Great warships

Chapter 798

Chapter 798
This is a day of national celebration!

50 years ago, it was here that the great leader announced that the People's Republic of China was established!The Chinese people have stood up since then!
50 years have passed, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in the motherland. Now, the motherland has become prosperous and the motherland has become extremely powerful!
Although the military parade is over, the mighty and majestic army can stay in the hearts of many people for a long time. The east is like a sleeping lion, and now it has woken up. As long as it roars, it will make the world tremble!


"Come on, cheers, cheers to our great motherland!"

Seeing the wine glass raised by Mr. Lin, everyone followed suit: "Cheers to our great motherland!"

Of course, Elder Lin will also participate in today's occasion, but Elder Lin is qualified to stand in a better place, not with Qin Tao and the others. However, after the ceremony is over, it will be inconvenient for a retired veteran like Elder Lin I drank with those active-duty people. He had already supervised the construction of the H-20. He regarded himself as a research and development personnel, and sat in a banquet hall with a group of people engaged in military industry. Here, Mr. Lin had no Doubtfully became the boss.

Qin Tao also raised his glass and drank it down.

"Mr. Qin, among the equipment exhibited today, your Mingzhou Group has the most equipment. How about it? Tell us about your feelings?"

"Old Lin, why do we have the most equipment?"

"Are you ashamed to admit it? Okay, then I will count for you, starting from the air, J-32, KJ-600..."

"Okay, we have the most, and we stole everyone's limelight. Let me have a drink first, and do it first as a respect!"

Anyway, it's just drinking, everyone is happy, and it's normal to drink a few more glasses.

Just as Qin Tao raised his wine glass, he saw Xu Zhengyang hurrying over and whispered in his ear: "Boss Qin, something happened!"

"What's the situation?" Qin Tao's face changed. At this time, something happened on this occasion. Could it be that someone made trouble?

"In the southern waters, the Navy's latest 039C submarine encountered a seabed cliff!"

For 039C submarine No. 273, this was a dangerous experience. For submariners, they are always accompanied by danger. Therefore, the treatment of submariners in the Navy has always been equal to that of pilots, because they always Every moment is risking your life.

Needless to say, the accidents of submarines during World War II, just say that from World War II to 90, in just 50 years, there were 91 non-combat sinkings of submarines in various countries!One of the biggest accidents was the sinking of the USS Thresher nuclear submarine, killing all personnel on board.

Take domestically as an example, the biggest accident occurred at the end of 59. At the end of the exercise, submarine No. 418 surfaced and collided with a frigate on it. Of the 39 crew members at that time, only one was rescued, and the others were rescued. Everyone sacrificed.

But this time, it was the second major crisis encountered.

In the submarine sinking accident, the main ones are collision, water ingress and unknown cause. This unknown cause can occupy the top three, which can further explain the danger of the submarine: even if you die, you don’t know how you died.

Although the seawater cliff did not enter the top three, but this thing has the most lethality. Once encountered, there is no possibility of rescue at all.

On the vast sea, it looks exactly the same, but in fact, the sea water is also ever-changing, and the most terrifying thing is the sea water cliff formed by the change of sea water density.

The density of seawater is determined by the amount of salt, which is not only determined by the amount of evaporation, it is a matter of metaphysics.

The dead sea has the highest salinity, so people can float on it, even if they can't swim, it's okay. In fresh water, if you don't swim, you will be drowned.

The buoyancy of any ship is equal to the gravity of the displaced water. Surface ships are not afraid of changes in the density of sea water. The big deal is that the draft is different. However, for submarines, the buoyancy is exactly equal to the gravity when navigating underwater. If the buoyancy force suddenly increases, the submarine will float up at most, which is no problem, but if the buoyancy force suddenly decreases, the submarine will sink rapidly, as if falling into a sea cliff, or a cliff.

When it falls quickly, it will soon exceed the design depth. Under the huge water pressure, the submarine may be crushed and the people inside will be sacrificed.

Sea water cliffs, bad luck!
However, Qin Tao was very calm at this time: "Since we know that it is a cliff in the sea, it means that the submarine has come back, right?"

If the submarine didn't come back, it would be impossible to judge whether the cause of the drop was the sea cliff. Qin Tao was confident about the accident.

