Great warships

Chapter 778 Another Big Event in 99

Chapter 778 Another Big Event in 99

Godson-0.13 was officially launched, causing a worldwide sensation. Although it still uses a 90-micron process and has not entered the era of [-] nanometers, its appearance represents the further development of computer technology: the frequency is already high enough, and it has begun to Multi-core development!

In contrast, AMD's products made by SMIC are not so attractive.It was completely concealed under the halo of Godson IV, but in fact, AMD's K7 processor has made great progress compared to before.

"Using advanced technology, the heat generation of our K7 processor has been greatly reduced, and its performance has completely surpassed Intel's latest processor!" Mayer said excitedly to Sanders after completing the test : "From now on, our K7 processor can fully occupy the domestic market!"

"Yeah, we finally defeated Intel, using the foundry method." Sanders murmured, "Although we succeeded, I still can't be happy."

The performance of Loongson-[-] is so advanced that other processor manufacturers cannot catch up with Loongson. They can only follow behind and silently be the second child for a thousand years. However, for AMD, being the second child should be used to it. Yes, at least, they defeated the former boss.

Many departments in the country will not purchase Godson, and they need advanced processors, so they can only purchase products from AMD. This means that AMD will occupy the processor market of the domestic government and other departments in the United States. As for The old Intel is still alive and well.

Everyone was discussing, and a person walked in.

"Wayne, what are you doing here?" Sanders instinctively felt nausea when he saw this man.

That's right, it's this nasty guy!AMD was calculated behind the scenes. Originally, AMD sincerely asked SMIC for help, but it was almost considered an accomplice of SMIC.

Fortunately, now that they have finally cleared up their suspicions, SMIC has also produced the K7 processor with advanced technology, and they can breathe a sigh of relief.

Wayne looked at everyone present: "Everyone, your actions make us feel ashamed. As the most advanced computer processor manufacturer in the United States, you actually want to cooperate with SMIC!"

"Shame? Mr. Wayne, our cooperation is approved by the White House! If you come here to insult us, you can leave now. If you have other purposes, you can also leave. We are just a company. Our first goal is to make a profit," Saunders said.

He's already chasing people away!
Hearing what Sanders said, Wayne smiled: "Sure enough, for a businessman, profit comes first, and he would rather cooperate with the enemy than give up profit."

"Mr. Wayne, if you continue to say such nonsense, then I will ask the security to take you out." Sanders' face is serious, you actually come here to make sarcastic remarks, believe it or not, after you go out, no one is paying attention Sap on a street corner?
"Mr. Sanders, I have an important mission to come here." Wayne said: "The White House is very worried about our lagging behind in the high-tech field, and hopes that we can quickly catch up and surpass, so, I hope you can Provide some suggestions on how we can overtake the East in the chip field.”

We must not let the Oriental be the boss!
The suppression in the field of iron ore has failed, and the technology in the field of chips is no match. The people in the White House are very annoyed, but the latter has nothing to do with Wayne, and Wayne is not engaged in technology.

Sanders remained silent.

"After discussions at the White House, we decided to use sanctions. We need to find out the flaws of Godson-[-], and then issue a high-priced fine. Finally, we will ban this chip from being listed in the United States, and Europe. We will block their export roads. " Wayne said: "What do you think of this method?"

"Forbidden to enter our market?" Sanders said with sarcasm on his face: "That kind of elites came up with this kind of shit? If we have the same type of products, or even more advanced products, of course we can Do whatever they want with them, just like what they did in the automotive field, but in the chip field, Godson has no intention of exporting at all. They just don't want to let those black-hearted businessmen make money, so they raise the price for export. "

"Now, if we want to issue high-priced fines and prohibit the sale of chips, it will only play a role in making it impossible for us to obtain Godson-[-] processors at a reasonable price in China. It is the same as the original Godson-[-] processor, and the price is the same, but in the East. The unit of sales is RMB, and the unit of sales here is US dollars. We will buy processors with the same performance at seven or eight times the price, and we are being taken advantage of!" Sanders said: "How can high-tech companies be afraid People won’t pay the fines at all, and at worst they will withdraw from our market.”

