Great warships

Chapter 785

Chapter 785

The two J-[-] fighter jets were already ready. After the first wave of planes were released, they were parked at the take-off position, and the pilots had been sitting in the cockpit, ready to take off at any time.

Wang Wei looked sideways, and his wingman pilot Zhao Yu happened to look over too, so the two made a familiar gesture.

At this moment, an order came from the headset: "KJ-600 found the target, 1502, 1503, take off immediately!"

"Yes, 1502 received!" Wang Wei replied and started the engine. He looked at the gestures of the yellow vest below and carried out various checks before takeoff. After 30 seconds, the yellow vest squatted down and pointed his right hand forward.

Wang Wei released the brake.

The J-[-] fighter plane rushed to the jump deck of the bow like an arrow off the string, and then jumped out.

The moment his plane just left the deck, Zhao Yu on the side also let go of the brakes, and the two fighter planes took off less than a minute apart, and turned on the afterburner to climb upwards.


"1503 received."

After the two fighters climbed to a height of about 300 meters, they began to turn and continued to sprint towards the target. Because this time it was an emergency take-off to intercept, the two fighters continued to use afterburner extravagantly to fly towards the target. The directional climb took a hurricane, and finally reached an altitude of [-] meters.

"1502 calls 1503, about [-] kilometers away from the target, now activate the radar!"

In front of the nose, the large flat-panel 1493 radar was activated, and after a few seconds of warm-up, powerful radar waves swept forward.

"The distance is 150 kilometers, and three targets have been found!"

Long Sword 10 is not a stealth cruise missile, but it is still impossible for general airborne radar to detect it at a distance of 150 kilometers. This is of course thanks to the intelligence support of early warning aircraft and the rapid development of domestic airborne radar technology.

The Su-27 series of fighters are all heavy-duty fighters. This fighter has a large nose, and of course it also has a large-caliber airborne radar antenna. Except for the Su-27, which is the Tomcat, other fighters in the world cannot have it. Radar antennas with a diameter exceeding 31 mm.Although the MiG-[-] claims to be a fighter, it should be called an interceptor and cannot be counted in it.

Relying on the advanced airborne radar, both fighters have already searched for the target.

"1502 calls 1503, the target data has been allocated, and we each lock on a target." Wang Wei continued to call in the radio.

"1503 received." Zhao Yu's hand touched the weapon operation interface in front of him, and locked on the distant target according to the data transmitted by the data link.

While the two were operating, the fighter plane was also speeding forward rapidly, and the distance between them and the missile was getting closer and closer.

One hundred kilometers, eighty kilometers...


Wang Wei yelled, and pressed the launch button with his hands hard. Flames blazed under the wings, white smoke rose, and the PL-11 missile flew out.

Wingman Zhao Yu also fired a missile, and the two white smoke continued to elongate, forming two white dragons in the sky. The two J-[-] fighters still kept flying smoothly, with their noses firmly aimed at the target.

"The missile was launched at 75 kilometers. Where did they get such confidence?" Seeing this scene on the early warning aircraft in the distance, the experienced radar officers were very surprised.

The range of air-to-air missiles is a psychedelic statement. For a missile with a maximum range of [-] kilometers, the pilot dares to use it at a distance of [-] to [-] kilometers at most. Otherwise, once the target maneuvers to consume the kinetic energy of the missile, the missile will Just not enough.

It can be farther away when it is head-on, but it has to be launched at a closer distance, such as ten to twenty kilometers, after all. After all, this distance is a relative distance, and the actual flight of the missile is the distance to the ground.

In later generations, in order to make air-to-air missiles fly farther, a new generation of air-to-air missiles began to use ramjet engines. This thing not only has a long range, but also can be powered throughout the entire process, with first-class performance. However, if you look at the United States, it seems that this kind of missile not interested.

It is not enough for a missile to have a long range, but it also needs to have a high enough hit rate, and, moreover, there is the most important identification friend or foe!To put it simply, if the IFF of the opposite aircraft responds automatically, it can be sure that it is a friendly aircraft of our own side, but if it does not respond, it may be an enemy aircraft, or the transponder may be broken. If you fire rashly, you may accidentally injure your own people. This is a superpower. This kind of accidental injury has happened more than once in China's navy and air force, so they are very cautious.

In this way, sometimes you have to enter the visual range for visual identification, making beyond-visual-range missiles become tasteless.

In short, the current route taken by the Americans is to improve other performances of the missiles, especially the new generation of AIM-120 upgraded to an active radar-guided missile, but the range is not much improved compared with the previous Sparrow, which is still tens of kilometers.