Xu Zhengyang nodded: "Yes, the accident happened in the middle of the night yesterday, and now the submarine has returned to the base. This submarine was built by us, so the navy wants to invite us to go there."

Qin Tao looked at the crowd with apology: "Everyone, something happened, I need to go, I have another glass of wine, and I apologize to everyone!"

At this time, at the Navy's submarine base, the surviving crew members of submarine No. 273 were describing the accident in detail, outlining the whole picture of what happened at that time.

There is no difference between day and night underwater, after all, there is no sun underwater.

Submarine No. 273 has been sailing underwater since it went out to sea. After all, in the southern waters, outsiders often come to join in the fun. If they find a floating submarine, or the latest 039C, they will definitely swarm over.

They are brand new AIP submarines, which can sail silently underwater for a long time, and can also float up to the snorkel state for ventilation when needed.

Although it was midnight, the captain Wang Hong was still commanding calmly on the conning tower. This was the first time a new route was opened, and he had to command in person.

Time passed by little by little, and they were very excited when they thought that tomorrow would be the birthday of the motherland.

Cheng Yun, deputy squad leader of Ruoxin, observed the various instruments in front of him calmly. These instruments indicated the basic status of the submarine. Intuitive, get used to it.

Suddenly, the pointer of the depth gauge shook!
Cheng Yun frowned, something happened!

Sure enough, in the next second, the pointer turned sharply, and the depth dropped by ten meters in an instant!

"Report, it's a deep fall!" Cheng Yun immediately shouted loudly, and at the same time, a red warning pattern appeared on the LCD monitor, falling deep, falling deep!Notice!Danger!
Following his report, the atmosphere in the entire command module became tense instantly.

"Forward two! Operate the steering gear to go up!"

Submarines go up and down in the water, just like airplanes flying in the sky, relying on rudder surfaces. The cross rudder only needs to operate the horizontal rudder surface. The 039C uses a tall X-shaped rudder, which requires four rudder surfaces to coordinate movement.At the same time, with the addition of the horizontal rudders on the conning tower, one is lifted at the front and the other is pried at the back, so that the submarine can lift its head up and climb up like an airplane.

Of course, this has something to do with speed, the faster the speed, the better the climb, so he first gave the order to advance two.

However, the floor underfoot did not tilt, and the submarine did not change its sailing attitude!
"The depth has dropped by 30 meters!" Cheng Yun continued to call loudly.

"Empty the upper ballast tank!" Wang Hong continued to give orders.

Only when surfacing does the water tank need to be emptied. This is the main way a submarine ascends and descends, just like a swim bladder.

If you want to float up urgently, you should empty the first ballast water tank, so that the bow of the boat will rise directly, but Cheng Yun dare not do that, for fear of a bigger change in the attitude of the submarine.

Once the submarine capsizes, it is completely hopeless.

But still no use!

"The drop was 100 meters deep, which has exceeded the design diving depth!" Cheng Yun continued to report.

Their advanced diesel-electric submarine uses special high-strength steel specially produced by Mingzhou Group, which can allow conventional submarines to reach the diving depth of nuclear submarines, which is much deeper than the previous 033, but there is a limit to that. The, and now, have exceeded the design dive depth!
Under the huge water pressure, the hull of the submarine made a muffled sound, giving people a feeling of terror.

"We encountered a sea cliff, don't be afraid!" Wang Hong shouted.

He knew very well that in the history of submarines in the world, all submarines that encountered seawater cliffs were killed, and no submarine could come back alive.

However, even if the success rate is zero percent, they still have to try and must not give up, not to mention, they have confidence in the submarine in their hands!

"The pipeline in the main engine compartment is damaged and water has entered!" At this moment, the engineer's report came.

"Immediately damage control!" Wang Hong shouted loudly.

"I can't hear the order, we are doing damage control now!" The sound from the engine room continued, and there was the sound of rushing water.

This is not only the impact of the water flow, but also the high pressure in the engine room due to the water ingress, which stimulates everyone's eardrums. They can no longer hear the orders from the control tower clearly, but they know in their hearts that if they don't Do anything, and they will die without a burial.

In the face of a crisis, everyone was doing their own thing quickly, and the engineers couldn't see the damaged parts at all. The water jet was so violent that they could only turn their heads aside and let the high-pressure water flush their The back of the head, then, fumbled with the hands to work.

