Great warships

Chapter 715 The Destination of the Z-8 Early Warning Aircraft

Chapter 715
"There is no problem with taking off with no load." Looking at the takeoff scene, Duan Yi said: "We will continue to increase the weight to test until it is fully loaded. Now there is no wind on the deck, and we will wait until we are on the real aircraft carrier. , with the deck wind, it will be easier to take off."

"That's right, there should be no problem taking off with a full load on the ski jump deck, and it can be tested on an aircraft carrier in the later stage!" Delano said: "I hope that the full-scale early warning aircraft equipped with radar equipment will arrive as soon as possible, and we will practice with our fighter jets." coordinated tactics."

After taking off and landing, the existing 001 aircraft carrier can be used, and Delano can't wait to demonstrate the tactics of the early warning aircraft.

After all, he, a former U.S. Naval Air Force pilot, was used to fighting under the command of the AWACS. Without the AWACS, it was like missing a pair of eyes. Although there were no restrictions and he could fly freely, he always felt that he was not at ease.

"Leader Wu, in this way, the development of our shipborne early warning helicopter project will be in vain?" A leader of the base said: "At present, our base has just completed the Z-001Y collaborative exercise. It is planned to be paired with our [-] aircraft carrier."

Zhiba Y is progressing faster. The last time Qin Tao saw it, this aircraft was already under development. Recently, this carrier-based helicopter conducted a drill at the base of Huangdi Village. How to dock on the aircraft carrier deck and how to dispatch it efficiently The highest and so on, all of these need to be explored in the wasteland village on land before being deployed on the aircraft carrier.Although the suffix is ​​an English letter Y, it is actually not English, but the first letter of the Chinese pinyin of the pre-warning word in Chinese.

It's just that I didn't expect that the domestically-made early warning aircraft developed so rapidly, and the KJ-600 could already be on the ship before the Z[-]Y.

At this time, following the instructions of the base leaders, everyone looked at a helicopter parked on the island side of the simulated deck. If it was not specifically pointed out, no one would have noticed that it was an early warning helicopter. There is no difference in appearance from other helicopters. There is no big ball on the side of the Sea King, and there is no large fence under the belly of the Ka-31. Only when you go around behind it, you will notice the small cylindrical rotatable radar antenna.

Under Qin Tao's intervention, the navy did not purchase the tasteless Ka-31, but the navy's equipment progress is still too fast. Is there no room for Zhiba Y?

Leader Wu looked at Qin Tao: "President Qin, what do you think?"

"Of course it was not developed for nothing." Qin Tao gave a clear answer: "Even if this kind of KJ-600 can be deployed on 001, it is absolutely impossible to carry four of them, which would take up too much precious space. At most Two planes are enough, so it will certainly not be able to provide a 24-hour uninterrupted air early warning capability, and our Zhiba Y is still needed to provide early warning during the rest of the KJ-600.”

The 001 aircraft carrier did not dismantle the anti-ship missile launcher in front of it. Qin Tao had planned to transform it into a supermarket before, but it was still kept. Now with the development of supersonic anti-ship missiles and anti-ship ballistic missiles, that part of the space It is definitely necessary to install a special missile system. In this way, the area of ​​the hangar below is very limited. In addition, a lot of area is wasted on the bow jumping deck. It is impossible to dock carrier-based aircraft on the slope, which leads to The carrying capacity of the 001 aircraft carrier is very limited.

Even if the KJ-600 can fold its wings, it still occupies a large area. It can be replaced with J-600 on a one-to-one basis. If you carry one more KJ-[-], you have to carry one less J-[-]. Therefore, Too much is definitely not worth it.

Straight [-]Y, the area occupied is very small, and the aircraft carrier must deploy certain helicopters, whether it is rescue, anti-submarine, transportation, etc., helicopters are needed.

Going straight up like this is also convenient for scheduling and maintenance, after all the parts are common.

Wu Shengli nodded, deeply agreeing with Qin Tao's proposal.

"In addition to aircraft carriers, when we build more [-]-ton destroyers in the future, we can also carry our Z-[-] Y early warning helicopters. In this way, when our destroyer formations perform tasks, they can also provide low-altitude early warning capabilities. After all We have a limited number of aircraft carriers, and it is impossible to appear anywhere, and in ordinary combat missions, we still focus on escorting formations."

At present, there are mainly two types of carrier-based aircraft on destroyers and frigates: light warships are equipped with Z-27s, which are small in size and light in weight after all; heavy-duty warships or imported from Lao Maozi are equipped with Ka-[-]s. The ten-ton class can perform more tasks.The two helicopters cannot be mixed and matched, because the former is long, the latter is tall, and the hangars are different.

