Great warships

Chapter 706 The 039B Submarine Is So Awesome?

Chapter 706 The 039B Submarine Is So Awesome?
Dongfang's fourth-generation heavy fighter project has finally officially kicked off its construction. With the participation of Mingzhou Group, this project is progressing very quickly. Veyron can appear on the world stage earlier, but now, the eyes of all countries are not Instead of this project, they set their sights on what is known as the powder keg.

Parthia, Aircraft Industry Corporation runway.

In the blue sky, the fiery sun shines on the earth, and the fiery sun shines on a group of people who are equally passionate.

They were busy in front of the two fighter planes.

One of the fighters is small in size and slender. It can be seen at a glance that it is a second-generation fighter. If you have more professional knowledge, you can also recognize that it is the most common F-5 fighter in the world.

At that time, Northrop made a lot of money relying on this fighter. It is absolutely rare for a fighter that has not been equipped by the domestic air force to sell so well internationally. However, when Northrop General Motors decided to make persistent efforts and use the F404 engine to refit the aircraft so that it has more advanced performance and continue to sell for 20 years.

However, they fell to the ground. None of this fighter was sold, and Northrop was also seriously injured.

However, in many countries in the world, there is still a demand for improvement of this aircraft. Many countries do not have the money to replace new fighters, so they can only continue to use them through tinkering.

Anxi also has a large number of F-5 fighters, but this fighter is definitely not a normal F-5 fighter, because its tail has changed from a simple single vertical tail to a V-shaped double vertical tail !
In front of this fighter, there is a reporter who is holding a microphone and introducing to the camera lens: "Dear audience, now behind me is our domestically developed light lightning fighter. After intense research and development, this fighter , All the preparations have been completed, today is the moment for the first flight, we look forward to this fighter jet soaring into the sky, and our motherland will also enter the ranks of advanced countries developing self-developed fighter jets!"

The video spread across the country and the world through radio waves. Many intelligence personnel saw the video and began to laugh at it.

"Hmph, isn't it just changing the tail of the F-5? So it's called a self-developed fighter jet? Anxi has a really thick skin."

"That's right, the twin vertical tails must have been knocked out. I can already see the traces of hammering."

Amidst their ridicule, someone said: "Do you see what plane is behind that plane?"

Only then did they notice that the light lightning fighter blocked most of the fuselage of the plane. From the exposed part of the plane, you can see the angular surface, which is unique to stealth planes!

"Kach fighter? The fighter plane was just a wooden model last time. Looking at the texture of this plane now, it doesn't look like wood. It must be metal!"

"What's going on? Could it be that they really have this project, and even made a metal prototype?"

In their nervous eyes, they saw a hot flame coming out of the tail of the plane. Is that the engine is being tested?
"Damn it, their progress is too fast, isn't it? That Kach fighter plane is about to take a test flight? Come on, zoom in on the screen."

However, at this moment, the camera lens turned away. It seemed that the other party had also discovered some problems. When the camera turned back, the Kach fighter jet with the engine test run was no longer visible.

What is Anxiu doing?Are they doing it on purpose?Still careless?
If you are not careful, it is impossible, it must be intentional!They are showing off on purpose!

Ever since Anxi Nation announced that it would develop its own fighter jets, the whole world has laughed at them. In the eyes of everyone, Anxi Nation's self-developed fighter jets are a joke, but they did not expect that they moved so fast and have already built a prototype up!
Someone must have helped, who did it?
Is it the Mikoyan Design Bureau?
For a long time, they all suspected that it was the Mikoyan Design Bureau, but the Mikoyan Design Bureau did not build a prototype. What did the oriental do?

All kinds of clues were connected, so they had to turn their attention to the east. Could it be that the Mingzhou Group deliberately sold their fighter planes to Parthia?

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled: "Zoom in the person on the right and compare the database!"

At this time, a person happened to pass by the lens of the camera. He walked quickly and hurriedly. Although the picture was not very clear, after zooming in, the facial features could be seen.

The comparison came out after 15 minutes.

"The former deputy chief designer of the Mikoyan Design Bureau, Potapov! This person disappeared from Da Mao three years ago, but unexpectedly went to the Anxi Kingdom. This fighter must have been helped by the Mikoyan Design Bureau Developed!"

They once again set their sights on the Mikoyan Design Bureau, and a new round of wrangling began.

In the Mediterranean Sea, a huge fleet sailed in the waters north of the Pyramid Kingdom. On the large warship with a straight deck in the center of the fleet, the 69 logo on the bow was clearly visible. In the island-style building behind, Commander William Lancey Smoking a cigar with a serious face.

