Great warships

Chapter 792 It’s Time to Start Construction on the Big Dog’s Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 792 It’s Time to Start Construction on the Big Dog’s Aircraft Carrier
"Mr. Qin, it's time for us to talk about the procurement of this engine." Zamotayeva walked up to Qin Tao with a glass of wine in her hand: "Where do you plan to sell this engine?"

The gas turbine has already been worked out, and the life test and the like can be done slowly. At the same time, they have to find a buyer. After all, they started the company to make money. Genghis Khan Aviation is already the most profitable department of Motor Sich. R&D investment After investing a huge amount of money, of course we want to recover the cost as soon as possible.

"Wait until tomorrow, I will go to the Middle East to try to sell our gas turbines to big dogs." Qin Tao said: "They will definitely be willing to use this kind of advanced gas turbines to replace outdated boilers. Tens of millions of dollars, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Zamotayeva nodded: "Since Boss Qin has this plan, it would be great. If necessary, I can go to sell with you."

"No need, you'd better take care of the house, I'll just go." Zhao Ling said from the side.

Zamotayeva didn't insist. She knew that she had no chance to be alone with Qin Tao, and even if she was alone, nothing would happen. What a pity.

"Are there any other users besides Gou Dahu?"

"Of course, this type of gas turbine will be used in the large warships we build in the future. Besides, it can be used on land as well. It is no problem to sell three or five units a year."

This level of gas turbines is different from ordinary engines, and there are quite a few single-digit orders every year.

Zamotaeva nodded.

The distant Middle East, the scorching desert, the wealthy dog ​​family.

"I heard that Dongfang has developed a [-]-megawatt gas turbine and successfully ignited it." In the magnificent building, the old man on the seat spoke.

"Yes, it happened yesterday." Salman said, "Dongfang's technical strength is very strong. Even the UK doesn't have an engine of this level yet. Dongfang developed it first. We chose to cooperate with Mingzhou Group, which is thriving. , is the best choice."

"Yes, it's the best choice. There are too many warships on their berths. When do they plan to start building the aircraft carrier for us? Do we have to wait until their aircraft carrier is launched?" The old man couldn't wait.

That's right, the Mingzhou Group is too busy to build an aircraft carrier for them if the berth is not free. After the aircraft carrier of the football country is launched, Dongfang's own aircraft carrier enters the dock. Therefore, we have to wait until the aircraft carrier of Dongfang is built before we can Make the space available.

This will have to wait a few more years.

Salman was also a little embarrassed. When he was discussing business with Mingzhou Group, he also mentioned the construction issue, but this really has to wait.

"Report, there is a message from Mingzhou Group that Mr. Qin plans to lead a team to visit us."

"What, Mr. Qin is coming? That's great, when will he arrive?" Salman became excited.

"They are waiting for our answer. After we agree, President Qin's special plane can take off at any time."

"Ask him to take off immediately. We are here to prepare for the reception." Salman said. After speaking, he glanced at the old man in the seat. Is it appropriate for him to arrange this?

The old man nodded: "It seems that Mr. Qin came here for a purpose this time. That kind of gas turbine is very suitable for large warships, right?"

"That's right, if there are gas turbines, we don't need to burn boilers, and gas turbine warships are more useful." Salman is very excited: "Even if it costs tens of millions or even [-] million more, we need to have this kind of equipment." advanced equipment."

The old man nodded, and then continued: "The Dongfeng-3 we purchased from the East have been exposed to wind and sun in the desert for more than ten years, and those weapons should be updated. I remember your last report, explaining that the Zhou Group Mr. Qin has also mentioned this matter, since Mr. Qin is here this time, let’s mention it again to see if Mr. Qin has the ability to contact us. This time, we want more advanced solid rockets.”

Salman nodded: "Okay, I will definitely ask."

"Flying at subsonic speed is still too slow. It would be great if there was a supersonic airliner!" On the special plane, Qin Tao felt a little emotional.

"As for the supersonic airliner, the Mikoyan Design Bureau planned to develop a supersonic business jet based on the MiG-25 technology, but in the end there was no further information. A business jet of that level would not have a long range. Mr. Qin, if you want it, it is more appropriate for us to improve on the basis of the H[-]J." On the special plane, Zhao Dangsheng, who was traveling with him, said.

