Great warships

Chapter 827 Visiting Europe

Chapter 827 Visiting Europe
The old man's attitude became serious.

The security company is just a name on the surface, but it is actually a mercenary organization.

In Rainbow Country, there used to be a famous mercenary organization, which was EO.The full name of this company is Executive Outcomes, which means "executive results".

This company was born in 89. It was a special era at that time. Because the rainbow country ended a policy, a large number of soldiers were unemployed. up.

Therefore, neither soldiers nor military giants like peace.

At this time, a person named Ibin Barrow stepped forward. Since everyone is unemployed, he will take the lead and give everyone a job to make ends meet!
The EO company came out like this, and people who were hostile before stood together and fought hand in hand, only for money.

At its peak, the entire company had thousands of people, not only tanks, but also big guys like Su-25 attack aircraft and Hind helicopters. They were well-trained and even trained some Wehrmacht soldiers.

However, this EO company only operated until the end of 98.The public statement is that Rainbow Nation signed into the anti-mercenary international law in 98, so EO company had to go bankrupt.

However, after the collapse of this company, the executives of EO continued to form many similar companies, such as Alpha 5, Stabilco, Omega Support Ltd., Panasec Corporate Dynamics, Bridge Resources, COIN Security, Corporate Tracking International, Safenet, Southern Cross Security…

These companies are scattered all over Africa, and some of them continue to stay in the Rainbow Country, which fully shows that it is definitely not the mercenaries that the Rainbow Country dislikes, but the EO organization. The reason is also very simple. In the organization under EO, ​​many people They are all against the old man, how can the old man tolerate their existence.

Now, Qin Tao is also going to set up this company, and the old man is very serious.

"Mines are generally located in mountainous areas, where it is very chaotic. If there is no sufficient security force, we dare not invest here." Qin Tao said: "We can't rely on others, we can only rely on ourselves. Therefore, we need a dedicated Security company, so that I will be safer when I come to Rainbow Country, as you can see, I am cautious when I come to Rainbow Country this time, and I have been surrounded by many security guards, because there are always some people trying to harm me."

The old man nodded: "Qin, I understand your concerns. How big is this security company going to be?"

"We are only protecting the safety of the mining area and transporting materials, so the scale will not be particularly large. The number of people is tentatively set at [-]. But they must have the most advanced weapons at hand. We rely on high technology, and we will also hire A certain number of your personnel can be regarded as adding some employment opportunities to you." Qin Tao said: "As for the name, let's call this security company Glory Years Security Company, how about it?"

Qin Tao likes to play the glory days card, and this card is the best for the old man.

The old man was still a little hesitant at first, but when he heard what Qin Tao said, the old man nodded immediately: "Okay, then it is called Glory Years Security Company, Mr. Qin, the mission of this company is to protect the safety of mining areas and transportation materials, I hope they will not Embroiled in other disputes."

"Of course not." Qin Tao said: "We are a security company, not a mercenary company. Our company will not get involved in any country's war."

After talking with the old man, even if Qin Tao's trip to the Rainbow Country has come to a successful conclusion, there are still a large number of people protecting him along the way. Qin Tao returned to the shipyard unscathed, and then boarded the ship from here to return to the Somali waters.

"Boss Qin, are you going to establish a mercenary company?" Xu Zhengyang said enthusiastically, "The whole of Africa is in chaos. Our mercenary company can completely spread its business to the whole of Africa."

"Zhengyang, don't talk nonsense. The security company we established was established to protect our mining work in the Rainbow Country." Qin Tao said: "We are just, and those who work hard for money Bing company is different!"

"Mr. Qin, how is the company's treatment? I have some old comrades who have retired from the military. Can I invite them over?" Xu Zhengyang asked.

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "Your comrades come here, with an annual salary of 50, and a certain bonus, and the company also provides high insurance..."

In the past, Qin Tao didn't think about these things. After all, behind him is the great motherland. With the support of the motherland, what is he afraid of.

However, this time he came to Rainbow Country, he had to be escorted by the Marine Corps, which made him realize the necessity of forming a security company. He could enjoy this kind of treatment, but what about the other people in his company?

Ordinary people certainly do not have such qualifications.

Africa is full of wealth and danger. It is unreliable to count on the host country's army. Who knows whether these people will be bought by their opponents with money?You still have to build your own strength.

