Great warships

Chapter 720 For Zhi-20 Project

Of course, Boguslayev will not trust the Europeans unconditionally. They have been deceived more than once. This time, it is very likely that the Europeans are here to provoke their relationship with the East.However, it is a pity to make them give up, so they just need a good way.

Now, Mr. Qin has given this a good solution!

As for whether the Europeans will find out in the future, put this aside first, at least not to offend the Orientals now, otherwise this project will be terminated, will they still have the face to go back to the Orientals?

They can distinguish between interests.If the Europeans were fooled and they were fooled, that would be called stupidity.

Qin Tao is also very satisfied that the other party can make such a choice, which shows that Ermao has not been fooled by Europe, and they still know who their real friends are. If this project can continue, the advantages to China will outweigh the disadvantages.

Various domestic projects based on D-227 can also continue to be pre-researched.

"Mr. Qin, after the D-227 engine project is officially put into production, have you thought about continuing to cooperate with us in other engine fields?" Boguslaev said, "For example, helicopter engines?"

The domestic aero-engine industry is still relatively weak. In addition to the backwardness of large engines for transport aircraft, the engines for helicopters are also backward.

At present, the country can only produce straight-nine engines, and even some parts of the straight-eight engines have to be imported. The development of the straight-eight has not yet achieved [-]% localization.

Motor Sich manufactures engines, and their production line also has helicopter engines, the most famous of which is the D-136 engine, which has an output power of 8500 kilowatts and is the most powerful turboshaft engine in the world. You can compare it and you will know: the largest CH-53 Super Stallion helicopter in the United States uses the latest GE38 engine with a power of only 5600 kilowatts. Therefore, it is enough to install three sets, and the maximum take-off weight is only 38 tons. , and Lao Maozi's Mi-26?The maximum take-off weight reached 56 tons!
However, there are not many applications for heavy-duty helicopters. Therefore, the Mi-26 helicopter has never been produced after the collapse of the Red Empire. Motor Sich is just refurbishing this engine. There are no orders for brand new D-136 engines.

Now, they can't wait to sell these to the east, the market in the east is too big!As long as it is produced in the East, the East will definitely use it.

"For us, what we need most is an engine with a maximum output power of about 1600 kilowatts." Qin Tao said: "If this kind of engine can be successfully developed, the market will be absolutely huge. According to my estimation, our domestic orders can exceed one thousand. Not to mention export models."

Boguslayev originally planned to sell the D-136 engine to the East. The technology of this engine is ready-made and can be exported to the production line for production at any time. However, the use of this level of turboshaft engine is too narrow, and heavy helicopters The purchase cost is high and the scope of use is narrow, so the quantity is not high.

And the engine of this level mentioned by Qin Tao is very useful. This kind of engine can be said to be the role of panacea.Because it is the most suitable engine choice for ten-ton helicopters!

Still take the United States as an example. The Apache and Black Hawk in the United States are the most common and widely used helicopters. The former is an armed helicopter, and the latter is a general-purpose helicopter. They both use the 1450-kilowatt T-700GE- 701 engine.So far, only the batch of Black Hawk helicopters imported by the East in the 80s can go to the plateau because of the powerful engines.


There must be similar engines in the country!
"President Qin, can the power of the turboshaft engine you mentioned be reduced? The TV3-117 engine we produced has a power of less than 1500 kilowatts, which is still far from your requirements." Boguslaye Husband said.

Speaking of turboshaft engines, Boguslayev always thinks of D-136 engines first. In fact, there are TV3-117 engines on their production line!
This engine is a turboshaft engine developed by the Klimov Engine Design Bureau on the basis of the TV2-117A engine. It was developed in the 70s, and then put into mass production at the Zaporozhye Aviation Engine Manufacturing Plant.

That's right, it is the Motor Sich company led by Boguslayev now!In the era of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi really had no selfishness. The production of various products was done according to what was suitable, and he never considered which republic it belonged to.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, the demand for this kind of engine has also been greatly reduced. In recent years, only maintenance work is left. Anyway, the Klimov Design Bureau was originally in the territory of Da Mao, so Da Mao can completely start production of this engine in its own country. An engine, just like the AI-222.

