Great warships

Chapter 741 Fooling Them To Go On The Wrong Path

Chapter 741 Fooling Them To Go On The Wrong Path
"They built aircraft carriers for world peace, and ours is a threat to the world. They have mouths all over their bodies, and they have the final say." Watching the video of Sir Benjamin's press conference, Qin Tao said with emotion Said.

The last time the reporter was beaten back by him, Qin Tao didn't care what those reporters would say, anyway, they had their mouths on them, so if he dared to embarrass him at the press conference, of course he wouldn't give him a good face.

"Brother Tao, what the other party said is a bit strange." Zhao Ling said from the side: "I always feel that what he said is talking to us."

"Tell us? How did you find out?"

"Any companies that have the ability to build aircraft carriers, and those who have built aircraft carriers, are welcome. At present, there are not many companies or groups that build aircraft carriers in the world." Zhao Ling said: "The remarks made by the British are very serious. Probably just saying hello to us and wanting us to go to the bidding."

"We're not stupid. Even Ermao knows that the Europeans' bidding has nothing to do with them. They're just doing soy sauce when we go there. How can we be more stupid than the Europeans?" Qin Tao said: "These people are too naive. ? They put a piece of meat and thought we'd pounce on it?"

Qin Tao really didn't think of this, he didn't think in this direction at all.

Historically, there were many companies participating in the bidding, and finally after layers of screening, two teams were left, one of which was led by BAE, which included Rolls-Royce, Weisper Shipyard, Alenia-Marco Ni company and Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and other companies.The other team is headed by Thales Group UK, including Davenpool Management, Olston Marine Systems, Swan Hunter Shipyard and others.

After some comparisons, the British finally chose the plan of Thales Group. However, in order to take care of the other side, they let BAE participate in the construction, and even allocated two-thirds of the project.

The queen-class aircraft carrier is built in sections and finally docked. It is modular, but this is just putting money on its own face. In fact, it is to balance the interests of various shipyards. After all, meat needs to be eaten together.

The construction of these two aircraft carriers is the biggest piece of meat in the British shipyards. How can they be distributed to others? They actually naively think that as long as there is a word of wind, they will pounce on them and use all their strength to snatch the order?

"That's right, we can't waste our energy on what we can't get." Zhao Ling said, "We can't take advantage of the British tricks."

"Of course we won't be fooled, we just have to watch the British play."

"Good show?"

"Yes, they are planning to build an aircraft carrier now. They don't even have carrier-based aircraft, so how can they build an aircraft carrier?" Qin Tao said: "In the future, if the construction is successful, there will be no suitable carrier-based aircraft. Look at the empire on which the sun never sets. To what extent has it fallen, even if an aircraft carrier is built, it is just the sunset of the empire."

"President Qin, Zhang Zhong is asking to see you." At this moment, Xu Zhengyang came in and said.

"This big flicker must be for the British to build an aircraft carrier. Let him come in. Just talk to him and let him make a good show."

Soon, Zhang Zhong walked in.

"President Qin, I just heard that the UK is going to build two aircraft carriers with a displacement of 6.5 tons, and they are still inviting international bids. I wonder what they mean. They want us to bid!" Zhang Zhong said: "I Come and listen and see what you think."

"Me? The berth of our Mingzhou Group has been busy. If the British want to place an order, they are welcome to come. However, it will take at least five years before the construction can start." Qin Tao said: "We don't have time to bid, You came to me just for this matter?"

"President Qin, I also want to hear some of your views on the British aircraft carrier."

"Well, there are indeed many opinions..."

That night, Zhang Zhong talked about the show.

"Every audience in front of the TV, welcome to watch Zhang Zhongshuo's program. The name of our program today is called Zhang Zhongshuo Queen-class aircraft carrier. You may not know that after 16 years of waiting, the British Royal Navy has finally ushered in The moment they've been waiting for, they're getting a new carrier!"

After the Falklands Sea Battle in 82, the British Navy clamored every day to change the aircraft carrier. However, it was finally on the right track until now. There are many reasons for this. However, the new aircraft carrier built by Mingzhou Group is Biggest thrill.

"In today's program, let's discuss how the British aircraft carrier will be built. Today, we have invited the famous shipbuilding expert Mr. George to the studio. He has worked in Western shipyards for many years and has rich experience. It is a unique understanding. Now, let us welcome Mr. George."

Then, Zhang Zhong said something in English.

