Great warships

Chapter 729

Chapter 729
The silent silence underwater is the most difficult, and now, the ubiquitous underwater noise is even more debilitating.

"Baga, I can't take it anymore!" A submarine soldier shouted loudly, then picked up a table knife that he had already held in his hand, and stabbed himself in the stomach.

"Damn it! Little dog, what are you doing? You don't want to hurt everyone!" Before the second son of Xiaojuan could finish his words, the disgusting smell of blood spread.

In the submarine, there is no need to equip firearms. After all, it is too difficult for outsiders to invade the submarine. Only the captain and those who maintain discipline in the submarine will be equipped with guns. Even if the rest have guns, they are usually locked. The ones in the gun storage are only equipped with guns when they are sentry on the shore. For submariners, a steel gun is far less important than a pair of clean socks without odor.

But now, under such circumstances, some people can't hold on any longer and want to commit suicide in despair, so they can only choose a tool like a table knife. He also wants to draw a standard cross on his stomach, but the table knife is not strong enough. When he went down with the knife, he couldn't stab himself to death at all, and he could only suffer more pain. In this pain, he suddenly regretted it. He stood up and wanted to find the medical box. People along the way were a little terrified. Smelling the smell of blood in the air, his face turned pale and he trembled all over.

The second son of Xiaojuan shot, this guy named Xiaogou was shot in the head, and it exploded, brains and blood spurted all around, so more people started to vomit.

The air in the cabin smelled worse.

"Don't move, everyone, wait for rescue. If someone is thirsty, you can drink a few sips of blood." Xiao Juan's second son said.

His voice was covered by the sound of the chainsaw, and it was unknown if anyone heard it, but in the darkness, there seemed to be some special voices.

The time is still passing by little by little. I don't know how long it has passed. Everyone has fallen asleep. They are not really asleep, but because of lack of oxygen. At this moment, there is a sudden sound, Then there was a creaking sound, and the hatch of the front cabin was opened!
In the special rescue cabin at the tail of the Jiaolong, this time there was an extra person on board, it was Erkou Takegami, an officer of the Japanese navy. When the cabin door opened, he wanted to go down, but he smelled the smell inside Weird taste, his stomach began to churn.

This is not just the smell of feet, sweat, but also the smell of urine, feces, and blood. What happened in it.

"Hey, is there anyone alive down here? Come up quickly!"

The second son of Xiao Juan stood up: "Yes! I will go first!"

As a captain, he usually stays at the end, but the second son, Juan, has long since lost his courage. He just wants to be the first to leave, to leave this ghostly place!
Others also woke up and began to crawl with their last strength, some were even squeezed down, the scene was very chaotic.

"Damn it, where's your captain?" Takegami Erkou was annoyed.

"I am." Xiao Juan's second son who had already got into the rescue cabin said, "Thanks to the great American friend who rescued us."

on the mother ship.

"Dear audience friends, I will send back first-hand information to you at the scene. At present, the Jiaolong is about to come out of the water, and we will welcome the first batch of underwater survivors. Let us witness this great moment together. With the help of our Dongfang Mingzhou Group, the submarine soldiers of the island nation were finally rescued!"

The wet Jiaolong came up, there were several helicopters circling around, and there were media shots on it, but their positions were not comparable to Zhang Zhong's. This time, Zhang Zhong once again made a splash and won the first place According to the first-hand information, Zhang Zhong said that the program was interrupted at any time on the military channel. After all, this incident attracted the attention of the whole world.

The Jiaolong landed on the deck, the hatch opened, and right in front of the camera, a distraught islander came down, staggering, unable to stand, his clothes were dirty and bloodstained!
"We are very strange. We don't know what happened underwater. We can only see blood on this person's clothes. Now, let's go up and interview."

"Excuse me, sir, how do you feel when you see the blue sky again?"

Those godless eyeballs rolled around, as if they wanted to say something, but they seemed unable to say anything.

"Excuse me, what's with the blood on your clothes? Did anyone get hurt underwater?"

"The puppy committed suicide." The man said, "I just want to rest now."

"Baga, you Orientals are not allowed to interview us!" Xiaojuan's second son shouted immediately after seeing this scene.

"Why? We saved you."

"You? How is it possible? The one who saved us is the most powerful U.S. Navy!"

"Xiaojuan-kun, this is broadcast live worldwide." Moriyama Yeren came up, supported Xiaojuan's second son, and whispered to him: "The one who saved you this time is indeed an Oriental."