Now, since Qin Tao said he wanted a turboshaft engine, of course he could bring an engine of this level to Dongfang, but the power couldn't meet Mr. Qin's requirements!
"The engines you are currently producing are still at the level of the 70s." Qin Tao said: "This kind of engine is already outdated. My friend, I have just said that this kind of engine is to be successfully developed."


Boguslayev understood: "Qin, you mean, we want to develop a new engine?"

"Yes, it is a new research and development. You send out some technicians, and we send out some technicians to form a joint research and development organization. Our turboshaft engine has a normal output power of [-] kilowatts. The maximum power must reach Two thousand kilowatts is enough, and you understand why."

Ten-ton helicopters use two engines. Under normal circumstances, a single engine can output a certain power. If it burns out, it must provide higher power as much as possible to meet the needs of single-engine flight.

Therefore, a turboshaft engine must have such explosive strength.

Since the other party has this idea, then Qin Tao has to follow his own goals. Armed helicopters are only equipped by the army, so he doesn't ask. However, the navy, air force, and even the army all need ten-ton general-purpose helicopters. The research and development of the Z-20 project has already begun. In the Navy, this ten-ton general-purpose helicopter will be used as the main carrier-based helicopter in the future.

What is still lacking in China is the engine. Since we have this opportunity, we must work on this project.

The power of the TV3-117 engine is actually barely enough, but its technology is too backward!
After the Mi-171 is available in China, it will be involuntarily compared with the Black Hawk. This comparison can reveal how far behind the Mi-171 is: looking at the fuses alone, the number of fuses on the Mi-171 is huge. In case any one burns, Just look for them one by one, but the Black Hawk only has one fuse, and the fuse was even canceled in the modification! (This joke comes from the Internet, I don’t know if it’s true or not)

The engines developed in the 70s must be lagging behind until now, at the end of the 90s, with insufficient power and poor power-to-weight ratio.

Jet engines have a thrust-to-weight ratio, that is, the ratio of thrust to weight. The larger the ratio, the greater the thrust under the same weight, which means that the engine is more advanced. The second-generation engine is around 5, and the third-generation engine is between 7 and 8. Around 10 for the fourth-generation engine.

Turboshaft engines use shaft power to measure power output, so there is a power-to-weight ratio, that is, the ratio of output power to its own weight. Take Lao Maozi's TV3-117 as an example, the power-to-weight ratio is around 5. However, the domestic advanced vortex shaft 10 has a power-to-weight ratio of 7.
"In addition to power, we also have weight requirements. Its self-weight is about [-] kilograms, and it cannot exceed too much."

"Qin, your request is too difficult!" Boguslayev immediately shook his head.

Their TV3-117 engine weighs more than 300 kilograms. Now, Qin Tao has reduced the weight to more than 200 kilograms, and the output power has to be increased by one or two hundred kilowatts. How is this possible?

"Only with such a requirement can the power-to-weight ratio exceed 7." Qin Tao said: "Modern advanced turboshaft engines must meet this indicator. What we want to develop is an aviation turboshaft engine with the world's advanced level, of course. , taking into account our industrial base, the fuel consumption rate can be slightly relaxed."

The TV3-117VM turboshaft engine has a fuel consumption of 0.319 kg/kWh. The fuel consumption rate of the later domestically produced turboshaft 10 is 0.28 kg/kWh. The data is already good. However, if it is compared with the data of the latest French Anetto 1K In comparison, it is much worse, others are 0.228 kg/kWh, that is to say, others are more fuel-efficient, and with the same fuel tank capacity, they can fly farther.

Domestic engines have always had the problem of high fuel consumption. This cannot be solved overnight. There are trade-offs among various functions. First, solve the problem of power and power-to-weight ratio, and save fuel consumption for later.

"Fuel consumption can be relaxed to 0.28 kg/kWh, but in the engine control system, the old engine control system must not continue to be used. We need a new bilingual full-power digital control system." Qin Tao continued to make requests, thinking To make the engine have more advanced performance, of course, the control system must be improved, so that it can be more perfectly integrated with the flight control.

The dual-redundancy full-authority digital control system, referred to as FADEC, can fine-tune a series of parameters such as the throttle, speed, and stator blade angle of the engine to achieve control through various sensors, fuel metering components, and compressor control components. digitization.

These requests made by Qin Tao made Boguslayev very helpless: "Mr. Qin, what you proposed are all the latest turboshaft engine technology. I'm afraid we don't have the ability!"

