Great warships

Chapter 801 Captain's Complaint

Chapter 801 Captain's Complaint

"Excuse me, what happened to you below? How did you come to this sea area?"

"Below? We encountered a cliff in the sea, and the bearing of our submarine's propeller leaked. Damn the Swedes, we thought their submarine technology was so good. Unexpectedly, the submarine they built was full of problems! This time Almost sent us to hell, thank you, you are sent by God to save us."

"No, we are sent by Mingzhou Group. You haven't answered my question yet, why did you come to this sea area?"

The front and back of the Jiaolong are separated. The people in the front are operating the Jiaolong, and the people behind are asking questions. If the questions do not get the desired results, they will not be stingy in sailing in the sea for a while, anyway, some of them have been rescued. Here they come, their purpose has been achieved.

Peter was silent.

"According to the client, after receiving your distress signal, they went to the Americans immediately, but the Americans refused them with various excuses, but refused to coordinate rescue forces to come."

Hearing this sentence, Peter finally couldn't help it: "Damn Americans! They ordered us to come here to follow a 039C submarine. At that time, I didn't think much about it. I thought it was an opportunity for our submarine to show its capabilities. , Thinking about it now, the Americans are cheating us, they not only cheated us, but also pretended not to know anything afterwards, when did he care about the lives of our sailors? They are too hateful!"

Peter's anger finally broke out. At first he didn't think there was any problem, but after struggling for so long on the edge of life and death underwater, Peter was already on the verge of collapse. Now that he was rescued, under this huge contrast, he just He felt that the people around him who saved him were the best, and the others were all bad people!

Once Peter started the bashing mode, he didn't stop, swearing at the Americans for being full of bad water. He didn't know that in this cabin, there was a camera lens facing him, recording everything about him.

The Jiaolong didn't delay. After being hoisted onto the deck of the mother ship by the crane, the east was already bright. Peter got off the lifeboat, took a breath of the moist air on the sea, and let out a long breath.

Great, it's finally out!It feels so good to be alive!
"Everyone, you go to rest and eat something, we are going down for the second time to rescue more people."

Peter stopped in his tracks.

He really wanted to say, I'll go down with you and rescue my children, but, thinking about just escaping from death, he swallowed this thought back into his stomach.

After the catastrophe, they felt hungry at this time, and they flocked to the canteen on the mother ship together under the greeting of the staff on the mother ship.

There were other people eating in the cafeteria. When they saw them coming, one of them greeted them very enthusiastically: "Friends, how are you!"

"Zhang Zhong?" Peter recognized the other party. This person hosts the show. He is very novel and often reveals some secrets. Therefore, Peter often watches Zhang Zhong talk, but he often scolds while watching.

Now, I actually saw the real person!

Zhang Zhong nodded: "It's me, I didn't expect you to be my fan, how about we chat?"

Zhang Zhong went to Qiongzhou by plane, transferred to Shuangsha Island, and boarded the ship by helicopter. Fortunately, after he made a request, everything was arranged by President Qin, otherwise he really couldn't show up here in time .

He raised his head and glanced at a camera hidden behind the wall clock. The angle of view was good, and this time Zhang Zhong said that the show would be even more unique.

"Okay." Peter nodded.

"How about we chat about the Swedish submarines?"

"Yes, the quality of the submarine they built is too poor. It was originally designed to dive to a depth of 300 meters, but the propeller bearing will leak at a depth of 200 meters. This problem was supposed to be fixed. Who would have thought that there would be another problem this time. If it wasn't for the leak, we could have saved ourselves."

"These are minor problems." Zhang Zhong said: "Their submarines have major problems in the overall design. Have you noticed?"

"What's wrong with the design?" Now Peter was a little curious. They thought it was a processing problem, because the processing accuracy was not enough, which led to various accidents. As for the design, they really didn't notice it.

"What is the surface displacement and underwater displacement of your Collins-class submarine?" Zhang Zhong said.

Peter immediately became vigilant. On the lifeboat, he had already shared some data. At that time, he was excited because he had just been rescued, but now, he has recovered. He knows his identity, and he must not disclose those confidential things.

"Then let's talk about the Kilo class first. Take the most common type 877 as an example. The surface displacement is 2325 tons, and the underwater displacement is 3075 tons. The difference between the two is 750 tons. We can understand the 750 tons." In order to reserve buoyancy, when the submarine floats from the water to the water, 750 tons of seawater is emptied, which can be fully converted into buoyancy, and your Collins class is definitely not so big."