In the past, he just opened a shipyard in a coastal city, under the name of the glory days, no one dared to make trouble, but it was different in the mountains.

It was agreed to mine iron ore and nickel ore, what if a diamond mine was accidentally mined?

Benefits always coexist with risks. Qin Tao must be prepared. As for how far he will develop in the future, he has not thought too much about it.

Hearing Qin Tao's treatment, Xu Zhengyang nodded: "The treatment is very good. After I go back, I will contact them."

In the new millennium, when the average annual salary is more than 9000, the annual salary of 50 is beyond the imagination of most people. (Well, even now, it's not something ordinary people can think about.) Qin Tao paid such a high salary, and he definitely took special care of Xu Zhengyang's comrades in arms.

After finishing speaking, Xu Zhengyang thought of something again, and said angrily: "Hmph, those who came to my wedding last time, please come and I don't want them!"

Xu Zhengyang is still dissatisfied with what happened last time.

Qin Tao was also a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject: "Zhang Zhong should have come up with a complete modification plan for the Kilo-class cruiser, right? I don't know what the old man is still worried about, so I directly hand over the task of modifying the cruiser to We'll be fine!"

Even if it doesn't make money, Qin Tao wants to modify it, just treat it as a big toy, the key is that Lao Maozi still treats it like a baby, and he is reluctant to send such a big guy to the east.

"This estimate should be about the same." Xu Zhengyang nodded: "I will contact them immediately after I get off the boat."

After all, it is inconvenient to communicate on a warship. Even if there is a data link, it is for military use. Mingzhou Group has taken advantage of the navy by taking advantage of this opportunity. It would be embarrassing to use the data link to serve the company.

Anyway, don't worry, it will be much more convenient after getting off the warship and going ashore.

However, Qin Tao's plan was still not realized. The warship had just arrived in the waters of Somalia, and received an order to send Qin Tao and others to Gwadar Port by helicopter, and then returned to the motherland directly by passenger plane.

Urgent task!
After returning to Princess Tomb and entering the Yellow Building, Qin Tao saw familiar figures one by one.

"Everyone, what is it that called me here in a hurry." Qin Tao said, "Could it be that we asked Mingzhou Group to pay for this trip?"

The second half of his sentence was just a joke, and everyone present laughed and joked: "Mr. Qin, if you don't mention it, our navy will almost forget it. money."

"I don't want to pay this money. After all, the navy has also received a lot of benefits. We displayed our most advanced frigates in the rainbow country."

"Is the navy more beneficial? Your Mingzhou Group has signed four more warships and two submarines. The total contract value is 12 billion, which is another huge sum of money!"

"That's right, as long as you go out, you will definitely make money, Mr. Qin, you are the God of Wealth!"

"Okay, let's get down to business." Wu Shengli said, "This matter has a lot to do with Mingzhou Group, so let's call President Qin and discuss it together."

related to me?Qin Tao also became curious.

"This time our warships went to the Rainbow Country, showing the style of our navy. At the same time, Mr. Qin also suggested that European countries also invite our warships to visit. Now, their invitations have arrived, and it depends on whether we dare to accept them. .”

"So fast?" Qin Tao didn't expect such a thing!It was indeed related to me. At that time, I was just talking casually, but I didn't expect those guys to take it seriously, and it was so fast!

Wait, something is wrong!
I obviously played them, especially the Germans. If I didn't have myself, the contracts for frigates and submarines belonged to the Germans. Now, they still want to send invitations?What is the purpose of this?

"That's right, the strength of our navy is gradually growing, which has already made many people feel a sense of crisis. They invited us over to find out our reality." Wu Shengli said: "They specified and asked us to send Aegis warships to visit .”

Qin Tao's question was answered in an instant. It turned out that he wanted to observe his own warships at a close distance, and it turned out that he wanted to better understand his own warships!

The navy now has many modern warships, including even [-]-ton destroyers. However, many warships are purchased and refitted. These foreigners look down on them. What they are most interested in is of course developed by Dongfang itself. Aegis battleship.

So far, there are no professional air defense ships with four-sided phased array radar in service in Europe. They are very curious about the technology of the East, and now they come to observe closely in the name of invitation.

"At present, the Aegis battleship is our main battleship. We should not send such an advanced warship there." A leader said: "We'd better send 112 or 113 there. The task of access, and the technology is not advanced."

