Great warships

Chapter 677 Experimenting with the Tyrant’s Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 677 Experimenting with the Tyrant’s Aircraft Carrier

Integrated electric propulsion system?What's this?Everyone's eyes widened.

"We know that in previous warships, the engines directly drove the propellers forward, and at the same time, there were special generators to supply power to the warships. In the case of radar, there is no problem, but now, there are more and more electrical equipment on warships. Various radars, various missiles, and computer systems all need to consume a lot of power. Then, there is a problem.”

Qin Tao explained to everyone: "For example, if a warship wants to sail at high speed, the power of the engine needs to be high enough. At this time, the warship only needs to run an air-to-sea search radar. Therefore, at this time, power generation The power of the engine is surplus. Wouldn’t it be better if the surplus generating power could be used to drive the ship? For another example, when the warship needs to cruise on the battlefield, the speed will decrease at this time, and the power of the engine will be redundant. However, After various devices are turned on, the required power will increase significantly, even if all the generators are turned on at the same time, it may not be enough."

This principle is very simple, and everyone can understand: if you need high-speed sailing, you can give energy to the propeller; if you need to start various equipment, you can give energy to electronic equipment. Difficult, so, a brand new technical route came out: all the power on the warship is used to generate electricity, and then redistribute the electric energy!
For aircraft carriers, this method is even more important. Both electromagnetic ejection and electromagnetic interception require a lot of energy. If you don't build an integrated power system, it will either be wasted or not enough.

"You still have this kind of system?" Everyone present was shocked.

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "Now, our Aegis warships already use this system, and we also plan to use this system for the new warships with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons developed by ourselves."

The construction progress of the aircraft carrier is very fast. Now, the welding of the first segment has been completed. From here, it can be clearly seen that although the Orientals do not tell the outside world, the Saudis can still guess something in their hearts.

This kind of system is not difficult without the integrated drive. The 002 aircraft carrier must be installed, but it is difficult to add the drive.

After all, the power required to drive an aircraft carrier is too great.


At present, the largest marine propulsion motor in China is of course the 095 nuclear submarine. The permanent magnet propulsion motor used on it is 20 megawatts, which is already the strongest in this era.

Using it to propel the 002-ton 30 aircraft carrier may require more than eight units, which is absolutely impossible. Now, it is no problem to use it to propel the 25-ton aircraft carrier. Four units are enough to propel this aircraft carrier By 6 knots, big dogs have high requirements, and aircraft carriers at [-] and [-] knots must not be looked down upon.

"The biggest advantage of adopting this integrated electric propulsion system is that the transmission shaft and the gearbox for speed reduction are omitted. These things not only take up a lot of space, but also generate noise during operation." Qin Tao continued to fool: "So, our advanced warships have abandoned this backward method, and the entire warship uses electric propulsion, which is the most suitable solution."

Now, these people can only listen to it. For them, this is a fairy tale.

"We currently plan to use four boilers to drive two steam turbines as the main engines, with a power of about 12 horsepower. At the same time, we will also provide two generator sets with a single power of 8 megawatts. In this way, the power of the entire warship will exceed 100. megawatts, in addition to driving the four drive motors, there is enough power left for other electrical equipment." Qin Tao continued to introduce.


Hearing what Qin Tao said, dissatisfied expressions appeared on the faces of the local tyrants present.

"Yes, everyone. At present, gas turbines are the best choice for warships with tens of thousands of tons." Qin Tao introduced: "After all, everyone should know that the power of gas turbines is not that big."

The most mature domestic gas turbine is the GT15000 gas turbine, with a power of only 20 megawatts. If you want to achieve a power of 100 megawatts, you must use at least five gas turbines. The chimneys are larger than the boilers, and the two-ship island may not be enough at that time.

If the British MT30 gas turbine is developed, a single 36 megawatts, and two are possible. Since the 26-ton Queen-class can be pushed to a speed of 30 knots, the [-]-ton aircraft carrier can reach [-] knots. no problem.

However, this kind of gas turbine has not been seen yet. Even if there is, it cannot be used, because this thing does not consider the needs of the tropics. You have to lie down.

Therefore, Qin Tao doesn't like gas turbines at all.

At this time, everyone fell silent after hearing Qin Tao's words.

