Great warships

Chapter 731 The first flight was successful, but why did the wing break?

Chapter 731 The first flight was successful, but why did the wing break?

Hearing this operation, Wu Shengli couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "If we purchase foreign arms, we will probably be treated equally. It seems that purchasing arms from abroad is unreliable, and we can only develop them ourselves."

Advanced weapons can only be developed by themselves, and a large number of chips are used inside. This thing is completely uncontrollable. I don’t know what chips and programs are built in. If you always rely on this kind of thing, you can’t do whatever you want.

"Yes, if we can only rely on outsourcing, we will of course face this kind of danger. Fortunately, we are already very strong now, and we can produce all kinds of weapons independently, so we don't have to worry about being controlled by others." Qin Tao said to Wu Shengli.

"Everything is ready!" At this moment, a technician said: "The program has been finalized and there will be no problems!"

"Receive the equipment and prepare for the first flight!" Zhang Dong shouted.

The data cable connected to the drone was put away. Who would have thought that such a large drone would be driven by a small chip?

"What chip does it use?" Qin Tao asked.

"Ten pieces of Godson-[-] are used in it, and the computing power is fast enough." Zhang Dong said: "However, when developing the autopilot program, we also noticed that the general-purpose processor is not the most suitable, so we are working on Technical preparations, in the future we need professional chips to operate drones.”

General-purpose processors can do anything, but it is precisely because of this that this kind of chip is not very professional and the operating efficiency is not high when dealing with certain professional fields.

Just like airborne radar, it used general-purpose processors at the beginning. Even the American AWG-9 radar used 8086 chips, but in the later stage, radars began to use special DSP chips.

The same is true for autonomous driving, which requires a dedicated chip.

Qin Tao nodded: "The group supports you. No matter how much it costs, we must successfully develop this chip. Now that we have developed drones, not only military, but civilian drone projects can also start. gone."

"For civilian use?" Wu Shengli was curious: "What do people want drones for?"

Qin Tao smiled: "It's very useful, for example, there is a small circle called photographers, no matter how expensive the camera is, they can afford it, and they are willing to poke there for half an hour in order to take a shot. If they were given an opportunity to shoot aerial shots, they would not miss it."

The first function of civilian drones is to take pictures. This is very simple. Just take the existing drone camera system and simply modify it.

"For another example, spraying pesticides in mountainous areas requires either manual labor or aircraft. The former costs people, while the latter costs money. If you get a drone for spraying pesticides, the cost will come down, and people will save energy. In short, Very useful."

You know, civilian drones are very popular in later generations, and no company has set foot in this field yet. Now that we have already set foot in this field, we might as well make this project bigger.

"Of course, there is a big difference between civilian drones and military drones. After all, civilian drones can't find a runway, so civilian drones generally take off and land vertically. This is also relatively easy to achieve. The cross-section of the man-machine is made into a polygonal shape, each corner uses a horizontal propeller, and electric control is enough. Anyway, our lithium-ion battery pack technology has also made great breakthroughs, and it is still possible for drones. "

Zhang Wanhe held a small notebook at the side, and kept memorizing what Qin Tao said. This kind of opportunity does not come often. President Qin personally instructed them to make drones!He had a hunch that this brand new drone would definitely become a hot commodity in the civilian market!
Seeing Qin Tao talking about his plan here, Wu Shengli couldn't help but interrupt him: "Taozi, you probably forgot that our country doesn't open any airspace, even if it only flies one meter high It’s under the jurisdiction of the Air Force, so if you play like this, aren’t you afraid of protests from the Air Force?”

Strictly speaking, all UAVs in China are black flies, because the airspace belongs to the Air Force.want to fly?Report to the Air Force in advance!If you fly it casually, as long as it flies up, the Air Force can shoot it down with justified reasons at any time!

"We are not open, but the United States is open. You can fly freely in the airspace below 500 meters in the United States. Dad, let's build it and sell it to the United States. Isn't it good to export foreign exchange? Over the years, Made in China's products have However, these products are low-end agricultural products and light industrial products. In the field of high technology, we are still lagging behind. If we want to upgrade our industry, we must develop such high-tech equipment. In short, now Internationally, civilian drones still belong to a blank field, since we have the technology in this area, we must develop it rapidly and occupy the global market!"

