Great warships

Chapter 857

Chapter 857

October 10st is the National Day, which is an important holiday in the motherland. Many units are on holiday, but Mingzhou Group is still busy.

It’s okay not to take a holiday, just pay. The workers of Mingzhou Group have long been used to going to work. The normal wages are two or three times the wages of the same industry, but when it comes to holidays, the wages are three times the usual wages. They have such high wages , Work without any complaints at all.

Today, outside the newly vacated dock, another group of people appeared. Most of them have black skin. They are loosely organized and have no discipline. Coming here is like traveling.

It is simply the lowest quality among all the customers of Mingzhou Group, but there is no need to argue with them, after all, they are customers, and customers are God.

"Everyone, although the construction period of the warship we built for you has been delayed, it is only because we are waiting for our aircraft carrier to be launched." Qin Tao said: "The aircraft carrier we built for Gou Dahu was also built for you on the berth. We decided to put it in the dock, our aircraft carrier just launched yesterday, and we will start building the Type 075 aircraft carrier for you today!"

"It's a pity that we came late. If we had come a day earlier, we would have been able to catch up with your 002 aircraft carrier launching ceremony." Americo said: "This is really a pity."

What a pity, of course we arranged it on purpose, if you let your people come, then the grade of the whole launching ceremony will be lowered!At this moment, a guest let out a bah, and a mouthful of thick phlegm flew out, and landed precisely in the middle of the road.

The accompanying person's eyes showed contempt, and that guy continued to dance and point east and west as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, the key is that the launch of the aircraft carrier is too late. We originally planned to launch at the end of the year. Who would have thought that it was ahead of schedule, so we didn't have time to send you a message in advance." Qin Tao said: "Now, we will continue to hold the launch of the 075 aircraft carrier. Opening ceremony, well, we have arrived, do you want to go up and say a few words?"

The rostrum set up yesterday is still there, and it is reserved for today’s use. Americo nodded, walked to the front of the microphone, and took out a piece of paper.

"Today is a commemorative moment. In order to protect oil resources and safeguard oil interests, our Guinea navy has decided to build a powerful navy. We need to purchase a large amount of equipment, especially an aircraft carrier! The aircraft carrier we ordered from the East Work will start today, and on this exciting day, I want to say that Dongfang is our true friend!"

Since it was prepared in advance, his speech was quite good, but then, everyone began to look at each other in blank dismay.

"Brackets, if there are people from other countries present, we must also say that other people are our friends, brackets."

This guy is really funny!Qin Tao was about to laugh, and the translator on the side skipped this sentence directly. Fortunately, the official language in Guinea is French, which most people can’t understand, otherwise it would be a real test for everyone: you have to hold back your laughter, but always Want to laugh, this taste is not good.

Finally, after Americo finished his speech, Qin Tao took the lead in applauding: "Well said!"

Americo smiled: "Boss Qin, do you have to say a few words too?"

"Well, let me say a few words too."

"The package project of the weak country and strong army proposed by our Mingzhou Group is aimed at all countries. Anyone who wants to develop their own country's military power but suffers from lack of funds can follow our plan. If there is no our project , the Guinea Navy can only purchase two frigates at most. Now, the Guinea Navy will order one 075, four 054, four 039, plus a supply ship. The addition of these equipment will make the Guinea Navy stronger. It is a great supplement, and it can be used with ease when facing threats such as pirates."

Why didn't Mao start work for the Guinea Navy immediately?It's not because the berth is not enough. After all, aircraft carriers with similar displacement can start work on the berth. Of course, the Guinea Navy can also start work on the berth. The key is that the payment method is different.

Since the signing of the contract, Mingzhou Group has sent personnel and ships to mine and transport iron ore and bauxite. A large number of these resources have been mined back, enough to pay the 075 start-up cost, and then start work for them.

Of course, the argument is also very simple, we have no place, we have to wait for the last order to be launched, so that the commercial risk is minimized.

Of course, customers don’t have to worry. After all, the pilots sent by Guinea have already started to train the pilots of the fourth-generation aircraft in the east. They have new gains every day, and they are full of confidence in this project.

The aircraft carrier that started construction today gave them another reassurance.

"Now, I announce that the construction of the 075 aircraft carrier has started!"

Following Qin Tao's order, the first steel plate began to be cut, formed on the bending machine, and then sent to the dock. Waiting for the second piece to arrive, the butt joint and welding began. Watching this scene, the guests danced and danced.

"Everyone can leave a few technicians to supervise the entire construction." Qin Tao said: "It's just that our construction process is very dangerous. Every year, some people will fall and die."