The power of the gas turbine is indeed not that big. If the gas turbine is not used, there is no other choice but to burn the boiler!

"Unless you want nuclear power." Qin Tao said, "If you install two nuclear reactors and two gas turbines, it's almost enough."

At present, domestic mature nuclear reactors, which are used on nuclear submarines, although the thermal power of a single reactor has reached 150 megawatts, but when it falls on the generator, it is not bad to have 30 megawatts left.

Two nuclear reactors, 60 megawatts, are enough for normal cruising. If power is needed, two more gas turbines are turned on, which is just enough to make up 100 megawatts.

Salman shook his head: "No, I'm afraid it will be difficult for our region to accept nuclear-powered aircraft carriers."

Let’s talk about nuclear discoloration. Back in the day, when the stupid Damu built a nuclear power plant, it was directly blown up by the Israelis’ long-distance raid. If they drove a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier back, the balance of the entire region would be completely broken.

"So, besides burning the boiler, do you have any other options?" Qin Tao asked.

"It is true that there is no other choice, so let's burn the boiler." Salman agreed!
Boiler power, all-electric propulsion, this is probably the only one in the world!Qin Tao was also very emotional in his heart. Sure enough, the money of a big dog is easy to make!
The deck has been said, the power has been said, and the rest will be easy to talk about.

"The hangar below can hold about 25 carrier-based aircraft. Adding the number of decks, the total carrier-based aircraft can carry 55 aircraft. However, considering the actual situation, you only need to carry about [-] carrier-based aircraft when you go to sea normally. It is enough, this kind of strength is enough to dominate the entire region." Qin Tao said.

"No, we're going to buy [-] and get some backups," Salman said.

Money is not a problem, the confidence of local tyrants is enough!

The people present were very shocked. It was the first time for them to deal with Saudi Arabia. They did not expect them to be so arrogant!

"In order to ensure more efficient operation, you have to operate a batch of ship-borne helicopters, including anti-submarine, sea rescue, air early warning and other tasks." Qin Tao said: "I recommend you to purchase our Z-[-]."

"Aerial early warning?" Salman became curious. Last time, Qin Tao brought up the issue of air early warning aircraft to command stealth aircraft. He knew that the Easterners had professional airborne early warning aircraft, and he also expected the Easterners to refit them with a few C- 130 as an early warning aircraft, but he did not expect that the Orientals still have an early warning aircraft on a helicopter platform.

"Yes, our current 001 aircraft carrier cannot operate fixed-wing early warning aircraft, but our aircraft carrier also has early air early warning requirements, so we modified the air early warning aircraft on the helicopter platform."

"Is it the same way as the British Sea King helicopter?" someone asked.

On the ground or on ships, radar is affected by the curvature of the earth, and when detecting ultra-low-altitude aircraft, the distance will not exceed [-] kilometers.

During the Falklands naval battle that year, Argentina relied on the cover of the curvature of the earth, used the super flag to quietly approach the British aircraft carrier formation, and then launched sea-skimming flying fish missiles. The results were outstanding. If they had a few more flying fish in their hands Missiles, the pattern of the world might really be rewritten.

The height of the road is one foot, and the height of the devil is ten feet high. With the tactics of ultra-low altitude penetration, there is also a way to counterattack, and the air early warning aircraft has become more and more important.

After moving the radar into the sky, those ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming aircraft will be clearly seen without hiding.

If you want to have a long enough detection time and a long enough detection effect, you must have a professional fixed-wing early warning aircraft.However, for general warships, it is too difficult to operate a fixed-wing early warning aircraft, and the helicopter platform is convenient for take-off and landing, and has become a better tool.

However, the helicopter body is small, so how to detect it is a big problem.

The British put the radar on the side of the fuselage by placing it on the side, and added a radome outside to form a big ball. When taking off and landing, turn it to the horizontal direction to retract it, and turn it to the bottom when it is in use.

Due to the close relationship with the West, the first thing they thought of was the sea king helicopter modification plan.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not. That kind of radar is too backward. We are using the most advanced technology in the world. Wait until tomorrow, and I will take you to the flight test academy to have a look."

"We can see your most advanced early warning aircraft?" Salman also became excited.