Only supply ships and the like can carry the Z-13, because this kind of helicopter is bigger, the initial model has a take-off weight of more than ten tons, and later the Z-15 G developed to a take-off weight of [-] tons, and then the Z-[-] L is even said to be A take-off weight of [-] tons was achieved.

The greater the take-off weight, the greater the load capacity, but at the same time, it also means that the required deck area is larger and the hangar area is larger. Only warships of [-] tons can carry it.

There are no domestic warships of this level yet, but there will definitely be in the future. At that time, they will be able to carry this kind of direct eight-Y early warning helicopters. A [-]-ton large drive will carry out missions with several other destroyers and frigates. It is necessary to make up for blindness at low altitude, and then the Zhiba Y can be lifted into the air, so that it is more convenient to perform tasks.

Therefore, Zhiba Y will definitely not be wasted.

"That's right, Mr. Qin is right." Delano expressed his support on the sidelines: "If there is no strong maritime aviation force, it will be impossible to protect the safety of our maritime formation. More than ten years ago, the British The battle at sea was due to the lack of ability to detect low-altitude sea-skimming targets. No matter how high the shipboard radar of the warship is, the distance to find such targets is not far away. At most, there is only one chance to intercept. Terrible."

The U.S. Navy doesn’t need it, because they have air supremacy, and no matter where they go, they always press others to fight. Why do they have to build professional littoral combat ships? Isn’t it because they have nothing to fear? If it is any other country, it dares to approach the enemy’s coastline fight?
Other countries must consider the ability to intercept low-altitude targets. The British feel the deepest. The way they use it is to put a ball on their head. The higher the better, the lesson of that naval battle is too profound. They are afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years. Iwato, I had to do this.

Domestic air defense ships are still quite satisfactory, and the detection distance of low-altitude sea-skimming targets will not be particularly far, so this kind of early warning helicopter is very important.

While speaking, the Air Police-600 had already circled over Huangdi Village, and then landed on the runway. It skillfully hooked the arresting wire and stopped smoothly.This time without Delano's command, the pilot still flew very smoothly.

"This flight mission is over, today's flight window is gone, just wait for tomorrow." Wu Shengli said: "You must use a scientific attitude, try a little bit, and constantly find problems, don't be too anxious. If If you find that you have reached your limit, don't try again."

"Yes." Duan Yi nodded.

While Wu Shengli was talking to Duan Yi and others, Qin Tao strode towards the blocking cable because he was surprised to find an acquaintance.

Ma Ming was communicating with the operator of the arresting cable, and recorded it carefully in a notebook, without noticing Qin Tao's arrival at all.

"Horseman, when did you come?"

"This morning, a routine return visit." After Ma Ming finished speaking, he raised his head, and when he saw Qin Tao, he was immediately excited: "Mr. Qin, why is it you? I haven't seen you at the base of Huangdi Village for a long time!"

"Well, I came here yesterday. Wait, what do you mean by your routine return visit? Could it be that our arresting cable has been blocked by electromagnetics?"

Although Qin Tao has always talked about electromagnetic blocking and electromagnetic ejection together when fooling people, in fact, the development of technology cannot be achieved overnight. In order to complete the development of the ejection aircraft carrier, they first tackled the problem of electromagnetic ejection The technology, as for the electromagnetic blocking, all existed in the imagination in the initial time.

At that time, Qin Tao was very concerned about the electromagnetic ejection project. In the eyes of a large number of leaders and experts who supported steam ejection, Qin Tao seemed to be a little radical, but later, the electromagnetic ejection was successful, and everyone was very emotional. Mr. Qin Sure enough, it is powerful enough, and everything he is sure about is right!
But later, after the electromagnetic ejection was successful, Qin Tao got busy with other things and forgot about it. If it wasn't for KJ-600 to test this time, Qin Tao would not have come to Huangdi Village.

But now, he finally realized that in addition to the electromagnetic ejection, the electromagnetic blocking system has also been built!

"Of course it has to be built. After all, our 002 aircraft carrier uses electromagnetic ejection, and of course it must be equipped with electromagnetic blocking. If we don't work hard now, will we still use the hydraulic blocking system to make up the numbers when the aircraft carrier is built?"

Electromagnetic blocking and electromagnetic ejection are a perfect match, because it can not only adjust the strength of the blocking cable according to the landing weight of different carrier-based aircraft, but more importantly, it can store the energy lost by the carrier-based aircraft into electrical energy during the blocking process. It is used for electromagnetic ejection, which saves energy.