Qin Tao is serious. Of course he knows that as the country's scientific research capabilities gradually become stronger, it develops rapidly in some fields that others do not pay attention to, and then becomes the overlord in this field. Drones are one of them. In the field of drones, DJI is definitely the leader, not only occupying the civilian market, but even the U.S. military has purchased a large number of drones for military use. Even if many politicians criticize it, the military still purchases products from the East. Just one word, fragrant!

Needless to say drones, bulletproof panels, etc., are also very popular in the East. The price is less than one-fifth of the same type of products made in the United States, but the bulletproof effect is higher than theirs. Why not use them?When some U.S. troops travel to the East, they order a large number of them from Dongdong and Baobao, and then bring them back. Yes, you can buy them online!

They don't believe in the products they distribute, but they believe in Dongfang's products, which are of reliable quality!

Now, Qin Tao is going on step by step firmly. His strength alone is small, but he can drive the industry of the whole country to continue to progress.

Wu Shengli nodded: "That's right, we can't stop doing research and development just because our country is not suitable for it. Now that we are interested in it, then we can do it boldly! By the way, will this civilian use affect the normal order, such as , someone with a heart to operate it to reconnaissance near a certain military base?"

"This is also the reason why I said we should hold drone technology in our own hands. We can completely build in programs, just like military drones for export can't get close to our national borders, and neither can civilian drones." When approaching the military restricted zone we set up, it will automatically return to the flight, every few months, the system needs to be upgraded, and during the upgrade process, new places that cannot be flown will be added.”

Many people think that the upgrade of a certain electronic product is for a better user experience, then it is a big mistake, the upgrade is for the electronic product supplier to better grasp a certain product, you can watch smart TV, every time you upgrade , Did the startup advertisement change to a new pattern?

(Since N years ago, when the XP system was upgraded and received a genuine verification patch, Huadong Zhixiong no longer likes to upgrade any electronic products. When you buy all kinds of things, the first thing you do is turn off the upgrade.)
"At the same time, we also need to develop a special capture device." Qin Tao continued: "This device is a kind of radio transmission device, which is distributed to units that need to keep secret. If there is a drone flying over, just put this If this device is aimed at the drone, the drone will fly over and land, and then conduct an inspection, and if it does capture something that should not be photographed, then according to the law, it should be fined and sentenced to prison.”

Some people think they are great when they get a drone, fly around and shoot everywhere, without any awareness of national defense in their minds, and they always talk about Western democracy and freedom, thinking that they can do anything, Once such people break the law, they have to be taught a profound lesson and be honest next time.

In this way, it is absolutely safe.

However, Wu Shengli thought more about it: "What if this kind of device falls to the people?"

Everything has two sides. In confidential departments, the device is useful, but in the hands of ordinary people, it can easily become a tool for criminals.

"This one is also simple. It still has a built-in satellite positioning device. After it is distributed to the confidential department, the area is limited. When it goes out of the area, it is a fire stick."

This is the benefit of the information age!What you want to do and what you don't want to do can be easily controlled.It's like buying a car with a loan. If you don't repay the loan on time, the car will never go away.

At this moment, the roar of the engine sounded, and the large drone of Yunma Factory was finally about to take off!

The start of the jet engine is so imposing. The roar of the AI-222 engine stimulated everyone's eardrums. Everyone looked over and saw that the drone without any cockpit aimed at the runway and began to slide. start running.

This is a moment that will go down in history!

Although model airplanes fly in this way, they are controlled by humans, but the drone in front of us is not controlled by anyone, and it takes off entirely by built-in programs!
Its beautiful body slid past everyone's eyes, and the engine in the center of the V-shaped tail spewed out flames, so dazzling and eye-catching.

The speed of the UAV is getting faster and faster. After reaching the predetermined speed, the front landing gear is raised, and it continues to fly against the rear main landing gear for a few seconds. Then, the main landing gear also leaves track.


Under the condition of unmanned control, it completely relies on its own program to fly!
"That's amazing." Wu Shengli said, "The large number of J-[-] and J-[-] eliminated in our country can also be modified in this way?"

I am used to living a poor life, and I know the truth that a broken house is worth a million dollars. Even if a lot of equipment is eliminated and outdated, I am reluctant to throw it away. Take fighter jets as an example. The advanced third-generation aircraft are of course very good, but the total number is only a few hundred. If a high-intensity war is experienced, these third-generation aircraft may be wiped out within half a year to a year.

what's next?

