Great warships

Chapter 845 Shooting Down the Global Hawk

Chapter 845 Shooting Down the Global Hawk

On the Curtis, the employees of the Central Intelligence Agency are still watching the surrounding situation vigilantly. No matter what time it is, the human eye is the most reliable. After the Global Hawk flies over, his help is no longer needed. Now, the eyes of the Global Hawk will replace him.

In fact, if reconnaissance operations are carried out at night, there will not be so many troubles. The problem is that only infrared imaging and synthetic aperture radar can be used at night, which is definitely not as clear as the optical image during the day.

Suddenly, someone shouted from below.

"Bill, can you come down?" At this moment, a voice came from below.

"Yes, Captain, the sail will be repaired soon." Bill shouted down, "I'll be down soon."

As he spoke, he looked down. At this moment, the oil pump on the bank suddenly made a bang.

The fuel pump is full of liquid, but sometimes air is mixed into the pipeline, and it will make a bang bang bang sound. Generally speaking, this will not affect anything, but I don’t know why, this time the movement is special Huh, with a bang, a gap in the oil pipeline actually cracked, and under high pressure, viscous crude oil rushed towards the sail, and the sail shook violently.

All this is too coincidental. The captain shouted below, and Bill could only answer with the below, so he was a little distracted, followed by the sound of the oil pump, and the collapse of the pipeline, all of which happened almost at the same time. There was a violent shaking, and he didn't stand still, and his body fell downward.

Bill's screams came from the sky.


If he was a little crooked and fell into the sea, he might still be saved. However, his luck was obviously not good enough, he fell directly on the deck, and his head was still thrown down. At the moment of contact, his head exploded like a watermelon , white brains, red blood splattered everywhere.

The captain came over and pulled out a mobile phone from his body. Nokia, a mobile phone that can be used as a brick, is so awesome, it can still be used after falling!He skillfully unlocked the phone, and then read the short message inside.

everything is normal?
That's right, everything works fine!

"Stop and unfold on the spot!" After 2 minutes, the entire convoy stopped from galloping and unfolded quickly.

Although it is a wheeled vehicle, it doesn't take too much time to switch from the marching state to the combat state. Stop advancing, and then set up the hydraulic outriggers to become a stable platform.

On the top of a vehicle with a square cargo box, the flat plate slowly rotates. This is the core of the Kaishan missile: phased array radar!

Although it is only a passive phased array radar, its performance is also good. With the radar in place, the cable of the power supply car is connected, the surging power comes, and the electromagnetic tube starts to warm up. After 1 minute, the radar waves start to shoot into the sky and go.

The missile launch vehicle at the back was also quickly ready. While the hydraulic outriggers were being set up, the camouflage net above was untied, and there was a slope-shaped device behind the cab, which was the unique flame shield of Kaishan missiles. Two long boxes with a square cross-section rotate slowly, with ribs on the outside, which look very similar to launch boxes for anti-ship missiles. In fact, what are inside are anti-aircraft missiles that specialize in attacking air targets!

Countless people are busy. Although they are all wearing Parthian military uniforms, it can be seen that many of them are yellow-skinned and black-eyed. After all, it takes a long time for an air defense missile to go from equipping troops to forming combat effectiveness. For a long time, in this emergency situation, the help of the instructor is still needed.

"The radar has found the target! The distance is 0.75, the altitude is [-], and the speed is Mach [-]!"

"Get ready to go into lockdown!"

"Missiles are ready!"

In 3 minutes, all the actions were completed in one go, and the commander of the missile battalion shouted loudly: "Fire, two salvos!"

The fragile cover at the front end of the missile launcher flew around in fragments. A grass-green warhead drilled out first, and white smoke filled its surroundings, followed by the thick missile body, and finally the tail fin.

Blazing flames appeared at the tail of the missile, in everyone's sight, and everyone was watching the missile fly into the sky.

Then, the second one also flew out.

Just two soft sounds, the god of death has appeared!
At this moment, the Global Hawk UAV flying at high altitude seemed to have a premonition of something.

As a drone, it has a large number of sensors. At this time, it is likely that the flame of the missile triggered its dual-sensitive infrared and ultraviolet sensors. It has already found that something is wrong, and immediately turned around.

There was also an exclamation from the early warning aircraft: "Air defense missiles, two, are rushing towards the Global Hawk!"