"What about the stealth project of the Anxi Nation, don't bother me with such crap, now, our task is to find the submarine under the water!" At this time, Lanxi was very upset: "I don't believe it anymore, Our powerful navy can't find a conventional submarine made in the East!"

The routine exercise at sea has been carried out for five days. During these five days, they have been looking for the target, but they have found nothing. Where is the other party hiding?
"Report, we are sure that the submarine is not near our sea area. They probably drove the wrong course and left our exercise area." The adjutant said: "The navigation system on the Oriental submarine is too bad!"

Since the Pyramid Navy received the 039B submarine from the East, they have been tempted. After several months of planning, the sea contest finally officially started.The Pyramid country's 039B submarine is responsible for the simulated attack, trying to enter the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation center and launch a simulated attack on their aircraft carrier, while the Sixth Fleet's aircraft carrier formation is responsible for anti-submarine and finds out the submarine.

"Are you sure? There can be no mistakes, I don't want the past to happen again!"

In the 80s, when the Pyramids were equipped with the oldest 033 submarines purchased from the East, they used the jumps in the sea to shield the sound and drilled into their aircraft carrier formations, making them lose face and seeing the routines of the East. The power of submarines.Now, they are holding this kind of anti-submarine exercise again. For some reason, they always feel a little uneasy.

"We are sure that there is no sound underwater now, and we don't believe that they don't make any sound. Besides, it has been five days, don't they come up to the depth of the periscope to take a breath?"

Conventional diesel-electric submarines don’t last long underwater. Even if they don’t do any power-consuming activities, they only sail at low speed underwater, and the battery can provide power for up to three or four days. Just hours can consume all the precious electricity.

It is now the fifth day. If it is a conventional submarine, it must go up, at least reach the depth of the snorkel, turn on the diesel engine to charge, and the snorkel exposed to the sea will easily expose the target. The S-2 carrier-based anti-submarine aircraft found and then simulated the attack.

"No, what we are facing is an AIP submarine." Lan Xi's face was very solemn: "We must not take it lightly, we must always ensure the control of the surrounding environment, by the way, have any freighters passed by us recently?"

Of course there is this!After all, it is close to the busiest Suez Canal, and they can’t stop the transportation of some cargo ships during their exercises here. Some oil tankers who have not received the news often break into their exercise area. Recently, five hours ago, another oil tanker broke into the area. They entered within thirty nautical miles of their formation before being expelled.

But what's the use?They have been disturbed, but they want to train in this kind of interference, which is closer to actual combat.

"Your Excellency Lanxi, don't you think that they will hide under the belly of the tanker and sneak up on us? This is simply impossible. This is a drill, not a movie!"

In movies, especially those filming the submarine warfare of World War II, there are often classic shots of submarines hiding under the freighter and sneaking up to the target, avoiding the anti-submarine force of the surface, especially the submarine passing between the two propellers of the freighter. Shots under the belly of a freighter.

This is absolutely nonsense!If there is a slight mistake, a collision may occur. The freighter can escape if it is hit, and the submarine will sink if it hits a hole.

As for the kind of sonar that can hear the front and back of the coin falling, it is even more nonsense.

Now, Lan Xi's guess is that the other party may use the cover of the freighter to come over, but the adjutant directly denies this hypothesis, it's too crazy, even the old man dare not do it!
"If we want to ensure underwater safety, we can only turn on the active sonar search mode, but this will expose us and prove our incompetence." Lanxi stood up helplessly, looking at the rippling sea, the damned Where exactly is the submarine?Lost, or already approaching them?

The underwater world is very quiet, and the submarine propelled by the AIP system is slowly advancing at a very low speed.

How low is the speed?Two quarters!At two knots, a healthy snail can surely win.

However, at this speed, they are quite quiet, down to the background sound of the ocean!All the people on the boat spoke and walked very softly, for fear of making noise and being heard by the other side.

On the conning tower, the captain Hussein was full of excitement: "How far is it from the target?"

"According to the information obtained by the bow sonar, we are still fifteen nautical miles away from the aircraft carrier formation."

"That is to say, if we are now in a time of war, we can launch a torpedo attack on them!"

The torpedoes they are equipped with have a maximum range of about [-] to [-] kilometers. At this distance, the opponent can't run away!

"Yes, do we need to signal them with active sonar?" asked the first officer excitedly.

In normal times, submarine sonars use a passive monitoring mode, which can only determine the approximate location of the target. When an attack is required, an active method must be used to determine various shots by hitting the opponent's warship with active sonar waves and then returning. The required data is injected into the torpedo, and the official attack can begin.

For a long time, the active launch of sonar waves represented the prelude to an attack, which made the captains of many surface ships change their colors.