George also replied in English: "Hello everyone, audiences. After the Falklands War in 82, Britain realized that the Invincible-class aircraft carrier could not support modern naval warfare and wanted to replace it with a new one. However, due to the weakening of national strength, they wanted Replacing a brand new aircraft carrier is not an easy task, that's why we waited for so many years."

As an actor, George is very qualified, and he memorized the lines in one afternoon.

It doesn't matter if you don't know it by heart, because the audience mainly looks at the Chinese lines typed on the screen below, which have been prepared long ago.

"In the long period of more than ten years, they have studied various plans, but there is no result, because the first problem they have to face is the choice of carrier-based aircraft. We know that what carrier-based aircraft to choose, It will determine the basic structure of the aircraft carrier, for example, whether to land vertically or to arrest, whether to take off with a catapult or a ski jump. These technologies are lacking in the UK.”

"Lack?" Zhang Zhong expressed his incomprehension: "We know that a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although Britain is not as powerful as before, they still have a lot of advanced things after all!"

"Indeed, they have a lot of advanced things. For example, in terms of aero engines, they have Rolls-Royce, and in terms of military aircraft, they have BAE. The Typhoon fighter they produced is also the leader among the three generations of aircraft. However, their successors Weak, in the era of fourth-generation aircraft, they have nothing to achieve."

"Yes, the fourth-generation aircraft is already a trend. Without stealth capabilities, it means that it cannot survive on the modern battlefield. However, the Typhoon fighter is also a good third-generation aircraft, especially with a high thrust-to-weight ratio. This aircraft can be modified Is it a carrier-based aircraft?"

"It can be changed, but the price will be too high. For example, it uses the belly air intake, and the landing gear passes through the air intake. We can see that no carrier-based aircraft uses this layout. , because the front landing gear cannot be strengthened, its vertical tail is very tall, which poses a great challenge to the height of the hangar. In terms of the rate of landing, the obstruction of the line of sight will be more serious."

"Mr. George, that is to say, it will be difficult for them to modify the existing fighters to meet the needs?"

"Yes, so the best way for them is to outsource. Now, the U.S. Navy has two carrier-based aircraft, the F-18 and the JSF. However, in terms of the british personality, it may take 18 years from the bidding to the final completion of the construction, so waiting for the JSF to board the ship should be almost the same.”

"Damn it, where did this George come from?" Benjamin looked at the Western face on the screen angrily: "He's slandering us!"

"He only said that he is an expert on warships in the West, and he didn't say anything else, so God knows where he came from." Charles said on the side: "He must not be famous here, otherwise there is no need to go to the East to mess around." .”

"Everyone, I know that some people will be dissatisfied when I say this, so I can be a prophet here, and we can see whether the [-]-ton aircraft carrier in the UK will appear in five years or even ten years. !"

"Damn it, this is challenging us!" Benjamin said angrily, "Now, we not only want to build an aircraft carrier as soon as possible, but also use the most advanced technology to build an aircraft carrier!"

On the screen, George continued to talk.

"Currently, the most advanced aircraft carrier is catapult take-off and blocking landing. However, Europe has declined. We can see that when France was building the Charles de Gaulle, it still purchased steam catapults from the United States. The United Kingdom wants to build an aircraft carrier. The odds are that this approach will not be adopted."

"Why?" Zhang Zhong asked curiously.

"Because the British made it clear when they announced it to the public that their aircraft carrier will use gas turbines, a [-]-megawatt gas turbine developed by their Rolls-Royce company. Gas turbines are not steam turbines and will not burn boilers , there is no steam, how to eject the carrier-based aircraft?"

"That's not right, there is no steam ejection, but there is also electromagnetic ejection." Zhang Zhong said: "According to foreign media reports, we in the East have already started experimenting with electromagnetic ejectors. Can't they use electromagnetic ejectors?"

"No, of course it's impossible. They don't have the technical reserves in this area at all, so they will definitely choose the most tasteless method of ski jumping in the end. If I just said it, I can be a prophet, five years, or even ten years. Two years later, the construction of the British aircraft carrier officially began, let's see what kind of plan they use, is it a tall electromagnetic ejection, or an old-fashioned ski jump take-off?"

"There are indeed many problems with the ski jump take-off. It occupies the bow space and cannot take off and land the early warning aircraft. In the Falklands naval battle in 82, if the British formation had an early warning aircraft, it should be able to detect the Exocet missile in time." Zhang Zhong made up his mind.

"Yes, they know that the ski jump is very tasteless, but there is no way, they can only take off with the ski jump."