"Send the most advanced ones, and let those Europeans know that we are not a backward country, and we have reached the world's advanced level!" Another voice said: "When necessary, you must use your sword!"

Qin Tao understands that because of the arrangement of this visit, the naval leaders have different opinions, so he wants to listen to Qin Tao's suggestion.

"President Qin, what do you think?" A leader looked at Qin Tao.

"Yeah, you brought up this matter, now you have to settle this matter!"

"If the leaders ask me for my opinion, then I will answer in the affirmative, go, we must go, this is a good opportunity to show our naval strength! We have to show our swords when we should show our swords, and I want to show it to the Europeans. Looking at our advanced equipment, in many of their media propaganda, we are similar to those African countries that live in trees."

"Go? What if the secret is leaked?"

"Leaders, our 052D has started construction, the phased array has been replaced by liquid cooling, the vertical hair has been replaced by general-purpose, and other improvements have been made. Now, after our 052C has been built in this batch, it will It’s come to an end, it’s already considered a backward warship. Not to mention the 055-ton large-scale drive that we plan to do next, our 052C will be available for foreign trade in a short time, why are you afraid of leaking secrets?” Qin Tao said .

If you want to go, it must be 052C. This is the most advanced destroyer in the navy. The navy is reluctant to show it to others, but Qin Tao has to tell everyone that the technology of this destroyer is not the most advanced. We have more Good guy.

So, show it and show it, nothing to worry about.

Everyone is a little excited.

That's right, the era of 052D will come in the future, and there will be [-]-ton large-scale drive. Our navy will become larger and larger until it becomes the second largest in the world. Do we still need to worry about leaking secrets from this old warship?
"Besides, let's show it for display. They will definitely not let them see the key places. After the opening, at most they can see it on the deck. Only their senior naval officials are allowed to go on our bridge. What secrets can they see? "Qin Tao continued to ask.

"President Qin, you didn't say that to sell the warship, did you?" Some leaders were still worried.

"Sell warships? Our current orders have been placed for five years, and I am still wondering what is the point of selling warships?" Qin Tao said: "If the orders cannot be produced, inflation may cause our Mingzhou Group to encounter crisis. .Leaders, if you feel that I have selfish intentions, then change the way and send 052B out, anyway, that warship is also an Aegis battleship."

At that time, the Navy was worried about immaturity, and then started two models at the same time. The Mingzhou Group produced 052C, and the brother company produced 052B. Later, it turned out that this worry was unnecessary, so only one 052B was produced, but it was still four. Face-to-face control array, but the big shield has become a small shield.

There is only one ship, and it is not the main force, so it doesn’t matter if the secret is leaked, and this is not a violation of the agreement. The other party invited the Aegis battleship, and we are also an Aegis battleship. Our warship has a four-sided phased array radar on you!

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Hey, you guys are not really interested in this alternative plan, are you?" Looking at the eyes of everyone, Qin Tao felt an ominous premonition in his heart. Are you too worthless?Don't you have the guts?

"Yes, this plan is very good, we will send No. 167 there!"

Qin Tao is also speechless, but his alternative plan has become the most suitable one?It seems that the Navy still has a weak family and is reluctant to show the most advanced warships for others to see.

"Okay, since you've all made up your mind, then there's nothing wrong with me, right?" Qin Tao looked at everyone: "If it's okay, I'll go back."

"Wait, Mr. Qin, our navy has never visited a European country. This is the first time. You used to go to Europe often. Let us add up the total. This is the first time. There must be no problems."

"That's right, this is a major matter related to the face of the navy." Wu Shengli also said: "Taozi, you stay here and let the big guys count together."

Since the father-in-law spoke, of course Qin Tao couldn't lose his temper anymore.

"Okay, then I will study with everyone." Qin Tao said, "Which countries are we going to visit?"

"Britain, Germany, France and Italy, according to the order of invitation, we should visit Germany first. Although Italy is closer to the route, we have to come in order."

"Isn't it enough to take the Arctic route? The distance is short, the time is short, and the cost is low. Does our navy want to go to the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea?" Qin Tao asked rhetorically.

Everyone has nothing to say.

The Arctic route has indeed been opened, but it is only limited to commercial exchanges. When the Navy made the visit plan, it still arranged according to the regular route. They ignored the Arctic route that Qin Tao has always advocated.

If you take the Arctic route, after crossing the Arctic Ocean, the first country you will go to is Germany. You will complete your visit at a German port, then go to France and the United Kingdom, then circle around and enter the Mediterranean Sea, visit Italy and then return.