The Easterners actually launched missiles at a distance of 75 kilometers. Even if they were attacking head-on, in order to leave a certain margin, their missiles must have a range of [-] kilometers before they dare to do this, right?
On the warship he watched, Qin Tao was also very emotional: "Although the Thunderbolt-12 has not come out, our Thunderbolt-11 is still very powerful."

Thunderbolt-11 has a long history. After acquiring Viper air-to-air missile technology from Italy in the 80s, the country began to integrate the seeker into the Red Flag 61 to create a medium-range air-to-air missile, and then planned to mount it on the J-2 fighter. .

This process has been going on for a long time, and the types of domestic fighters are also increasing. J-11, J-[-], J-[-], J-[-], a lot of fighters are waiting for air-to-air missiles, so the progress of Thunderbolt-[-] is gradually accelerating. At the same time, it is also using existing technologies to improve, such as the rocket engine. After replacing it with a new propellant, the range has indeed been greatly improved.

The actively guided Thunderbolt-12 is still under testing and there is not a lot of equipment, but the Thunderbolt-11 has become the main air-to-air missile. Except for the first batch of imported Su-27s that are using imported R-27s, other fighters They are all using this missile.

"This kind of missile has a maximum range of 75 kilometers. Now they are flying at a distance of [-] kilometers. This is bold enough. However, those people should be shocked when they see it."

No matter how improved they are, they still can't escape the physical limitations. Rocket-propelled missiles can hit [-] kilometers, which is not bad. Now they are used at the limit distance.

Of course, they have confidence: the launch altitude is [-] meters, and the missile dives down from a height, and the gravitational potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy, allowing the missile to fly farther. The two sides are flying head-to-head, even if the missile flies to the end. , as long as it is aimed at the target, anyway, the cruise missile will not know that it is being attacked and then change its course.

Of course, the key is that the radar is easy to use, and it can be aimed at the target at such a long distance. If the radar is not powerful, then everything is useless.

This time it is a bright sword, just to let some people see that we are not afraid of the Tomahawk missile!
The Pili-11 missile continued to fly forward, relying on the advantage brought by the dive, it even accelerated to Mach [-] at one point!

It's a pity that this kind of semi-active radar-guided missile needs to receive the echoes reflected from the target all the time. If it is similar to the Phoenix missile, it can fly a hundred kilometers away with a high-altitude ballistic trajectory.

It is getting closer and closer to the target. In the J-[-] carrier-based aircraft at the rear, the two pilots are still operating the aircraft steadily. They need to guide the missile until it finally hits the target. During this process, it is not possible to perform large overload maneuvers. , This is also the biggest problem with semi-active missiles. During this time, they will become live targets.

However, anyway, there will be Pili-12 missiles guided by active radar in the future. For the time being, we will make do with them. Semi-active missiles also have advantages, for example, high accuracy!
The Changjian-10 missile further descended to less than 20 meters from the sea surface. The turbulent waves on the sea would form clutter and interfere with the receiving circuit of the missile. However, with modern technology, it is easy to filter the clutter of the waves.

As the missile gradually approached the target, the onlookers became nervous.

"The distance is ten kilometers!"

"Five kilometers!"

"one kilometer!"

"500 meters!"

"300 meters!"

"100 meters!"

"Are they going to use a precise collision method? It's impossible!" a radar officer muttered, and at this moment, the light spots on the radar screen disappeared.

"Successful interception!"

At a distance of 30 meters, the warhead of the Pili-11 exploded, and countless broken rod warheads formed a dense metal storm and splashed on the target.

Two Longjian-10 missiles exploded in the air and burst into flames, tumbled and fell into the sea.

Successful interception!

"Great!" Qin Tao was also very excited: "In the future, the main threat we face will also be cruise missiles. Under the command of early warning aircraft, fighter jets are the most suitable means for long-distance interception. It is best outside our homeland. Destroy these missiles!"

"Is there another one?"

"Two interceptions are enough to show our capabilities. I guess the navy is planning to shoot down the last missile with machine guns?" Qin Tao said.

"Machine guns? That's right, machine guns can really intercept them, but if they do this, they don't give our Air Force face."

"What's the point of saving face on the battlefield? In the future, when the navy and the air force conduct confrontation exercises, the pilots of the navy will be more energetic."

"That's right, I've heard them say for a long time that the air force's smooth flight is not flying at all, and the carrier-based aircraft pilots are the real pilots."

The big guys started to laugh.

In the air, interception continues.

"1502 calls 1503, the last missile, shoot it down with machine guns, let's go down now!"

After Wang Wei finished speaking, he pushed his joystick, and the huge J-[-] swooped down flexibly, just like a swift.

