Great warships

Chapter 863 Can't wait, let's fly toad!

Chapter 863 Can't wait, let's fly toad!
"We, Great Britain, need to maintain world peace. We will send the most powerful naval fleet to cruise the Gulf of Siam!" Another clown came out.

They seem to have forgotten that when they went to Anxi Bay for a cruise in high spirits, they didn't dare to go in at all when they got to the gate. They waited for the escort of the US warship before they dared to go in. It took only a few months for them to forget about it. They are completely clean, and now they seem to have returned to the era of the most powerful empire on which the sun never sets.

Faced with this kind of speech, even Lacourt didn't take it seriously, just laughed it off: "Huh, what does their navy have? Only the old Sea Harrier carrier-based aircraft, if they dare to come over, our stealth opportunity will let They knew the victory in '82 was just a coincidence!"

The blatant threat did not receive any response. For the former empire on which the sun never sets, this was definitely an insult. So, a day later, they said harshly again: "Our Invincible aircraft carrier will be on the road again!"

Still no one answered, there are too many jumping clowns in this world!
However, Zhang Zhong has become interested. Recently, in order to keep a low profile, he can't make a lot of reports on the Kra Canal project. Since the British jumped out this time, he might as well make an article on this aspect.

Thus, a new episode of Zhang Zhong said the program began.

"My viewers in front of the TV, this episode of our program is called Zhang Zhong said that the sun never sets on the aircraft carrier formation. We invited Mr. George again and asked him to introduce to us the combat effectiveness of the British Navy's main aircraft carrier formation."

George was very excited, this extra time came again, as long as he memorized the content of the speech, if he couldn't memorize it, he could repeat it several times, and if he played well on the spot, he would get an extra reward.

"Hi everyone, as a former aircraft carrier designer, I would like to introduce to you the design experience of the Invincible class. In that special era, the Congress was eager to eliminate the British Navy, and the Navy's aircraft carriers were decommissioned one by one. , the Invincible class can be built, and it is still under the banner of anti-submarine. In essence, it is no different from the Kiev-class aircraft carrier. They are all anti-submarine aircraft carriers. Sea King early warning helicopters also have very little air control capability. Overall, the strength of the British Navy's aircraft carrier formation is no higher than that of Siam."

"Really? This makes me very curious. After all, Siam has only one aircraft carrier with a displacement of [-] tons, while the United Kingdom has three aircraft carriers with a displacement of [-] tons. No matter how you look at it, Siam has an advantage in combat power."

"Because the performance of the Invincible class is too backward, the British Navy is constantly improving to improve performance. For example, in 89, the Invincible underwent a 27-month modernization modification. The elevation angle of the ski jump runway reached 12 degrees. The number of fighters has increased to 21. In 98, the sea javelin missile launcher on the exposed deck of the bow was removed, which increased the deck area by 7%, so that it can support the latest Sea Harrier GR[-] fighter. The HMS Invincible has just been refitted recently, and the Ark Royal and HMS Excellence are still in dock, so if the British Navy wants to dispatch now, only one HMS Invincible can be used."

If a country wants to have uninterrupted aircraft carrier combat capabilities, only one aircraft carrier is absolutely not enough, because this aircraft carrier may face factors such as docking for repairs, crew members returning from sea to rest, etc. Only three or more aircraft carriers can guarantee uninterrupted Combat capability: one is in the dock, the crew of one is resting, and the other remains capable of dispatching at any time.

Now, the British are threatening to send out all the aircraft carriers, but this news exposed the British underpants in front of the whole world: they don't have this ability at all!
"If there is only one, it is really hanging. After all, the fighter jets carried on the Invincible aircraft carrier are too backward."

"Yes, now they are using the most advanced sea harrier GR7, which uses the advanced blue vixen radar, which is the most advanced pulse Doppler radar currently available in the UK, so that the sea harrier is no longer a rattlesnake As the main weapon, it can also guide AIM-120 active radar air-to-air missiles and Seahawk air-to-ground/air-to-ship missiles, so that the Sea Harrier has real beyond-the-horizon and ground attack capabilities. As for the wing pylons, it can be said that when the Sea Harrier GR7 was developed, the Sea Harrier was finally considered mature, but no matter how it develops, it is still a subsonic fighter, and there is a huge generation gap with the J-31A."