Qin Tao's words dispelled everyone's thoughts.

"No need, we have a lot of trust in Mingzhou Group. After all, you have built so many ships and aircraft carriers. We are completely assured of your shipbuilding technology." Americo said: "We just hope that your side will The aircraft carrier can be built as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

"Please don't worry about this. We are adopting a segmented construction plan with advanced technology and a very short construction period. In the West, such a 89-ton aircraft carrier would take seven or eight years. Take the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier as an example. Construction started in 94, it was launched in [-], and it has just been finalized and equipped with troops this year, and it took more than ten years."

"Then how long will it take for our ship?" Americo was a little apprehensive. If it took seven or eight years to complete, he couldn't wait.

"Our ship is confident that it will take one and a half years to launch, another year and a half for outfitting and sea trials, and three years later, it will be delivered to the customer."

Three years!That may be long enough time for them, but it is quite short for the construction of an aircraft carrier.

"Okay, then we'll wait." Americo nodded, three years, he can still afford to wait.

"President Qin, the aircraft carrier has already started construction. When will the frigates and submarines we need start construction?" Americo continued to ask.

Of course, wait until we continue mining and dig enough ore to start frigates and submarines!Qin Tao thought secretly in his heart, but he said: "Don't worry, as long as our berth is free, we can start work for you. By the way, we have recently developed an upgraded version of 054. Before we start work, Do you want to upgrade it?"

Americo opened his eyes wide: "What kind?"

"The version with four-sided phased array radar, everyone, let's go to the conference room to discuss in detail."

"it is good."

Americo was even more excited when he heard that he had a four-sided phased array radar, so a group of people went to the meeting room happily again.

Yang Dawei looked helplessly at this group of guys who were not standing or sitting. It was hard to imagine that they were here to buy aircraft carriers and warships. However, this was not the first time they had dealt with each other. The last cooperation was introduced by Yang Dawei. The design plan is the same this time.

"For an aircraft carrier formation, it is best to have a warship with a four-sided phased array radar. Moreover, the higher the position of the phased array radar, the higher the probability of finding an ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming flying anti-ship missile. Therefore, many Warships have moved the four-sided phased array radar to the top of the mast of the warship, and we have also used the same plan to improve our warships, and the original roof radar was replaced by the four-sided phased array radar." Yang Dawei took out a design drawing.

Mingzhou Group's work efficiency is quite high. It was only one month since Qin Tao made the request last time, and the entire remodeling design was completed.After the improvement, it looks really good.

On the top of the mast with a polyhedral structure, the four-sided phased array radar looks particularly dazzling. Since the radar area used is relatively small, it will not make people feel top-heavy.

The previous 054 always felt uncoordinated. The backward roof radar made it look too rough, and the mast was also very primitive. Now, with such improvements, it immediately becomes taller.

"Okay, yes, this warship looks even more beautiful!" Americo nodded again and again: "We need this kind of powerful warship."

Just looking at the appearance, before the introduction started, the other party actually nodded and asked for it?Isn't this too fast?
"Your Excellency Americo, this kind of warship has advanced performance and is also very expensive. You should know that the current phased array radar is quite expensive, and the price of each warship will go up to 1.5 million."

Four small shields, plus the supporting combat system, 1.5 million is definitely a sky-high price. Yang Dawei was afraid that the other party would not agree.

"Of course, no problem, Mr. Qin, we just need to revise the purchase contract. It is enough for you to purchase more ore from us. The term can be extended by one year, how about it?"

Yang Dawei understood, for these people in front of him, money is not a problem at all, the worst thing is to continue mining, anyway, it is useless for them to store the ore there, it is better to use these ore to turn into a warship cost-effective.

Needless to say, it doesn't make much sense for them to go up by 1.5 million or 3 million, these numbers are the same.

"Okay, since you have agreed, shall we revise the contract now?"

Therefore, Americo did not have any concerns about revising and signing the new contract on the spot. Although he still needed to take it back for the old man to sign, the $65 billion contract was signed, and now the extra $[-] million is nothing.

Yang Dawei looked at the easily signed contract with complicated eyes, and this is it?
In the future, there will be a high-end version of the 054 of foreign trade!
"Okay, I'm done with everything, let's go eat." Qin Tao brought everyone to the restaurant of the guest house, and these guys were even more ugly after eating. However, for the big money owner who just spent [-] million dollars more Be tolerant.