"Baga, we don't need the rescue of the Orientals, we don't need the rescue of the Orientals!" Xiao Juan's second son had a bad temper.

He didn't know how much trouble these words would cause.

In the future, don't rescue the islanders after accidents, because these people are white-eyed wolves, and they won't be grateful!
When Americans save them, they will be grateful to Dade, because they regard themselves as the sons of Americans, but they will not have such an attitude towards Orientals, they still have the same thinking decades ago!
"This guy can't control his emotions, he's not a qualified captain." Qiongzhou, Qin Tao sighed with emotion: "And, the first batch came up, where is his subordinate? Come up, the second son of the little scroll, um, it's a good name, but it's just a small roll of toilet paper."

"Even if we only rescue this group, our merits and deeds have been consummated." Wu Shengli said: "This rescue operation has achieved a complete victory, and the whole world will see the glorious side of Mingzhou Group. You are also famous. Good luck again."

"These are all secondary and floating clouds. The key is that our navy got good things." Qin Tao said: "By the way, our cyber warfare troops should also stop and wipe out all traces. You can’t let the other party see the clues.”

Wu Shengli nodded: "It's already withdrawn, let's accept it as soon as we see it."

"This matter has come to an end. Next, we should go." Qin Tao said: "Now that I have arrived in Qiongzhou, I want to take Xiaoling to Shuangsha Island for vacation. Dad, will you go with us?"

As the boss, Qin Tao is busy with affairs, but no matter how busy he is, he must not ignore his wife's feelings. Before he knows it, he has been working continuously for a long time, and it is time to relax for a while.

Wu Shengli shook his head: "It's not a holiday yet, why should I go on vacation? There are still many things waiting for me in the navy, especially the maritime parade. We have already pushed forward, and we have to continue to push forward. Let the superiors Take it seriously.”

Qin Tao proposed the military parade at sea at the beginning, but it passed after he proposed it. After all, he is not a member of the navy, and there is no need to mix with the navy. At this time, hearing what Wu Shengli said, Qin Tao followed suit. Nodded: "Well, Dad, then you are busy, I will take Xiaoling to go."

"Brother Tao, don't always think about traveling. We still have a lot of things in the group. Recently, the drone with the AI-222 engine is about to fly for the first time. Don't you always pay attention to it? Drone? Do you want to participate?"

"Drones? The Yunma Factory is not the Shuangyang Factory. They operate independently and have nothing to do with us. Even if the Goose Factory provides them with some help, they still use our engines, and they are also independent." Qin Tao didn't pay too much attention to this matter. It's just a drone. It's not worth the trouble. It's more important to go on vacation and combine work and rest.

"The first flight of this drone was fully automatic without anyone's interference." Zhao Ling said: "Moreover, they also asked us to go to the carrier-based aircraft training base, or even the 001 Tested on the aircraft carrier, this UAV can meet the needs of the carrier."

"What?" Now it was Wu Shengli's turn to be surprised: "Their drones are so mature? It seems that I have to go and see."

The maturity of these technologies has nothing to do with the Shuangyang Factory. The Shuangyang Factory is only responsible for modifying the turbojet engine. The automatic driving function was developed by the Goose Factory. This is why Zhao Ling hopes that Qin Tao can go and have a look.

Over the years, the goose factory has developed rapidly and has become a high-tech enterprise under the Mingzhou Group. This change made Qin Tao sigh. Sure enough, how a company develops depends on the style of the company's top leaders. ah.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look." Qin Tao nodded in agreement. His wife is still a strong woman, and she only has her career in her eyes, so she has to support her. After all, no matter where she goes, she is a husband and wife together.

"However, there is no need to worry." Zhao Ling said: "The first flight is scheduled for tomorrow, and we still have time this afternoon. If you want to do some activities, you can go to the Qiongzhou Automobile Factory, which is just for the development of our electric vehicles. Learn from the scriptures."

Qin Tao smiled helplessly. If you want to be a strong woman, you will arrange errands for me. Can't we take a rest in the afternoon and have a pleasant afternoon?
Zhao Ling seemed to know what Qin Tao was thinking: "Anyway, we often live in the villa these days, so let's treat it as a vacation."

Qin Tao could only turn his mind back to work, and soon thought of something: "Our Golden Sun Automobile currently lacks a birth permit, and the Qiongzhou Automobile Factory does not have a birth permit, right? Let's go there to investigate, what's the point? "

"That's right, they don't have a birth certificate, and the cars they produce can only be used in Qiongzhou. However, they also developed it from scratch, and it was only in the last ten years. Therefore, their experience is of great reference value. Geshan, since you have this opportunity, you might as well go and have a look."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qin Tao nodded.