A comparison of two aircrafts appeared on the screen, one is the Sea Harrier and the other is the J-31A. The Sea Harrier looks like a clown no matter how you look at it. It is really incomparable with the J-31A.

"If the aircraft carrier formations of the two sides meet in the Gulf of Siam, the Siamese Navy only needs five J-31A to destroy their entire formation. And they haven't even found the fighter planes of the Siamese Navy, let alone the Siamese Navy. There are also a group of fighter planes at the land base in China, with a total of twenty, these fighter planes are enough to meet a Nimitz aircraft carrier formation in the United States, and the British ones are not qualified at all."

Looking at the analysis on the TV, Benjamin's face was dark.

"Hmph, this George is too hateful to humiliate us like this!" Benjamin said angrily, "The Invincible class is just a transition. Now, our Queen class has started construction, and we have advanced aircraft carriers that can be used!"

After a lot of wrangling, the queen-class finally started construction. After all, they couldn't wait any longer. Seeing the launch of Dongfang's aircraft carrier, could they delay any longer?

But now, it is just the start of construction, and it is still far away from entering service. This also includes their Type 45 destroyers. If these warships are in hand, why can't they even deal with Siam.

"Siam still relies on the power of stealth aircraft. If they don't have stealth aircraft, they will not be our opponents at all." Boyce said: "The most important thing for us now is to have stealth aircraft."

"That's right, we need stealth aircraft. Haven't we already reached an agreement with the United States?"

The East played out the way of global joint fighter jets and successfully raised enough funds to complete the research and development of stealth aircraft. The same is true for the United States. It has united a large number of allies on the JSF project. The United Kingdom is their hard-core ally, so on this project Occupies an important proportion, and will be the first to equip this kind of aircraft in the future.

"Yes, we have reached an agreement with the United States, but the actions of the United States are too slow. So far, we are still hesitating on two projects and have not made a final decision." Boyce said: "The distance between Service is still far away, and there are many problems in many subsystems of the aircraft carrier, such as electromagnetic catapults."

"What happened to the electromagnetic catapult?"

"According to research by the United States, they have encountered a large number of problems with electromagnetic catapults, and it will take a long time to solve these problems."

"how long?"

"Five to ten years."

"so long?"

"Yes, we must be prepared. If we wait until our aircraft carrier is launched and outfitted, and finally find that there is no electromagnetic catapult, what should we do?"

"Can I change the steam catapult?"

"Of course not. Our aircraft carrier uses gas turbines. There are no boilers for burning steam at all, and no corresponding pipelines are laid. There is no place for steam catapults."

"Then what do we do?"

"Because the construction of the section has just started and the upper deck has not yet been built, we can change the bow of the ship into a jump deck. When the electromagnetic catapult matures in the future, it will not be too late for us to change it."

When the two of them talked about this, the TV also talked about it just right.

"That is to say, the existing Invincible class can't support any actions of the British at all, unless the brand new Queen class enters service and is paired with a Type 45 destroyer?"

"That's right, that's right." George nodded: "However, we found that the British aircraft carrier has encountered many problems."


"They set this aircraft carrier on catapult takeoff and interception landing, but at present, they do not have the strength to study this technology, they can only purchase it from the United States. The latest news we have is that the United States is developing this kind of equipment. There was an accident during that time, it is difficult to complete the development of this kind of equipment in a short period of time, it is expected to take five to ten years, and at this time, the queen class has already been built."

"That is to say, even if they are built, they will not be able to be used because they do not have catapults?"

"That's right, straight-through deck aircraft carriers can't be used without catapults. They still use gas turbines that can't be changed to steam catapults. Therefore, they either directly use vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, take off vertically, and land vertically. A jump deck is installed on the bow of the ship for temporary use, in my opinion, the latter should be their best choice."

"Damn it, they got everything right!" Benjamin was very annoyed: "They said we want to use the jump deck, but we don't! We want to organize research and development units in China to develop related catapult technology! Orientals can develop Come out, we can too!"

Boyce frowned, shall we?Even if it works, do we have money?
However, the Orientals are indeed disgusting. If everything is right by them, it would be a shameful thing.

The Invincible-class aircraft carrier is tasteless, and the Queen-class aircraft carrier must firmly go on the wrong route, so that they will not be able to serve in ten or twenty years!
Across the ocean, Boeing's St. Louis factory.

