Great warships

Chapter 841 I see it, there is a word frame on it!

Head-to-head is the worst possibility. If it really comes to that kind of situation, it will be head-to-head. Most of the speedboats besieging them will be killed. However, they themselves will not escape their bad luck. Now, they can only speed up, hoping to get rid of these Nasty guy.

The Type 42 destroyer is all-combustion power, and it uses the Olympus TM3B high-speed gas turbine for acceleration, which is the naval gas turbine modified by the famous Spey. The performance of this gas turbine is very advanced, and it can drive the Type 42 destroyer to reach knot high speed.

However, this is just the normal speed of a warship, which is incomparable with a speedboat that can easily reach 40 knots.

D97 accelerated, and the speedboats surrounding it also began to accelerate. This scene made every British sailor tremble with fear.

As for the Type 23 frigates that followed them, they were treated in the same way. At this time, they were like lambs to be slaughtered.

"Shall we call the US military for support?" the first officer asked the captain nervously.

Philip frowned: "Support? How to support? Are they attacking these speedboats with anti-ship missiles, or are they strafing with machine guns?"

These speedboats are almost clinging to their warships, even if foreign aid arrives, they will not be able to help at all, and they may accidentally injure them.

Even, the arrival of foreign aid is the same as the take-off of a helicopter, which will force these people to jump over the wall in a hurry, and they may explode themselves on the spot. Now such a short distance, even if they are not next to each other, it is not something they can bear to explode directly.

Shaking them but not being able to shake them off, hitting them but not daring to hit them, they fell into a kind of helplessness all of a sudden, what should they do?
"Go on, full speed!" was Philip's only command.

A strange scene appeared on the Red Sea.

Originally thought that the arrival of the British warship would make the Parthian people wary, but who would have thought that they would take the initiative to attack, and they are still so aboveboard!
Dozens of speedboats leaned close to the British warship, as if they were escorting the British warship, but it was more like hijacking a warship.

Now that the face has been torn apart, let's play it bigger!
Many reporters were moved by the wind and filmed such a spectacular scene along the coast of the Red Sea.

The face of the British Empire was lost by these two warships!
These pictures quickly spread on the Internet. While Zhang Zhong and Qin Tao were eating, Xu Zhengyang had already printed out the pictures and put them on the table where they were eating.

Qin Tao sighed in his heart, these Anxi people still want to come to him to find a solution, they have already made up their minds!They came to find themselves, but they wanted to let them give them anti-ship ballistic missile technology.

This trick is so smooth, it played these people openly, and made them helpless.

Of course, a misfire is the worst outcome, and the best is to surrender without a fight. Under the various actions of the Parthian Kingdom, the British returned home.

However, the British lost their face, so they would definitely not retreat so easily.

How to do it depends on the next development.

"The Anxi people really put what they have learned into practice." Zhang Zhong said with emotion, they are ready to become teachers, and they have mastered Unrestricted Warfare!
"But how did they end up?"

"It's enough to be an audience quietly." Qin Tao said, "Look at their next arrangement."

The British on the two warships were going crazy.

"Damn it, I'd rather they hit it now!"

"That's right, even if we bump into it, it's better than waiting like this!"

On the battlefield, it is not terrible to be shot to death by bullets. The terrible thing is not to be shot to death.

Surrounded by explosives, they can blow up their warships at any time, but they have no other way!
How to do?
"Hold on, the final victory belongs to us!" Philip shouted loudly, as if this would give him courage.

He couldn't control himself several times and wanted to shoot at the surrounding speedboats, but he still controlled it. After all, at such a critical moment, one must not be impulsive, otherwise it may bring dire consequences.

When did you suffer this kind of grievance?There was a nameless anger in his heart.

From morning to noon, and from noon to evening, everyone's nerves were tense, and everyone was on the verge of collapse. However, when night fell, the roaring around became smaller, and finally Disappeared.


"That's right, they're gone!" On the bridge, the first officer let out a long breath: "These damned guys are finally gone! If they don't leave, we have to open fire!"

"Can we catch up and kill them now?" Some people still didn't give up.

"Although they have exposed their dangerous intentions, they did not do anything after all. We have no reason to open fire on them. Moreover, the most important thing is that we are not sure to kill them all. As long as there is one fish that slips through the net, it is enough." We can bear it, besides, can you guarantee that there will be no problems on the two sides of the strait?"

Looking at the outlines of the two sides shrouded in darkness, the big guy felt a chill in his heart.