At this time, strict training has played a role, even if they don't see with their eyes, they can still do what they should do.

They must complete the damage control, otherwise the submarine will sink completely if the water continues to flood, and it will never be able to return to heaven.

"The critical depth has been exceeded!"

"Emergency blow off, empty all ballast tanks of seawater!"

This is the last step, whether it will be successful or not depends on this trembling!

Emergency blow-off is to empty all the ballast water tanks at the fastest speed. At this time, the submarine theoretically has the greatest buoyancy. As for whether this buoyancy is enough, I don't know.

The submarine continued to fall, and under the huge water pressure, the submarine's hull made a creaking sound, as if it would be crushed by the water pressure at any time!

"Report, all emergency gas supply valves are open!"

"Attention, all kinds of combat electrical equipment are turned off!"

"Attention, the cabin is sealed!"

Orders were issued one by one, and messages returned one by one. In a short period of time, Wang Hong issued countless orders.

Cheng Yun clenched his fists and watched as the pointer of the water depth gauge continued to rotate. It had already exceeded the limit diving depth by 50 meters. Could their submarine withstand it?

At this moment, the pointer stopped turning.

The fall has stopped!

Before Cheng Yun reported it, he saw the pointer start to turn backwards!

"Stop falling deep and start rising!"

"Don't stop, continue to float, pay attention to control the floating posture!"

The maximum depth exceeds the limit diving depth of 50 meters, who knows whether the hull can withstand it?Don't have any hesitation anymore, let's go up first!
Once it starts to float up, the speed starts to get faster and faster, and the submarine starts to shake. This is a very reckless behavior, but it doesn't matter so much now.

Everyone is busy busy, the damage control of the engine room is completed, the helmsman is steadily operating the steering gear, and the others are ready for further damage control.

500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters…

"Attention, the water is about to come out!"

Like a dragon, the huge 039C submarine came out of the water. The boat popped out first, followed by the conning tower. The submarine hit the sea heavily and swayed back and forth with a range of more than 20 degrees. .

At this moment, everyone let out a long breath.

However, Wang Hong did not relax yet.

"Immediately call the Shuangsha Island base and request to take off two fighter planes to protect our sky!"

This is the advantage of being close. If you ask Qiongzhou to dispatch a plane, it may take an hour or two to arrive, but Shuangsha Island is different. After emergency takeoff, you can arrive in 15 minutes, which is enough to compare with some countries. Anti-submarine helicopters and anti-submarine patrol aircraft fly faster.

Submarines are underwater killers, but if they come out of the sea, they may be chased and intercepted!
When Qin Tao came to the submarine base, it was already early in the morning of the next day. After reading these reports, Qin Tao was also very emotional.

"It's really dangerous this time. Thanks to our experienced and well-trained submarine soldiers, the commander is calm and handles it properly. On behalf of the Mingzhou Group, I thank our submarine soldiers!"

During the critical first 3 minutes of this major crisis, the captain issued dozens of orders, and the crew made more than 500 actions. , the broken water pipe in front of me was a variety of unknown situations, and everyone showed high quality: all the orders were correct, and there was no mistake in more than 500 actions!
If the submarine sank, it would take a long time to find the cause. The unknown cause of the three major accidents of the submarine may be a cliff in the sea, but if it cannot be determined, it is likely to be associated with a quality problem of the submarine. Big hit!

Now that the submarine has returned, Qin Tao is very emotional.

"Mr. Qin, it's not just that our submarine crew handled it properly, but more importantly, the quality of the submarine produced by Mingzhou Group is excellent. This submarine fell to a depth of 550 meters at the most dangerous time. At this depth, the submarine's There is still no accident in the pressure hull, on behalf of our submarine detachment and all the submariners, thank you Mingzhou Group!" Liu Tao, the captain of the submarine detachment in charge of receiving him, said to him.

"This is what we should do. Our Mingzhou Group is to produce the most advanced weapons for the navy!"

"Now, I have a new idea," Qin Tao said.

new idea?

After hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone became excited: "President Qin, please speak!"

After Qin Tao finished speaking, the expressions on everyone's faces were very strange. They all said Mr. Qin was bold, but they didn't expect that Mr. Qin would be so bold!However, this plan is too tempting!