"What you are seeing now is our 373-configuration X-32B. Compared with the previous ones, the biggest feature of this aircraft is that the wings have been greatly modified, from a tailless delta wing to a normal structure. We We know that the navy is not keen on the tailless delta wing structure, so our modification will definitely satisfy the navy.”

The biggest problem now is that the Air Force is satisfied with the X-32, but the Navy has concerns. Therefore, they must modify it to meet the needs of the Navy. As long as the Navy is also satisfied, they will be sure to win.

Although their X-32 took the lead at the beginning, but now that Lockheed is progressing rapidly, they have a sense of urgency. If they cannot satisfy the Navy quickly, they may lose the bid.

"Yeah, we've never liked tailless deltas," Swift said, smoking a cigar.

What happened in the east recently made Swift very upset. They were scared to move by several stealth planes. Swift was very annoyed. Install this advanced fourth-generation stealth machine, so you don't have to worry about the suppression of the generation difference.

At this moment, looking at the plane in front of him, he was really satisfied.

They used to pursue advanced and then got messed up. Now, they prefer to be well-behaved.

The previous X-32 only had a large delta wing and two inclined vertical tails. Is this control method feasible?No one knows, but now, it has finally changed back to the conventional layout, added a horizontal tail, and the wings are flattened normally, and they are very satisfied.

Of course, the big mouth on the nose still makes people speechless, this thing is too ugly.

The image of flying toads all over the deck appeared in Swift's mind, and he shook his head, putting this image to the back of his mind.

"Our Model 373 is not the final form, and we will launch an improved Model 374 in the future. Now, please enjoy the wonderful performance of our aircraft." Hudson said.

The giant jaw of the flying toad began to move slowly, which made Swift curious again: "What is this for?"

"The retractable cover, due to the layout of our engine, it is impossible to use the S-shaped air inlet to cover the fan blades of the engine, so we use this kind of movable retractable cover to protect the engine fan blades normally and reduce the The radar reflection area is turned on during vertical take-off and landing, which can increase the air intake, thereby increasing the take-off thrust, and can also prevent hot air from entering the engine and causing the thrust to drop."

This flying toad is ugly enough, but with this retractable shutter, it is even more ugly, as if the toad's jaw has fallen off.

However, looking good is secondary, and practicality comes first.

"We know that Lockheed is using the lift engine method. The biggest disadvantage of that method is that it increases the dead weight of the structure. They need a special lift fan, a special drive shaft, and a lot of control devices. Our design only needs an extra ventral vector nozzle, and the Marine Corps operates a large number of Sea Harriers, which is also very suitable for this aircraft."

To say that the dead weight of the structure is true, after all, there are a lot of extra things. However, the mid-engine solution of the X-32 is actually not very good. It needs to put the engine in the center, and the huge space at the rear is wasted. , resulting in a bulky, bloated look.

The jet in the middle of the fuselage was also slowly opening, and with the roar of the engine, the test started again.

In front of everyone's eyes, the plane pulled up the green onions on dry land and left the ground gently. It was more secure than before. It continued to rise to a height of 20 meters, hovered, and then changed its flight state, flew forward and leveled, and flew over the airport. After a few laps, it finally switched to hover again and landed slowly.

"Not bad, very good!" Swift nodded: "The performance of your plane has achieved complete success. Vertical take-off and landing is the most difficult part. The rest of the conventional layout is easier, right?"

"Of course, we have to do the hardest thing. Lockheed is still researching lift fans. It will take a long time for their vertical take-off and landing models to appear."

"Our X-32 is not only advanced in technology, but also has a very reliable logistical maintenance capability. Our aircraft has been designed in various ways to reduce maintenance costs. We have also registered in the special JDIS joint information distribution system. And a variety of commercial software and hardware, not only can greatly reduce maintenance costs, but also save manpower and time. Relying on the experience accumulated in the civil aviation system, we can provide parts to any place in the United States within 24 hours, and parts within 48 hours It can be transported to any corner.”

What is the war about?It's logistics. Without logistics capabilities, once the plane is damaged, it will completely lose its combat effectiveness.

"Can this kind of aircraft adapt to the ejection and landing of our aircraft carrier?" Swift was concerned about other issues.