Although I was going to talk about the aircraft carrier, after all, the aircraft carrier still needs carrier-based aircraft. After some flickering by Qin Tao, the big dog also chose a vertical take-off and landing fighter jet. This time, Zhao Dangsheng happened to go with him, and introduce this The progress of the new fighter.

Hearing Qin Tao's emotion about the supersonic airliner, Zhao Dangsheng immediately made a suggestion.

Figure-22M is the large MiG-25, especially the huge air intake, which is very similar to the MiG-25. The imitated H-[-]J is capable of supersonic and low-altitude penetration, let alone supersonic at high altitude. Flying at the speed of sound, if it is changed to a passenger plane, the load capacity will be reduced, and the fuel load will be increased. It can really fly at supersonic speed for long distances.

"Forget it." Qin Tao shook his head: "It's too expensive to change it alone, and there are risks. I don't want to be hit by missiles in a daze."

The shape of a passenger plane should not be like a bomber, otherwise it will easily arouse the vigilance of others. Flying at supersonic speed, even if it is a civil aviation route, it is easy to be misunderstood. Nervous, trembling hands, trouble is big.

You can also quibble afterwards, what we saw was a bomber!

If it is known that the plane is Qin Tao's special plane, it will be easier to have an accident.

Xu Zhengyang nodded. Mr. Qin was very considerate, and he had to think like this.

Safety first, it doesn't matter if it's slow.

When we arrived at the capital of Gou Dahu, it happened to be in the afternoon, and the scorching sun shone on the ground, and the naked eye could see that there was water vapor rising. As for the ground outside, it was probably ready for roasting eggs.

Fortunately, the plane docked directly to the docking cabin of the airport, and the inside was full of air conditioning. At the entrance of the special VIP passage, a large group of people were waiting there with a cloth on their heads.

"President Qin, it's finally time for you." Salman said, "We originally planned to meet you directly on the runway, but it was too hot outside, so we had to meet you here, and our car stopped directly below. Get in the car and go to the banquet hall, the whole process is air-conditioned.”

"That's right, it's too hot here." Qin Tao said, "I just don't know if the power supply here is sufficient?"

"Yes, too many air conditioners are used, which puts high demands on the power supply. We can guarantee the power supply in the capital and other big cities, but many small cities and tribes may face power outages in hot summer."

There are many places that use electricity, and the electricity supply is insufficient, so it is necessary to stop part of the electricity. Any country will give priority to ensuring the power supply of large cities.

Qin Tao was overjoyed. It seems that this kind of gas turbine can sell more. Although he is also developing a 100-megawatt land-use gas turbine, after all, it is not as fast as the current [-]-megawatt gas turbine. Think, solve problems for customers.

"You have sufficient energy, but you don't have enough generators." Qin Tao said, "Maybe we have a way to help you solve the problem."

If it is other countries, it may be able to promote nuclear power plants, but in these energy producing areas in the Middle East, it is enough to directly burn oil or natural gas.

"Really?" Salman suddenly thought of something: "You mean, a [-]-megawatt gas turbine?"

They now use gas turbines for power generation, but the power is only [-] megawatts. Dongfang has [-] megawatts of gas turbines, and the output power of one can be compared with the current two.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, we have advanced gas turbines and generators, which will definitely help you solve the problem of power shortage. We will talk about this project in detail later."

Salman nodded, this is just incidental, after all, they have more important projects now.

"Boss Qin, please get in the car."

Qin Tao and his party boarded all Rolls-Royces and headed for the downtown area of ​​the capital in a mighty manner from the airport.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Zhao Ling hasn't been here for a long time. This exotic scenery is also very attractive. Of course, sightseeing is fine, but staying here for a long time is not comfortable. Unless you are a local, you will have comprehensive benefits from birth.

"Welcome everyone." The old man greeted Qin Tao and his party in the magnificent building. The standard of treatment was very high, which even flattered Qin Tao.

"Your Excellency Fahad, it's a pleasure to meet you." Qin Tao said, "You are our best friend in the East."

"The East is also our good friend." The old man said: "For some reasons, we are very close to the West, but we know in our hearts that the West is only for the black wealth under our feet, and only the East is really willing to help us. For example, more than ten years ago, when we needed suitable weapons to protect our motherland, you Dongfang provided us with Dongfeng-3. Now, those weapons are still our most powerful guarantee, but , they are a bit old."

The other party just mentioned a word, and Qin Tao already understood what the other party's needs were.

