Great warships

Chapter 698

Chapter 698
The first to respond was NASA.After all, after the old Maozi gradually declined, they became the leader in the aerospace field. As for the European Space Agency?An organization that doesn't even have a manned spacecraft can't catch their eyes. The United States and Russia are first-rate, and the others are second-rate!
"What are the Orientals doing? Are they trying to create space junk? Tens of thousands of satellites will go up in the sky, and the entire space will become a garbage dump!" Nelson said angrily, "How dare they brag, tens of thousands of satellites!"

"That's right, that Max went to the East, and also learned the exaggeration of the Orientals, and he just put satellites at every turn!" Howard Hu followed up: "If they really do this, it will bring huge risks to our aerospace industry. , every time we launch a spacecraft into the sky, we need to avoid these plethora of Starlink satellites, the space junk is enough for us to worry about, now it will be several times more!"

Before the first artificial earth satellite was put into space, there were at most meteorites around the earth, which then entered the atmosphere and turned into meteors. However, with human space activities, there are more and more garbage outside the earth.

After the satellites are launched, they will fail in a few years. Some will enter the atmosphere and crash, and some will continue to roam in space uncontrollably. These will all become garbage. Of course, these large pieces of garbage are relatively easy to observe. Those small pieces The garbage is the huge threat. The fairing and other parts of the rocket launch are all garbage. The most important thing is the possible satellite collision.

The space is very vast, but the space is also very narrow. In the vast space, two satellites collided. I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

The first recorded satellite collision occurred in 1991.At that time, the Dragon King Temple was flooded by a flood, and a decommissioned Da Mao navigation satellite Cosmos 1934 was smashed into two by a fragment of its sister satellite Cosmos 926. This is a testimony to the domestic chaos in Da Mao at that time, and it was not intended to conduct space experiments.

However, the one that happened in 09 made people feel a little bit emotional. The US communication satellite Iridium 33 collided with the decommissioned big hairy satellite Cosmos 2251. This collision was too tragic. One year later, the number of debris detected There are as many as 1740 pieces, and these fragments are running near the collision airspace, making any other satellites that may pass through this airspace creepy, and they may be recruited at any time!

This is only based on the fact that the number of satellites in outer space is only one or two thousand. If there are tens of thousands, that's not bad!

"Could this be a conspiracy by the Easterners?" Nelson said: "They are trying to use this method to disrupt the entire space and occupy a large number of orbital frequency resources?"

After complaining, I began to consider the impact of this matter. Tens of thousands of satellites will occupy a large amount of orbital resources. Moreover, the frequencies used by these satellites cannot be used by other satellites. Internationally, these They are all based on the first-come-first-served principle. The Starlink project occupies so many resources. What should other countries do?
"Very likely!" Howard Hu nodded.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Bill, the person in charge of Gaoming Company, hurried in.

"Everyone, do you know the news from the Starship Company recently? I suspect that this project is aimed at us!"

"For you?"

"That's right, the mid-orbit data they released is [-] kilometers, and the orbit altitude of our GPS navigation satellite is [-] kilometers!" Bill said: "If their orbits deviate, it is likely to be different from ours." The navigation satellites are at the same altitude, so the risk of collision will be greatly increased!"

Everyone was stunned.

Nelson and others did not think of the navigation satellite project first, because their eyes were on all the satellites, while Gaoming Company was engaged in GPS terminals, and their first concern was their own interests.

In order to prevent Beidou, a competitor, from appearing, they began to act as monsters at the International Radio Conference. They were also looking at the countermeasures of the Orientals, and now, the countermeasures are here!

If they curb the Beidou, the Orientals will also curb their GPS. I don’t have one, so you don’t have it at all. Let’s finish the game together!
This is completely out of routine. They have thought about many other situations, for example, the Orientals will unite with Da Mao to protest internationally, etc. They have backers, but now, they did not expect that the Orientals will be so ruthless. !

"No, this project was not officially announced by the Eastern Space Agency, but by a private starship company. There should be no connection." Nelson shook his head: "That Max, has he become a running dog of the Eastern people?"