"Damn, why didn't you find out in advance?"

"Where are our electronic jammers?"

There was chaos on the entire early warning aircraft, and at this time the operator of the drone also realized that something was wrong and began to dodge as much as possible.

UAVs are intelligent. Most of the time, they can fly autonomously. Even in Dongfang's hands, they can choose targets to attack on their own. However, no matter how flexible UAVs are, they are not as flexible as humans, so they still have The operator, when needed, the operator can take over the operation at any time.

It's just that flying a drone by relying on the scenes displayed on several screens is still not as flexible as someone sitting on it. The operator looks at the white smoke that appears on one of the screens, and his heart is beating violently.

Three, two, one!

When he counted to one, he immediately pressed the short joystick in his hand to one side.

For UAVs with long wings, they are not naturally suitable for violent actions, but now there is no way to do so. They suddenly turn around when the missiles fly, which can make the missiles lose their targets. Originally, only fighter jets can do this. You have to grit your teeth and try the movements you made!
The first missile did not hesitate, and detonated the warhead the moment the Global Hawk just moved, and countless fragments flew towards the Global Hawk.

In an instant, the Global Hawk rolled and fell downward.

"The target has been shot down, and a self-destruct command is sent to the second missile!" The battalion commander shouted loudly on the radar vehicle.

The performance of the missiles from the east is really good. One missile knocked down the target. If the second missile went up again, the target would have to be blown to pieces, but it can’t blow the target to pieces. After all, the superior still wants the wreckage. !

The second missile continued to fly forward, detonated its warhead and self-destructed in mid-air after powered flight.

The Global Hawk continued to fall, and all the radar screens could see it clearly.

"The expected crash point is near Qeshm Island!"

"What? Quickly, send our helicopter over there. We must salvage our Global Hawk drone before the other party, and we cannot let them get our wreckage!"

The Americans suddenly became passive.

The Global Hawk is their most advanced unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. If this kind of aircraft falls into the hands of the Parthians, the secrets on the aircraft will definitely be lost. They don’t want to spend huge sums of money to develop a drone that is abandoned because of leaks. , and then have to develop other drones.

"Several targets are heading towards the falling sea area. They should be speedboats. They have been ready for a long time!"

It's full of conspiracy!
Parthia announced that it would build a warship with a larger displacement in Bandar Abbas, transfer the anti-aircraft missile unit, etc., all of which are decoys, just to attract the Global Hawk drone to pass by!Although the Americans have made full preparations and even mobilized the agents of the CIA, they are still missing a move!
Not only was their Global Hawk shot down, but it was also salvaged by Parthia.
Just before the rescue helicopter reached the crashed sea area, those speedboats had already left. Obviously, the operation of the Parthian people had been successfully completed through mental calculation or inadvertence!

Americans are in a hurry.

white house.

"The landing point of our Global Hawk is the high seas. That is to say, our drone was shot down by them on the high seas. Their behavior has seriously damaged our reputation. We must do something!"

doing what?
The navy passed by, but Anxi showed its anti-ship ballistic missiles, and the navy also dispatched all of them. That posture was intended to kill the fish and the net.If the Americans don't compromise, they can only go to war with Parthia. They haven't withdrawn from the imperial cemetery, so how can they prevent themselves from stepping down.

The Air Force sent the Global Hawk to the past, but the Global Hawk was also killed, and the Air Force lost face.

"Send our B2 there!" Someone said.

"B2, did you bomb in the past, or did you distribute leaflets? If you just distributed leaflets, it would be too wasteful. If we bombed, which city should we bomb? After we bombed, what will Parthia do? They have what they have now." For missiles with a range of two to three thousand kilometers, all our bases in the Middle East are within their strike range."

"That is to say, if we simply use military means, we can no longer solve the problem?"

Although they don't want to admit it, the facts are right in front of them, unless they want to fight with real swords and guns. However, despite the fact that they have fought very well in the last few wars, the opponent is not like the Parthian country. Level, once they make a move, they are likely to fall into the quagmire of the second Vietnam War.

"It seems that we can only sanction Parthia economically." A voice spoke.