"Then what should we do? It's a pity that Godson and SMIC are not listed, otherwise, we can play them in the capital market."

Generally speaking, companies under the banner of high-tech will go public, and a large amount of funds can be raised through the stock market. Playing with chips costs money, so it should be more likely to go public to raise funds. However, these companies in the East have no To be listed, they rely on the strong capital of Mingzhou Group!
Now, it has also led to another result: it is too difficult to tamper with Loongson and SMIC!

"Damn it, I don't believe it, we have no way to deal with Dongfang." Wayne said.

"The sudden rise of the East depends on the technical route." Sanders said: "A few years ago, when Lin Benjian proposed the immersion lithography machine, no one cared about it. Everyone thought it was a fantasy, but the Orientals But Lin Benjian was hired with a high salary to make this kind of lithography machine, which made their lithography machine technology improve a lot in an instant."

Speaking of this, Silicon Valley is howling.

At the beginning, Lin Benjian took his invention and asked for help everywhere, but no lithography machine giant was willing to use his design, and even everyone thought it was nonsense to soak the lithography machine in water?What circuit have you seen that is soaked in water?Or soak in water on purpose?

At that time, Lin Benjian was a joke in Silicon Valley. Later, Lin Benjian disappeared, and the big guys didn’t know where Lin Benjian went. It wasn’t until later that SMIC developed a 0.13-micron process that the big guys knew. Lin Benjian's idea is correct!

The laser light source used in traditional lithography machines is 193 nanometers, that is to say, it can only be processed to 0.18 microns at most (it is said that 193 nanometers should be 0.19 microns, but why the process is 0.18 microns, the hero of East China does not know, It is said that the process at this time has no water, and the water is really big when it comes to 5nm, 7nm and so on. Intel has stopped at 14nm for so long. In fact, if the real rules are followed, TSMC’s 5nm and 7nm is no more advanced than Intel's 10nm, and TSMC's process is full of water), if you go further, you have to find a new light source.

In this regard, various lithography machine giants, such as Nikon, IBM, etc., are looking for new light sources, using lasers with shorter wavelengths for lithography, so that they can continue to improve the process.

However, doing so costs a lot of money and takes a long time. Now, various companies have not yet mastered the 157-nanometer lithography method. 0.15 nanometers, through the refraction of light, it has progressed to 157 nanometers, realizing a process of 132 microns.

This is technical corner overtaking.

If from 132 nm.To continue to reduce to 90 nanometers, of course, it is necessary to choose a new light source. On this road, Dongfang may go for a long time, but they have already left behind their opponents by a large margin in the 0.13 micron process. Relying on this The profits obtained in the process are enough to support their research and development of more advanced processes.

Those who master this technology first will eat meat, and those who master this technology later will only have to eat shit.

The East has already mass-produced it, and they are only starting to move in this direction in the West, which is already behind. Then, when they spend a lot of money and research it, the East will definitely sell this kind of lithography machine in large quantities, which will cost them a lot of money. There is no market for lithography machines developed by foreign capital, and various chip giants are definitely willing to use Eastern lithography machines, because they have been in operation for several years and their performance has been stable. Nikon and the like are the first to make immersion lithography machines. God knows if it will leak or something.

In this way, when the West enters the 0.13-micron process, the East estimates that it has already developed a 90-nanometer process. They are lagging behind everywhere and can no longer catch up.

Thinking of this, Sanders felt a burst of emotion. The fight in the chip field is like this. In the future, I don’t know how many chip companies will survive.

"Then what solution do we have? Can we lure those people to our west, and then lock them up and sentence them?" Wien said.

"Hmph, if I want to lie to you, don't try to trick us at AMD." Sanders has already been fooled once, and of course he won't be fooled a second time.

Wayne frowned: "Sanders, we have to consider the interests of the entire West. If the East becomes the strongest in the field of chips, then our wealth will continue to flow to the East. Our excellent Talent is also lost, and in the end, what are we left with?"

"If you want to think about it for us, there is only one way." Sanders said: "All the companies that manufacture lithography machines are united and let them work together to create new light sources and wet etching methods. , In this way, our process will directly cross the 0.13 micron and reach the 90 nanometer field, and re-occupy the market. But it is difficult."

