend the combat radius to six to seven hundred kilometers when it takes off by ski jump, which is already very good.

Vertical take-off and landing fighters are mainly used on amphibious assault ships. When it is needed, the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier has already completed the task of seizing air supremacy. The amphibious assault ship can launch an attack two to three hundred kilometers away from the target. Range is not an issue.

Of course, in the future, when the new turbofan-15 is successfully developed, the fuel consumption rate will be further reduced, and the range of this vertical take-off and landing fighter can be increased by several hundred kilometers, which will be more convenient.

The Saudi visitors didn't respond to those black-skinned planes at first, but now, when they heard that there were vertical take-off and landing fighters among them, they immediately became interested.

"President Qin, does this mean that this aircraft has been developed and matured?"

"The research and development has matured, but we are responsible. It is impossible to directly introduce such a brand new aircraft to the market. We must conduct a large number of flights in our own hands, so as to expose various hidden defects. , when it is delivered to the troops, it will definitely be the most mature aircraft, and now it is being used and tested at our wasteland village base."

"Then can we appreciate it?"

"Of course you can. Let's take a closer look first, and let our designer introduce it to you. After the static visit is over, we will give you a flight show."

"it is good!"

The crowd strode towards the plane, and Salah had already recovered. At this time, he was striding forward and walking in the front.

He has already given up catapult takeoff and blocked landing. If he is flying this kind of vertical takeoff and landing fighter, it should be much easier to take off and land vertically with a ski jump!
Plesakov did not come. Although Qin Tao had already sent out an invitation, the old aircraft designer was already indifferent to fame and fortune. He just wanted to continue doing research, so it was Zhao Dangsheng who introduced it to everyone. .

When everyone passed by, Zhao Dangsheng was directing a group of ground crews to do maintenance.

"Old Zhao, come, introduce to our guests, you should have met before?" Qin Tao shouted.

Zhao Dangsheng put down his work and greeted him: "Of course I know you, Your Excellency Salman. We met again. Are you interested in our vertical take-off and landing fighter this time?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect your fighter jet to be mature, let's come and have a look." Salman said.

"Well, let's look at the appearance first. From the appearance, you can't see any difference, but when you turn to the back, you can see that our engine exhaust pipe is very different from other fighters."

There is no difference between the front and side, but the difference between the chrysanthemums is very big.

For the vertical take-off and landing engine in front of you, the tail nozzle can be rotated downward by more than [-] degrees from the horizontal state. It uses a unique three-stage rotating structure. The core technology of take-off and landing engines.

However, these parts are all wrapped in the body, what the big guy sees is still an ordinary diffuser-convergent tail nozzle, and it seems that there is no difference!

"Now, we are undergoing maintenance, and we can demonstrate it to everyone." After Zhao Dangsheng finished speaking, he shouted to a ground crew: "Test the tail nozzle rotation!"


In the surprised eyes of everyone, the body skin under the engine exhaust nozzle was folded directly to the two sides, revealing the three-stage rotating structure inside, the middle two sections began to rotate, and the exhaust nozzle began to downward Sended.

It's almost like science fiction!Everyone present opened their eyes wide, watching this incredible scene.

Before their eyes, the tailpipes rotated gracefully from horizontal to vertical and then converged to a minimum to provide maximum thrust.

The internal mechanism is exposed, and those pipes are full of industrial aesthetics.

"Beautiful, so beautiful, I didn't expect you to be able to break through these technologies." Salman said: "Eastern technology is already the strongest! We are very satisfied!"

Of course they know that the JSF joint attack aircraft of the United States is still in the research and development stage, and it is even difficult to produce. This fighter jet from the East has already begun to be delivered. In this industry, the United States has also fallen behind!

They are full of praise.

"Let's take a look again. In order to propel this fighter plane to take off, we also need a special engine in the front. We use the lift fan method. At this time, when the rear rotating nozzle moves, the front lift fan also will open."

So, everyone stepped forward, got under the plane, and looked up at the lift fan.

This is the biggest difference between it and the Yak-141. By replacing the lift engine with a lift fan, the problem of the tail nozzle scorching the flight deck is avoided.Let this vertical take-off and landing aircraft finally develop and mature. Although this thing will take up valuable space in the airframe, it is also necessary.

For other ordinary land-based and ship-based types, large fuel tanks are placed here, so that the goal of versatility can be better achieved.