"No, I know him, Max won't do this, he is only thinking about how to land on Mars, he is not interested in other things." Howard Hu said.

"Wouldn't do that? He's caused a lot of trouble now, and you said he wouldn't do that?" Nelson expressed his incomprehension.

"No, he should have been manipulated by someone else. Don't forget that the Starship Company is legally owned by the Mingzhou Group. Mr. Qin of the Mingzhou Group has always been a very powerful person."

Mingzhou Group, President Qin?
Howard Hu stood up: "I need to go to the east, I want to talk to Max in person, Bill, do you want to go with me?"

Bill hesitated for a moment, then nodded. This matter was aimed at them, and of course he had to go with it.

The next day, Qiongzhou.

"Report, there was a problem with the NO.16 engine during the test!" A technician shouted to Max.

"What? Something went wrong? Damn it, what's the problem, why didn't it be discovered in time?" Max was in a bad mood.

There will be a launch window in ten days, and they are already ready for the launch. How could they think that they will lose the chain at the critical moment!

"The fuel pump is faulty and may not be able to deliver full power."

"So it's going to be disassembled? Can this catch up with the launch window?"

"Report, we can only dismantle it. It is expected to take a month."

"No, we absolutely can't take so long!" Max said angrily: "We missed this launch window, and we have to wait two months for the next window. We can't wait that long! Besides, Mr. Qin is still here!"

What if you don't disassemble it?Technicians are worried.

"Block this engine. Our first-stage rocket has eighteen engines. Even if one of them fails to ignite, it will not affect it. Just modify it in the control software!"

Shield the engine?So casual?This is a space launch!

During the Long March [-] experiment, it was only because of a few welding slags in one of the cables that the launch failed. Now, here at Max, they want to shield a broken engine at will?
"It may be very dangerous to do so." The technician reminded.

"Our biggest danger is time. We can't continue to waste money. We need a successful launch to prove our strength! Do as I say, shield the broken engine, and then ensure that it can successfully fly for the first time!"

"If we want to shield it, we not only shield one, but also shield the other two, so as to ensure the balance of thrust output." The technician thought about it and gave this answer.

In the layout of 18 engines, just three of them can be dismantled, so that the three vertices of an equilateral triangle are formed, so that it will be stable.

"Okay, let's do it, anyway, there is no payload for this launch." Max made a decision like this.

He must as soon as possible, while Mr. Qin is still here, invite him to watch the launch of Starship MK1, so as to make Mr. Qin interested and provide them with more funds. Their project is burning money!
"Mr. Max, someone is looking for you outside, saying that he is your good friend at NASA."

"Good friends?" Max shook his head: "I don't have good friends at NASA... Forget it, invite them to the office."

For Max, there are really no friends, only work relationship and interest relationship. He didn't plan to meet at first, but now that he thinks about it, if Starlink is going to happen next, he will definitely need to continue to fool a group of technicians to work After all, rockets and satellites are built by different people.

Although the guests were invited, Max continued to work for half an hour, arranging various matters, and then walked to the office.

When he walked in, he found that the guests were looking at his oil paintings on the wall.

His office is very simple, with a desk, a computer, two sofas and a tea table in front, that's all. However, there is a large-scale oil painting hanging on his wall.

It was the surface of a red planet, and the curved arc of the planet could be seen. There was a rocket with a shiny stainless steel shell on it, and there were several astronauts beside the rocket.

This oil painting was painted by Max himself, and the content of the oil painting is his ideal: landing on Mars.

At this time, the two guests who were looking at the oil painting heard footsteps, turned their heads, looked at the door, and smiled.

"Max, you're here. I'm Howard Hu. We met at an aerospace conference and drank together. Do you remember me?" Howard Hu asked.

"Of course." Max nodded: "You are engaged in satellites at NASA, and Iridium has been helped by you. Howard Hu, are you here to help me?"

Howard Hu was taken aback, help?Why am I here to help you?

Before he introduced Bill beside him, Max had already started to explain.