In Western countries, companies are all private, and everyone is in a competitive relationship. Only in this way can we develop soundly and let everyone unite and share all their technical secrets?

This is simply not possible!
Unless it is a merger, let a lithography machine giant merge other lithography machine companies, but the current situation is that the lithography machines of each company are only a small part of their huge business, and they have other How can they allow their subsidiaries to be merged?
"Unite? This is a good idea." Wayne said: "Next, we need to unite and defeat the East together!"

In the face of Dongfang's Godson-[-] processor, all chip companies feel the crisis, they want to hold together for warmth, they want to unite!

However, Dongfang is not afraid, as the scale of Godson continues to expand, the ecology belonging to Godson has been established!

Goose Factory played a big role in it, and all the software of Goose Factory was specially optimized for Godson.And their software has become popular all over the world, and users all over the world are using it. When they find that the software runs faster on Loongson computers than other computers, they will naturally choose Loongson computers.

In this way, a benign development is formed.

Mingzhou Group has also won a complete victory in this war in the field of chips. However, Qin Tao is not complacent about it, because he knows that there will be another big event this year, and this big event is also related to Chips are related.

The red flag car was driving among the mountains. In the car, Xu Zhengyang communicated with Qin Tao excitedly.

"Boss Qin, is what you said true?"

"Zhengyang, you have been with me for so many years, when did you see that my deduction was wrong?" Qin Tao said: "However, I have nothing to do in China, so you don't have to follow me all the time. The most important thing for you right now , or go to the southern waters to build a lighthouse."

"President Qin, I know what you mean." Xu Zhengyang said: "He Qian and I have already discussed that we will get married when the construction work over there is completed."

"Okay, your boy is finally going to achieve the right result." Qin Tao was immediately overjoyed.

Zhao Ling also smiled beside her: "Brother Zhengyang, congratulations."

"I have to thank you for the matchmaking. He Qian and I can come together. However, we have discussed it and we still have to focus on work. It is enough for us to have each other in our hearts. There is no need to stay together all the time. After all, we Each has its own job."

"Okay, when the construction task over there is completed, He Qian will be discharged from the army and come to our Mingzhou Group. There are many positions in our group that are suitable for her." Qin Tao said.

"Boss Qin, she has her ideals and pursuits, so you better not interfere with her life."

"No, I have to interfere. I have been separated for several years, and I know the pain of separation. After you get married, you can't continue to be a monk. If she doesn't want to retire, she can come to our Mingzhou Group as an army representative."

Xu Zhengyang didn't say anything, and continued to drive. In front of him, a city in a mountainous area had already appeared.

The former 061 base is now called Guizhou Aerospace Industry Company, and the main product produced by this company is the Kaishan missile!
This kind of missile can be regarded as an upgraded model of the Hongqi-2 missile. It still uses the radio command guidance method. The technology is backward, so it has not been recognized by the army. Every year, the 061 base will bring its precious products to various air shows for exhibition. , However, there have been no customers come to the door, and later, the first customer came.

They did not give up and continued to improve their products, making Kaishan missiles more and more advanced in performance, and finally obtained the approval of the army, and were given the number of Hongqi 12. Later, the further improved model will be named Hongqi twenty two.
Now, Kaishan Missile has only one customer, and this customer recently came to the 061 base for training.

"President Qin, welcome to Base 061." Mr. Chen was very excited when he learned that Qin Tao was coming, and had already been guarding the door.

"Well, Mr. Chen, how are those guests training?"

"They work very hard every day, especially the radar officer. They stare at the screen every day. I'm afraid they'll damage their eyes." Mr. Chen said, "Boss Qin, will the situation you're worried about happen?"

"Regardless of whether it will happen or not, they must be prepared. Once the worst happens, they will face the threat of stealth aircraft." Qin Tao said: "At that time, our Kaishan missile will also be famous. Chance through the ages."

"Okay." Old Chen nodded: "Boss Qin, I'll take you to have a look."

The main product of Base 061 is the Kaishan missile. They not only developed an advanced missile system, but also developed a training simulator. When Qin Tao walked to the training simulator, he heard a password from inside.

"Weak echo found!"