"Yeah, their gas turbines can't burn boilers, and they don't have electromagnetic catapults, so they can only use the ski jump take-off method. In this way, they are destined not to use carrier-based fixed-wing early warning aircraft, but the British have Sea King. You can continue to use the Neptune early warning aircraft." Zhang Zhong said.

"Damn it, they are laughing at us!" Benjamin said angrily: "We are an old empire, how can we be worse than the East, our aircraft carrier must use electromagnetic catapults!"

Charles frowned: "Sir, electromagnetic catapult technology is not easy to obtain. So far, only the experiments in the east have gone well, and the United States is also facing difficulties. We..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Benjamin: "What's so difficult about this? I've learned about it. Isn't it just a linear motor? If the Americans can't do it well, then we can do it ourselves! In short, our Aircraft carriers must use electromagnetic catapults!"

"That's right, we can use electromagnetic catapults, which will make our aircraft carrier more powerful, and we can choose more types of carrier-based aircraft. In the JSF project, although the development of vertical take-off and landing fighters has encountered difficulties, the conventional launch There is still no problem with the fighter jets that landed." Hook supported this plan.

If there is no stealth aircraft, it will not be able to surpass the East. If there is a stealth aircraft, it can only be purchased from the United States. The JSF plan is also one aircraft and three types. They only need to choose ordinary carrier-based aircraft. There is no need to use vertical aircraft. takeoff and landing.

"If you want to decide to use electromagnetic ejection, then the landing can only be blocked landing." Charles said: "In this way, the structure of our aircraft carrier should be the same as that of the American aircraft carrier."

The navy has selected three out of nine plans, and now, these three will be further reduced to one, so that bidding will be more convenient.

"That's right, the electromagnetic catapult takes off and prevents the landing." Benjamin said: "Our aircraft carrier must surpass the aircraft carrier under construction in the East!"

The TV screen continued, and the so-called expert named George continued to infer the British aircraft carrier.

"In terms of aero engines, the United Kingdom is still very strong. Rolls-Royce is the leader in this area. Their subordinates have the largest thrust of the Trent 800 engine, so they will improve a new one based on this engine. A gas turbine with an output of 40 megawatts."

Benjamin nodded, it is considered that you have some knowledge and know that Great Britain is very powerful in aero engines.

"However, they still have a shortcoming, that is, the production cost is very high. If the gas turbines improved by this kind of engine are purchased in small quantities, the price will be higher. They have proposed 20 billion pounds to build two aircraft carriers. The plan is a bit too naive. If it is not expected, the 20 billion pounds is enough to complete the research and development of gas turbines. They need at least 20 billion pounds, or even more. Therefore, I suggest not to pursue too high speed, using only two gas turbines, which saves money.”

"Damn it, he's joking that we don't have money." Benjamin was annoyed again: "Even if we don't have money, we have to build an aircraft carrier. It is necessary to use four gas turbines, so that the [-]-ton aircraft carrier can reach Thirty knots!"

"Anyway, they don't need a catapult to take off, and they don't need too much power. Two gas turbines are enough to drive the aircraft carrier to 25 knots. The carrier-based aircraft can take off through the ski jump deck at the bow." George continued: "This Such a speed is not a shame, after all, the French ship Charles de Gaulle claims to be a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, but it still can't run fast."

The Charles de Gaulle is simply a disgrace to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Although it uses a nuclear reactor, its speed is not high. Now, should the British aircraft carrier also choose this option?
Benjamin clenched his fist.

An aircraft carrier can show the pride of a big country, so they have no choice but to build an aircraft carrier, two!

The far east, the capital.

"Taozi, where are you playing?" In the small courtyard of Huilou, Wu Shengli asked Qin Tao while drinking tea.

"It's nothing, just to fool the British, let them take a few steps forward on the wrong road, and then they can't turn back." Qin Tao said: "Dad, you see that our electromagnetic catapult has matured and is used in our On the 002 aircraft carrier, this is actually because we chose the most suitable route. The Americans are also working on electromagnetic catapults, but their route has problems. Therefore, within 20 years, their electromagnetic catapults should not be developed. , In this way, even if their aircraft carrier is built, it will not have any combat effectiveness."

I don't know anything else, Qin Tao is still clear about this problem in the technical route.

"Food them to go the wrong way?" Wu Shengli smiled: "Taozi, your trick is amazing."

