Great warships

Chapter 870 Turnkey Mode

Coming out of the meeting room of the classification society, there is still heavy snow in the sky. The auspicious snow heralds a good year, and it seems that this year's harvest is good.

Thinking so, Qin Tao walked towards his high-end Hongqi car, but just as he was about to open the door, a person jumped out of it.

"Old Ni?" Qin Tao was surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Mr. Qin, it's too cold outside, so I'll wait for you in the car. I'm here this time..."

"Get in the car and talk."

You are cold, don't you know that I am also cold?Qin Tao looked at him speechlessly.

"Oh." Ni Lao nodded and opened the car door: "Boss Qin, you go first."

"It doesn't matter what is the priority." Qin Tao pushed him into the car, and then followed him, blowing the heater inside, warming his whole body, this down jacket is not as warm as a military coat.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tao asked Elder Ni.

Mr. Ni took out a small box from his pocket, which contained a small black chip: "Mr. Qin, this is a mobile phone chip specially made by us for the communication market. Its main frequency is 460 megabytes. Hertz integrates both audio and video decoding modules, as well as 2G baseband, we believe that this chip has reached the highest level of mobile phone chips, so I will show you here."

Loongson is a computer chip company, but according to Qin Tao, the computer market will shrink in 20 years, and the mobile phone market will develop by then. People will change their mobile phones every two years, but computers may last for ten years.

Therefore, Godson has also begun to get involved in the mobile phone chip industry, and it will be the strongest when it comes up.

Regardless of the frequency or other performance of the processor, they are all the strongest, and they are all integrated into one chip!

The chip of the mobile phone is also constantly developing. At the beginning of the mobile phone, that is, the 1G era, the mobile phone only had the call function, and the chip in the mobile phone was the baseband. In the 2G era, not only calls, but also text messages, games, and Internet functions. , Only the baseband chip is not enough, and a dedicated CPU chip must be added. In the later stage of 2G, mobile phones also have audio and video functions, so related chips must be added.

Now, what Loongson is doing is chips that can adapt to the late 2G era, and its performance is the strongest among the existing chips.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, this kind of chip looks pretty good, what are you going to do next?"

"Boss Qin, we don't know either." Elder Ni said, "We don't know whether we provide complete machines like Loongson Computer, or just provide chips."

Providing complete machines will definitely make more profits, but at the same time, it will also involve the energy of Godson. After all, their main business is not complete machines, but chips. They developed chips.But if only chips are provided, to whom?

"If we want to develop our domestic electronics industry, I think it is a good solution to only provide chips." Qin Tao said: "This can drive the development of the entire mobile phone industry in our country."

"Industrial Development?"

"Yes, most of the current mobile phone brands are foreign, such as Motorola and Nokia, we have very few domestic mobile phone brands. We provide a turnkey model to support their development."

"Turn-key model?" Mr. Ni was a little curious. Mr. Qin often said these things that sound difficult to understand but are very interesting. What does this mean?
"Old Ni, have you bought a house yet?" Qin Tao asked.

"The unit will allocate a house, what house should I buy?"

"Oh, then I suggest you buy a few sets. It's useless to save the wages you earn in the bank. It's better to buy a house, which can also support the development of the country's economy. What do you think?"

"Boss Qin, since you suggest that, then I'll buy it to support the country." Elder Ni nodded, "Then when you say turnkey, you mean buying a house?"

"That's right, it means buying a house. After the house is built, it's time to hand over the keys. You take the key to see the house you bought, and you can find that your house has been decorated inside, with floors and wooden doors. You can move in with the furniture directly.” Qin Tao said: “Our turnkey model is the same as buying a house. We not only provide chips, we also provide supporting systems for chips, and even software integration. Let the goose factory do it, so that our downstream mobile phone manufacturers only need to adjust the appearance of the mobile phone and the system interface, and they don’t even need to have their own factory, they just need to find a foundry to produce.”

Now all mobile phone manufacturers are giants, such as Nokia, Motorola, Siemens, all of them are very arrogant. An ordinary brick mobile phone can be sold for thousands of dollars, and the profits are all made by them. This is absolutely impossible!
Since our Godson company has set foot in the field of mobile phones, we must let the public use cheap mobile phones!

"If the downstream mobile phone manufacturers don't even need a factory, there will inevitably be a group of speculators." Ni Lao thought of something, and continued: "Their entry into this mobile phone market is not to really engage in the mobile phone industry, but to come in and make money. A bonus."

"Then let them make money. If they make money, they will inevitably expand investment and continue to speculate. This will also quickly expand our mobile phone industry chain and allow us to have a complete mobile phone industry chain in China." Qin Tao said: "I I also hope to see hundreds of mobile phone brands pop up in our country, and then the big waves wash away the sand, leaving behind the industry leaders."

What Qin Tao said is of course encouraging counterfeit phones.

In the era of 2G mobile phones, MediaTek adopted the turnkey model, which quickly allowed MediaTek to gain a foothold in the mobile phone market, occupying a large share of the low-end, and also cultivated countless counterfeit phone brands. The appearance is the same as Apple, but in fact there is a The heart of MediaTek, MediaTek has also won the reputation of the father of copycat phones. In the 5G era, Qualcomm's RF system has also embarked on this turnkey road.

This is an important business acumen: Do you make money yourself, or do you drive everyone else to make money?

Apple is a typical example of making money by itself. No matter what they do, they have to build a closed system, build their own ecology, and prevent the outside world from intervening. If there is not a period of time when the technical strength is not enough, even the CPU is built by themselves.

MediaTek is a typical example of everyone making money together. They only sell chips and provide all the supporting equipment. Any counterfeit manufacturer can easily produce qualified mobile phones under the guidance of MediaTek. It doesn’t matter if it can be used for a few months, at least it looks the same. thing.

