Great warships

Chapter 838 The Genius


"President Qin, welcome to our Golden Sun Electric Vehicle Company." When Ma Ming heard the news of Qin Tao's arrival, Qin Tao had already appeared on the busy construction site, and he greeted him wearing a hard hat.

"Well, the progress of the project here is pretty good." Qin Tao said, looking at the hook machines and cranes on site.

"After the Huating government approved the land for us, our Mingzhou Group Infrastructure Company began to build factories in full swing, and we also began to purchase equipment to prepare for the establishment of automobile production lines." Ma Ming said: "President Qin, I am really not good at doing this. It would be great if you could send someone here to help me."

Ma Ming is engaged in research and development, and now he is in charge of handling the large and small affairs of such a car factory. He is really too busy. At the beginning, Mr. Qin said that he would directly get a second-hand car factory and produce it directly. Who would have thought that he would change his mind later and build a factory by himself?

Starting from scratch, there are too many things to do.Fortunately, the problem of the birth certificate has been solved by purchasing the certificate of the closed automobile factory, which can be regarded as paving the way for the development of electric vehicles.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, I will recruit a few construction and management talents from the automotive industry. In the future, you will be mainly responsible for the design. A bunch of large and small affairs in this production plant will be handled by professional people."

Ma Ming nodded: "That's right, there are specializations in surgery."

"By the way, how is the electromagnetic gun project going?" Qin Tao asked.

"This project is a tough nut to crack, especially the issue of gun barrel abrasion." Ma Ming said: "Mr. Qin, as you know, I'm in electromechanical, not cannon. This is completely interdisciplinary. We are taking the route of coil guns, which is so difficult. It is said that the Americans are taking the route of rail guns, and their abrasion is even more serious."

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, this is a big problem. If we can't solve it by ourselves, we can cooperate with other organizations. By the way, how about 713 Institute?"

To say that the most professional artillery maker in China is of course the No. [-] Machine Factory on the grasslands. Almost all of them make large and small artillery. However, they mainly focus on ground weapons, and the navy's naval guns have not dabbled much.

Institute 713 is mainly equipped for the navy. Their main products are all kinds of naval guns. For example, the single-tube 130mm naval gun used by the main destroyers is their masterpiece. But in the close-in defense gun, the 630 naval gun they developed has been replaced by the 730 naval gun of external energy, but this still cannot change their leading position in the field of naval guns.

Since the Mingzhou Group's main business is to build warships, it has a good relationship with the 713 Institute, which is responsible for making guns. Now that it has encountered an unsolvable problem, of course it has to ask a brother unit for help.

"Okay." Ma Ming said: "It would be great if we can cooperate with the naval artillery unit. Mr. Qin, when are we going to leave?"

Looking at the construction site under construction, Qin Tao said: "Now, anyway, you are not good at the work in front of you, and the people from our infrastructure company are responsible."

So, Ma Ming and Qin Tao went northward to the 713th place.

"Our electromagnetic gun is supposed to use the electromagnetic principle, but it still has the problem of abrasion." Along the way, Ma Ming continued: "The main reason is that the speed of our shells is too fast. Even if it is only accelerated to Mach 7, it is more than 2000 meters per second. At such a fast speed, the heat generated by the friction between our shells and the barrel is quite high."

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, this is the main technical problem of the electromagnetic gun. In fact, the speed of Mach 7 is only the current index. In the future, the higher the speed, the better. After all, if we want to anti-missile, the speed must be as fast as possible. It is best to be able to fire continuously."

How to install the guidance system on the warhead of the electromagnetic gun is a difficult problem. If it cannot be solved temporarily, it can only fly by inertia. If you want to accurately hit the missile in outer space, you have to fire a few to create a barrage, just like a rapid-fire gun.

"Burst?" Ma Ming shook his head: "The current technology is too difficult to do."

The two were chatting about various technical routes along the way, and in the evening, they came to 713.

Knowing that Qin Tao was coming, Xia Bei waited at the door early in the morning.

"Boss Qin, you've worked hard all the way." Seeing Qin Tao get off the car, Xia Bei hurried up to greet him: "Our cafeteria has already prepared a reception banquet, are you hungry all the way?"

Before Qin Tao answered, Ma Ming said, "We ate in the car, now, can we call your technicians for a meeting?"

Ma Ming is a practical man. He came all the way to Office 713, thinking about how to solve technical problems as soon as possible. After getting off the car, he thought about holding a meeting to solve the problem.