Over the years, everyone has done this kind of thing. The most recent time was in 96, when the "Sabbatical Sanctions Act" was promulgated. According to this law, all banks in the United States are not allowed to deal with foreign banks that act as agents for the business of Parthaa, and the center of Partha All bank assets in the United States were also frozen.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and they will do more things in the future!
"We ask all international organizations not to conduct oil trade with Parthia!"

This is a ruthless move. You must know that the economy of Parthia relies on exporting oil. If there is no oil transaction with Parthia, then Parthia’s oil cannot be sold, and their economy will suffer.

This method is very good, but how could the previous people not think of it?
It's not unexpected, but impossible.

“What do we do if other agencies do oil deals with Parthia?” asked another.

They have to have a means of containment, otherwise this kind of sanctions is a joke.

"As long as any organization conducts oil transactions with Parthaa, it is violating our laws. We will use legal means to cut off all their business in the United States! I don't believe that any country will not do business with us!"

The voice continued: "Not only are we going to cut off their oil trade, we're going to kick them out of the international settlement system so they can't use dollars to do business with a single customer!"

"That's a good idea!"

How to cut off Parthia's oil exports?On the one hand, it is necessary to threaten those importers that if they do oil business with Parthia, then they should not do business with the United States!On the other hand, it is to make them unable to conduct transactions. The currency of international transactions is the US dollar, and all countries need to trade in the international settlement system. As long as Parthia is kicked out of this system, they will not be able to do business!
Who made the Anxi Kingdom dishonest recently?Didn't you see that Iraq has been cleaned up by us?Come down and let's deal with you with all our strength, if you don't believe in playing, you will not be disabled in the rest of the country!
Take a two-pronged approach to encircle Parthia economically!

Soon, the voice from the white house was implemented.

"This move is tough enough." In the capital, Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao with emotion: "If Parthia cannot export oil, then their economy will suffer a devastating blow."

"Yes, they are victims of the hegemony of the US dollar." Qin Tao said.

Dollar hegemony?victim?These words are so accurate!

"However, it's very easy to see you like this. That Kasim should come to you soon, do you already have a solution?" Wu Shengli looked at his son-in-law.

"The solution is actually very simple." Qin Tao said: "Since the US dollar is not allowed to be used for settlement, then use our currency. Taking this opportunity, let's spend our own currency, and then we will start printing money. , you can harvest the whole world.”

Wu Shengli shook his head quickly: "Don't talk nonsense, this kind of thing is not up to you."

Qin Tao shook his head helplessly, this is really not something he can decide, it has a lot to do with it.

"It seems that we can only barter." Qin Tao said: "Anyway, our Mingzhou Group will never sit back and watch the oil in Parthia be unsold after being extracted."

"Your Mingzhou Group does not have any business in the United States, so you don't care about the American ban, but how do you transport your oil? There will still be accidents along the way, and the navy cannot protect you at any time." Wu Shengli said.

"What are you afraid of? The oil pipeline from the old bus to our country has almost been repaired. The key is that our country is procrastinating, and the relevant procedures have not been approved. We are waiting for our country to build a west-to-east oil pipeline. This project can't be done. If it is delayed any longer, we must start work as soon as possible." Qin Tao said: "This is a major issue related to our energy security, and the superior should make a decision."

The sea transportation channel is too fragile. If the Mingzhou Group's transportation fleet transports oil from Parthia in large quantities, accidents will inevitably occur on the road, and it is safest to go on land.

It is much safer to build oil pipelines from Gwadar Port to the border and to the country. It is much safer to go on land, and the transportation cost of oil pipelines is not high, completely bypassing the external containment.

Mingzhou Group developed Gwadar Port, and then under the banner of developing Gwadar Port, it built an oil pipeline from Gwadar Port to China. After several years of construction, it is almost completed. Less twists and turns, after all, domestic oil pipelines are not in the hands of Mingzhou Group.

"That's right, we need to urge our superiors. Tomorrow, our navy will report to our superiors. We have limited capabilities and cannot protect the energy security at sea. It is safest to go on land. Put an end to those nonsense and start work as soon as possible. "Wu Shengli said that this is not only to help his son-in-law, but also out of consideration for the country's energy security.

"Tell me, if we transport crude oil directly from the old bus by pipeline, can we process it locally?" Wu Shengli said: "After all, our Qinghai-Tibet Plateau also needs a lot of energy. In the past, , These fuels need to be transported from other places, and the cost is very high.”