"That's right, in order to increase the internal space and reduce the cost, we use a small reserve buoyancy solution, and the two data are not much different."

"According to the published data, the water displacement is 3051 tons, and the underwater displacement is 3353 tons. The difference between the two is only [-] tons. Surprised, just dumbfounded."

The Collins class is indeed a strange thing. For ordinary submarines, the surface and underwater displacements will be much different. A [-]-ton submarine can have a difference of seven to eight hundred tons or even thousands of tons, and the difference of seven to eight thousand tons will be even more.

For example, the 039 submarine has a surface displacement of more than 600 tons and an underwater displacement of more than 600 tons. This data difference is larger than that of the Kilo class.

The Collins class is actually only [-] tons short, which is problematic in itself.

Peter was a little helpless. He thought the data was very confidential. In fact, the displacement data was not confidential at all. It was included in any introduction materials. Sweden used this as the main selling point at the beginning.

The reserve buoyancy is small, indicating that our space utilization rate is high.

"The design of this submarine is not only a defect of low reserve buoyancy, it also adopts a large compartment plan." Zhang Zhong continued: "If it is a small compartment plan, then when one of the compartments is flooded, It is completely possible to completely seal this cabin, even if it is completely flooded, the other cabins can continue to be intact, and there is still enough buoyancy.”

"That's right, that's it!" Peter finally reacted.

Their submarines not only have small buoyancy reserves, but also have large compartments!In this way, once an accident occurs and a certain compartment needs to be closed, it is meaningless to close it, because after that compartment is flooded, the buoyancy of the entire submarine will not be enough, and they will not be able to float up.

What did those purchasers think at the beginning!

"Damn it, this purchase must be a kickback, otherwise why would you choose such an unreliable plan." Peter said angrily: "There are many similar design flaws, for example, it only has pressure on the bow and stern. Water tank, in this accident, there was another accident. The ballast water tank at the bow of the boat could not be emptied of seawater. Therefore, the tail of the submarine was upturned and the front part was sinking. If it is like a conventional submarine, a ballast water tank is added in the middle of the submarine , the posture of the submarine will definitely not be like this! Your lifeboat can actually complete the docking in that posture, it is really amazing! Dongfang's technology is first-rate!"

When he said this, Peter suddenly thought of something again, and his face changed drastically: "No, those people who are staying under the water now may be in danger!"

"What's the danger? You've already come up partly, and the submarine is lighter, so there shouldn't be any problems." Zhang Zhong asked.

"Now, the posture of the submarine is still tilted, and everyone is gathered in the front cabin, which will make the bow of the boat heavier. If it is not done well, the submarine will directly stab!"

During the rescue just now, everyone was thinking of escaping, so they didn't care about other things. Until now, they have survived the disaster, and then they thought of some other things.

In submarine movies, it can be seen that when an emergency dive is needed, the submariners who have nothing to do will run to the front cabin, which can make the bow of the boat drop faster and facilitate the dive. This operation is not only in the movie , also has practical significance.

Now, with so many people crowded in the front cabin, it will definitely cause the front cabin to be too heavy!Once there is a problem with the posture of the submarine, such as erecting it up, or urgently needing to plunge down, then the gods will be hard to save!

When thinking of this, Peter was no longer in the mood to eat. He remembered again that he was the captain of this submarine, and he had to take care of every crew member.

My child hasn't come up yet, how can I eat here with peace of mind?
"Where's your lifeboat control room? I'm going to see it!"

Peter left the cafeteria, and everyone else stopped eating and followed.

Soon, all the people crowded into the small lifeboat control room. Looking at the screen, they saw that it was too crowded, and the technicians projected the screen outside, so it was not crowded.

The scene shown above is the picture taken by the bow camera of the deep-diving lifeboat. The bottom of the sea is dark. It turned on the light, and according to the sea below, the light beam shone on some deep-sea fish, which looked a little weird.

"The depth has reached 250 meters, and no submarine was found at the original location of the submarine. We are continuing to search."

"The submarine may be floating with the ocean current. If you look for it along the ocean current, you will definitely find it." Peter murmured. Now, he doesn't want to hear bad news.

"Please rest assured, we will not give up rescue."

"Please cooperate with the search with the mother ship's sonar."