The characteristic of cruise missiles is concealment, flying at ultra-low altitude, and it is difficult to be found. However, once discovered, cruise missiles are nothing to be afraid of. They fly slowly and cannot maneuver to avoid them. Therefore, even in World War II The anti-aircraft guns of the time can also easily shoot it down.

At this time, naval carrier-based aircraft pilots are practicing various tactics to intercept cruise missiles, first using tall air-to-air missiles, and then it is time to use more conventional cannons.

For pilots, the cannon is an ancient and reliable weapon. There was a time when aircraft designers thought that the cannon was useless, and the missile had completely replaced the cannon. As a result, during the Vietnam War, the fighter pilots of the F4 Phantom After shooting out the unreliable Sparrow missiles, I found that I had no means to deal with the MiGs that were close at hand. Therefore, the cannons were reinstalled on the aircraft in the form of pods, and there were no more weapons after that. left.

The third-generation J-[-] aircraft, of course, also have machine guns.

Two huge fighter planes roared down, and the layout of the three-wing plane looked so beautiful and handsome.

"Find the target visually, 1503, you are responsible for the cover! If my attack fails, you will attack instead of me." Wang Wei continued to issue orders.

When flying J-[-] before, Wang Wei and Zhao Yu were already in the same team, and the attack tactics were well drilled, and they had a tacit understanding for a long time.

Two-aircraft formation, one attack, one cover, and after the attack fails, the wingman replaces the lead plane to attack. This is also a very old air combat tactic, but no one has ever ignored it. Even if there are no enemy planes now, this kind of cooperation is still needed.

"1503 received." Zhao Yu replied firmly, but he also knew in his heart that Wang Wei would never give him a chance. How could such a simple attack fail.

The two fighter planes were originally flying head-on towards the cruise missile. Now, during the dive, the two had seen the cruise missile fly by below them. They pulled the levers and pushed the rudder. After turning in the dive, the two fighters changed from head-on flight to Became tailgating.

Wang Wei chose the machine gun as the weapon, and a hot line of the machine gun had already appeared on the HUD in front of him. Wang Wei gently pushed the control lever of the fighter, and slowly approached the cruise missile.

The shape of the Changjian-10 missile is the same as that of the Tomahawk. It has a cylindrical body with a straight wing inserted in the middle. This wing mainly provides lift during flight. There is a cross-shaped tail at the back, vertically The tail is used for yaw control, and the horizontal tail is used for pitch control. At this time, the tail engine is still working, spraying almost invisible gas backwards.

The Changjian-10 missile was flying smoothly like this, without any perception of the upcoming danger, it was just working according to the program.

You are the one!Wang Wei pushed the joystick again.

"1502, pay attention to your height!" Zhao Yu's voice came from Wang Wei's earphone.

At this time, the flight altitude of the cruise missile has been reduced to 20 meters, and Wang Wei lowered the altitude again in order to better shoot down the cruise missile. His fighter plane is only a dozen meters away from the sea surface. Be careful, you may fall into the sea.

"1502 Received." Wang Wei's answer was very calm. He sweats more in normal times and bleeds less in wartime. In order to better attack the enemy, their naval pilots need to fly at ultra-low altitude close to the sea, let alone more than ten meters, a few meters heights are possible.

He has confidence in his technique.

It was getting closer, getting closer, he gently moved the operating lever, and the end of the hot wire was firmly pressed against the target. Then, Wang Wei pressed the launch button on the operating lever.

tom tom tom!
All Su-27 series fighters use the GSh-30-1 cannon with a caliber of 30mm and only a single barrel. The rate of fire of this cannon is definitely not as good as the M60 commonly used by Americans, but its accuracy is very high.

The gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the 30mm projectile was splashed on the target. It was almost just a burst of fire. Wang Wei pulled the operating lever and turned on the afterburner at the same time.

The nose of the J-[-] began to tilt up, and the airflow from the engine at the tail rushed directly to the water surface, and the two water waves were stirred up, which looked very spectacular.

While the J-10 was climbing rapidly, the cannon shells had already covered the airspace where the Changjian-[-] was located. The missile, which was strolling steadily, suddenly burst into brilliant flames, sending shrapnel flying.

Machine gun shooting is not only a test of skills, but also of courage. Not everyone has the courage to approach the target a few hundred meters and then fire the shell. At the same time, how to exit after hitting the target is also a big problem. If you cannot master these techniques, Then after the machine gun hits the target, his own plane will also pass through the debris area formed by the explosion of the target, and the ending can be imagined.

Wang Wei's movements are impeccable, avoiding these fragments perfectly.

"Interception complete!"