"Our Starlink project has been announced to the public. You must have been shocked by the scale of this project, so you came to join us on your own initiative, right? Please rest assured that you will definitely play an important role when you come here. The salary is the same as yours. It’s the same as before, but the work is completely different. We are a private aerospace company, and the future space depends on us to conquer it. Your NASA has become less and less promising.” Max said: “Now, let me tell you about our satellite program. .”

"Mr. Max..." Seeing Max start to flicker, Bill became anxious, don't you take it for granted?How could we have come to join your Starlink project?We're here to protest the plan, okay?
However, before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Max's stern eyes: "How do you become a secretary? We big men talk, you secretary don't interrupt!"

Bill almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, I'm the secretary?I'm the boss of the leading company in satellite navigation!
However, Howard Hu patted him on the shoulder: "Let Max talk first."

He knew that there was no way to stop Max's desire to confide now, so he might as well let him talk first.

"Our Starlink serves the whole planet. There are now 70 billion people in the world. We use the most conservative estimate. One out of a thousand people uses our Starlink terminal. How many customers is that? 600 million customers! Every If a customer pays a monthly subscription of one hundred dollars to go online, then the monthly income of our Starlink company is 70 million, 50 million! A year is more than [-] billion! Of course, it is incomparable with those large companies with an annual output value of tens of billions. , However, as long as we deduct the initial launch expenses, the rest is pure profit! As long as two or three years have passed since the beginning, our company's annual net profit will be more than [-] billion U.S. dollars in the future!"

In the 90s, the world's top ten multinational corporations had a gross production value of only tens of billions, but their profits were only a few hundred million. Once the Starlink project is successful, the profits will continue to flow, and they will even become the most profitable companies in the world!
Speaking of this, Max spit and splashed stars, which was exciting. Their starship company, regardless of burning money now, will have more profits in the future than all other profits of Mingzhou Group, becoming the most profitable.

With this confidence, Mr. Qin can continue to invest money in them!

"Others say that we are whimsical. If we want to land on Mars, we need to consume huge resources. A project that cannot be supported by the state, let alone a private company like us. But now, our Starlink project will It will thoroughly let those people understand that space projects can make money. We use space peacefully to benefit mankind, and we can also obtain huge profits. These profits will be invested by us in the starship project, and eventually form a virtuous circle. We will definitely be able to board Mars!"

When saying the last sentence, Max looked at the oil painting: "At that time, I will be the first person to land on Mars!"

"Wake up, Max, don't let others take advantage of you." Bill couldn't bear it any longer. The cake is really big. The question is, can it be realized?
"Hey, you secretary is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks here! Howard Hu, are you telling him to leave, or should I drive him away?" Max said angrily.

"No, I'm not his secretary. I'm the general manager of Gaoming Company." Bill said, "I'm here to protest that your Starlink project may interfere with the operation of our GPS satellites."

Howard Hu's expression changed, he couldn't talk to Max like that!Wouldn't that irritate the other party?
Sure enough, Max was annoyed.

"Interfering with your satellite? How can this happen? Our satellite is 200 meters high, your satellite is 200 meters high, and we have a distance of [-] meters. This is already within the international allowed range, not you Occupy the space first, the whole space is yours, and our private enterprises should also have a place in the space!"

"No, Max, that's not what he meant." Howard Hu said: "We welcome you to deploy this kind of Internet satellites to benefit mankind, but are the number of satellites you launched a bit too much? This will make the earth The nearby space orbits have become extremely crowded, which greatly increases the risk of satellite collisions. The space is not our NSAS, but it is not your starship company. It belongs to all mankind. You cannot let your starship company occupy all the orbits. Already."

"What do you mean we have all occupied?" Max's face also became serious: "Internationally, the acquisition of orbits and frequencies is based on the first-come, first-served principle. What happened to us occupying it first? Has it affected you? Yes Are you capable of launching so many satellites up there? I thought you were here to participate in the Starlink project, but it turned out that you were here to sabotage, come and see off!"

"Max, if you do this, aren't you afraid of arousing the resentment of the entire international community?"

"I am benefiting all mankind, how can I arouse the disgust of the international community?" Max despised: "It is only your hostility, because you regard space as your own, not all mankind!"

This time, the intention was not achieved, but it completely froze!