"There is no target found at the same depth, please continue to descend the depth to search."

Peter's expression turned ugly. If the submarine was not at the same depth, then the submarine would definitely continue. Once it went down, it would no longer be able to stop, and would descend all the way to the bottom of the sea!

Can one's own submarine withstand such a large pressure?

Certainly not, looking at the construction quality of this submarine, at a depth of 300 meters, I am afraid it is on the verge of disintegration!
"There is no target found at a depth of 300 meters. Please search the seabed with the mother ship." Finally, Jiaolong sent such a report that everyone could not accept.

"No, no, they can't be at the bottom of the sea, they must still be somewhere, please, find them!"

"We've done our best."

The sonar searched again, this time aiming at the bottom of the sea. Two hours later, they finally found something, and another hour later, the Jiaolong started to move over.

Underwater, at a depth of more than 3000 meters, a big guy with a height of tens of meters poked into the mud on the bottom of the sea. This posture was almost ninety degrees!
The Jiaolong approached slowly, and the image in the camera became clearer and clearer. When he saw the whole picture of the hull, Peter still had a kind of expectation, hoping that the submarine was still intact, and that the people inside were still alive.

But how can a submarine survive at ten times its design depth?No Eastern sub can do it, let alone a Swedish one.

"God, the center of the hull..."

The center is a single-hull structure. It can be seen that a huge gap has been cracked on the top, and the seawater must have filled it. It is precisely because of this that the submarine was not crushed into pieces by the huge seawater pressure, and the seawater entered the interior. In this way, the internal and external pressure is balanced, just like a deep-sea fish, the flesh and blood can remain intact inside.

Everyone's faces were pale, they knew that everyone inside was finished!
Shuangsha Island.

"A total of 14 people were rescued from your side. According to our previous agreement, each person is 200 million, and we charge 800 million. We will refund the other rescue fees." Qin Tao looked at Kewell in front of him, feeling a little helpless Said: "It's such a pity, even if we save it again, we can double it. I'm afraid we will lose money this time."

The rescue fee will be settled according to the number of people. This way, we will definitely work hard to rescue. The more people are rescued, the more money they will earn.

"I just don't know if your son was rescued, after all, it was too chaotic at that time." Qin Tao said: "Now, our deal is over, we..."

"President Qin, the transaction is not over yet." Kewell said with difficulty: "Next, we need to salvage that submarine."

"Salvage? It's not easy. This is in the sea at a depth of more than 3000 meters, and the cost of salvage will exceed [-] million. For you, it is really not worthwhile." Qin Tao shook his head repeatedly: "Forget it, forget it. You guys If you want to pay homage, you can send someone to sprinkle a wreath on the sea or something, and I will say hello to you and our navy, so that your memorial activities can go smoothly."

This is not just a seawater cliff, but the quality of the submarine is important!Would their existing Collins class subs be usable without investigating the sub's flaws?Moreover, they still have four follow-up ships under construction, and they can only go to the Swedes for compensation if they have obtained definite evidence!
If the subsequent four submarines are no longer needed, it will definitely be a matter of wrangling. The key is to find evidence to prove that these submarines have serious defects. Therefore, salvage must be carried out.

Moreover, the remains can only be buried after they are salvaged. Now, the families of the submarine soldiers have arrived in their capital and are crying.

People need to be seen in life, and corpses must be seen in death. This is the case for people in any country.

If you want to salvage, you can only ask Mingzhou Group for help, because their salvage ability is the highest!You know, when Lao Maozi's nuclear submarine accident happened, it was the Mingzhou Group that salvaged it.

Originally thought that with the previous rescue operation, the current salvage should be able to give a friendly price, but Qin Tao actually said that the salvage cost would exceed [-] million!
This is too dark, right?

"Boss Qin, can the salvage cost be made cheaper?" Kewell asked.

"Salvage a submarine with a displacement of more than 3000 tons at a depth of 3000 meters is not ordinary." Qin Tao said, "Do you know how many times our underwater robots have to dive? Do you know how many dangers we have to do?" In particular, there are seawater cliffs there! The [-] million salvage cost is only an estimate, and we may need additional funds in the future. So, I advise you, just forget it."

Kewell's complexion changed, cloudy or cloudy.

"Fortunately, this is a conventional submarine, not a nuclear submarine. If it is a nuclear submarine, the cost of salvage will be high." Qin Tao said.