The two projects that the United States is currently bidding for, one uses the mid-engine layout of the Sea Harrier, and the other uses the lift fan of the Yak-141, and they have both been successfully taken away!Thinking of these, Qin Tao felt a sense of accomplishment.

At this time, these people began to study carefully. This was the first time to observe Dongfang's vertical take-off and landing fighter jets at close range. They watched it very carefully, and Zhao Dangsheng on the side kept introducing it.

"Are there only these two nozzles? How to control the attitude during vertical take-off and landing?"

"We also bleed air from the compressor of the engine and blow it to the tip of the wing to control the attitude and avoid the influence of crosswinds." Zhao Dangsheng introduced.

The front lift fan and the rear main engine are powered, and the attitude adjustment is carried out through the airflow at the wingtips. These controls are very complicated, and the pilot cannot take care of them at all. Therefore, advanced aircraft must be used. control.

Even the Jacques-141 planned to introduce a four-degree fly-by-wire flight control when it was designed. Without the precise control of the electronic computer, this monster cannot be tamed at all.Even so, the pilot's ejection is also automatically controlled. In case of an accident, the computer will judge whether to eject at any time.

At this time, everyone nodded after hearing these introductions.

"Of course, this vertical take-off and landing scheme still has certain risks. However, compared with the intercepted landing scheme, we believe that this scheme will still be suitable for the actual situation of some countries, such as your side. "

The danger of vertical take-off and landing is very great. After the US F-35B is in service in large quantities, accidents often occur, and even cause the plane to crash.The failure rate of this thing is high. As for the Sea Harrier, it is even more of a crash master. When the US Marine Corps replaced the Sea Harrier with the F-35, a total of more than 300 Sea Harriers had dropped 110 of them.

Now, the Saudi visitors were very excited to see the Transformers-like vertical take-off and landing fighter jet. After watching it for more than half an hour, Salman asked, "Excuse me, when can we watch its performance? "

"It's ready now." Qin Tao said: "Our plane doesn't need to taxi, it can take off directly from this parking lot. You can watch it from a distance."

Salah walked back and unexpectedly found that Delano was also following, and asked curiously: "Instructor, didn't you fly that plane?"

"Of course not, this plane is still being flown by the Flight Test Institute," Delano said.

This plane has just arrived at the base, who can fly it?Delano didn't even dare to go up directly. After all, the takeoff and landing of this kind of plane is different from that of ordinary planes!

Its test pilot is of course Lei Qiang!

The current Lei Qiang is already the queen test pilot of the J-31A, and he is allowed to fly any difficult projects, even making Mr. Song unhappy. The test flight of the J-[-] is still waiting for Lei Qiang. Qiang always runs this way.

However, the choice is on Lei Qiang's side, and he still can't help admiring this kind of aircraft.

Fully dressed, he walked to the plane and watched the canopy flip forward.

This method was once used on the MiG-21. At that time, the canopy could block the wind when it was ejected at high altitude, but it turned out to be a chicken rib. This ejection method is very complicated, resulting in a pitifully low success rate of ejection.

Now it is popular to explode the canopy. There is no need to flip the canopy when ejecting. It is made to be flipped forward. It is for the convenience of vertical take-off and landing models. There is a lift fan behind the cockpit. There is no place to arrange the flip mechanism, so simply move it to the front. Yes, one machine has three models, and the other two models have to do the same.

Lei Qiang skillfully got into the cockpit and prepared to take off. Hundreds of meters away, everyone was watching all this intently.

The roar of the engine sounded, and after a few seconds, the engine entered the full power output state. Although the tarmac had been cleaned, the dust outside the tarmac was still blown away. However, the black The fighter plane is still clearly visible in the dust.

"Vertical takeoff consumes a lot of fuel, so we still recommend using a short-distance ski jump to take off if conditions permit. This will not only reduce fuel consumption, but also increase the maximum takeoff weight." Zhao Dangsheng told everyone Continue to introduce.

The turbofan-79 engine imitated from the R-15 engine has a maximum afterburner thrust of 152 kN, combined with the front lift fan, leaving a certain margin, it can also guarantee a take-off weight of more than [-] tons.

However, this is in the afterburner state. If it doesn’t matter on land, but on a warship, in order to avoid the tail flames from scorching the deck, if you have to give up using afterburner, then the thrust will be further reduced.

The lack of the engine is flawed.

Looking at the F-35 of later generations, the thrust without the afterburner is 128 kN, and the thrust is 181 kN when the afterburner is turned on. Therefore, even if the afterburner is not turned on, the vertical take-off and landing fighter can have a maximum take-off weight of 17 tons. If you turn on the afterburner and roll, the maximum take-off weight can soar to 27 tons.