Howard Hu was a little helpless, and Bill would not back down: "We will sue you internationally!"

"We have not violated any international laws, and we are not afraid." Max said: "If you modify the international norms because of our Starlink project, the whole world can see your ugly face! You suppress our most promising private aerospace company , just because we are afraid that we will crush you! Huh, what NASA, what smart company, shit! Shit!"

The contact broke up badly. Later, Qin Tao, who was on vacation with his wife at the seaside, also received the news.

"The Americans have hit a wall." Zhao Ling said: "Max resolutely rejected the request of these people. Next, the conflict will be planned?"

"That's right, next, the International Telecommunication Union is going to be lively, let's just watch the excitement." Qin Tao said.

Watch the fun!
Zhao Ling glanced at Qin Tao helplessly: "Brother Tao, you never regarded Max as one of your own?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, if it's not my race, its heart must be different."

"No, you don't think so. When the Red Empire collapsed, you brought so many old men back." Zhao Ling said: "You have never had racial prejudice, and those people have done a good job in our Mingzhou Group. You treat Max differently than you treat those people."

"Well, the answer just now is not objective. The real reason is that the countries of those old men have declined. They can have a sense of happiness in our east, and they will not have ambitions. But Max is different. Now I give him what he wants. Yes, let him work for me with peace of mind. However, a person like him is not a thing in the pool. He does not know when he will stand on his own and go against us. So, I just use him, but I will never really trust him .”

Zhao Ling nodded, expressing her understanding of Qin Tao's words.

"Now, in our hands, he has launched the Starlink project. This plan will eventually be aborted. In this way, when Max establishes his own company, if he still wants to engage in Starlink, then look at the objections now. What should people do, they blocked the door for Max." Qin Tao said: "If they backtrack, they will become clowns internationally."

Qin Tao does not agree with Starlink in his heart. This project will create a lot of space junk. Starlink is a small satellite of two to three hundred kilograms. If there is a danger of colliding with other spacecraft, they will not adjust it. Orbital ones, if they hit, they will hit. Anyway, dozens or hundreds of them can be launched at a time. If they are lost, they will be lost. At worst, they will be launched again.

But the spacecraft on the opposite side dare not, it is too expensive, so it can only change its orbit by itself.

After Starlink was built, this kind of thing happened more than once. Starlink can touch porcelain without any scruples. In wartime, this kind of satellite will even become the main force of space warfare.

In terms of application, the East is a country with a large infrastructure. The optical fiber network on the ground can obtain sufficient Internet transmission capacity. There is no need to use satellites, which are not practical at all. Indoors or underground, the quality of communication is difficult to guarantee. up.

If this plan is successful now, it will be a project of Mingzhou Group, and he will support it. If it fails, whoever wants to do this in the future will expose the double face of some people.

"Fortunately, our Beidou satellite is in a synchronous orbit." Zhao Ling said, "So, only the Americans are in a hurry. We can sit back and watch the show."

The orbit of Starlink will affect GPS, because it is only 200 meters away, but it will not affect Beidou, because Beidou-[-] is a dual-star positioning, and all of them are in synchronous orbit. Starlink satellites absolutely do not need to fly so high.

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, we will also join the Americans!"

"Damn it, that Max is simply an idiot, has he forgotten which country he is from?" Bill kept complaining on the plane.

"He didn't even think about which country he was from." Howard Hu said: "In his mind, the only thing he can do is to land on Mars. Now, we can only go to ITU."

ITU is an international organization in charge of information and communication technology affairs. It is responsible for allocating and managing global radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbit resources, formulating global telecommunication standards, providing telecommunication assistance to developing countries, and promoting global telecommunication development.

Therefore, after leaving Qiongzhou, several people went to the ITU headquarters in Geneva. Since Max insisted on going his own way, they could only use official channels to stop him!
Max didn't care at all. He focused all his energy on the upcoming launch of the Starship MK1. This test launch has a lot to do with it. Although he couldn't guarantee a [-]% success when he told Qin Tao, but now, he gave his subordinates The requirement is to be successful!
On the morning of May 5th, the long-awaited moment is finally here!

(End of this chapter)

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