There are some differences between Qiongzhou and other places. For example, here is a province composed of islands. Therefore, when the country decided to develop its economy, it had unique conditions. In 88, it became a special economic zone. At the same time The province decided to implement the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" key project: Qiongzhou Automobile Stamping Parts Factory.

In previous eras, whether it was the old Shanghai or the old red flag, workers hammered them out bit by bit with hammers, but this manufacturing method was too backward, and it was impossible to produce in large quantities, and the precision was still very poor. After that, the country saw advanced automobile production technology and began to transform rapidly.

Qiongzhou saw this business opportunity and set up an automobile stamping parts factory to provide support for other domestic automobile factories.Qiongzhou Automobile Factory also developed from this stamping parts factory.

The arrival of Qin Tao and his party was welcomed by everyone in the automobile factory. Director Jing stood at the gate of the factory and personally welcomed Qin Tao and his party.

"Mr. Qin, I heard that you were on vacation in Qiongzhou recently. We have invited you several times, and finally came here today. On behalf of the [-] employees of the automobile factory, I welcome you." Director Jing said enthusiastically.

"Seven hundred?" Qin Tao was a little curious: "Your car factory only needs more than 700 employees?"

Hearing Qin Tao's question, Director Jing was a little embarrassed: "Yes, Mr. Qin, our factory's annual output is only a few hundred cars, which is incomparable with that kind of large automobile factory."

"Yeah, it's too difficult to start from scratch." Qin Tao and Director Jing said as they walked in, "Can you tell me about how your production line came about?"

"Mr. Qin, the acquisition of our production line is quite special, it is bought."

"Bought it?" Qin Tao was very curious.

The automobile production line is not Chinese cabbage, so you can buy it as soon as you say it?In the international arena, even if a large automobile factory is short of money, it is impossible to sell its own production line casually.

"This is an opportunity we seized." Director Jing said: "In 88, we learned that the current situation in Malaysia was turbulent, and the joint venture factory between the President of Malaysia and Ford Motor went bankrupt, so we made a decisive move. Yes, we bought a full set of production equipment from them, which is equivalent to moving their car production line directly, so we have a professional car production line all at once."

Qin Tao's eyes brightened: "You guys caught this opportunity well."

"Yeah, when we saw an opportunity, we immediately made a move. However, with a production line, it is not possible to produce cars. This requires a large number of supporting factories. We have been doing this from 88 to 93. Work, the introduction of Western automatic welding and painting production lines, until the end of 93, we can be regarded as truly equipped with production capacity."

Qin Tao nodded. This is not just to build a car factory, but also to build a car supporting industry chain. In this industrial zone, a car production base has been formed.

This method is not bad, but I can learn from it, and I have to build an electric vehicle industry chain in Huating in the future. However, I don't plan to build a complete set, as long as I invite bids and let other companies provide support.

"However, we only have a production line and no products. In 90, the president of Mazda came to us for an event. After the event, he came to visit our automobile factory. After that, we negotiated with Mazda to use our production line. , to produce Mazda vehicles."

Qiongzhou Automobile Factory has finally completed the preparations for production and officially started production. Due to the introduction of Mazda as a partner, the complete set of molds, fixtures and other equipment for related vehicles can be imported from Mazda. In this way, Qiongzhou The automobile factory started a history of joint venture with Mazda.

In addition to producing Mazda station wagons, it also produces vans, sedans, etc., some of which are even equipped with automatic transmissions with advanced performance.

"It's a pity that we don't have a birth certificate, so so far, the cars we produce can only be sold in Qiongzhou and cannot be expanded to the whole country. Although we can produce hundreds of cars every year, now we have more than 6 million in debt, almost It's on the verge of bankruptcy." By the time this was said, everyone had already reached the door of the factory building. Inside, the production line was still running, producing the most advanced Mazda station wagons, but the car factory was on the verge of bankruptcy. It's really touching.

"Our country is developing, and there are still many imperfect systems. The issue of the birth certificate will definitely be resolved in the future." Qin Tao said.

This is the difference between a mother-in-law and a step-mother. Those state-owned automobile factories with senior qualifications are subsidized by the state every year, and the development of a car can easily cost tens of billions.However, the nascent auto company struggled hard because it did not have a birth certificate, but it was still hovering on the verge of bankruptcy.

