Great warships

Chapter 80 Brother Tao Takes You to Pretend* Takes You to Fly

Chapter 80 Brother Tao Takes You to Pretend to Take You Fly
A straight nine carrier-based aircraft took off from the land base.

The four-blade propeller on the top, the body is round, just like a dolphin.

The propeller at the tail is surrounded by a shell. This unique structure is called ducted tail rotor. Compared with the exposed propeller, it is not easy to stir things up. It is considered a relatively advanced design.

Qin Tao, Professor Ding and others stood together at the command position of the hangar, where Zhi Jiu could be seen slowly approaching.

Helicopters can take off and land vertically, which seems to be very flexible. In fact, it is not easy for a helicopter to land. The whole process can be divided into three stages: return approach, hovering follow-up, and rapid landing. Twelve seconds of terror", 12% of accidents occur at this stage.

"Pay attention to the angle of descent."

"Hold on, keep flying."

The homing guidance system was working normally, and everyone was very excited. As the helicopter approached, the noise they heard in the system had completely disappeared.


The pilot continued to fly towards the tail of the warship. Following the guidance of the homing guidance system, the pilot slowly approached the rear flight deck of the warship. His eyes were on the shining lights at the tail of the hangar.

This is similar to the landing of an aircraft carrier-based aircraft. The glide indicator emits three sets of parallel beams of red, yellow, and green to guide the helicopter to glide with the correct heading and angle.Fly along the center of the green light and land with the correct glide angle.The roll indicator has a roll indicator light and a fixed light, which is convenient for the pilot to intuitively understand the ship's roll direction, angle and other information.

At this time, Zhi Jiu kept landing on the flight deck, extremely stable.The homing guidance system has been working normally. Everyone looked at the helicopter, only to see a steel harpoon protruding from under it, quickly and accurately inserted into the grille on the deck. The helicopter and the warship have become a whole.

"Success!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

"Thank you Qin Gong, you helped us solve a big problem!" Professor Ding was extremely happy: "Your technology is amazing!"

With that said, Professor Ding gave a thumbs up.

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, I'm lucky. I reached in and touched it a few times, looked at it a few times, and the fault was eliminated. Xiaoqiang, what do you think?"

Xu Qiang didn't say anything, just blushed.

"Qin Gong, in order to thank you for helping us repair the equipment imported from France, I invite you to experience flying on our helicopter." Wang Qing said.

They are just testing now. After the helicopter landed, it did not enter the hangar and needed to fly to the base on land.

In Wang Qing's eyes, Qin Tao must have never been on a plane before, so let him go up and experience it.

Qin Tao glanced at Zhao Ling: "Xiao Ling, do you want to go up with me to experience flying? Brother Tao will take you to pretend...and take you to fly." Qin Tao swallowed the indecent words back into his mouth.

"Okay." Zhao Ling said generously.

Although she grew up in a gray building, Zhao Ling only occasionally rides in a jeep, and rarely has the opportunity to fly. The last time I went to Lao Maozi, I had the opportunity. This time, Qin Tao invited her to board the plane together. Well, this opportunity, she still has to seize it.

Xu Qiang's gaze was complicated. He watched Zhao Ling step onto the helicopter, and Qin Tao followed suit. The two sat in a row.

Qin Tao grabbed the earphones and put them on Zhao Ling's head, then took off another one and put them on his own head.

This helicopter is not comfortable to ride. There are two turboshaft engines above the head. If you don't put on the earphones, the whistling of the engines is like blowing a whistle next to your ears.

With the sound of humming, Zhijiu lightly left the flight deck, and the ground was falling. Qin Tao looked at the surrounding sea and said with emotion: "Our motherland, in addition to the land of 960 million square kilometers, has 470 million square kilometers. Ten thousand square kilometers of sea area, we need to build a strong navy in order to protect our own sea area.”

Hearing Qin Tao's words, the pilot in front turned his head and gave him a thumbs up.

One lap, two laps, three laps, the helicopter pilot circled the sea enough before driving the plane back to the land airport.

When he got off the plane, Qin Tao looked at Zhao Ling beside him, and said with a smile, "Xiao Ling, how do you feel?"

"Taking a helicopter is completely different from taking a jet." Zhao Ling said, "Brother Tao, thank you for giving me another experience."

"Thank you, I was lying anyway." Qin Tao was very generous: "The things here are finally coming to an end, I have to go back."

"Brother Tao..."

"what's up?"

"That's nothing." Zhao Ling's face was flushed, how could she speak about this matter?
The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the family has been urging her to bring Qin Tao back after the Chinese New Year. Obviously, her parents already think that Qin Tao is a good young man, but the two of them have not established a relationship yet!

She didn't even know what Qin Tao was thinking.

"Xiaoling, just tell me what's going on. In your eyes, it might be a big deal. But, brother Tao, you just need to take a look and touch it, and maybe you can solve it. Don't be coy, you If we don't say it, then we won't be good friends." Qin Tao is very generous.

"That, that..." Zhao Ling gritted her teeth: "My mother has urged me several times, asking me to go home during the Chinese New Year and bring you there."

Qin Tao was taken aback for a moment, how could he forget this?
When Wu Shengli went to Mingzhou Shipyard, it was because of official business, but I'm afraid he also wanted to investigate his own ideas. At that time, Qin Tao was fooled. After all, the whole process was a misunderstanding. What about now?Now you have to make a special trip to her house?
This is not very good, right?
I am still busy, there are a lot of things in the shipyard, the catamaran is at a critical time, how can I...

However, seeing Zhao Ling lowering her head and pinching the corner of her clothes waiting for Qin Tao's answer, for some reason, Qin Tao felt strange in his heart: "You used to be my secretary, I was drunk, I also took care of me, so I have to carry forward my style, just pretend to be your boyfriend once and accompany you home. Are you being rushed by the family? "

Marriage urging, Qin Tao understands this, watching the children grow up at home, very worried, study hard, don't think about other things, don't fall in love during school!After graduation, seeing that the child is getting older, the wind has changed.

The grandson of your aunt Wang next door is going to make soy sauce, so hurry up and order it!
It's as easy as finding someone to marry.

"Well, well, that's it." Zhao Ling nodded repeatedly.

"When are you leaving then?"


"Take the train?"

"Well, by plane..."

(End of this chapter)

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