But now, there are more ways to attack, especially the emergence of wake-guided torpedoes, which no longer require a special active sonar to lock the target, and can also launch an attack on the target, but in the exercise, this method still plays a huge role: it Represents a clear meaning: I have found you!You throw in the towel!

Hussein shook his head: "No, we continue to move forward, we drill all the way to the inside of their formation, and then float up next to the aircraft carrier!"

"The formation has changed direction!" At this moment, the sonar operator heard a new voice and hurriedly said.

"Where are they going?" Hussein was anxious. If the other party ran away, he would not be able to catch up. After all, he could only sail silently at a low speed underwater. It's exposed, and it doesn't have that much power. If the aircraft carrier formation moves to thirty knots, they can only stare blankly.

Do you want to send out active sonar waves immediately?

"Come in our direction!"

"Great!" Hussein was very happy, and even his voice was a little louder. He quickly lowered his voice and said, "Now move on, we must drill into the aircraft carrier formation!"

Why did the surface fleet suddenly change course?
Of course, it is to release new carrier-based anti-submarine aircraft and recover the carrier-based anti-submarine aircraft that have been patrolling for several hours. At this time, they have to turn against the wind and sail at full speed. The submarine went away.

The bow of the aircraft carrier broke through the waves, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The deck was filled with steam, and the S-3 anti-submarine aircraft roared into the sky.

In the world, only the United States has carrier-based fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft. The navies of other countries use anti-submarine helicopters. Hydroacoustic detection equipment and signal processing systems are unmatched by helicopters.

Now, they want to determine where the target is and whether it has gone outside the exercise area.

Lancey watched the dumbfounded S-3 take off, and felt a little helpless in his heart. Anti-submarine at sea is more about patience, but it is obvious that his patience is not enough.

There are nuclear submarines under the water, and there are destroyers and frigates on the periphery of the formation. Their aircraft carrier should be very safe. It is normal to turn against the wind and sail at full speed when flying the carrier-based aircraft. Therefore, Lanxi is just inexplicable now. Just anxious, didn't think anything big was going to happen.

Anti-submarine maneuvers are indeed the most boring, and now he just wants to end this damn thing quickly, go back and sleep well.

At the rear of the formation, an S-3 anti-submarine aircraft was returning from a mission. It released the landing hook and flew very steadily.

The catapult takeoff of the bow and the recovery of the stern can be carried out simultaneously without any influence. They went smoothly, but, for some reason, Lan Xi suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The person in charge of steering the ship on the island is a young sailor who has just joined the army for less than eight months. At this time, he was standing there looking at the front with boredom. Suddenly, he found that the sea below was a bit strange. Like a shark or a whale coming to the surface.

Should not be!

The movement of our side is so big, those creatures in the ocean should avoid it as soon as possible, there is no possibility of running to cause trouble for our side, you know, once they pass by the surface ships, they may be smashed by the propeller Deep cuts were made on the back.

The sea water continued to churn, and there was indeed something floating below the water!
The first thing that came up was the command tower with a smooth shape. When seeing that thing, the sailors were completely dumbfounded.

Not their subs!
Regardless of whether it is the Los Angeles or the Ohio class, their submarine conning towers are very standard enclosures with the same thickness up and down, but the one in front of them has undergone repairs and looks more beautiful. Only Lao Maozi's submarines will use this. kind of design!
He was about to call out Akula's name, but continued to look, and as the hull surfaced, he felt that it was too small again, without the displacement of Akula.

"Damn it, how did they come to us?" The first mate on the island said angrily, "It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Lancey looked back from the deck, and also saw the floating submarine. It did not use the risky emergency method of surfacing. Although that is very domineering, it is very dangerous and may overturn at any time. Now, it is slowly going up like that. The ground floated up smoothly, as if things were not alarmed, but the entire aircraft carrier formation was completely blown up.

"We are flying the carrier-based aircraft now, and the speed increase has affected our own sonar observations, otherwise, we will definitely find it!"

"That's right, it's useless to do so!"

In the fleet, there were all kinds of voices. As the most powerful navy in the world, they didn't want to believe that their anti-submarine network had been breached, but that submarine appeared in front of them just like that.

They are relatively sailing, so after the submarine surfaced, it began to pass through their formation. The small hull is completely incomparable with the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, but now it looks so powerful!
Ants eat elephants, it has passed through the obstacles of the aircraft carrier formation, and came to the front of the aircraft carrier. If it is in wartime, it will have a chance to sink the aircraft carrier!

"How can the performance of the 039B submarine produced by Mingzhou Group be so strong?" Lanxi murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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