"Listen to Magong, let's have a meeting. If you don't come up with some constructive suggestions, Magong probably won't be in the mood to eat your reception." Qin Tao said.

meeting room.

"At present, the muzzle velocity of the 130mm naval gun we have developed is less than Mach 3. Now the velocity of the shell has more than doubled, and the wear and tear on the barrel is indeed a big problem." After listening to Ma Ming's introduction, Xia Bei also frowned: "Now, let's talk freely, let's see how to solve this problem."

"If we want to reduce wear, can we use magnetic levitation technology to keep the shell suspended in the barrel at all times to reduce wear?" A technician in his thirties asked below.

"Magnetic levitation? This technology is not yet mature and requires low-temperature superconductivity to realize it, but our naval guns will definitely heat up after firing shells, which will have an adverse effect on the cooling of superconductors." Ma Ming shook his head. In fact, they have also thought about this solution, but it is also the first technical route to be ruled out.

This is still a coil gun. If it is a rail gun, it is even more impossible to realize. The rail gun needs both ends to be in contact with the track. This suspension reduces friction, but it cannot be touched, and it cannot operate at all.

"If this is the case, then we can change our thinking and wrap a special material on the shell to reduce friction." The technician said again: "The friction between hard metals is very serious. How about using a special material?"

"This technology also has flaws." Of course, Ma Ming's team has also considered it: "After our shells fly out of the muzzle, they fly in the air at a speed of Mach 7. The shells will rub against the air, and the surface temperature will rise to thousands of degrees. If we wrap a layer of special material on the outside of the shells, after flying out, the material will rub against the air to generate heat, and may even burn, which will have a negative impact on our warheads."

"It's simple. After flying out of the muzzle, the material wrapped around it can just fall off, just like our armor-piercing bullets, with a specific bullet holder on the outside."

Ma Ming's eyes suddenly brightened.

Why didn't you think of it yourself?
After all, he is not a cannon maker. At the beginning, building electromagnetic catapults and the like was completely within his scope of knowledge. This time, making cannons was out of his original scope of knowledge. He thought about it for a long time, but he was not professional enough.

Coming here really opened up new ideas for him!

"Yes, this is a solution to the problem." Ma Ming was very excited: "We can try it!"

"Ma Gong, should we stop here first? I don't think everyone has eaten. Shall we go to eat first?"

Ma Ming nodded: "Okay, let's go eat first, brother, what's your name?"

When discussing this project just now, this technician was almost always communicating with Ma Ming. The other party had a broad mind and a flexible mind. He was definitely a very powerful technician.

"My name is Zhang Jian." The other party replied.

Zhang Jian?

When he heard this name, Qin Tao's heart skipped a beat. If he remembered correctly, this guy might also be a betrayer of the country's interests.

"Zhang Jian has been working for 90 years and has always been the main force of our 713 Institute. He has played a huge role in the process of our research and development of various naval guns." Xia Bei said: "Currently we are developing the 130mm ultra-long-range gliding guided shell. Zhang Jian has played a huge role. He proposed that the canards of the shell should be deployed after the shell flies over the apex of the trajectory, so that the zero angle of attack resistance of our shell is [-]% lower than that of the red land. The range should be able to exceed [-] kilometers."

Obviously, Xia Bei was very satisfied with this technician.

"One hundred kilometers?" Qin Tao opened his eyes wide: "Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"We haven't reported it to our superiors yet. After all, our navy has a lot of soldiers and various advanced weapons are constantly appearing. We just invented an ultra-long-range gliding guided shell, which is nothing." Xia Bei was very humble.

"No, your shells are of great significance." Qin Tao said: "Your 713 has made great contributions to our navy."

Ordinary 130mm naval guns have a range of no more than [-] kilometers when firing ordinary shells, but for a naval gun, this is enough. After all, naval guns are designed to deal with low-intensity conflicts, and there are missiles at long distances.

But missiles are expensive after all, not as cheap as artillery shells. Now, the 713 Institute has developed a brand-new naval gun, and with the brand-new artillery shells, it has achieved a range of [-] kilometers, which means that one's own destroyers can attack the opponent's land targets from [-] kilometers away.

For the Eastern Navy, this means that outside the range of the Xiongfeng 2 missile, the current maximum range of this missile is only 80 kilometers, and its own destroyers can fire at a distance of [-] kilometers, which is very safe.

Xia Bei smiled: "Boss Qin, since you know, let's wait for you to report this news to the navy leadership."