What is even more enviable is that the thrust of the improved F-135 engine has reached 23 tons. If it is installed in the F-35B, it can take off vertically without afterburner, and it can have a take-off weight of more than 20 tons.

This is not comparable to our own side. The basic industry is backward, so we can only make do with it. Of course, now that the Americans are being fooled into going astray, our side may still take advantage of this opportunity to develop quickly, and finally stand on the same starting line as the United States.

Now, it is not convenient for Zhao Dangsheng to say these specific data, so let's blur them first.

"It's flying!" At this moment, there was a cheer from the crowd.

Pulling shallots from the dry land, this black-skinned fighter plane flew directly from the tarmac, and began to transform at a height of tens of meters above the ground.

The thrust must be reserved enough, it is for changing use.

If the thrust of the vertical takeoff is [-] tons, the fighter will be [-] tons. Even if the fighter can be pulled up, when it is turned into level flight, the engine nozzle will rotate backwards, and the vertical downward thrust is not enough, and the wings have not yet produced Lift, the plane will definitely fall.

The nozzle of the engine is slowly turning backwards. This process is the most dangerous. The crashes of vertical take-off and landing fighter jets almost all happen during this process.

Now, with the rotation of the nozzle, the plane also begins to fly forward. It accelerates from zero in the horizontal direction. As the speed gradually increases, the lift of the wings is also increasing, and it flies forward. About 1000 meters, the speed is enough, the top cover of the lift engine on the back of the aircraft is closed, and the aircraft has turned into a normal flight state.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be handsome!Even Delano, who has always been picky, is full of envy in his eyes watching the state change of this plane.

It was spectacular!

"How do you feel?" Qin Tao asked with a smile.

"It's amazing, your operation is so beautiful!" Salman said: "Your technology is really powerful!"

"That's right, our technology is very powerful, as if we have alien technology." Qin Tao said proudly.

This sentence was originally a boast of the Americans, but now Qin Tao has taken it over. I don't know what it would be like to be heard by those Americans.

Now, while listening to Qin Tao's words, everyone watched the fighter plane switch modes, fly forward, circle around the airport, and then fly back again.

This time I did not return to the tarmac just now.

There are still two planes below. If there is a mistake in the operation, it may affect the other two planes. At this time, the plane is directly above the runway. In front of it, there is a circle drawn just yesterday.

After the plane flew over, the cover of the air intake of the lift fan on the back of the plane was opened again. In the eyes of everyone, it began to switch states with a graceful posture, just like an elegant fairy .

At the rear, the lower cover of the engine was also opened, the nozzle changed from horizontal to vertical, the fuselage began to slow down, and finally hovered steadily, and then slowly fell.

"How can it be so accurate?" Salah asked in surprise.

He has seen the sea harrier land, it is wobbly, and it has to be adjusted left and right, otherwise, it would be impossible to accurately align with the position below.

Now, it actually succeeded once?
"Everyone should know that this kind of aircraft is also very dangerous during takeoff and landing, so we have used a lot of advanced technology, which can now be controlled by computer, which is more accurate than manual control." Qin Tao said: "The role of the pilot is to take over the management right at any time when needed, for example, to suddenly receive the mission again and fly away again. Under normal circumstances, autopilot is enough."

Taking off and landing is dangerous, and accidents may happen at any time, so the method they adopted is to let the computer control it!
"Sure enough, your technology is like alien technology!" Salman said: "We are very interested in this kind of fighter. We hope to purchase [-] aircraft and equip them on our own aircraft carrier."

Computer-controlled take-off and landing, without human manipulation, these advanced technologies have conquered Salman, and he has decided to follow the plan recommended by Qin Tao: use vertical take-off and landing fighter jets on the aircraft carrier purchased by his own side to reduce the complexity of the operation!
Salah nodded: "Yes, I also think this way of taking off and landing is more suitable for us."

"Everyone has made the most correct choice." Qin Tao is very satisfied. As a result, the vertical take-off and landing fighter is also sold. With Saudi funds, the research and development of this fighter will be more abundant.

At that time, the old Dassault hoped to rely on Saudi funds to support the Mirage 4000 project. Unfortunately, he failed. Saudi Arabia finally chose the F-15. However, in terms of the fourth-generation aircraft, Saudi Arabia has no choice!

(End of this chapter)

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