Hearing Qin Tao talk about the nuclear submarine, Kewell immediately thought of something: "Mr. Qin, we must salvage this submarine. As for the salvage cost, we will raise it."

During the whole process, the Americans have been as spectators, how can this work?They must be paid!

Here comes Swift's trouble.

Ever since the accident on the Farncombe, he had had an ominous premonition, and now, this premonition had finally become a reality.

"Mr. Swift, please watch the latest episode of Zhang Zhongshuo immediately."

"Zhang Zhong said? Is this guy talking nonsense again?" Swift complained while watching the assistant turn on the TV.

"This time the Collins-class submarine HMS Farncombe was killed, we acted immediately to help rescue, which fully embodies our spirit of internationalism. We are a responsible big country. At the same time, we also warn some people that they have done many injustices." You must kill yourself! Well, now let’s look at the accounts of the rescued crew members on the submarine, and first look at Captain Peter’s analysis.”

"Swedish made submarines, the quality is terrible..."

"It seems that this matter has nothing to do with us. It is caused by the poor quality of the submarines they have." Swift said: "They have been trying to obtain advanced diesel-electric submarines, but it is a pity that they did not choose German submarines. Come on, the blame is on the Swedes."

"No, these are not important, let's look at the back."

These images are all stored in the video tape, the assistant pressed the fast forward button, and replayed after a while.

After a few more meaningless shots, the conversation came again.

"How did your submarine come to this sea?"

"Damn Americans! They ordered us to come here to track a 039C submarine. At that time, I didn't think much about it. I thought it was an opportunity for our submarine to show its capabilities. Now that I think about it, the Americans are cheating us. They not only cheated us, but also wanted to pretend that they didn’t know anything afterwards, when did he care about the lives of our sailors? They are too hateful!”

The background was blurred, making it impossible to know whether it was in the studio, the cafeteria or on the deep-diving lifeboat. In short, these words will definitely cause a global sensation.

When he saw this sentence, Swift's face changed drastically, he already had a premonition of something.

This kind of thing can only be said in private, and it must not be made public. Now, that stupid captain actually said it?

Does he know what consequences this will lead to?

"Mr. Swift, Cowell please see me."

"What is he doing here?"

"I'm here to negotiate with you on the salvage of the submarine." Cowell shouted loudly outside: "Mr. Swift, you are mainly responsible for this matter, so you need to pay us [-] million US dollars rescue costs!"

"Is this the reason why you can talk nonsense to the Orientals?" Swift was annoyed: "You make this kind of thing public directly, trying to force us to give you money? You are really hateful!"

Kewell was dumbfounded: "What, make it public? We didn't!"

"Then take a look, this captain is the captain of your submarine, right?"

Kewell walked in, looked at the replayed video after rewinding it, and his expression changed drastically: "This Peter, you are so stupid, how can you say such things to an Easterner?"

"Now, what do you want us to do? You still ask us for salvage fees?" Swift said, "We haven't asked you for reputation damage fees yet!"

Zhang Zhong said that the program is popular all over the world, and explosive news often appears, and after the broadcast of Zhang Zhong's Farncombe program, it has shocked countless people's eyes.

They knew there was an inside story, otherwise the Collins-class submarine would not have been able to go to that position, but they would never have imagined that the Orientals could fool the captain of the submarine into saying such a thing.

The lethality of these words is too great, it is tantamount to a bomb!
Relying on his dominant position, the Yankee let his younger brother die, and after the younger brother died, he didn't go to rescue him, which is too chilling!
Peter's superior responded very quickly. Just two hours after Zhang Zhong said that the program was released, he publicly announced: This nonsense person is not our captain!He has nothing to do with the Farncombe, he's a madman!

This eager way of expressing their attitude made people even more suspicious!

On Shuangsha Island, after Qin Tao got the news, he showed contempt on his face: "If they treat their subordinates like this, they will definitely chill their hearts. If the subordinates' hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead them in the future."

"President Qin, those people are still on our mother ship." Xu Zhengyang said.

This is the biggest failure of the other party. Before announcing the news, they actually forgot where the rescued crew members were. After all, they have to hurry to appease their master. As for the subordinates, they can't take care of them for the time being .

Moreover, the Mingzhou Group also declined several times to delay the time and prevent those rescued personnel from returning at the first time, and it was finally delayed until this time.

"Tell them the news and see how they react."

(End of this chapter)

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