In the entire west, only Qinghai has a Golmud oil refinery. The annual production capacity of this refinery is only about 100 million tons, which is simply unable to meet the needs of the vast west.Now since the oil is transported from the old bus, it has to go through XZ, so why not open an oil refinery in XZ.

"It doesn't matter if we say it." Qin Tao said: "It still needs to be approved by the superior. If we touch other people's cheese, they will definitely not want it."

"This is a major issue related to our energy security. Some people cannot tolerate their own petty tricks. If they don't want to, then our army will build an oil refinery!" Wu Shengli said.

"It has to be the army or the air force. Our navy is not suitable."

"President Qin, Kasim is here to see you." At this moment, Xu Zhengyang walked in.

Wu Shengli smiled: "The Anxi people are your relatives, go."

"Of course." Qin Tao nodded: "The enemy's enemy is our friend."

Kasim's face is ugly, the situation is getting worse and worse, the only one who can help them is Mr. Qin!

"Mr. Qin, it's nice to meet you. I'm very sorry to cause you trouble again." Kasim said, "This time I'm here mainly to send you the wreckage of the Global Hawk. At the same time, I have some things I want to ask Qin Always help."

"The wreckage? Okay, where is the wreckage?" Qin Tao was very interested. He knew that if the Anxi people came to ask him for help, they must give him some benefits, but he didn't expect that the other party had already brought the wreckage!
"In the container." Kasim pointed to a truck following behind.

With the creaking sound, the door of the container was opened, and when he saw the wreckage inside, Qin Tao was even more surprised: "So complete?"

The headfly-like nose is packed full in the container. This nose is the most important, because all the electronic equipment is concentrated here. Obtaining it means obtaining all the secrets of the Global Hawk UAV!

"We didn't expect it to be so complete. When the missile was launched, the UAV did an emergency evasion, and the overload was a bit large. When the missile warhead exploded, it should have just broken the second half of it, and the first half. It broke and fell into the sea," Kasim said.

Qin Tao originally planned to get some composite materials of the Global Hawk, but he did not expect to get a complete Global Hawk. There are too many things that can be done now!For example, if you decipher the above program and develop a terminal yourself, you may be able to seize control of the Global Hawk on the battlefield and let this aircraft fly directly to your own airport to land.

Seeing Qin Tao's excited expression, Kasim also gained confidence in his heart: "Mr. Qin, we are also very happy to meet your request. This time, we have encountered some troubles again. I hope you can help."

Qin Tao nodded: "I know, it is because you have been subject to new economic sanctions. Please rest assured that we will not sit idly by. Our Mingzhou Group has no business relationship with the United States, so others dare not transport oil from you. We are not afraid."

"Really? That's really great!" Kasim became excited: "We just knew that Mr. Qin is our real good friend!"

"Just now I was studying this issue with the Navy. Even if our Mingzhou Group does not do business with the United States, we will help you with this. However, we also have many difficulties." Qin Tao said: "After all, we have to be careful The other party is under attack."

Kasim's excitement just now was suppressed again: "Mr. Qin, are you afraid of problems during the transportation?"

"Yes, I think the safest way for us is to transport oil from your port to Gwadar Port, and then transport it by land. The problem is that our oil pipeline has not been built yet. If we use land, the transportation cost will be very high very high."

"How high is the cost of land transportation?" Kasim took a deep breath.

"Currently, the oil pipeline we built on the land of Laoba is almost completed, but the domestic oil pipeline has not yet started, so we need to use cars to transport it on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. You can imagine how high the cost is. Come out, basically the cost of transporting a truckload of oil is more than [-]% of the price of oil." Qin Tao said.

Kasim swallowed a mouthful of spit. Of course he knew that the cost of road transportation would be high, but he still ignored how difficult the transportation on the plateau permafrost is. That is to say, if Mingzhou Group does not If it loses money, the export price of crude oil must be [-]% of the market price!
"This is unfair to you. After all, the quality of crude oil you extract is no worse than that of other countries. We are very satisfied with your crude oil. Now, if we want to lower the price to [-]%, we will be very embarrassed."

"That's better than nothing!" Kasim made up his mind: "Mr. Qin, after the ban came out, many customers gave up importing oil from us. We are in a difficult situation. You extended a hand of friendship at a critical moment. We Even if I sell it to you at [-]% of the price, it's better than not selling it at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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