Great warships

Chapter 794 The Fahd Officially Starts Construction

Chapter 794 The Fahd Officially Starts Construction

The development of the early warning aircraft is not accomplished overnight. Even with the successful experience of KJ-2000 and KJ-600, the development of the balance beam still needs to go through a lot of tossing. A test flight is required, and it will take at least a year or two.

Everyone saw the balance beam early warning aircraft, had dinner at Factory 182, and went to the guest house to rest. In the early morning of the next day, they took a special plane and continued to Mingzhou.

Mingzhou Shipyard is their destination, and their aircraft carrier Fahd will officially start construction. For the big dog, this is the arrival of a new era!

On the passenger plane, they were overlooking the shipyard below. When they saw the warship under construction in the dock, Salman's eyes were complicated. This aircraft carrier is used by the Orientals themselves. Look at this, the displacement There must be [-] to [-] tons.

The East is unswervingly taking the road of a large aircraft carrier!

"President Qin, which one is more suitable for the navy, a medium-sized aircraft carrier or a large aircraft carrier?" Salman asked.

"This has to be considered from many factors, the most important of which is the combat mission and potential threats." Qin Tao said: "For your side, financial resources are not a problem, the key is what you want to use this aircraft carrier for , Whether it is the Gulf to the east of yours or the Red Sea to the west, the area is not very large, and the depth in many places is not enough. You also need to cross the Suez Canal frequently. If you also develop large-scale aircraft carriers, I am afraid it will be inconvenient to operate.”

Salman nodded, he knew that Qin Tao was right.

"However, for us, a medium-sized aircraft carrier is not suitable. You also know the reason. Our navy still has important missions to complete. Our aircraft carrier needs to sail eastward to prevent the intervention of certain forces. Once a war breaks out, the navy will There must be enough carrier-based aircraft to seize air supremacy." Qin Tao said: "Although we are also developing aircraft carrier forces, we will never interfere with other countries. We are to maintain world peace and the stability of our country."

The horizon on both sides was getting closer and closer, and the special plane landed steadily at Mingzhou Airport. A convoy had already stopped there, waiting to pick up Salman and his party. After all, their status was very high, so some government leaders were needed to receive them.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone drove straight to Mingzhou Shipyard.

"The 002 aircraft carrier is still being built in the dock, so the aircraft carrier we build for you can only be placed on the berth. Please rest assured that our berth often builds ocean-going cargo ships of 10,000+ tons, and there is no problem in building an aircraft carrier." Qin Tao Introduce to everyone: "Besides, there is an open space next to the berth. We still need to use the method of segmented construction to greatly increase the construction speed. After all, our berth is also precious. Hurry up and build it for you, and we can continue to build the next one." ship."

"We have full confidence in Mingzhou Group." Salman looked at the flags on the berth, a lively scene, and knew that it was specially arranged by the other party.

On the other side of the empty berth, a rostrum has been set up, with a banner hanging on it: Warmly celebrate the commencement of the Fahd aircraft carrier!Chinese and Arabic are listed up and down, with yellow characters and red cloth, which is very festive.

"Mr. Salman, please go up and speak." Qin Tao pointed to the rostrum.

Salman nodded and walked excitedly to the microphone.

"Today, I am very happy that our aircraft carrier Fahd is finally about to start construction! This aircraft carrier is a testimony of our friendship with the East. We will develop closer relationships in the fields of military, energy, and finance in the future. We I also hope that this aircraft carrier can be built as soon as possible, sailing on the oceans of the Middle East, and making my own contribution to safeguarding world peace..."

Excited applause came from below.

After Salman finished his speech, Qin Tao was next, and his words were even more unique: "We have not established diplomatic relations with the big dog for a long time, but our friendship has developed very quickly. I think, among them The biggest reason is that we are all peace-loving. We will protect the peace of the world around us, but we will never threaten others. We stand on the same ground and have the same opinions. We naturally come together. Today, we fight for The big dogs started to build aircraft carriers to allow them to better maintain the security of the oil region. Their own safety can be done by themselves. As long as the people in the oil region stop fighting each other and unite, the oil region is your own of!"

"Now, I announce that the Fahd aircraft carrier has officially started!"

The plasma cutting machine was first started to perform the cutting ceremony of the first steel plate. The steel plate soon entered the [-]D CNC plate bending machine, where it was bent into a corresponding shape, and then sent to the berth.