"Well, Dad, they are just living in the fantasy of the past. They don't want to admit that they have declined." Qin Tao said: "And our East is thriving."

"That's right, it's growing day by day." Wu Shengli nodded: "Now, our navy is looking forward to the emergence of the second aircraft carrier formation, which will cooperate with our 052D destroyer to become the most powerful presence at sea, and can complete the tasks entrusted to us by the motherland at any time." sacred mission!"

"By the way, we old men are analyzing that the British speech was intended to let your Mingzhou Group participate in the bidding, but you are destined to just accompany the runners. Now, the bidding is about to start over there. Your Mingzhou Group Are you really going to do nothing?"

"Of course we have to do something." Qin Tao said: "Our fooling tactics must continue. This time, let's be a prophecy again."

Because of the stimulus from the East, the British aircraft carrier bidding progressed very quickly. A few years ago, it was like an old cow pulling a broken cart, but now it suddenly got on a rocket.

Fortunately, the teams participating in the bidding were also very powerful. Although the time was short, they quickly came up with their own proposals.

Portsmouth has never been so lively. A large number of people have come here. They are all elites in the shipbuilding industry. Now, they are even more determined to win the order for the two British aircraft carriers.

Weston, the person in charge of BAE, looked proud. He believed that his project would be recognized by the Navy. At this time, he sat under the stage and listened to Steve, an expert from Weissburg Shipyard, introduce his team to everyone. scheme.

"According to the requirements of the Navy, this scheme belongs to the type of catapult takeoff and interception landing. We have designed two catapults, one on the bow deck and one on the jump deck, so that two carrier-based aircraft can be ejected at the same time. According to Calculated in 1 minute per aircraft, we can release our attack aircraft fleet within 10 minutes. Although the number of catapults is relatively small, we also freed up the right side of the flight deck, and the right side of the bow is still ok As a parking area for carrier-based aircraft, this will greatly increase the number of aircraft parked on the deck, which is not even inferior to that of US-made aircraft carriers."

"In terms of the choice of carrier-based aircraft, we have two considerations. First, we can operate the navy's favorite JSF carrier-based aircraft, but at the same time, as an alternative, we can also switch to the Typhoon at any time. After all, This kind of fighter jet is produced by us here, and it has inherent advantages. Let’s take a look at the islands behind, everyone, we have designed a plan for two islands.”

"We need to use four gas turbines. If we use a single ship island, it means that the intake and exhaust pipes in the center of the ship island will be very thick, which will seriously affect the view of the ship island. Therefore, we divided the ship island into There are two parts, the front is the navigation bridge, and the rear is the aviation bridge, so that the command can be separated, and it is also conducive to reducing the difficulty of our electromagnetic compatibility."

The aircraft carrier has dual functions. It is a warship. Therefore, there must be navigation operators. These personnel want to be as far forward as possible, so that it is easy to operate the warship. At the same time, it also needs to operate a large number of carrier-based aircraft. The bridge, they hope to be at the back. After all, take-off is not difficult, and landing is the most complicated. The landing area can be seen clearly from the back, and the take-off area can also be taken care of.

The different needs of the two make designers a headache.

Charles de Gaulle followed the former plan, designing the bridge at the front, while the American aircraft carrier followed the latter plan, constantly leaning back, and when it came to the Ford-class aircraft carrier, it was even closer to the stern.

How to coordinate?

Then make a double-ship island.

For an aircraft carrier that uses gas turbines, the design of two islands is the most suitable. After all, four gas turbines require a strong intake and exhaust system, and they are too thick to put together, so it is more appropriate to separate them.

In this way, electromagnetic compatibility is also easy to solve, and those electronic devices that are prone to interference can be placed separately.

This design is normal, but after hearing this design, Benjamin's face suddenly became ugly when he was sitting on it.

"Don't we in Great Britain have no innovation, but just follow others?"

Weston was taken aback, and looked at Benjamin: "Sir, this is our innovation!"

BAE joined forces with these companies to engage in bidding, and racked their brains to come up with this plan. They thought it was very good. Who would have thought that Benjamin would not be happy?
"What innovation? A few years ago, Mingzhou Group announced the plan of the double-ship island." Benjamin said: "Now, you are showing the design plan of Mingzhou Group. This is not telling the world that we have lost Without creativity, can it only be plagiarism from the East?"

"Plagiarism?" Steve was also at a loss: "We made these ourselves, we are original."

"Geiger, let me introduce you to everyone." Benjamin said.

(End of this chapter)

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