This kind of situation is not only happening in the car factories in front of us. Several well-known domestic car factories are struggling for this birth certificate. They are optimistic about the car market, but unfortunately the country does not support it.

"Mr. Qin, our production line is very advanced. If you want to enter the automobile industry, you can acquire our company and become a company under Mingzhou Group." Director Jing said.

Zhao Ling suggested that Qin Tao come here for inspection because she was invited several times here, and the purpose of the invitation is also very simple, that is, to get alms: they are going to close down, and the best way is to find a backer.

Now, Mingzhou Group is definitely the best-developed group in the country, not only the pillar of the military industry, but also very powerful in civilian use.

So, does Mingzhou Group have any idea to get involved in the automobile industry?With the development of the country's economy, cars will enter thousands of households, and more and more people will buy cars. This market has unlimited potential.

If Mingzhou Group can inject capital, then Qiongzhou Automobile Factory will be able to achieve glory.

Hearing this proposal, Qin Tao was really tempted. After all, everything here is complete. If you buy this place, you don't have to worry about it. I don't want to worry about it, and Ma Ming doesn't want to worry about it.

However, Qin Tao is not optimistic about Qiongzhou. The industrial foundation here is not enough, and the transportation here is not convenient. It is no problem to develop the rocket industry here. After all, this industry is not huge and the number is small. Not to mention, the transportation cost alone can be much higher than other car factories.

You know, Qiongzhou has never had a cross-sea bridge, and you have to rely on ro-ro ships to go back and forth. There have been incidents where tourists were stranded in Qiongzhou due to weather problems in a certain year. For production, it’s not just about staying a few days longer. , in case the raw materials cannot be brought in, then we have to suspend work and wait for production.

That's not what we can bear.

Moving the entire automobile factory to Huating is almost the same, but Qiongzhou Automobile Factory is not a private enterprise. It is an industry strongly supported by the Qiongzhou government. How can you watch Mingzhou Group buy the automobile factory directly?

So, don't even think about it.

Seeing that Qin Tao didn't answer, Director Jing smiled wryly and shook his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, we were too abrupt."

"At present, our Mingzhou Group has no idea of ​​getting involved in the automobile industry. I am very sorry. This acquisition project, our group still needs to study carefully. However, our group can buy ten of the cars you produce, and keep five in Qiongzhou. Our rocket company serves as a bus, and five of them are sent to Shuangsha Island for tourists on the island." Qin Tao said, "Apart from us, do you have any other ideas?"

"We also plan to cooperate with FAW." Director Jing said: "At present, our biggest problem is the lack of birth certificates. Therefore, we decided to save the country. By cooperating with FAW, we can borrow the name of FAW to obtain birth certificates."

This is also a way for the private automobile factory to use the corpse to revive the soul. Since I don't have a birth certificate, then find someone who has a birth certificate!
Qin Tao shook his head.

"President Qin, don't you like this method?" Director Jing asked curiously.

"Your method can solve the problem of the birth certificate, but you will encounter a bigger problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Let Mazda establish a relationship with FAW. When your cooperation period is over, tell me, will Mazda continue to cooperate with you, or go directly to FAW?"

Director Jing's face suddenly changed.

Without a birth certificate, it is impossible to sell in the whole country. If it cannot be sold in the whole country, it means that the market is not big enough and the company cannot continue to develop. Therefore, the only solution that Qiongzhou Automobile Factory can think of to solve the problem is to find FAW and use the name of FAW to sell.

This can solve the problem of sales, but no one thought that there is another trap waiting for them!

Just look at it from the perspective of Mazda, and you can understand that as long as it has a relationship with FAW, Mazda will definitely embrace FAW’s thigh. A large enterprise such as FAW is a better choice for cooperation, and Mazda will definitely give it a go. Kick them away from the Qiongzhou Automobile Factory!

Although Qin Tao doesn't know much about the automobile industry, he has also heard of FAW Mazda and Changan Mazda. According to national regulations, a foreign-funded automobile company can form a joint venture with at most two domestic enterprises. If he didn't hear about Qiongzhou Mazda, he must have been kicked. Open, climb up the branch and become a phoenix.

Mazda kicked off the Qiongzhou Automobile Factory and found FAW to cooperate directly. It is a strong alliance for them, but what about the Qiongzhou Automobile Factory?This is definitely a bottom line!Based on the factory director's understanding of FAW, this kind of thing is absolutely possible.

"President Qin, please enlighten me!" Director Jing looked serious.

(End of this chapter)

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