"When I go back to the capital, you all go with me and report to the naval leaders in person. It just so happens that our 052D has not been outfitted yet, so we can just use this kind of naval gun and shells."

Ma Ming was not interested in these things. He came down from the rostrum and came to Zhang Jian's side: "Zhang Gong, would you like to join our electromagnetic gun research and development team to jointly research this brand new naval gun and expand the range from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers?"

Qin Tao frowned, Ma Gong, do you know who you invited?This person is likely to leak our secrets.

But it's not convenient to say now, so he can only continue to ask Xia Bei: "Has Mr. Zhang ever drank foreign ink?"

"No, he joined our research institute after graduating from university. He has always been in the front line of scientific research. It's a pity that he can't go abroad for further study. Recently, our institute has an opportunity to visit abroad and plans to..."

Only then did Qin Tao heave a sigh of relief: "Old Xia, going abroad is dangerous. You have also seen that when people like Max go abroad, they almost never come back. For talents like Zhang Jian, it is better to stay in China."

"This..." Xia Bei disagreed. Who is Max and who is Zhang Jian? There is no comparison between the two. Is it dangerous for someone like him to go abroad?
For many people, they still hope to go abroad and see the outside world. If Mr. Qin said this, he would cut off Zhang Jian's way to go abroad.

"Come on, let's go eat." Qin Tao changed the subject.

Ma Ming was not keen on eating and drinking, and even resisted, but today he ate very happily. Zhang Jian was directly called to his side, and the two of them ate while saying that other technicians were going to become green leaves.

Xia Bei and Qin Tao were sitting together, and they were talking while eating. They were talking about the development of the navy.

"Currently, the Western world led by the United States is developing 155mm naval guns." Xia Bei said: "The larger the caliber, the longer the range and the greater the power. Mr. Qin, you have been saying that our navy will have a large [-]-ton ship in the future. For this kind of warship, do we need to develop a new generation of large-caliber naval guns?"

In the past, the domestic navy often used dual-mounted 100mm naval guns, which were backward in technology. Later, the French 100mm naval gun was introduced.

Until the introduction of Hyundai-class destroyers, China began to set the caliber of the next-generation main gun at 130mm. Warships with a displacement of more than [-] tons can carry this kind of naval gun, but what about warships with a displacement of [-] tons?Is there a need for a larger caliber warship?

The West has already begun to develop 155 mm caliber naval guns. Can our own side also fail?

"This depends on the progress of our electromagnetic gun research and development. If the development of electromagnetic guns goes well, then our navy's next-generation naval guns will be electromagnetic guns." Qin Tao said: "If you want to develop the next-generation naval guns, the navy may not invest. It must be self-raised funds. If the navy does not want the research and development, then the huge investment will be in vain."

"President Qin, if the navy doesn't want it, can we export it? We have electromagnetic guns, and they must be for our own use. We won't export them for a long time, right?"

"Yes, electromagnetic guns will definitely not be exported in the future, but the displacement of our export-oriented warships will not be large, and the caliber of naval guns will not be too large. It is estimated that it will be difficult to export [-]-ton warships. You must be prepared not to sell them."

Xia Bei thought for a while, and then said: "We still want to try, even if it's just as a supplement to our electromagnetic gun."

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, your spirit is precious, and I support you spiritually!"

That night, everyone stayed in the 713 guest house. Ma Ming lay on the bed, still unable to sleep: "During the meal, Zhang Jian and I talked a lot. I think this plan of the bomb support may really be a correct technical route for our electromagnetic gun."

"Have you talked about whether we are taking the technical route of coil gun or rail gun?" Qin Tao asked on the other bed.

"It's not there yet."

"Next, in the process of our cooperation with the 713 Institute, we will mainly study this abrasion problem, improve the materials of the gun barrel and shells, and strive to solve this problem. However, we try not to disclose the technical principles of our electromagnetic guns. We can even do some fake actions, such as adding contact points at both ends of the bullet holder to disguise it as the principle of a rail gun."

Ma Ming immediately became serious: "Boss Qin, are you trying to prevent our technology from being leaked? Are you afraid that 713 will steal our technology?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "The 713 Institute will not do this, but after all, this is not our own company. We must guard against technology leaks. What if someone here can't resist the temptation of sugar-coated bullets and leak our key electromagnetic gun technology to foreigners?"

"Understood, Mr. Qin, I will pay attention."