Just like some electric vehicles, kinetic energy recovery is forced to be turned on, and it cannot be turned off, so that a relatively high cruising range can be achieved, because they need to store any lost kinetic energy in order to extend the cruising capacity. As for User experience?They don't care.

"When did this thing come out?" Qin Tao asked.

"At the end of last year, it was installed at the beginning of this year, and it has been running smoothly. I come here every half a month to fine-tune the control program based on various operating data, trying to make it run more smoothly."

Qin Tao nodded. The construction of the aircraft carrier will take several years. These few years are enough for the electromagnetic blocking system here to conduct a perfect test and improve it through a large amount of data.

"Ma Gong, you are the biggest contributor to our 002 aircraft carrier!" Thinking of this, Qin Tao said with emotion.

"No, no, Mr. Qin, don't flatter me. You are the biggest contributor to our 002 aircraft carrier and the biggest contributor to our naval construction." Ma Ming said: "Without your support, these projects would not be possible at all." It might go on.”

While the two were flattering each other, Wu Shengli and others came over and looked at the re-tightened blocking cable. Wu Shengli was also very emotional: "At present, there are no more than five countries in the world that can produce this kind of blocking cable. It is one of them, and this is the self-confidence of our great country."

"Yes, our arresting cables are not only for our own use, but also for export, and the profits are very high."

The blocking cable has a lifespan, and it has to be replaced after hundreds of times of use. This way, it will be a steady stream of profits. Not to mention the original Mingzhou Group customers such as Football Country, even Ah San would never have imagined that they never The arresting cables purchased by Lao Maozi were actually produced by Juli Company in the East.

A small blocking cable, with a university question.

"Our military R&D costs a lot, so it's a good thing if we can sell it." After Wu Shengli finished speaking, he looked to the other side: "Taozi, if there is a chance in the future, it would be great to sell our steam catapult."

At the time of bidding, the relevant domestic departments also developed a steam catapult and conducted some tests. After the test, it was found that the performance of this catapult could not be compared with the electromagnetic catapult, so it was abandoned.

It will cost a lot of money to dismantle, and it may have other functions if it is kept. Therefore, the steam catapult is kept, and now a long shed is directly built on it to prevent the sun and rain.

There is no need to use it for yourself, it would be nice if it could be sold.

Qin Tao frowned a little: "There are not many countries in the world that are capable of owning aircraft carriers. Most of them use ordinary ski jumps to take off due to lack of funds. The steam catapult is too complicated, at least on a medium-sized aircraft carrier. Use, there are too few international customers, we can only wait for the opportunity.”

In addition to the United States and France, are there other countries playing with steam catapult aircraft carriers?The United States produces it itself, and France imports it from the United States. It will definitely not come to purchase from the East. The French are so proud, even if they are cheated by the United States, they have to purchase from the United States.

Therefore, it is too difficult to sell the steam catapult. Qin Tao did not suggest it at the beginning, and now Qin Tao has no way to help clean up the mess.

"Yeah, this thing is hard to sell." Delano said: "Even the U.S. Navy has begun to develop electromagnetic catapults. Steam catapults are indeed outdated and there is no market for them."

Although staying in the East cannot go, Delano is also very concerned about the US Navy, and he has also noticed the electromagnetic catapults used by the US Navy's next-generation aircraft carrier.

"They're starting to develop electromagnetic catapults now?" Qin Tao was stunned, isn't this too fast?

"The East already has it, so how can they lag behind." Delano said: "Even if this project was launched in a hurry, they have to start. What's more, this project has already started in the 80s."

This is the advantage of the former U.S. Navy pilot. He knows many secrets of the U.S. Navy, even if it is just hearsay.

In fact, during World War II, the U.S. Navy had studied it. Of course, the technology at that time was immature. In the 80s, they finally started to work on it. For example, in 88, they developed a model with a length of 3.66 meters. Movement and recovery tests.

After these experiments, they felt that the technology was slowly maturing. In the late 90s, they decided to use electromagnetic catapults on the new generation of CVN 21 aircraft carrier.It can be said that even without the stimulation of the East, the Americans would do it. Now, of course, the speed must be accelerated.

The East has begun to do it with great fanfare, and of course the Americans can't lag behind!Now, they have found General Atomics and Northrop Grumman to start research on electromagnetic catapults respectively.Then choose a contractor after comparison. This is the benefit of the United States. The East needs to do its best to jointly develop, but others can choose the most suitable solution through bidding. Of course, even if they bid, it will not be as good as the East, because The route is different.