"Everyone, do you want to go to our relevant units to see amphibious combat vehicles? This aircraft carrier can conduct amphibious operations, but you have only purchased fighter jets, and have not purchased amphibious combat vehicles. For you, in many cases, combat vehicles are better than fighter jets It works better."

"Okay, where are we going to look?"

"I'll contact you with our domestic amphibious tank manufacturers, you can go and have a look."

"it is good."

So, after lunch, the guests from Guinea were sent away. When these people left, everyone let out a long sigh of relief. Okay, these people finally left. Next, clean up.

"Boss Qin, these customers are too childish, aren't they? They ordered an aircraft carrier, and they don't even send a representative to the factory?" Yang Dawei said.

"This is the trust in us. Without customers watching, we have to build to a high standard, so there will be no problems."

"Of course."

"It's too much fun to modify the order. I didn't expect it to be like this." Yang Dawei continued to sigh.

"Well, wait until this batch of orders is revised, and after a while, let's revise it again."

Still modify?Yang Dawei opened his eyes wide.

"The 054 only relies on four diesel engines, and the maximum speed is too low. As the escort of the aircraft carrier, how can it not have a high enough speed? Next time, I will fool them to upgrade the engine and add another 5000 million US dollars in funds."

Yang Dawei felt a chill in his heart.

"President Qin, where are you going next?"

"Go back to the capital and report to the navy. This 075 amphibious assault ship was actually designed by us for the navy. It is specially prepared for the future war. The start of construction this time will also let the navy know about it in advance, and maybe we can place an order. gone."


The capital is still immersed in the festive atmosphere. After all, in this era, it is already a seven-day holiday for Chinese New Year. However, many busy people have no holidays.

Princess Tomb, Yellow House.

"Boss Qin, you are seamlessly connected." A leader said, "As soon as our aircraft carrier is off the dock, the next aircraft carrier will start construction."

"Yes, the navy is in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, you can quickly place an order for the 003 aircraft carrier. As long as the order is placed, we will start work for the navy now and put the aircraft carrier for Guinea on other berths." Qin Tao said.

place an order?
It is good that the navy can support the existing construction, how can it be able to start another one?
Wu Shengli smiled: "Taozi, it's useless for you to provoke us. After all, we only have so much rice on hand, and we don't have the ability to start another one now. You are here to report to us, not to see us. order."

"Well, let me introduce to you the aircraft carrier we built for Guinea, we call it 075."

075?This number belongs to the amphibious warship in China.

Everyone was surprised immediately: "Boss Qin, what kind of aircraft carrier did you build for them?"

"A customized model for the Guinea Navy, with an airplane on the top and an amphibious vehicle on the bottom. By the way, the officers of the Guinea Navy recently inspected the amphibious vehicle here, don't you know?"

The big guy shook his head. He was inspecting a military factory, not a navy. He really didn't know.

"Is this an amphibious ship?" a leader asked.

"Yes, the name of the aircraft carrier does not match the reality. It should be called an amphibious assault ship." Qin Tao said, "Next, I will introduce this warship to you in detail."

The PPT was shown on the projector. Looking at the first picture, many people were surprised: "Why does it have such a huge island?"

For an aircraft carrier, the smaller the island, the better. The one in front of me does the opposite, and it has the demeanor of the Kiev-class aircraft carrier back then.

"That's right, since there is a flight deck, why not zoom in and float out, which can increase the deck area a lot." Everyone began to ask questions.

Looking at the aircraft carrier, the deck will float out as much as possible, which can increase the deck area and facilitate dispatching. Back then, the Chaori Wang was modified from the Kiev class, which means the deck was enlarged.

However, if you look at the amphibious assault ships of various countries in the world, you can find a new feature: the deck is almost not floating outside, the hull extends upwards directly to the deck, and at most two elevators are exposed outside, forming the two sides of the hull. big ear.

How is this going?

"Everyone, look at the specific data first before speaking, everyone is professional." Qin Tao said to everyone.

So, the big guys looked over and were stunned: "The height of the deck is 19 meters above the waterline? Why is this warship so tall?"

"The distance from the waterline to the deck of the ship we just launched is only 15 meters!"

"It's so high, aren't you afraid of flipping over?"

"I'm afraid, otherwise, how can I not float outside, and how can I build such a ship island." Qin Tao introduced.

Amphibious assault ships are much the same, they all have this kind of layout, it's not that they don't want to make the deck float bigger, but they can't, because they are tall!

The center of gravity of the aircraft carrier is below the waterline, so no matter how enlarged the top is, it will generally not turn over. However, the center of gravity of most amphibious assault ships is already close to the waterline, and even the ballast tanks have to be filled with water during daily operation. , so as to ensure safety.