"Don't worry, you can pick any of our weapons with a range of [-] kilometers."

"The range is only [-] kilometers?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. How could [-] kilometers be enough?
"Yes, we have to abide by international regulations." Qin Tao saw the increasingly unsightly faces of the people, and knew that he could not continue to delay, so he could only quickly say: "It's just that our technology is very poor, so this led to this situation. This kind of missile has a big error, which is beyond our control."


Everyone is getting more and more confused.

"President Qin, how much is the error?" Salman asked cautiously.

"The error is one thousand and seven."

Everyone was in extremely complicated moods. When it came to playing word games, the orientals were the most slippery.

More than ten years ago, when Dongfang sold Dongfeng-3, it had a good relationship with the West and did not join any anti-missile treaty, so it was sold as soon as it was sold, and no one forced it. Now Dongfang still has not joined any anti-missile treaty, but it is obvious Well, there will be a group of people who will jump out to force them, engage in long-arm jurisdiction, use their own country's laws to point fingers at others, and make irresponsible remarks, just like the boss of the world.

Therefore, if you don't want this arms sale to be judged by others, then you have to put it another way. Now, this suggestion by President Qin perfectly solves the problem.

Your missiles exceed the standard!

No, ours has a range of [-] kilometers!

I have never seen a missile with a range of [-] kilometers so thick and so long!
That's because our technology is backward!
How did the live ammunition fly two thousand kilometers?

Errors are all errors!

This kind of scene, thinking about it, is enough to make people laugh, even the old man smiled: "No wonder Mingzhou Group is developing so fast, it is inseparable from the leadership of President Qin, President Qin, are you The wisest international arms dealer I have ever met."

"So-so, so-so." Qin Tao was very modest.

"Everyone, please come in." After saying this, before entering the door, Fahd led the crowd with a smile, entered the magnificent building, and came to one of the halls.

"Today, we are very happy. Qin from Mingzhou Group is always our friend! Friends forever! Now, let's raise our glasses to our friendship!" Fahd said.

Everyone raised their wine glasses. It was not an ordinary drink, but a champagne that would only be drunk in high-end places. Although it may be champagne, it does not contain any alcohol. It is a non-alcoholic cocktail, light and refreshing, and is most suitable for Enjoy it during the hot season.

Drinking a glass of non-alcoholic wine seemed to dispel the heat outside.The big guys continued talking and drinking.

"President Qin, I heard that you already have an advanced gas turbine that can output [-] megawatts of power. I wonder if this kind of engine can be installed on our aircraft carrier?" Salman came over with a glass of wine and asked Qin Tao raised his glass and said.

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "This kind of gas turbine is originally used by ships. It is no problem to drive an aircraft carrier of tens of thousands of tons. Your aircraft carrier is [-] tons. We only need to install two sets. ,only…"

"But what?"

"It's just that we invested a lot of money in the research and development of gas turbines. Now the gas turbines produced in the early stage are expensive. If we change from heavy oil boilers to gas turbines, the price will definitely increase. Our contract has been negotiated. I don’t want to raise the price, it’s not good.”

"Mr. Qin, money is not a problem. We want to modify the design. Of course, we will pay for the extra funds, as long as your gas turbine is reliable and can meet our needs." Salman said.

"There is no problem with the quality. If you are not at ease, we can sell you one first and use it to generate electricity on land. You can also test the performance of this gas turbine, which just alleviates the problem of power shortage." Qin Tao said: "Anyway, after our aircraft carrier starts construction, the gas turbine will not be installed until the main body is built. During this period, you can try it out. If the quality does not meet your requirements, we can switch to steam boilers."

"Okay!" Salman nodded immediately. He mentioned the problem of the generator when he came, but he didn't take it seriously at the time, but now that he has talked about it to this extent, of course he can no longer refuse. They Not bad money.

By the way, how much is it?

"Like on land and sea, generators need to be installed. We simply set a unified price of 4000 million yuan each. On land, we also contract to build a factory building, but we are not responsible for the laying of transmission lines." Qin Tao Said: "Originally we planned to sell a set for 5000 million US dollars, but we are friends and have cooperated on so many projects, so of course we have to give a friendly price."

Of course, this price is not expensive. For big dogs, this little money is just a drizzle.

"Okay, then it's settled!" Salman said, "Mr. Qin, when will the construction of this aircraft carrier start?"

They have been waiting for a long time.