The construction of the Fahd aircraft carrier has officially begun!
This is the third aircraft carrier that Mingzhou Group has officially started to build for foreign customers. Compared with the previous aircraft carriers, it is much more powerful, especially the all-electric propulsion scheme, which is definitely the first in the world!

The construction of this aircraft carrier has also caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"They're all a bunch of idiots, why didn't they stop this from happening in the first place." Swift said angrily, "Don't they know that once the big dogs use the Eastern aircraft carrier, they will be more inclined in their positions?" Orient?"

"Of course everyone knows and has done a lot of work, but the big dog has already determined to get together with Dongfang, and we can't stop it." Brian said: "At the beginning they said it was a special purpose for robbing pirates. We were already working on the ship, we sold them the YF23, but it failed.”

"Of course it will fail." Swift said: "They don't even look at it. The big dogs want to develop sea power, and they sell air fighters. This is the opposite!"

"Do you have any suggestions? I can write you a report and report to my superiors."

"Give the third ship of our decommissioned Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier to the big dog." Swift said: "In this way, they can directly terminate Dongfang's aircraft carrier plan."

"How is that possible? If the big dog gets an aircraft carrier of this level, it will pose a great threat to the Jewish State!"

"Yes, they may threaten our allies, but if they don't do this, they will still threaten our allies with the aircraft carriers purchased by the East. In contrast, if we arm them, at least We can still control them."

"Control? How to control?"

"On their own, they cannot master the operation of a war machine like an aircraft carrier. Therefore, there must be a large number of our American instructors on the aircraft carrier. Just like on the battlefield back then, they have to listen to our command."

Hearing Swift say this, Brian realized: "Yes, that's right, your idea makes sense."

"In addition to these, we can also make a large profit by selling the aircraft carrier. We sell the aircraft carrier to them, and they have to refit it. In this way, we can earn at least 20 billion, or even more. By the way, we still have Need to sell them carrier aircraft."

"The stealth aircraft they have on hand has the ability to take off and land on an aircraft carrier."

"If they can send the stealth aircraft to the aircraft carrier, of course we welcome it, but they probably won't do it in order to keep it secret, so we still have a chance." Swift said: "Sell our big bug To them, it is another huge arms sales item.”

"Okay, I will write your suggestion into a document and report it to my superiors."

Far away in the east, a group of big dogs did not know that there was a conspiracy against them. Salman and others were heading to the secret base in the east to watch the new big killer.

This big killer was placed on a trailer, like a lying boiler, with various openings on it, and it looked ugly.

"Everyone, this is our ballistic missile with a range of [-] kilometers." Qin Tao said: "It is currently only in the form of a trailer, and a multi-axle off-road vehicle is still under development, but its engine power is high enough to be able to tow Running back and forth in the desert with missiles."

The Dongfeng-3 used to be the way of towing, and the current Dongfeng-21 certainly has no major problems.

Looking at this big, thick and long guy, the big dogs opened their eyes wide: "Boss Qin, the error of this missile is more than [-] kilometers, right?"

"Of course, the error is only high but not low." Qin Tao said: "It's not only the error is high, but also the weight of the warhead. Of course, we will not sell some special warheads to you. After all, this is a real warhead. cannot be sold. However, if you develop it yourself, then it has nothing to do with us.”

Hearing this, the hearts of the big dogs were pounding.

"President Qin, how much is this missile?" Salman asked after swallowing.

"One billion dollars." Qin Tao said: "We will give you the missile launch vehicle as a gift." Over time, the U.S. dollar has depreciated a lot, and our missiles are still advanced, one billion should not be outrageous, right?)
The launch vehicle doesn't cost much, that is, a million or so, which is definitely a drizzle compared to a billion dollars.

"If we develop our own special warhead...can you ask some technicians from you to help? How much will they cost?"

"In this case, we can't go there if we have a staff. At most, they are temporary workers. Their wages are not high, [-] million one."

"Okay, then we need twenty missiles and ten temporary workers." Salman gritted his teeth, and then said, "President Qin, but you also know that we have been spending a lot recently, and the money may not arrive in time .”

Even wealthy households sometimes lack money. Now, with the violent navy, a large number of weapons purchases have emptied their homes, and they need credit. However, this good thing in front of them has to be bought on credit.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't have enough money, we can sign an oil purchase agreement and use your oil to cover the bill." Qin Tao said.

Salman was very moved: "Mr. Qin, you are our real good friend!"