"They are gone, will there be new tricks?"

This question made everyone look ugly again, yes, what will be waiting for them next?

Fortunately, they didn't keep them waiting this time. At seven o'clock that night, Anxi officially announced a big news to the outside world.

"We will launch a hypersonic missile in the near future to attack the target ship on the sea. During this process, the entrance of Anxi Bay cannot enter and exit the oil tanker. If we insist on sailing and cause accidents, we will not be responsible."

The Anxi Kingdom is going to block the entrance to the Anxi Bay again!

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

Although it is called Parthia, it is not their territorial waters, and ships from all over the world can come and go!

But, who would take that risk?

In the mid-to-late 80s, when the War of Two Clothes was in full swing, tankers from various countries were risking their transportation of crude oil, and if they were unlucky, they would suffer.

Is that time coming again?
After the oil tankers staying in various ports along the coast of Anxi Bay got the news, they urged the oil pipeline on the shore to deliver fuel to them quickly, and went out to sea as soon as they were full, otherwise it would be troublesome if they were trapped inside.

The oil tankers outside also hesitated to drive in. What if they got trapped inside?Let's see the situation first.

As a result, Anxi Bay, which has always been lively, exploded in an instant, and international crude oil prices also soared upwards. Just because of a statement from Anxi Country, such a blockbuster detonated.

Of course, those who got the news in advance can buy some crude oil futures before, and now they can resell them, and the money will come in a whizzing way. In the information age, information is wealth.

Now, the British couldn't sit still.

Although the two warships had sailed out of the Red Sea and came to the waters of the Gulf of Aden, they did not dare to move forward and could only move slowly in the nearby waters, waiting for domestic instructions.

"Supersonic anti-ship missile, what is this? When did the people of Parthia get such a big killer?" On D97, everyone was discussing.

"Who knows. They seem to only have anti-ship missiles like C802. Could it be that this missile can fly at supersonic speed?"

"It's not supersonic, it's hypersonic! Hypersonic! Why don't you listen carefully?" Philip was in a bad mood, speaking with anger: "Don't you know what this is?"

"Ballistic missile?" Someone responded.

Even if it is supersonic, ordinary missiles are only Mach two or three. If you want to reach hypersonic speed, you have to be above Mach five. Those that can fly so fast are definitely not ordinary cruise missiles, but ballistic missiles!

"The Parthians have improved their ballistic missiles to the point where they can hit moving targets?"

"How is this possible? Only the East has it in the whole world!"

"Oriental warships are still visiting our port friendly, they can't do this kind of thing!"

Everyone became angry.

"However, the Parthia's ballistic missiles don't seem to have anything to do with the Orientals, right?" Some people remained rational.

The biggest feature of ballistic missiles is that they are difficult to intercept. They are first launched into outer space, fly a ballistic trajectory, and then fall down. When they land, the speed will be quite high. Short-range ballistic missiles such as Scud with the shortest range have Mach [-], and intercontinental ballistic The speed of the missile will be as high as Mach [-] or more.

Such a high speed means that as long as the intercepting missile deviates a little, it will miss the target missile. The Yankees have been working on it for so long, but they have just completed an interception experiment. As for the British, they don't have this ability at all. Sea Javelin missiles can't even stop a sea-skimming anti-ship missile, let alone a ballistic missile.

Of course, this is not a shame, they are more concerned about the origin of Parthia's ballistic missiles.

The Anxi Nation developed the stealth machine. At first, it was thought that the Orientals helped, but later it was discovered that Lao Maozi played a role in it. As for the Anxi Nation’s ballistic missiles, it has nothing to do with the East.

Parthia began to develop ballistic missiles during the Pahlavi dynasty. In 73, they obtained the technical information of the Jericho 1 missile from the Davids, and their missile development started from this time. (I don’t know if it’s true or not. If this is true, it will make people feel emotional: cutting-edge weapons must never be exported casually, otherwise they may threaten themselves in the future.)
During the Two Clothes War, Parthia scolded Big Satan and Little Satan, so they turned against the two superpowers. However, they still had a solution: they imported a batch of Scud missiles from other countries, and their missile industry began to change from imitation Scud start.

The Meteor-1 missile is the Scud B, and the subsequent Meteor-2 is the extended-range model of the former. It reduces the weight of the warhead and expands the length of the missile, allowing the range to reach [-] kilometers. However, this is already the limit, and it is difficult to continue to develop .