"Yes, our most advanced early warning aircraft. However, due to confidentiality and other reasons, we need to communicate with our superiors first, and then we can confirm it. Now, let's move on to the following project, the electronic equipment on the island."

The Saudis couldn't sit still anymore. They were excited at the thought of visiting the early warning aircraft. Anyway, the technology of the Eastern Aircraft Carrier has matured, and any electronic equipment needed can be installed.

After talking about various detailed issues for an hour or two, even if the day's schedule is over, the next thing is the banquet and celebration. The next day, everyone took a special plane to the test flight academy.

All countries that can develop fighter jets need specialized flight test institutions. Whether it is testing or finalization, professional flight test institutes can better deal with various problems.

Lao Maozi's Zhukovsky Test Flight Institute is well-known all over the world, and there are similar institutions in China.

When the plane landed on the runway, the first thing Salman and others saw was the most dazzling plane with the big plate on it.

Air Police 2000 has completed the test mission and delivered it to the troops. It is still being tested in the flight test institute. It is two early warning aircraft modified from the Yun-[-] airframe. One is a large plate and the other is a balance beam. Because of this The body platform will not be restricted, and the price of the body can be reduced at the same time, so this early warning opportunity becomes the backbone.

As for the carrier-based early warning aircraft, it is still being installed and debugged in the factory, and has not yet reached the stage of test flight.

"Your early warning aircraft looks a bit small." Salah asked.

They also have early warning aircraft in Saudi Arabia. The early warning aircraft purchased from the United States is their most proud world-leading equipment. The early warning aircraft modified from the airframe platform of an airliner is of a strategic level and is very large. very small.

"Yes, these are tactical early warning aircraft." Qin Tao said, "It was modified using our Yun-130 as the platform. If you plan to use the C-[-] as the airframe platform to modify it for us, it will also be of this size. .”

"Yes, we have an idea to modify it with C-130, Qin, can we go up and have a look?" Salman is already eager to try.

"We can't be in a hurry. We didn't make an appointment in advance and we need to apply to the relevant department. Everyone, we can go and see the early warning aircraft converted from the helicopter first."

Everyone followed Qin Tao's finger and saw the helicopter parked on the other side.

There was no big ball on the side of the helicopter, and it looked no different from an ordinary helicopter.

"Super Hornet helicopter?" Salah recognized the model of the aircraft at a glance.

This is a helicopter developed by France in the 60s. With a take-off weight of 13 tons, it is already a large helicopter, but because of the limited engine performance at that time, it used three engines extravagantly. When it first appeared that year, Also created many world records.

However, its performance quickly became obsolete, so after entering the 80s, France stopped producing this kind of aircraft, but in the East, this kind of aircraft is constantly being produced.

Among the introduction projects of the 80s, the Super Hornet helicopter is one of the main projects in China. During the years of production, its localization has been continuously improved. In service into the 18st century.

Compared with the small four-ton Z-[-], one Z-[-] is better than three. At the same time, because of its heavy take-off weight, it can carry more equipment. It is also most suitable for modifying the air early warning aircraft.

Therefore, after the start of the 001 aircraft carrier project, China has been working on this kind of early warning aircraft. However, this is something that has not been touched before, so it still encountered many difficulties in its development, and it is still testing at the flight test institute.

"That's right, this is a carrier-based helicopter produced by us after we introduced the Super Hornet technology." Qin Tao said: "This kind of helicopter has a huge body and is most suitable for refitting an early warning helicopter. It can not only be equipped with an aircraft carrier, but also a [-]-ton warship. It can also be carried."

At present, the main carrier-based helicopter in China is the Z-052. The 052 with a small body of [-] to [-] tons can carry two helicopters. Only warships can carry it.

After arriving, with the 055, you can carry the Z-[-] normally. Even if there is no aircraft carrier nearby, you can also undertake the task of air early warning and escort the formation.Therefore, this kind of helicopter early warning aircraft also has a great effect.

While speaking, everyone had already arrived in front of the plane, and Zhang Feng, the person in charge who had been waiting here, greeted him. (I didn’t find this designer, so I made up one randomly. Looking at the photos, this early warning aircraft was columnar in the early stage, and it was flat in the later stage. Let’s use the flat panel to introduce it.)
"Everyone, welcome to inspect our shipborne early warning helicopter." Zhang Feng stretched out his hand: "Everyone can observe it on the spot today, and I can tell you what technical data you want to know."