Production certainly cannot keep up with consumption.During World War II, the man-hours and cost of producing an aircraft were similar to those of a tank, but now, advanced aircraft are more than ten times that of tanks, and it is not easy to produce them.

Therefore, the old equipment has to be kept, so that it can continue to be used on the battlefield in the future.

In this way, the eliminated aircraft are still kept, and the number is quite large. Not to mention the J-5000, but only the J-[-]. In the long decades, a total of more than [-] aircraft have been produced, even if some of them are of poor quality. There are also two or three thousand left, and if one thousand of them are used to modify drones, it will be quite huge.

At this time, Qin Tao smiled and nodded upon hearing Wu Shengli's words, of course it is possible to play like this.

Zhang Wanhe frowned: "Our old aircraft all use hydraulically driven steering surfaces. If it is changed to a drone, all the steering gears will have to be replaced with electric ones. I just don't know our supporting equipment. Does the unit have this product?"

"Of course, our third-generation machines use fly-by-wire operation. They are all electric steering gears. You can just bring them. However, the price must be cheap. If it is too expensive, it is not suitable."

Qin Tao is quite familiar with these things. It is appropriate to change the UAV from the J-[-], replace the steering gear with an electric one, and then get a set of UAV control system into it, integrate it with a data link, and when it comes to the battlefield, it is completely It can be used as the first wave of attack power, even if it is only used to consume the anti-aircraft missiles on the opposite side, it is completely enough. Anyway, this thing is left alone, and it is better to be used up on the battlefield than to be completely useless. .

Wu Shengli nodded and continued to look at the drone.

According to the normal first flight of the aircraft, it is time to return after turning around in the sky, but now this drone does not make three turns to align with the runway. After it flies into the sky, it sometimes turns left, sometimes right, sometimes Climb, and sometimes dive.

"What is this doing?" Wu Shengli asked curiously.

"Learning." Zhang Dong said: "Although we have already designed the program, after all, the theory is different from the reality. If it is a manned aircraft, the pilot needs to experience the driving experience, determine whether the flight control law is appropriate, and then carry out Corresponding improvement, UAV has no human feeling, it has to feel it by itself, it has a set of self-learning program, by controlling the deflection of each rudder surface and the corresponding flight state, to determine whether the program is perfect and whether it needs to be modified.”

"Today we really opened our eyes." Wu Shengli said, "We have never seen a machine that can learn."

In fact, in computer-controlled machines, self-learning is very common. Take the car engine as an example. After entering the EFI era, it is controlled by the ECU. After maintenance, especially the throttle valve is cleaned and the spark plug is replaced. After that, it can be found that the engine will not work normally for a period of time. In fact, this is the ECU learning and re-adapting.

In the middle of the conversation, the plane had learned, smoothed out, circled in the air, and lined up on the runway.

It's about to land!

For any type of aircraft, landing is the most dangerous. A slight negligence of the pilot's actions may result in a plane crash and death.Only after repeated training can you fly solo.

What now?
Can this unmanned aircraft, completely controlled by a computer, successfully land?Will there be any accidents during the landing?
Everyone's eyes were wide open, watching the drone gradually fly over. It flew smoothly and glides gracefully, as if walking in a garden.

"Although this is the first flight, we have done it many times on the simulator, and there should be no problems." Zhang Dong is very confident: "We have confidence in our technology."

At this moment, the drone pulled up and flew up in the eyes of everyone!

This is a bit of a slap in the face, just now I said it's okay, but now it's not landing, and it's flying again?
What's happening here?
Even Zhang Dong looked over suspiciously, wondering what the drone was thinking?
"Could it be that it didn't fly enough and wants to continue flying?" Wu Shengli said.

Just after he finished speaking, the drone circled in the air and aimed at the runway again, but it was flying in the opposite direction from the one just now.

The runway is east-west. Just now, the drone planned to land from the east, but now, it automatically chose the west!
Zhang Wanhe thought of something, grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, then let go, and saw the soil flying westward.

"I see, this thing is so smart!" Zhang Wanhe said excitedly: "It was going to land from the east just now, which was its preset program, but during the landing process, it found that it was in a tailwind. So, it just climbed up again, turned around and landed from the west, so that it can land against the wind, smart, so smart!"