After some research, under someone's suggestion, the Anxi State turned its attention to the east and successfully obtained the Rodong-1 missile from the North Kimchi State. On the basis of this missile, the Anxi State developed the Meteor-3 missile.

This is still a single-stage liquid missile, but its diameter has been increased to 1.32 meters and its weight has increased to 16 tons. The basic model has a range of 1280 kilometers, and the improved "Meteor-3B" has a range of 1930 kilometers.Of course, these are estimates, because no one knows the performance of the Parthaian missile.

But we can know that this kind of missile has nothing to do with the East, so if it is this kind of supersonic anti-ship missile, it really can't put the hat on the East.

"Why doesn't it matter? Even if the North Kimchi state-owned missiles, there is no anti-ship model. Only the East has them in the world. If they are not provided by the East, who else could it be?" Some people expressed doubts.

"Everyone, do you know where the Orientals' anti-ship ballistic missile technology came from?" Someone asked again.

"Big hair?"

Could it be Da Mao again?

The whole world is looking at Parthia, looking at the next actions of Parthia, the world is really not peaceful, hello everyone, hello everyone, why go to blow up other people's warships?

If there is such a question, then there must be other questions, for example, why are Yankees running to the Imperial Cemetery when they have nothing to do?Why are Yankees going to blow up Yugoslavia when they have nothing to do?They bomb other people everywhere, aren't they afraid of others bombing themselves?
In short, now suspicious eyes began to look at Da Mao again.

But when will this experiment be conducted?
One day, two days, three days... In a short period of time, the price of crude oil soared to fifty dollars per barrel!For those countries that urgently need to import oil, this is definitely a disaster for no reason.

"Actually, Parthia originally planned to launch it on the same day, but some accidents occurred during the improvement of the warhead, so it will take another ten or eight days." Dongfang, Qin Tao said calmly.

"Are you trying to keep raising the price of oil?" Wu Shengli looked at his son-in-law: "How much did you earn during this period? One hundred million, or one billion?"

"Not much. I said the other day, let the navy get involved. You don't have the courage. If you invest all the money you can embezzle, you will have all the funds for the outfitting of the aircraft carrier."

"How can I do that? You want me to eat peanuts by misappropriating the navy's funds? Besides, the aerospace department sent out some people, and all the money went into your pockets. This is inappropriate." Wu Shengli retorted: " Now that your Mingzhou Group has money, can you build two more destroyers?"

"Those experts in the aerospace department directly receive US dollars as consulting fees. Does it have anything to do with the futures income? That's our money, not the navy's money. Dad, you don't distinguish between public and private, and you want me to eat peanuts." rice?"

"Okay, you two, stop bickering, come on, the peanuts have just been fried, be careful of burning your mouths."

A plate of fried peanuts arrived.

"Within five days, we will conduct a test launch of a hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missile!" Finally, Parthia released the definite news, and the ships waiting outside to load oil were speechless. With this time, we went in to load oil Come out again, now have to wait again!
The waiting time is the hardest.The two British warships that came all the way from thousands of miles have become soy saucers. They have been wandering in the Arabian Sea. Since they can't go directly to Parthia to show off their muscles, they simply claim to maintain order in the Gulf of Aden and protect merchant ships along the way. The Mi Ziqi seems to be still telling the glory of the past, and it seems to be just a joke.

After five days, everything should be back to normal, right?
Just as countless people were expecting, a rumor began to spread.

Such a blatant provocation by Parthia has aroused strong dissatisfaction in the United States, so there will be large-scale military operations next!
As soon as these news came out, crude oil prices rose again!

I originally thought that the price of fifty dollars a barrel was not low, but if a conflict occurs in the future, the Anxi Bay may not be navigable for a long time, and the crude oil from several countries along the coast cannot be transported, and the world's crude oil will be destroyed. In short supply, the price will definitely rise further.

Therefore, crude oil futures soared again, seventy dollars a barrel, eighty dollars a barrel!
A mysterious buyer began to sell crude oil futures to the market at $[-] a barrel. Although some people noticed this behavior, they didn't think much about it. Someone must have made enough money, but there are still many people I didn't earn enough, and when I saw someone spit it out, of course I had to eat it.

The atmosphere in Anxi Bay became more and more tense, and it finally reached the fifth day of Anxi Country's announcement.

On this day, the wind and waves on the entire sea became stronger.

"We will launch an attack on the target ship at the entrance of Anxi Bay from the plain area. Please be careful not to approach our exercise area to avoid misfires. If this happens, we will regret it, but we will not be responsible for it. .”