The old man can't do anything else, only archaeology is left.These brand new technologies, they simply cannot get involved.

"We have." Qin Tao said: "You have the foundation and we have advanced technology, so we cooperate in research and development." Qin Tao said: "Over the years, we have developed many advanced materials and processes, such as the overall engine Blisks, such as ceramic matrix composite materials, such as single crystal turbine blades, etc., by applying these technologies, we can greatly improve the performance of the engine. In this way, with our joint efforts, we can complete the development of this brand new turboshaft engine. Although there are difficulties, they are within our acceptable range."

Originally Qin Tao talked about joint research and development, but Boguslayev didn't take it to heart, but now he finally understands that joint research and development is really necessary!

Motor Sich has a large production capacity, and they have rich experience. What Qin Tao needs is their experience. Coupled with the breakthroughs in advanced technology made by the East over the years, the two parties jointly developed and solved the helicopter engine!
As long as there is no problem with the engine, the Zhi-20 will be born!
Nowadays, when designing naval ships, you have to worry about the hangar at the back. The domestic Zhijiu is too small, and the imported Ka-27 is too tall. After the successful development of the -20, you don't have to worry about this, just design it according to the hangar of the Zhi-20. This is the most suitable carrier-based helicopter for the navy.

Not only can it serve the navy, but also the air force and army aviation, especially on plateaus. They need this kind of professional plateau helicopters, which can fly stably on plateaus with abundant power.

Unknowingly, Mingzhou Group is involved in more and more aviation projects. However, these projects are still related to naval equipment. As a group that manufactures warships, of course, the needs of carrier-based aircraft must also be considered.

Qin Tao is looking forward to it.

"Okay, Mr. Qin, we will carefully consider these requests you put forward, and hope that we can jointly develop the most advanced helicopter engine in the world." Boguslaev said.He is also full of expectations, after all, the market for medium-sized general-purpose helicopters is indeed huge.

This joint research and development cannot be a one-sentence matter. There is still a lot of work to be done in the follow-up, a lot of negotiations need to be carried out, and various benefits can only be carried out after the distribution of various benefits, but Qin Tao can afford to wait.

This matter is considered to be over, Qin Tao took Zhao Ling and left the Friendship Hotel.

"Ermao's choice should be the best for us." Zhao Ling said: "The Europeans want to mess up our project, and they still overestimate their own weight."

"Yeah, if the red empire had just collapsed and the Europeans did this, Ermao would definitely put his hot face on his cold ass, but after so many years, the Europeans didn't give them anything except fooling them Good thing, of course they won't fully trust the Europeans," Qin Tao said.

I always cry wolf, and no one believes it. How the Europeans fooled the old man to dismantle the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is still vivid. At this time, if they directly place an order and pay the down payment, maybe Bogusla Yev can make up his mind, even if he tore up the Dongfang contract, he will sell the engine to Europe.However, it is just a bidding, and it is not known whether it will succeed. Of course, all the treasures cannot be bet on the Europeans.

"Next, let's investigate the domestic auto industry, see which auto factory is about to fail, and buy back their production qualification certificates," Qin Tao said.

Electric cars are an emerging industry, whoever enters the industry first will be the boss. The profit of this thing is not low. After all, cars are going to enter thousands of households, and there are policy support. Qin Tao must promote it. Ma Ming is a dry man. Technically, it is not very suitable to engage in this kind of business.

However, he is also engaged in technology, but now he has almost completely become a businessman.

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang answered the phone and reported to Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, someone from the Antonov Design Bureau is here and wants to talk to you."

Antonov Design Bureau?

Qin Tao rested his hand on his forehead helplessly. As a shipbuilder, he was really about to become an airplane builder!
The other party came, and it must be for the An-70 transport aircraft. After all, the D-227 engine will be produced here. Antonov Design Bureau will definitely look forward to selling the An-70 transport aircraft.

Does the East need such an aircraft?

Now the East is short of large transport aircraft, so that the Air Police-76 modified with the Il-2000 airframe cannot be modified without restriction, only a few can be used. However, since the East already has a plan to independently develop a large transport aircraft, Certainly it is impossible to purchase the transport aircraft of the Antonov Design Bureau.

In fact, at the end of the 90s and the beginning of the new millennium, many people made this kind of initiative: I hope that Dongfang can introduce the An-70 transport aircraft to quickly change the current situation of the lack of large transport aircraft in China.