"Pass with 50.00% of the radar waves!"

"The target echo is stronger!"

"Ready to lock the target!"

These passwords were not spoken in oriental dialect, and even Qin Tao couldn't understand them, but he could hear the murderous intent in the words.

The war is approaching them step by step, they have to practice hard and get ready!

There was the sound of the door opening outside, but no one turned back. For them, nothing is more important than training.


"Two salvos, hit the target!"

After a training session was over, one of them raised his head and looked towards the door. When he saw the person coming in, he immediately became excited: "Boss Qin?"

"Danny, are you still used to being here?" Qin Tao asked.

"Mr. Qin, you still remember me?" Zoltan-Dani was very surprised.

"Of course I remember, I still remember that you are the brigade commander of the 250th anti-aircraft missile brigade, now?"

"Now it is 251." Danny said excitedly: "After we purchased these missiles, we were not willing to throw away the old equipment, so we formed a new 251 air defense missile brigade, which specializes in operating Kaishan missiles."

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, old equipment can't be thrown away, there is always a time when it will be useful. By the way, I think your training is very good."

"Yes, we have been able to get full marks on the computer, but, Mr. Qin, you also know that this kind of simulation is not like actual combat after all. We look forward to having a real operation experience before the end of the training." Danny said .

Elder Chen showed a wry smile there. This request has been shouted since they came here to receive training, and has been shouting until now.If you want a real experience, you have to coordinate a stealth machine. Can the stealth machine be transferred casually?Therefore, he did not report this request to his superiors at all!
After all, the training for them this time is also a bonus. Mr. Qin’s opinion a few months ago called these missile operators over and simulated training on the computer to see how many years they have received equipment. , what is the level of operation.

Who would have thought that they would actually put forward even greater demands.

Qin Tao nodded without hesitation: "Okay, I will coordinate with you, but I have a request."

"any request?"

"When you really shoot down the stealth planes on the battlefield, I want the wreckage of those stealth planes." Qin Tao said, "Whether it's an F-117 or a B-2, I want it."

Danny's eyes lit up: "Without Dongfang's equipment, we couldn't take down the stealth machine, and the wreckage we took down is useless. After the exhibition, I can give it to you."

Danny can't make the decision, but he believes that his superiors value the friendship with Dongfang very much. At this critical moment, only the Dongfang people are willing to take action, and of course sending the wreckage is no different.

Mr. Chen's expression was very complicated. Mr. Qin said this, as if this kind of thing would really happen. Without the authorization of the United Nations, those hegemonic forces dare to take action against a sovereign country?
However, if the stealth aircraft is really shot down, then their Kaishan missile will become famous all over the world.

Qin Tao not only agreed, but also moved very quickly. On the second day, in the mountains around the 061 base, an SJ212 radar vehicle had already deployed.

The huge flat-panel antenna represents the advancement of this radar vehicle: it uses a phased array system, and this radar is also the key to discovering stealth aircraft!
"After this period of training, we have been able to find out which echoes belong to the stealth aircraft from the weak echoes, and then adjust the beam. However, after all, we are using computer simulations, not real ones. Before returning to China, we can It is not easy to experience the real process of discovering a stealth machine, thank you Mr. Qin for giving us this opportunity."

Zoltan Denny is very excited.

"Danny, we have an idiom in the East called self-contradiction." Qin Tao said: "A person who sells a spear also sells a shield. In this way, it is really difficult to answer which one is better to use one's own spear against one's own shield. The problem, now, the experiment we conducted is also contradictory. No matter what the result of the exercise is, you must not leak the secret."

"Of course not." Danny said: "If we can't find the target, it can only mean that your stealth machine is too good."

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the valley in the distance, and the stealth plane had already flown over.

Inside the radar car, the atmosphere was highly tense.

The stealth machine is a ghost in the dark. It is daytime, and the black stealth machine can be easily seen with the naked eye, but what about the radar screen?
"The echo is too weak to capture!"

"Unable to transfer into lock!"

"Damn, what to do?"

While they were cursing, the stealth machine in the sky opened the hatch of the bomb bay.


This time, the echo of the stealth machine rapidly increased!
(End of this chapter)

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