"1502, 1503, continue to perform fleet air defense patrol missions." The voice from the aircraft carrier island came from the radio.

The exercise has not been completed yet, and the two scrambled fighter planes have now completed the mission of intercepting missiles, and it is time to perform common fleet long-range air defense missions.

The two fighters turned on their afterburners, climbed to a patrol altitude of [-] meters, and circled around the fleet. For them, this kind of task was even more of a piece of cake.

"Cruise missiles pose a great threat, but after we have the early warning aircraft, such missiles can no longer pose a serious threat to us." On the No. 112 warship we were observing, the big guys started talking again.

"However, if we want to use cruise missiles to hit enemy targets, we will face the same problem. Once detected, they can be easily intercepted."

"President Qin, do you have a good solution to this problem?"

"That's why we're going to rip."


"Modify the shape of the cruise missile to be stealthy, so that the probability of being discovered can be greatly reduced."

Everyone's eyes brightened, yes, why didn't they think of doing this?It is completely possible to carry out stealth modification, so that the missile can reduce the probability of being detected by the early warning aircraft.

"In this case, it will be difficult for our early warning aircraft to find it. After all, we are taking the route of meter wave radar, and the early warning aircraft cannot be equipped with meter wave radar."

"Yes, it will be difficult for us to find it. However, I can think of it, and the Americans can think of it. Maybe they will develop stealth Tomahawk missiles next. After all, we are not the only ones who have advanced technology in this world. The Americans Will you not engage in stealth Tomahawk missiles because it is difficult to be detected by stealth aircraft?"

It is the most stupid behavior to have advanced military technology, but not to develop it because you are afraid of being threatened, and try to put this weapon on the shelf, but looking at history, there are indeed many such things.

The exercise continued, but the eye-catching scenes were over, and the rest were routine subjects.

After another two hours, the exercise was successfully concluded, and it was time for the lively military parade at sea.

The time the Navy has been waiting for is finally here!
The army often accepts inspections. After all, for them, inspections are a very simple matter. Just walk in front of the leaders in a square formation. The navy is different. It takes a lot of time to accept a inspection.

It has only been done twice in history.

The first time was in 57, when celebrating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the army, the superiors decided to hold a military parade at sea in Qingdao in August.It is the first time that the People's Navy, which has only been established for eight years, is inspected in a form other than the sailors' marching phalanx.

At that time, a military parade at sea was used, that is, the warships and submarines to be inspected were lined up neatly and accepted by the superiors for inspection. The entire military parade lasted more than two hours.

The second inspection was in the 90s. After several maritime exercises were held in succession, the superior leaders inspected the troops holding the military parade.

Now, it is the third time.

Compared with the previous two times, the biggest difference this time is the layout. At the same time, it is the first time that an aircraft carrier has been inspected by its superiors!
The aircraft carrier formation began to change its formation. The 054 frigate started at full speed and was arranged at the forefront of the entire fleet. Behind it was the most dazzling aircraft carrier!

Behind the aircraft carrier are 052C and 051C, and then the supply ship. The entire fleet is arranged in a straight line, sailing towards the sea area where the bow of the 112 ship is located.

The sailors put on brand-new military uniforms and lined up neatly on the deck of the warships, with flags unfurled. Every warship quickly completed the operation of flying the flags. Now, the sea is such a lively scene.

Wu Shengli also stood upright on the island of the ship, looking in the direction of the 112 ship.

The line-up fleet is so magnificent, and the atmosphere on the 112 ship has also become serious.

Qin Tao's heart is full of pride. Look, every warship here is his own participation. With his own promotion, in 99, at the turn of the new millennium, the navy has become so powerful!

With such a fleet, many problems can already be solved. The navy is capable of protecting the lifeline at sea. What happened before will never happen again.

"Salute!" Although the distance was far away, the voice still floated over. Following this order, the sailors who were inspected saluted in unison, showing the strict discipline of the army.

"Defend the sea and territory of the motherland and build the Great Wall of the Sea!"

"Break through the first island chain and build an oceanic navy!"

The majestic slogan sounded.

At this moment, Qin Tao was also aroused and felt a flame burning in his chest.

In the sky, the naval aviation fleet also flew.

In the front is a three-aircraft formation, two stealth J-32s are protecting the large-scale KJ-600, behind are two J-[-]s, and then, there is a formation of H-[-]Js, amidst the rumbling roar, it shows the strength of the motherland. The motherland's navy has entered the era of carrier-based fixed-wing aviation. Even in seas far away from the motherland, it can gain air and sea control and win any battle!
A camera helicopter flew nearby to record the spectacular scene. The news program tonight will feature the grand occasion of sea and air exercises.

(End of this chapter)

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