After all, vertical take-off and landing is a function that the Marine Corps wants, and what they want is shipboard. Their request is to reduce the landing speed, so Boeing changed the tailless delta wing to a normal structure. Now, they have Doubts about landing gear.

After all, the X-32's air intake is under the nose, and the front main landing gear is just below the mouth of this air intake. The way of air intake from the belly is considered unsuitable for catapult takeoff. This is the case for the Dongfang J-[-]. The reason is that there is no possibility of boarding the ship.

The X-32 is not just a problem with the front landing gear. The main landing gear at the rear is not a small landing gear that forms a splayed figure on the belly, but on the wing. Since it is an upper monoplane structure, the landing gear The action tube is very long, longer than that of J-[-] and J-[-].

This makes it difficult for the pilot to hold the big top when landing, but is the slender landing gear strong enough?

"Of course there is no problem. We have already completed the strength test when we designed it. When our 374 configuration comes out, we can take it to the Navy's training base for testing." Hudson said.

They pinned their hopes on the Model 374, which reflects Boeing's strong R&D and constant revisions. Thing: The effect of the previous test is good, but it does not mean that the latter is also good. Who can know whether this modification is getting better or worse?
"Okay, we can't wait any longer." Swift said: "If this aircraft can meet our Navy's use, and the progress is so advanced, our Navy is willing to support the X-32!"

They really can't wait any longer, the navy must have advanced and powerful fourth-generation stealth aircraft, otherwise they won't be able to run amok at sea in the future!
All Boeing people are overjoyed.

"However, I have a request." Swift said: "Within half a year, we will carry this aircraft on the aircraft carrier, even if it is just a test!"

Toad has the support of the Navy!

Everyone in Lockheed was dumbfounded when they got the news.

How could this be?
Obviously Flying Toad has many flaws!

"Shameless, Boeing is so shameless, they must have bribed the Navy!" Stanley said angrily: "Our Lockheed project is the best."

"That's right, how could that ugly flying toad be picked up by the navy? A good plane must first be a beautiful plane!"

Everyone is very unhappy, but the facts are the facts.

"We must go to the Pentagon and explain to them the advanced nature of our aircraft!"

After Daniel finished speaking, he stood up, really wanting to go.

"Go to the Pentagon House? What can you say?" Carl's face was cold: "Are you sure that we will send our plane to the deck of the aircraft carrier within half a year?"

"How is it possible? Research and development takes time."

"That's right, time. The biggest problem is time. The navy has been stimulated, and it can't wait to have an advanced fourth-generation stealth carrier-based aircraft. How far is our X-35 from boarding the ship? One year, two years, Five years? As long as we can't get the planes on board within half a year, the Navy won't choose us."

Karl already knew the inside story. The Navy chose Boeing's plan not because their Lockheed's plan was similar to that of the Orientals, but because of their progress.

Progress is a very mysterious thing, and if an accident occurs by chance, it may greatly delay the progress.

Now, they just lost the progress.

"I don't believe that Boeing can send the flying toad to the aircraft carrier within half a year." Stanley said.

"Yes, definitely not!" Daniel nodded.

"So, even if the military chooses the X-32, we should not be discouraged and continue to develop our fighter." Carl said: "After the navy finds that the X-32 is not suitable for boarding the ship, it may choose us again. Just Like General Electric, which failed."

In the third-generation engine bidding, Pratt & Whitney's F100 engine won the military's approval by relying on advanced performance indicators, but the failed General Electric was not discouraged and continued to develop it. A few years later, when the military discovered the F100 When there was a huge reliability problem, I turned around and purchased General Electric's F110 engine. Since then, in the engine field, the two have their own merits.

Lockheed doesn't care about this failure, they are determined, and there will be a turnaround later.

"But where does the money come from?"

The development of fighter jets needs to burn money, and the fourth-generation fighter jets burn even more money. The research and development of their vertical take-off and landing fighter jets is the most expensive money to burn.

"Funding? We just need to raise the price of the F22 fighter jet." Carl said.

Even if Lockheed loses the JSF project, it is still the leader in military aircraft research and development, because they have already begun to produce fourth-generation heavy-duty stealth aircraft for the Air Force!This fighter is of great significance to the Air Force. It is currently the only project that can overwhelm the fourth-generation stealth fighter of the East. When the Air Force purchases more money, it can't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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