Salman took each other's hand: "We are curious, where is the radar of this helicopter?"

"At the back, everyone, please follow me." Zhang Feng said, leading everyone to the back.

Looking at the long flat plate in the groove at the tail of the plane, everyone was a little curious: "Is this a radar?"

"Yes, this is our most advanced active phased array antenna array."

"How does it achieve 360-degree monitoring?"

"When it takes off, it can rotate along the mechanism below and flip to the bottom of the body, so that it can rotate and search the surrounding airspace to achieve 360-degree monitoring capabilities." Qin Tao said.

"So that's it. It sounds similar to the plan of the Ka-31 early warning aircraft." Salah nodded.

They were not familiar with Lao Maozi's equipment. They said they would come to visit the early warning helicopter last night, so they did some research on the Internet of the guest house, and learned a lot of knowledge. They also knew that Lao Maozi had this unique helicopter.

However, Lao Maozi's flat-panel antenna is different from this one. Lao Maozi's is put away under the belly and unfolded when in use. And if you look at the area, Lao Maozi's is obviously larger, several times larger than this radar panel. .

"No, it's much worse." Zhang Feng shook his head immediately: "Lao Maozi's plan still uses a waveguide antenna, and its performance is very backward. Meters, one meter wide, and 200 kilograms in weight. Our radar is less than two meters long, half a meter wide, and only [-] kilograms in weight. Do you know what this means?"

Everyone shook their heads. Even if there were pilots present, they were also fighter pilots, and they were not familiar with helicopter technology.

"This means that the aerodynamic resistance brought by our radar is smaller. When the helicopter is flying in the air, the flat panel antenna below will seriously affect the flight. The old Maozi's early warning aircraft is difficult to control in flight. If the wind speed exceeds a certain Conditions, even if it cannot take off, we will be much less affected." Zhang Feng said.

When the Ka-31 is working, it will wobble, like walking a tightrope. The impact of that plate is too great, and the small plate of our side has no additional impact on the aircraft.

"So, what about performance?"

The board is small, does it mean that the performance is poor?
"Performance? We use an active phased array radar. Despite the small size of this antenna, there are 800 T/R modules on it. Each module has a peak power of 10W and an average power of 2W. You can calculate it Its actual performance. We can compare it with the Ka-31 radar. Its plane has 4 rows, each row has 24 transceiver units, and the total number of each is less than a hundred."

"Its detection range for low-altitude sea-skimming anti-ship missiles will exceed 150 kilometers, and for warships on the sea, the longest detection distance can exceed [-] kilometers?" Salah simply calculated.

"That's right, it's this kind of data." Zhang Feng said: "During the search mission, if our helicopter searches at a place [-] kilometers away from the mother ship, it can obtain the sea surface conditions [-] kilometers away. Even if flying over the mothership, you can also have a clear view of the situation [-] kilometers away. Moreover, our phased array radar can not only rotate, but also be fixed in that direction when it needs to detect special targets, so that It can achieve the purpose of detection at a longer distance.”

"This data sounds very good!" Salman also nodded.

"Yes, as long as the early warning aircraft has enough power, the detection distance can be guaranteed, but if it is only searching for targets, the strength of the early warning aircraft is too weak, just like the American E-2 early warning aircraft, which is said by many people to be It is a flying Yagi antenna. If you want to be a qualified early warning aircraft, you must not only have the ability to detect targets, but also have the ability to command operations." Zhang Feng said: "Everyone can go to our cabin to have a look. The command and combat capability of our aircraft is stronger than that of the E-2."

Generally speaking, early warning helicopters play an early warning role. The various target data searched still need to be transmitted to the mothership through the data link, and the mothership will command it. However, this method is impossible to adapt to the ever-changing modern times. of the battlefield situation.

It would be much more convenient if he could directly command the battle.

The straight-eight's body has a lot of space, but the space at the back is occupied by electronic equipment, and behind the front cockpit, there is an operator room for four people.

On each console, there is a flat-panel LCD monitor. Although it is only 17 inches, it is considered relatively large in this era.

(End of this chapter)

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