"You are refreshing, and of course we are also refreshing. After all, you have never seen this kind of missile test, and you can place an order. How could we not take care of you?" Qin Tao said.

This thing, of course, is not a random test shot, a billion, who can afford it?
But now, when Qin Tao said these words, the other party listened very pleasantly.

"Thank you President Qin, we need to go back and report immediately, and we will sign the agreement after approval," Salman said.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news in the east."

After watching the brand-new missile with a range of [-] kilometers, Salman and his party left in a hurry. Beside Qin Tao, the brigade commander of the missile brigade looked at Qin Tao worriedly: "Mr. Qin, our missile is the most advanced Can you sell this missile to them?"

The original Dongfeng-3 can be sold casually. After all, it is only a backward liquid missile. Dongfeng-21 is different. This is an advanced model that goes ashore in huge waves. This boiler looks old-fashioned, but it is actually the crystallization of the most advanced technology.

"If it was a few years ago, of course we couldn't sell it, but now, this missile is no longer the most advanced we have." Qin Tao said: "Besides, the Dongfeng-3 missile in the hands of a big dog has always been regarded as a treasure. , strictly guarded, and never let any outsiders approach, they are still very reliable, if these missiles are in their hands, of course they will take more care of them, and there will be no leaks."

In the eyes of the big dog, this kind of big killer is the treasure of the town.Take Dongfeng-3 as an example. The defense of the base is very strict. One of the officers and soldiers of the base could not stand his father's inquiry, so he told the inside story, which triggered their highest level of warning. They invited the old father directly to the base. Then, he never went out again, and the old father was also very excited, staying in the base and becoming a priest.

Now, if there is Dongfeng-21, they will naturally treat it more closely. Americans want to get in touch?There are no doors!
Now, Dongfeng-21 is no longer a secret in China, because the Dongfeng-31 with a longer range has been successfully tested. The range of this solid missile has been increased to 21 kilometers, which is a big improvement over Dongfeng-31. Moreover, since Qin Tao has dealt with the leaker in advance, Dongfeng-[-] is still full of mystery from the outside world.

A new generation of submarine-launched missiles developed on the basis of Dongfeng-31 has also been developed and will be installed in the ballistic missile nuclear submarines that Mingzhou Group will produce in the future. In this way, Dongfeng-21 is already a backward model.

Moreover, Dongfeng-21 is also being continuously improved. For example, new warheads with floating ballistics will be equipped on Dongfeng-21. The most primitive Dongfeng-21 is no longer a big secret and can be sold.

Selling this kind of missile to big dogs can make a lot of money. When Dongfeng-3 was sold in the past, the price was twice that of the foreign exchange reserves at that time. Now, one is sold for one billion, and twenty is 200. One hundred million U.S. dollars!Coupled with the 30 billion modification cost, this is definitely a huge amount of income, which is equivalent to this year's defense expenditure!
If all the money is spent on national defense, how much advanced equipment can be purchased and how much armed force can be expanded?Therefore, when Qin Tao reported this suggestion to his superiors, the superiors immediately agreed.

Of course, making money is only one of them, and the more important thing is strategic considerations. When the big dog becomes more and more dependent on the East, the position of the big dog will also be more inclined to the East. What happened in the distant Yugoslavia this year, yes Everyone's touch is great, this world must not be a unipolar world, there must be multi-polar development!
I can't talk too much with the missile brigade commander. Qin Tao just chatted with him a few words and then left in the car. In the car, Xu Zhengyang introduced the latest situation.

"President Qin, the Americans have made some moves recently."

"What action?"

"They're lobbying big dogs to try to sell one of their decommissioned Kitty Hawks to big dogs."

Qin Tao smiled: "Don't worry, they can't sell it."

Xu Zhengyang is really worried about this matter. Once the big dog chooses a second-hand aircraft carrier from the United States, it means that the aircraft carrier on his berth will be abandoned. Moreover, all his efforts for so many years will be in vain, dog Dato will wear a pair of pants with the Americans again.

However, Qin Tao is not worried. Are American aircraft carriers so easy to get?

Salman returned to the desert with great interest. When he walked into the magnificent building, an old acquaintance was there.

Austin, who has been preventing them from conducting in-depth military cooperation with the East!

Austin saw Salman with a smile on his face: "Mr. Salman, your ship that specializes in dealing with pirates has started?"

"Yes, work has already started, what's the matter?" Salman looked at Austin vigilantly: "What warships we order has nothing to do with you?"