Of course Ma Ming knows the weight of Qin Tao's words. He doesn't want to see his technology leaked abroad, but risks are everywhere.

The technicians under the Mingzhou Group are well paid and often carry out patriotic education. They generally don’t need to leak secrets, but other military units are different. After all, their income is not high and they are easy to be attracted by the outside world.

Low income is a problem, but it is definitely not a reason to betray the motherland. However, there are always people who will be attracted. This is a war without gunpowder smoke, and it will never stop. Just looking at Qin Tao, how many people have been poached from abroad with high salaries.

What 713 helped to solve was the abrasion problem, which cannot be kept secret. If Zhang Jian helped to solve the problem, if he wanted to tell these secrets to foreign organizations, Qin Tao could not stop him. However, even if foreign countries got this kind of technology, they would not be able to fiddle with electromagnetic guns, because the principle of rail guns brought huge technical problems.

Still rely on the advantages of the technical route to win over the opponent and overtake on the curve!

"Boss Qin, if we recruit these people who helped in the development into our Mingzhou Group, pay them high salaries, and provide them with various educations, will we be able to prevent accidents from happening? Zhang Jian is an excellent technician. I don't want him to go astray."

"Magong, aren't we poaching the corner of 713 by doing this?" Qin Tao said helplessly: "If it is really poached, will anyone dare to cooperate with us in the future?"

Ma Ming is helpless, yes, this is really a problem.

"We can provide them with an extra bonus to make their money easier." Qin Tao said the most suitable way.

The next day, Ma Ming continued to stay in Institute 713, and started detailed research with Zhang Jian and other technicians, and even made prototypes, while Xia Bei came to the capital with a lot of technical materials.

With Qin Tao leading the team, Xia Bei could directly meet a large number of naval leaders, and even held a special hearing.

"Back then, we imported red-earth laser-guided shells from Da Mao. Now, this technology has finally blossomed here." After hearing this, Wu Shengli was very emotional: "Before we didn't even dare to think of shells with a range of more than 100 kilometers."

"Yes, we didn't dare to think about it in the past. In recent years, our domestic electronic technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, which has laid the foundation for our improvement, especially the development of our Beidou system. Now we can use this navigation and positioning system to improve the accuracy of our shells." Xia Bei said.

Although GPS is easier to use, this system belongs to the Americans. Once it comes to war, it is likely to be controlled by the opponent. Once the signal is cut off, your own shells will be useless.

The red land is laser-guided, but it is not easy to use laser beams to aim at the target more than 100 kilometers away. In addition to laser guidance, this product produced by 713 also has a built-in satellite positioning module.It is more convenient for the army to use.

"It's not just rocket propulsion and gliding that can hit so far. The naval gun itself has also been improved. For example, the length has been increased from the original 56 times the diameter to 70 times the diameter." Qin Tao said from the side: "I think that the 052D destroyer we are building can be directly installed with this kind of naval gun. In terms of progress, it just catches up."

"Yes, put this naval gun on our test ship for testing first, and wait until the 052D is launched for outfitting." Wu Shengli made a decision on the spot: "This naval gun will become our mainstream naval gun for a period of time in the future."

Seeing the leadership's support, Xia Bei became more and more courageous. He took out another document: "Leaders, we still have a design plan for a 155mm naval gun. I would like to ask the leaders to correct it."

"155mm naval gun? It's very similar to our army's howitzer." A leader immediately spoke.

"It's just that the caliber is similar. There is a big difference between our navy's naval guns and the army's artillery. For example, we don't have to worry about weight restrictions. We can arrange larger bomb bays and bomb supply systems. Our gun barrels can be water-cooled to achieve a sustained rate of fire. Our multiple diameters can also be larger, allowing the shells to fly farther." Xia Bei opened the conversation and introduced it endlessly.

"It sounds like our navy really needs to develop a new generation of naval guns."

"That's right, the Americans' DDG-1000 is using naval guns of this caliber. As the main ground strike force, we can also try it!"

Hearing everyone's affirmation, Wu Shengli said again: "Lao Xia, our navy is poor. It is very difficult to support the construction of several warships, and we are often in arrears of funds. If you want to develop this kind of naval gun, we may not be able to allocate funds for you."

"Leaders, we are willing to raise funds for research and development by ourselves," Xia Bei said.

"Okay, then our navy will support you mentally!" Wu Shengli immediately made a decision.

As long as the Navy doesn't pay for it, it's easy to say!If domestic scientific research institutions are like this, then they can only wish for it.

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