"Our berth has been vacated. After discussing with you this time, we will go back and prepare. We will start work within a week!"

One week!
The good news came too fast, and everyone was very excited. They finally expected that their aircraft carrier would start construction.

"Then we must go there and participate in the groundbreaking ceremony!" Salman was very happy. After speaking, he thought of something: "However, we haven't named the aircraft carrier yet."

The name of the aircraft carrier?This is simple!

Qin Tao immediately said a lot: "You can name them after the creatures in the ocean, such as whales and sharks, you can also name them with place names, such as your capital, or even Your country name."

In later generations, there is the Gou Dahu, which is just a 15-ton frigate, but the price is as high as [-] billion US dollars, which makes people feel very emotional. The money is not only for arms, but also for protection fees.

Salman was still thinking, but Qin Tao had already set his sights on the old man: "You can also name it after your king."

Animal names, person names, place names, all of these are fine, what else is difficult to choose?There are all kinds of weird date names like the crying country.

Hearing Qin Tao's last words, Salman was very moved. He raised his glass and said, "Mr. Qin, let's have another drink. After we're done, I'll report your suggestion."

"Okay, cheers."

The two of them raised their glasses and drank it down. Anyway, there is no alcohol in it, so it doesn't matter how much you drink, it's just to support your stomach.

Salman walked towards Fahd excitedly, and whispered in his ear, Fahd nodded repeatedly.

After Salman finished his report, Fahd held a wine glass and came to Qin Tao with Salman.

"President Qin, your proposal is very good. We have decided to name this aircraft carrier Fahd!"

Looking at the excited face of the other party, Qin Tao knew that the person in front of him was a very face-saving person, and he would never let go of such an opportunity to be passed down through the ages.Of course, this person has a very good relationship with Dongfang, so it is very cost-effective for Qin Tao to give this favor.

"Okay, then let's toast to the bright future of the Fahd!" Qin Tao raised his glass.

Even if the matter of the aircraft carrier is finalized, changing the gas turbine, adding money, and starting construction recently are the most anticipated things, and the conversation that follows will become more and more friendly and casual.

"Mr. Qin, thank you for your contribution to our entire region." Salman continued to talk to Qin Tao.

"Our country has become an oil-importing country, and the demand for oil is increasing. We feel very honored to help maintain the stability of the oil region. Of course, our role is secondary, and the most important thing is yourselves. "Qin Tao said: "As your strength becomes stronger and stronger, you should also have some new changes. For example, you can maintain peace and stability in your area without relying on external forces."

Everyone present stopped talking and looked at Qin Tao.

"Of course, this is just my personal proposal. We will not interfere with any of your decisions. We respect the system and sovereignty of any country." Qin Tao also felt that the topic he just said seemed a bit too big, and he didn't know about it. Will people accept it.

"Mr. Qin, we know that you have good intentions, but we just don't know what we should do?" Salman said, "Since what happened in 91, many people have been criticizing us for leading wolves into the house."

"Unite." Qin Tao said: "The people living in this land are all your brothers. As long as you unite, you will be able to resist any interference from external forces. When you are twisted together, you will Don’t be afraid of any enemies. Of course, your beliefs are different, and you still have many problems left over from history, but there is nothing that cannot be resolved through negotiation. If you need it, we can mediate in it, such as shaking hands with Parthaa Make peace and wait."

Everyone present was lost in thought.

"Since the collapse of the Red Empire, the world has become more and more unipolar. Some countries can be reckless and launch attacks against sovereign countries without international authorization. This year they can launch attacks brazenly, and next year, the year after that, they may Continue to fight here and eliminate your former friends with trumped-up charges." Qin Tao said: "The matter between you brothers can be resolved internally, and there is no need for external forces to intervene."

"Okay, that's all I've said. Now, let's raise our glasses and toast our friendship!" Qin Tao didn't say much, and knew that this time there wouldn't be any fundamental changes. However, he A seed has been planted, and it will slowly take root and sprout in the future.

If the world wants peace, it must stop a certain superpower from being so arrogant. It will be difficult to achieve this goal, but Qin Tao has no choice but to dance his hoe as soon as possible to dig into their corners. Well, there is no corner that cannot be dug.The foreshadowing that can be done now must be implemented as soon as possible.

Originally, after drinking this cup, it was time to end the meeting, but an official present still said: "President Qin, your Godson computer performance dominates the world, I wonder if you can export a batch to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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