The other side is uneasy and kind, and has been sabotaging their cooperation with Dongfang. When they first planned to build an aircraft carrier with Dongfang, the other side came up to promote YF-23. What kind of bad idea is this time?

"When will this aircraft carrier be delivered?"

"The delivery date has nothing to do with you, it's our secret."

"Your Excellency Salman, it seems that you have misunderstood us." Austin said: "We are good friends with you, true friends. Our friendship was forged on the battlefield. When you were in a hurry here , We sent troops urgently to curb the spread of evil forces, and we sacrificed so many people, now, we are actually not as important as the Orientals in your hearts?"

That's right, hundreds of you died in that war, but are you doing it for us?It's just coveting the oil under our feet. After that war, you stationed troops here as a matter of course and never left. What do you think we don't know?
Salman slandered in his heart, but he didn't say it out of his mouth, he just sneered: "So, what is your purpose for coming this time?"

"The construction of an aircraft carrier takes a long time, usually four or five years, and the matter of fighting pirates is urgent." Austin said: "So, in order to help you fight pirates, we have a new proposal. "

"What proposal?"

"We have decided to sell the third ship of the Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier to you. After simple modification, it will be able to serve in half a year, which can completely solve your urgent needs."

Kitty Hawk started construction on December 56, 12, and entered service in April 27, after which the second ship, the Constellation, was built.While building this aircraft carrier, the U.S. Navy also developed a brand new enterprise-class aircraft carrier. They originally planned to enter the era of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. However, the technology of enterprise-class aircraft carriers is immature and the cost is too high. Therefore, the Enterprise was built. After that, they gave up the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and returned to the era of conventional power again.

The USS America, the third ship of the Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier, and the USS Kennedy, the fourth ship, are products of this special environment. The era of powered aircraft carriers.

There is a very interesting thing about this. The Kitty Hawk is obviously the first ship of this aircraft carrier, but it was the last to be decommissioned. After undergoing modernization in the 90s, it was not decommissioned until the end of the first decade of the 21st century. However, the ships behind it were gradually decommissioned in the 90s.

The third ship, the USS America, was decommissioned in 96. After several years of decommissioning, no decision has been made on where to go. Now, the Americans are going to sell this aircraft carrier to a big dog.

"The ship you ordered from Dongfang has a displacement of only [-] tons and can only operate [-] to [-] carrier-based aircraft, while our Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier has a displacement of more than [-] tons and can operate [-] to [-] carrier-based aircraft. , its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a medium-sized country, how about it, are you interested?"

Fahd, who was sitting above, was really tempted. However, he was scheming, and he never took the initiative to ask such questions, and asked his own men to negotiate first.

Salman was not tempted. He thought of the early warning aircraft that was being refitted. It was actually equipped with a positioning device and purchased weapons from the United States. Although it had advanced performance, it was controlled by others!I heard that more advanced weapons can also be remotely controlled from the outside. With just a few keystrokes, the weapon may be locked. The weapon purchased by oneself may be controlled by others at any time. This is simply bullying!

"What conditions do you have?" Salman asked, first listening to what the other party had to say.

"The price of the aircraft carrier we sold to you is only one billion US dollars, but it still needs to be improved, so we need to spend another billion. You only need to pay 20 billion to get a modern aircraft carrier!"

modernization?A modern aircraft carrier that has been in service for decades?Isn't this a joke?

Salman continued to slander in his heart, and continued to speak: "The carrier-based aircraft above also need money?"

"It depends on what carrier-based aircraft you choose. If you want to operate your existing Dongfang fighter, it is also possible." Austin said: "Although our American instructors have not flown the Dongfang fighter, we will get familiar with it as soon as possible." This type of aircraft will help you complete the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft and form combat effectiveness."

"American instructor?"

"Yes." Austin said: "You have never operated an aircraft carrier, and you are not familiar with the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft. You need the help of our American instructors, otherwise, within ten years, you will not be able to truly Let the aircraft carrier play its combat role."

"Of course, considering some of your ideas, you may not want us to touch the Eastern fighter. If so, you can choose to purchase our carrier-based aircraft. F-18 is the most suitable choice for you, and this fighter is not It is very expensive, the unit price is only [-] million U.S. dollars, and you can purchase [-]. It is only about [-] billion U.S. dollars."

Fahd's face also darkened. Isn't this too expensive?
(End of this chapter)

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