This is not a heavy road.

"That's right, you can take the Arctic route, but if you take this route, you have to say hello to Da Mao."

"That's no problem. I'll say it. It's just a few words. Besides, the old man definitely welcomes us to take the Arctic route."

This is equivalent to promoting them. When you arrive in Europe, someone will definitely ask, where are you from?
We are from the North Pole!
Arctic?Can I go there?

As a result, more people will know about the Arctic route. Traveling to the East through this route can save a lot of time and cost, and the Arctic route may be chosen by more transportation companies.

"On the way, our warship needs to resupply many times, so we must bring a supply ship, so that the visit scale of the two warships should be the most appropriate. However, which supply ship should we choose?"

"Any one is fine. The supply ships of our navy can definitely meet the needs." Qin Tao simply replied, do I still need my advice?

"Although our navy already has a lot of comprehensive supply ships, they are almost half-baked. Now our navy is building a domestic aircraft carrier. In order to sail in the ocean in the future, we still need advanced comprehensive supply ships."

Hearing this, Qin Tao understood that the navy wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the matter of the comprehensive supply ship with him again?Technology is readily available, the key is money!
"If the Navy wants to supply aircraft carrier formations in the future, it will need a large comprehensive supply ship." Qin Tao said: "I think the Navy should develop a comprehensive supply ship with a displacement of [-] tons."

Fifty tons!
At present, the largest one is a supply ship refitted from an oil tanker purchased from Lao Maozi, with a full-load displacement of more than 3 tons, and the self-built ships are all more than 2 tons. Qin Tao directly raised it to a higher level, [-] tons!
"We can take the U.S. Navy as a benchmark. The aircraft carrier battle group of their navy generally has two weeks of self-sustainability, but according to regulations, once the fuel is consumed by one-third, it needs to be replenished, and the ammunition is 70.00%. The ammunition of the U.S. aircraft carrier The carrying capacity is [-] tons, and during high-intensity combat, all these ammunition can be consumed within a week, so the U.S. Navy needs reliable supplies.”

"Among the supply ships in the United States, fast combat support ships occupy an important position. This type of warship has a displacement of [-] to [-] tons, has various supply capabilities, and has a high speed. If we want to meet the supply of aircraft carrier formations, we need The same supply ship, specifically, we can cite the US supply-class combat support ship."

Supply level, designed in the 80s and built in the 90s, all four ships are now in service, with a full load displacement of more than 50000 tons, and can load more than 7000 tons of marine fuel, 9000 tons of aviation fuel, 200 tons of lubricating oil, 1829 tons of ammunition, 406 tons of refrigerated food, and 90 tons Fresh water, meanwhile, has a variable space of 9000 cubic meters for bunker fuel or aviation fuel as the case may be.

Looking at these data, it can be found that the storage of fresh water is the smallest. This is mainly because the Yankee aircraft carrier can prepare fresh water by itself, so there is no need for supply ships to provide it.

Such a supply ship has a total supply capacity of 2500 tons, and, due to the use of four LM25 gas turbines, its speed has also reached [-] knots.

Qin Tao introduced his own design, 25 tons, can carry a large amount of supplies, with two [-] MW gas turbines, the speed can reach [-] knots and so on.

After the technical data was finished, the people present were left with wry smiles.

Everyone understands that the domestic technical reserves are in place, and the key is money. If the navy doesn't have money, it can't be built.

"Let's discuss this project after our aircraft carrier is launched." Wu Shengli said: "Now let's do the demonstration first."

"Let's talk about the visit project first. In my opinion, in order to reflect the mighty and majestic appearance of the navy soldiers, they should be replaced with 97-style military uniforms."

The military uniforms of the navy have undergone several changes. Now they mainly wear the 87-style military uniforms. They have been worn since 07. Although there are 97-style military uniforms among them, you can tell from the day that they are mainly worn by a small number of troops. The main force has not been changed. Pack.

Now that I am going to visit Europe, I have to wear new clothes for the soldiers.

"That's right, change them into the 97-style military uniforms, and send a competent person over for this visit..."

The next topic has nothing to do with Qin Tao. In fact, when he proposed the 052B destroyer, his mission was over, but now it is inconvenient for him to leave, so he can only listen to these people nagging patiently. eat as a meal.

(End of this chapter)

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