To put it more simply, an aircraft carrier is like a tumbler. Even if the rudder is full at full speed, the hull will not turn over if the hull is tilted by dozens of degrees, but the amphibious assault ship dare not be so cool.

"Can't you make it the same height as the aircraft carrier?"



"Because it needs to carry a dock."

Everyone immediately understood.

Compared with an aircraft carrier, an amphibious assault ship must have the ability to fly, so it must not only have a deck for aircraft, but also a hangar, but it also needs to carry amphibious equipment, so a dock needs to be added under the amphibious assault ship. To put it simply, it can be considered that an extra layer is inserted into the hull of the aircraft carrier, which naturally requires an increase in height.

The height of the hull is increased, and the center of gravity of the aircraft carrier is increased.As a result, the amphibious assault ship cannot increase the float, and even the ship island must be larger, which can reduce the height of the ship island, which is just the opposite of the aircraft carrier.

There is no way to do this, after all, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

"In this way, the area of ​​the deck is small, and the number of aircraft that can be carried is not many."

"It depends on what the combat mission is. If it is used to seize air supremacy, it is definitely not suitable. If it is used to carry ground attack aircraft, it is still sufficient. Everyone, there is still a difference between an amphibious assault ship and an aircraft carrier. "

"A ground attack aircraft? Can it carry fixed-wing aircraft?"

"Our vertical take-off and landing J-31A can be carried. If our navy orders it, we can add an electromagnetic catapult on the deck to increase the take-off performance of the fighter."

Even if the engine is powerful and vertical take-off and landing is no problem, it still consumes a lot of fuel. Catapult take-off can not only increase the take-off weight, but also reduce fuel consumption. many.

If you don't have a fixed-wing fighter, you can only carry a helicopter. Now that you have it, the combat performance of a fixed-wing fighter must be many times stronger than that of a vertical take-off and landing fighter.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"How many J-31A can it carry?"

"If it is loaded to the limit, it can hold more than 20 planes, but we still recommend mixed loading. For example, ten J-31A can be loaded, and twenty helicopters can also be loaded. The combat capability of this mixed configuration should be the strongest. Of course, we will also need to mix and match some drones in the future, and with electromagnetic catapults, it should be easier for drones to take off."

It can take off, and it can land naturally. The speed of the drone is not fast. Even if there is no arresting wire, as long as the left side of the deck is cleared, it can land.

"In the dock below, we can also carry a certain number of amphibious tanks. When we arrive, under the cover of our fighter planes, these tanks can easily go ashore and complete the sacred mission entrusted to us by the motherland!"

The existing landing ships are not enough. In fact, you can tell by the name. Now the navy is equipped with amphibious landing ships, and the one recommended by Qin Tao is called an amphibious assault ship!

Of course, there are also some people talking on paper, talking about how to improve this kind of warship, how to carry more fighter jets, how to use a beveled deck, and how to expand the hangar. After talking, they turned it into an aircraft carrier. It can replace an aircraft carrier in low-intensity battles, but under normal circumstances, it is still different from an aircraft carrier. If you give up the amphibious assault capability in order to carry more fighters, then you can simply call it an aircraft carrier. Can you call it an amphibious assault ship without a dock?

The U.S. Marine Corps has eaten such crabs, and they have always looked forward to having the powerful attack capability of the U.S. Navy. Therefore, when the F-35 matured, they were in high spirits, and removed the docking bay of the brand-new U.S.-class aircraft carrier and changed it to Fully support the takeoff and landing of the F-35.

However, after building two ships, in the construction of the third warship, something surprising happened: the aft dock, which can carry two landing craft air cushions (LCAC) or a landing craft universal (LCU) at the same time, reappeared !

To free up docking bays, the warship has undergone extensive adjustments: its 2400 total compartments have been eliminated, another 1000 compartments have been relocated, the height of the forward hangar has been reduced, the entire hospital area has been relocated, and the number of hangars has been reduced 836 square meters, fuel reduced to 585000 gallons.The Yankees sacrificed aviation capabilities to guarantee some amphibious assault capability.

Our side must not make this kind of mistake. From the very beginning, Qin Tao had to tell everyone that our amphibious assault ship is not an aircraft carrier, so don't confuse the two.

"This kind of amphibious assault ship has a displacement of more than 4 tons, which is half of the displacement of our aircraft carrier. Is the price also half of the aircraft carrier?"

"No, the price is only a quarter of that of an aircraft carrier."

Everyone was overjoyed, it's cheap!
(End of this chapter)

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