However, there is a big gap between the ideal and the reality. This kind of transport aircraft has no chance with Dongfang in the end. No matter how advanced its technology is, there are still many problems that cannot be solved. The strength of research and development, what should we do in the future?After all, it would be good for Lao Maozi to survive for ten or twenty years by relying on archaeology. What about in the future?In the future, our own side will have to conduct independent research and development. It is better to have independent research and development capabilities now. This step always needs to go out.

Qin Tao has never been optimistic about the idea of ​​buying an aircraft production line from Lao Maozi, but since the Antonov Design Bureau has come, of course he has to greet him warmly.

The meeting place this time was in the air force compound. Lin, who had retired at home, couldn't stay idle and knew each other again, so he came to receive him, and waited for Qin Tao and others to arrive while receiving them.

"Mr. Qin, nice to meet you. I'm Victor, and this is Jinchenko. We are both designers of the An-70 transport aircraft." Victor stretched out his hand first.

Victor?Inexplicably, Qin Tao thought of the old man with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

In 2019, the 81-year-old Victor is still working in the Antonov Design Bureau, leading a meager salary to spend his old age. Who would have thought that on the way home, suddenly three Men, round him up and punch him.

The police arrived belatedly, and directly identified it as a mutual assault. The three people who beat Victor were released, and Victor was taken to the police station instead. After some investigation, it was found that Victor was the victim, and the three men were the attackers. There is no injustice or enmity, the other party just admits the wrong person.

An old expert like Victor is definitely a national treasure, but in Ermao's place, no one would care about them, and the police did not give Victor justice, but just let him go.

Just this one thing, you can know how little Ermao's country pays attention to these experts, and it will be hell if Ermao can develop.

Now, looking at this 70-year-old man who is running around for the An-60 project, Qin Tao suddenly felt a surge of sympathy in his heart.

It's too pitiful, I'd better keep them all here, here in the East, old experts are still more valued.

"President Qin, President Qin?"

Elder Lin became curious. What happened to Qin Tao? Why did he suddenly stare at Victor intently?This is very impolite!

"Well, I'm sorry, I think you look like an old friend of mine at Damao." Qin Tao shook hands with the other party, and then looked at the second person.

Kinchenko is actually more famous than Victor. He is a senior expert of the Antonov Design Bureau and has rich practical experience. From the initial An-26 to the final super giant An-225, Kinchenko has participated in it. He is an expert in aerodynamic layout and wind tunnel experiments. Moreover, he once served as an academician of the Academy of Information Sciences and gave lectures in various universities. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience. technical talent.

However, it was precisely because he mainly turned to teaching in the later stage that Jinchenko did not participate in the research and development of the An-70 transport aircraft particularly much, nor was he the chief designer, so he was worthy of being Victor's deputy.

"Mr. Qin, I heard that your Mingzhou Group purchased the An-225 transport aircraft, how is it operating now?" Jinqinke asked.

The relationship between Mingzhou Group and Antonov Design Bureau is still good. The world's number one transport aircraft is in Mingzhou Group. The other party said that this relationship is of course paving the way for the next negotiation.

"Well, in our words, it means not opening for half a year, but opening for half a year." Qin Tao said.

The An-225 consumes too much fuel and has high requirements on the airport. Therefore, there are too few employers who can afford their aircraft, but as long as they are hired, it is a must.

For example, some super-large special parts that cannot be transported by sea due to timeliness requirements can only be transported through it. The last time I accepted a commercial transport task was really half a year ago, but the freight is also quite high.

"Yeah, this kind of transport plane is too big, and there are too few materials that need it to transport. However, our An-70 transport plane is different. This is the role of an all-rounder in the air." Jinchenko said: "I hope you can understand Interested in this transport aircraft."

"Do you regard me as a customer or a partner?" Qin Tao asked.

"All of them." Jinchenko is really rich in social experience, so he quickly introduced it, and Victor, who is engaged in technology, became an audience instead.

"You have already cooperated with Motor Sich to produce the D-227 engine in Tianjiao Aviation. This engine is also the engine of our An-70 transport aircraft. Therefore, you are partners. However, our transport aircraft is very good, so You will definitely purchase a batch, and this is another customer, Mr. Qin, what do you think?"

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