Great warships

Chapter 78 The Problem of Ship No. 105

Chapter 78 The Problem of Ship No. 105

Ship 105 plays a pivotal role in the history of the motherland's navy.

Just after the founding of the motherland, under the circumstances of being poor and white, he gritted his teeth and bought four destroyers from Lao Maozi, known as the four king kong of the navy.

It spent 68 tons of gold that year, so it is impossible for the country to continue to spend precious gold to buy warships, and it must find a way to develop its own.

In 1957, with the efforts of many parties, China obtained some technical design drawings of Lao Maozi's Type 56 destroyer (NATO code name Kotlin class).The Navy established a research institution and began to discuss the destroyer development plan.

Artillery destroyers have been outdated, and warships from all over the world are carrying missiles. Therefore, the Navy has also begun to plan to develop a new type of missile destroyer. The ship was officially delivered to the navy, and since then the navy has its own guided missile destroyer, and NATO has given it the code name of Luda class.

In the 80s, the gates of the country had been opened, and the country also saw the outdatedness of its own warships: in addition to having no air defense capabilities, it also seriously lacked anti-submarine capabilities.

Relying on good relations with the West, the country has begun to introduce advanced technology to develop itself.


The hangar area is very large, one Super Hornet helicopter can be parked, and two domestically produced Z-[-]s can be parked.

In this way, the No. 105 ship became the first domestic warship that can carry helicopters, which greatly improved the anti-submarine capability of this warship.Therefore, NATO classified this warship into the ranks of Luda 2, which is distinguished from the previous ordinary destroyers.

During the modification of this warship, special components were imported from abroad: "Harpoon" landing aid system; light landing aid system; homing guidance system.

In the vast sea, if a helicopter wants to find its mothership, it must have a special guidance system from returning to landing. This system has gradually matured since World War II, and it is even more difficult to develop now Ordinary technology, however, starts from scratch domestically and can only be outsourced.

After the homing guidance system was introduced from France, it was debugged by the French. At that time, there seemed to be no problems. After the French left, the system began to malfunction.

When landing, you can always hear the booming noise, and even when docking occasionally, there will be unstable docking.

If the French are invited to come over again, it will cost a high price, and even the French will make excuses like the Belgians, so they can only solve it by themselves.

No. 105 belongs to the North Sea Fleet, so at the beginning, it was debugged by specialized technicians in the north. After a long time of tossing and no problem was solved, it was driven to Huating, hoping to rely on the technicians here to help solve it.

However, a team proficient in electronic technology has been tossing for several months, and has not been able to solve the problem until now.

This matter has nothing to do with Qin Tao, nor does it have anything to do with Zhao Dagang and his team, but it is within the same system after all, and they have heard about it a long time ago, so now, taking this opportunity, they brought it up to Qin Tao .

Although Xu Qiang meant to make things difficult, Qin Tao nodded in agreement.

Qin Tao left Kamaz to Huating Shipyard, and they will help to rush the goods to the reducer factory. If the machine is finished, they will help to load the goods on the car and drive back.

Cong Ju also stayed at the shipyard. She couldn't help anyway, so she took this opportunity to go home and have a look.

Qin Tao drove an old Shanghai car in the factory, and set off with several other people.

Zhao Dagang, Zhao Ergang and Xu Qiang sat in the back, and Zhao Ling sat in the co-pilot.

Seeing Zhao Ling and Qin Tao sitting in a row, Xu Qiang felt a little dissatisfied. However, this arrangement is necessary. After all, among them, only Qin Tao can drive, even if it is the long seat in front of the old Shanghai. It can seat three people, but it is quite crowded.

Qin Tao was driving, and the only woman was in the co-pilot, which was the most appropriate, just like when they came.

"Brother Tao, after you go there, don't be brave. It's your job to fix it. It's normal if it can't be fixed. So many technicians haven't fixed it. Maybe there's no solution to this problem. " Zhao Ling said to Qin Tao.

"Well," Qin Tao replied, "Maybe it's just a small problem that I can easily fix. I've always been lucky."

Fortunately, of course, I was able to drive after drinking, and no one stopped me along the way.

This is of course because he took the special internal road of the shipyard, which can lead to the dock on the other side of the military port. Moreover, in this era, there is no investigation of drunk driving at all.

The girl next to him smiled.Maybe, Qin Tao can really fix it. This Xu Qiang wants to watch Brother Tao's good show, so let him be completely convinced.

Zhao Ling knew that Xu Qiang's attitude might be due to her own fault. Thinking of this, she glanced at Qin Tao who was driving beside her, and her face suddenly turned red again when she thought of the experience of going to Lao Maozi's place.

This is fate.

The car drove up to the naval port, and the masts of the warships stood in a row, which looked quite spectacular, but if it was compared with Lao Maozi's Pacific Fleet base, it was too far behind.

The main warship is the Type 051, with a displacement of more than 3000 tons. In another 20 years, the Type 054 frigate will already have a displacement of more than 4000 tons.

The current navy is still quite tough, so we have to be patient.

The car stopped at the pier where the 105 destroyer was docked. At this time, a group of experts were still studying on the rear deck.

The Chinese New Year is about to come, if they can't fix the fault, this year will be boring.

A white-haired old man stood on the top of the hangar, staring at the equipment above in a daze. The cold wind blew on him and lifted the corners of his clothes, but he didn't even notice it.

"Professor Ding, it's windy up there, come down first!" someone shouted from below.He wore a naval officer's uniform, with the rank of colonel on his shoulders.

"Captain Wang, I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the hardware of the device, should we take it apart and have a look?" Professor Ding said.

After debugging for such a long time, the problem could not be solved. There was nothing to worry about in the software. Professor Ding finally decided to start with the hardware.

"The hardware was imported from France and has never been disassembled. It should not be a problem with the hardware." Wang Qing, the captain of the 105 ship, said: "You come down first!"

"It's not necessarily a problem if it's imported." Just then, a voice came from the dock: "Maybe it's really a hardware problem?"

The people on the warship turned their heads and saw a few people they hadn't seen before, and the one who spoke was a young man.

(End of this chapter)

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