This short statement once again made many people nervous.

Most of the Anxi Kingdom is a plateau. There are two main plains in the country, one is the Cavell Salt Desert in the north, and the other is the Lut Desert in the southeast. No matter where you come from, the range of the missile will exceed 3 kilometers. That is to say, This launch must be Meteor-[-]!

With the range of this missile, Parthia can even deal with warships sailing in the Arabian Sea at any time. However, due to the lack of long-range detection capabilities of Parthia, they may not attack so far. However, in the future, any warship that wants to Sailing in Anxi Bay has to be weighed. Is it safe?
The two countries on the other side of the estuary are even more anxious.

"If the missile lands on our territory, it will be seen as an attack on us, and we will fight back unceremoniously!" Both countries issued statements.

What you said is good, it is to deal with the target ship entering the sea, what if the error is too big?
So far, the Meteor missile still has a sense of mystery. God knows if the range is [-] kilometers, and the error will reach [-] kilometers.The rich people in Dubai even took their own private jets to go to the big dogs to hide from the limelight. They don't want their safety to be threatened.

The big dog received them warmly, and comforted them thoughtfully: don’t worry, we also have the same big killer, if they really miss it, then ours will miss it too!

An E-3 early warning aircraft was circling in the sky, monitoring the situation on the opposite side. Numerous reconnaissance satellites also changed their orbits and passed over the two plains.

In the central mountainous area, a convoy rumbled to a preset position. Although it was announced that it was launched in a plain area, in fact, they chose a mountainous area for the launch location.

None of those scout satellites could find the target!

The core of the team is a Steyr trailer. There are four rows of wheels behind the trailer, and a huge cylinder is carried on it. This is their big killer!There are two slogans on either side of the big killer, one side is: "Israel should be wiped off the map", and the other side is: "America will be helpless".

A vehicle that resembled a tank truck was parked next to it.

"Be careful, start refueling now!"

Several people in chemical protective suits got busy and started to refuel the rocket with thick pipes, which took about half an hour.

"Fueling complete!"

"Enter pre-launch self-check!"

One order after another was issued, each individual was busy in an orderly manner, and finally, the last step was reached.

"Meteor-3 calls the target ship, we have made all the preparations and are ready to launch at any time!"

"The target ship is ready!"

"Now enter the 10-minute countdown!"

The reconnaissance satellites in the sky were busy, flying over the plain one by one, searching for everything on the plain, but they found nothing. It was not until an early warning satellite caught the infrared rays released by the ballistic missile when it ignited that they reacted.

"The target was launched from the mountainous area, [-] kilometers away from the target ship!"

"Damn it, we were played by the Anxi people!"

"Follow, continue to follow!"

At this moment, a large number of reconnaissance equipment switched to the tracking state. There were reconnaissance satellites in space, E-3 early warning aircraft in the sky, and Aegis warships sailing on the sea.

The missile is ready to capture and monitor the trajectory during the ascent phase. For the TMD system, this is also an exercise that is close to actual combat. Although the Aegis warship does not carry the Standard-3 for intercepting ballistic missiles, the warship has modified the software. , already has the ability to track and simulate interception.

"The missile flew past the highest point, and the intended splash point will not be on land."

The two countries on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief, Nima, don't lie innocently.

At this time, a high-precision optical reconnaissance satellite happened to pass by and pointed its lens at the target ship. The falling warhead also fell into its field of vision. A cross on the warhead immediately caused the people behind to exclaim. .

"P-27K! This is the receiving antenna of Lao Maozi's P-27K anti-ship ballistic missile. I'm sure that this kind of technology from the Anxi Kingdom was obtained from Da Mao!"

"Damn it, what is Da Mao doing! They are cultivating a powerful opponent. This opponent not only hates us, but also hates them!"

The crowd burst into anger.

The Anxi people have this kind of weapon, not only for deterrence, but also for use at critical times!Even if the navy's TMD can intercept it, the success rate cannot be [-]%.

You must protest, seriously protest, no, you must punish Da Mao, and make Da Mao pay for this behavior!

Under the monitoring of various radars, the anti-ship ballistic missile continued to land, and after adjusting its attitude several times, it accurately hit the target ship.

No one dared to observe closely for fear of being affected. However, the data monitored by the radar was still correct. The Anxi Nation's anti-ship ballistic missile attack experiment was a complete success!

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