"President Qin, we need to report to our superiors."

"Okay, you guys report first, I'll go to Shuangsha Island to have a look."

In fact, Qin Tao and the others have only left the southern waters not long ago. This time, Qin Tao has to go back again. Of course, there is a purpose. Xu Zhengyang and He Qian's bridal chamber flowers and candles left the next day. This is not fair to the bride. If you have a chance, go and have a look.Just let the two get together again, a little farewell is better than a newly married, and a little farewell after a newly married is even better than a newly married.

another place.

"Damn it, I didn't seize such a good opportunity." Swift looked at the latest report, and was a little annoyed: "The 039C submarine of the Orientals actually surfaced and dived, and at this time, you didn't follow up! "

"Their plane arrived too fast, and we couldn't get close at all. However, this accident shows that there is something wrong with Dongfang's 039C."

"Really? What's the problem? Isn't the submarine they built for the Pyramid country top-notch?"

"Analyzed by the technicians, the AIP system used by the Pyramid country's submarines was produced with technology imported from abroad. This system is very mature, but its power is limited, and it can only allow submarines to sail at low speed underwater. The Eastern Navy is not satisfied with this performance. Therefore, the 039C they use for themselves uses a high-power Stirling engine, which is faster underwater. However, this engine is newly developed after all, and the technology is not very mature. They floated to the surface, probably because This system is broken."

Dongfang's submarine is still very good, that is, the immature defect of the AIP system. After hearing this analysis, Swift nodded: "That's right, it should be like this, what a pity!"

"Report, another 039C submarine of the same model was found floating on the surface."

"Okay, it seems that they found a problem with the submarine's engine, so they dare not continue to sail underwater, and can only sail on water!" Swift cheered up: "Quick, send an anti-submarine plane over there immediately!"

"Report, there are fighter planes taking off from Shuangsha Island above them for protection, and we cannot send anti-submarine planes close."

"Damn it, it's that Shuangsha Island again. I knew that no matter what method I used, I would have prevented them from reclamation!" Swift said angrily, "Don't we have any other options?"

"Since it doesn't work on the water, let's go underwater." A staff officer said: "There is a Los Angeles-class submarine nearby, and it can perform tracking tasks at any time."

Swift just wanted to nod, but then thought of something and shook his head: "No, the terrain in that sea area is complicated, and our nuclear submarines are not convenient to move around. Are there any conventional submarines nearby?"

The assistants were very puzzled. It is true that nuclear submarines are inconvenient to move about, but they also often move there and are familiar with them. Why don't they dare to go now?

Is there any concern?
However, this question cannot be asked out, it would be too embarrassing, they thought about it, and then said: "There is a Collins-class submarine, the Farncombe, nearby."

"Okay, then contact them, let them supervise underwater, tell them, this is very important."

The deputy understood, even though Swift complained all day, but in fact, he is definitely not a reckless person, he is very careful, and at critical times, he must let others go up.

In the words of the East, it means that a dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor Taoist, but now he is taking it for granted, and he doesn't look like a conspirator at all.

Americans do not have conventional diesel-electric submarines. When they mastered nuclear submarine technology, they eliminated all conventional submarines and entered the field of all-nuclear submarines. The underwater persistence brought by nuclear submarines is incomparable to conventional submarines, but , which also led to them having no conventional submarines to sell.

Therefore, when a certain country wanted to update its backward diesel-electric submarine, it found that there was no suitable seller, so it could only go to Europe for help. After some bidding, the Swedish Kaukum Shipbuilding Company designed and participated in the construction of this submarine. The first boat was built at the shipyard of Kaukum Shipbuilding Company in 1989. It was launched on August 93, 8 and entered service on July 28, 96. The second ship, Farncombe, was commissioned in 7.

This is a brand new diesel-electric submarine. At the same time, its displacement has reached more than 3000 tons. It is a large ocean-going submarine.

Although many problems have been exposed after the submarine is put into service, users are still very satisfied with this submarine. After all, it is much larger than their previous submarines, and it performs tasks more easily.

This time, after receiving the mission, they rushed to the relevant sea area without hesitation.

"Attention, turn on our sonar, let us listen to the wonderful sound of 039C!" Captain Peter issued an order.

(End of this chapter)

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