"What technical route are they using?" Qin Tao asked.

"Medium-voltage communication," Delano said, "same as ours."

"Yes, it's the same as ours." Qin Tao nodded: "They are copying our products, we have to protest!"

Dongfang’s electromagnetic catapult has been tampered with during its promotion. In terms of technical route, it has not exposed its medium-voltage DC route. It has always said that it is medium-voltage AC, and it has been running smoothly. Nothing to say, just follow along.

They won't know how many problems this design has until they develop a prototype and carry out formal tests. Then let them have a headache!Qin Tao was secretly proud of himself.

However, this incident also gave him a new reminder: With the rapid development of naval equipment in the East, some countries are stimulated and will follow the pace of development. However, there is no other way for our own side, we must hurry up , To create a powerful navy, what others do is theirs, and it is enough to do your own.

After saying this, Qin Tao continued to chat with Ma Ming with great interest: "Ma Gong, you only come here once in a while, what do you usually do?"

"At present, our Golden Sun Motor Company is very busy." Ma Ming said: "We are developing electric vehicles according to your requirements, which will be the biggest source of profit for our Golden Sun Electric Company. Only when we make money can we invest into military R&D programs."

The army will not allocate funds for many projects, or they will not allocate funds in advance. They have to wait until the project is approved. The funds for pre-research in advance must be prepared by themselves. Therefore, Ma Ming has also become practical, and the demand for funds is very high. high.

"There are military research and development projects?" Qin Tao was very curious, which even surpassed his concern about the electric vehicle project.

"Yes." Ma Ming said: "You have mentioned this project before, it is the electromagnetic gun."

Qin Tao found that he had been so busy recently that he couldn't pay attention to many things in time. He actually forgot about such an important project!

"It's getting late, let's go eat." Qin Tao said to the people around him.

He is very interested, but there are too many people here now, it is not suitable for a detailed chat. After eating, it is not too late to go to the meeting room to chat.

The wasteland village was very lively. After the Air Police-600 pushed into the hangar, other flight training began again, and the lively scene resumed. When I saw Qin Tao and others going to eat, Delano didn't follow him, and continued to go. He has trained pilots, and he can also find some pleasure in the process of abusing pilots.

Wu Shengli can't stay here forever. Originally, he only planned to stay for one day. He went back after watching the first flight of the KJ-600. However, he stayed for an extra day and watched the KJ-600's ski-jump take-off. The next step is to go back. up.

"Taozi, will you go back with me?" Wu Shengli asked Qin Tao during the meal.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Ma Gong and I went to Huating Golden Sun Company to see the progress of their electromagnetic gun project."

There are no outsiders at the dinner table, so it is much more convenient to talk.

When the electromagnetic gun was just proposed, many people despised it, thinking that this thing is only found in the science fiction world. However, after the electromagnetic catapult was developed, the electromagnetic gun is no longer a flower in the moon mirror. Everyone Everyone can figure it out, the electromagnetic gun is a reduced version of the electromagnetic catapult.

Qin Tao just hasn't paid attention to it recently. Now that he has heard about the progress of the electromagnetic gun, of course he has to take a look.

"Then you should go back with me." Wu Shengli said: "After we go back, our navy will hold a hearing on electromagnetic guns. Your Mingzhou Group is the main builder of warships and is also eligible to participate."

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded immediately.

Ma Ming was also working, collecting recent data and optimizing related programs. When Wu Shengli and his party returned in the afternoon, he also got into the cabin.

Although Qin Tao really wanted to talk about electromagnetic guns with Ma Ming right now, it was inconvenient after all, so he could only change the subject and start talking about electric cars.

"We're doing well with electric cars?"

"That's right, the key motors, batteries, and electronic control systems have all been developed. According to what you said, we used a large number of 18650 batteries. This thing is too complicated. We also specially designed a complex power control chip. If If there is a problem with one of the batteries, it will be disconnected in time to avoid affecting other batteries." Ma Ming said: "What is missing now is the body, which we are not good at. At present, our idea is to let SAIC OEM."

Huating has an automobile industry, and the famous Santana is produced from them.

"Yes, we have to find a car factory for the body. However, we should stop cooperating with big manufacturers, and we must have the right to operate independently." Qin Tao said: "Is there any car factory in China that is about to go bankrupt? Shall we buy it?"

Qin Tao still likes to buy, buy, buy.

(End of this chapter)

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