If you send off your loved ones at the station, you can say it’s a smooth journey, but if you send your loved ones by plane, don’t say it’s a smooth journey, at least it’s not good for you when you’re taking off and landing.

Whether it is takeoff or landing, relative speed is required. This is most obvious on the aircraft carrier. When flying or recovering the carrier-based aircraft, the aircraft carrier must turn to the direction against the wind and sail at full speed to create a new environment for the carrier-based aircraft to take off and land. best conditions.

At a land airport, you can’t move after the direction is fixed, but the plane can choose, especially when there is nothing on the runway, the plane can fly from another direction, but that is the choice of people ,What now?This drone is as smart as a human!
The big guy's emotion is immeasurable. Unmanned aircraft can be so smart!

The drone landed again, as smoothly as last time, except that there was no go-around last time, but landed, landed, and finally the landing gear touched the ground, slipped, the front wheels landed, and braked smoothly.

"This first flight has been a complete success. On behalf of the military, I congratulate you!" Wu Shengli said.

"Thank you for the support of the army!" Zhang Wanhe was also very excited: "It would be even better if the army can place an order!"

"Of course, we have nothing to do with the air force, but for our navy, as long as we can take off and land at Huangdi Village base, the navy can order five first!" Wu Shengli made a decision on the spot.

If it is an American-made Global Hawk, the price will definitely be ridiculously high, which is not acceptable to ordinary users. However, although this domestic drone is large in size, the price is not very expensive. The chips are for civilian use, and the research and development are also Genghis Khan Aviation is also the most expensive engine for non-government units. After assembly in this way, the price is less than one-fifth of the American one. Exported ones can be sold at a high price, and self-use ones are of course cheaper.

"The Zhuhai Air Show in a few months, our drone can also be sent there, and it will definitely become a star at the air show." Qin Tao said.

Zhang Wanhe nodded again and again: "As long as the military has no objections, of course we can exhibit it, and our Yunma Factory will also show off the limelight!"

While talking, he watched Wu Shengli. He had already mentioned this matter in the conversation before the first flight, and Wu Shengli had no objection.

"Our navy has no objections, it depends on the air force." Wu Shengli's answer is very objective, the navy's procurement volume will not be very large, and the majority is probably the air force, and it may even be the army.

Zhang Wanhe nodded, if the Navy can agree, the Air Force can of course also agree!
At this moment, someone shouted: "Damn, why is the wing cracked?"

Everyone was stunned.

The first flight was successful, and everyone was very excited, especially the technicians from the goose factory engaged in automatic driving. Their technology was finally used in the sky, but there was not only good news, but also bad news.

The wing is broken!

Everyone gathered around, and it was visible to the naked eye that the wing was cracked. This seam was like a big mouth laughing. It was laughing, but the technicians were about to cry.

"It seems that our carbon fiber material is still unqualified." Qin Tao said with emotion.

The Global Hawk UAV looks very tall and can fly at high altitude for a long time, all thanks to the pair of long wings. In professional terms, it is called a straight wing with a large aspect ratio. This kind of wing also requires The weight is light, so the Americans use tall carbon fiber materials. This material is used more and more in aircraft. Its biggest advantage is weight reduction, which is much lighter than the structure combined with aluminum alloy frame and skin.

Domestic aircraft have also begun to use carbon fiber materials. Since this UAV is modeled after the American Global Hawk, of course it also uses carbon fiber wings. However, facts have proved that our side is still lagging behind.

The wing with cracks in front of him is a proof.

"Yeah, it seems that it is still unqualified. If you want to participate in the air show this year, I'm afraid you have to switch back to the aluminum alloy structure."

"No, the aluminum alloy structure is too heavy. After changing it, our performance will be even worse." A technician objected.

Although the appearance is the same as the Global Hawk, the interior is different. In terms of electronic technology, it should have advantages, but the basic industry still limits it. For example, the AI-222 engine used is more fuel-intensive than the Global Hawk engine, so It doesn’t look good in terms of range and other data. Now if the wings are changed, the gap will be even bigger!
"However, if we don't change it, then we need more advanced carbon fiber composite materials. Are you sure you can develop this advanced material?"

Everyone stopped talking.The progress of material technology does not happen overnight, they can't afford to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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