If Loongson follows Apple's approach, of course it can, but this can only allow Loongson to develop as a company, and cannot drive the development of the entire country's electronics industry. Only one strong company is not really powerful, and everyone needs to be strong together. It's really strong!

From this point of view, the turnkey model is naturally better.

It's like later generations, who call a certain car every day, but they just don't admit it. They have been publicly declaring: We don't make cars!

Why?Even Apple is clamoring to build a car, so why doesn't it?Of course they have a bigger plan: we don't build cars, because we are not proficient in building cars, but we hope to match our intelligent system to all cars!Is it more profitable to build a brand of cars independently, or to monopolize all the intelligent systems of all brands of cars?You know, the core technology of electric vehicles is the intelligent system.

Loongson alone makes mobile phones. It is definitely not as good as taking all the domestic mobile phone companies under its command and making them more profitable as downstream manufacturers. It is never as good as making money from making chips in the production of complete machines. When the industry develops, money is also made. Why not? for?
"President Qin, I understand, we will follow your plan." Ni Lao said: "We will use this turnkey model to provide complete supporting and integration solutions for downstream manufacturers! Let us develop the mobile phone industry in China Suppress imported mobile phones!"

Qin Tao nodded: "If you want to suppress imported mobile phones, you must not only rely on low prices, but more importantly, rely on quality. Our mobile phone chips have the most advanced performance. We also need to carry out reasonable designs. The current mobile phone design scheme can no longer meet the requirements. Our need."

In terms of the structure of mobile phones, there are two types: candy bar and flip phone. When the flip phone first came out, it was amazing all over the world, won the favor of many users, and quickly became the mainstream.

First came the lower clamshell, which acts as a microphone while protecting the keys, and then came the top clamshell, which folds the screen and keyboard in half. Now this clamshell phone is the most popular.

However, as Loongson enters this market, the mobile phone will also return from the clamshell to the bar machine era.

"President Qin, please speak."

"Our chip performance is strong enough, and we already have an advanced LCD display. I think our mobile phone can be equipped with a screen large enough to display the most content. By the way, touch screen technology has passed the test. ?”

"Well, I just need a pointer." Elder Ni said.

"Then our mobile phone is represented by a large screen." Qin Tao said: "A large number of physical buttons are omitted, and all the digital keys are placed on the screen, only the power on and off and the voice button are kept, and at most answer and hang up the phone Such a large screen can display enough content, and it can also improve the quality of our mobile phone."

This will be a revolution in the field of mobile phones!

Mr. Ni couldn't help but took out his mobile phone: Nokia 3310, a small body with a slightly wider middle, a yellowed screen, and small buttons below, which is a small game like snake eating. It is common in this age.

Next, the large-screen mobile phone that we want to build is absolutely heaven and earth compared to this!
Elder Ni is full of expectations.

"With a big screen, our mobile phones can not only make calls, read text messages, and play some small games, but also have other uses." Qin Tao said: "For example, you can open spreadsheets and word processing programs, You can read various files, you can also use our ICQ, and you can also make calls and videos when there is wifi.”

With a pen and paper in his hand, Mr. Ni quickly recorded Qin Tao's ideas. Seeing his appearance, Qin Tao smiled: "Think about it, if you have such a mobile phone, can you use it The recording function can directly record what I said, which is much more convenient.”

Ni Lao nodded: "Mr. Qin, in this way, our mobile phone will be more powerful!"

"Of course, but this is not the strongest. When technology develops in the future, mobile phones can be made stronger, and even replace many functions of computers."

Now it is at most the multimedia machine stage, and has not yet developed into the smart machine stage. With the current chip level, it is impossible to directly install various operating systems.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Mr. Ni was full of longing: "What will the mobile phone look like in the future?"

"In the future? Not all programs need to be built in, users can install programs themselves according to their needs, and all walks of life can develop business on mobile phones." When Qin Tao said this, what did he think of: "By the way, our mobile phones can have built-in GPS chip?"

"This is also possible. In our turnkey model, we can provide this technical solution."

"Okay, then integrate GPS, and our mobile phones can also navigate. This kind of high-end product exists."

Now, a single satellite navigation terminal can sell for several thousand yuan, and it is directly integrated into the mobile phone. Those who specialize in selling navigation terminals have to cry in the toilet.

Who said that copycat phones cannot be high-end?A mobile phone integrated in this way is not too expensive to sell for 1 yuan. After all, it is equipped with the most advanced chip developed by Godson.

"President Qin, what is the name of our chip?" Elder Ni finally asked a question.

At this time, the car had already arrived at the entrance of the hospital, and Mr. Ni's mission to find Mr. Qin was roughly completed.

Many people are very curious: Why do you need a driver even if the boss of the company can also drive?

Because the time of the company boss is very precious, even if he is in the car, he still has to deal with official business, and letting the company boss drive is a waste of his precious time.

Loongson is just the name of the company. Chips such as Loongson-[-] and Loongson-[-] are actually Godson-[-] and Godson-[-]. Even on the surface of the chip, Godson is printed.Now, if you want to make a brand new mobile phone chip, you have to have a brand new name.

"Our current mobile phone chips have integrated a large number of accessories, which can be called SOC chips. As for the specific series name, what about Kirin?"

Qin Tao couldn't think of a better name, so he decided to make a use of it, just the Kirin chip. Now it is Kirin No. [-], followed by Kirin No. [-], and Kirin No. [-].

The mobile phone chip not only has a CPU, but also integrates various modules, so it is not appropriate to call it a CPU, so there is the name of Soc. Its full name is System on Chip, which is a system-level chip. , a system solution that integrates various modules.In the field of integrated circuits, it is defined as a system or commodity formed by combining multiple integrated circuits with specific functions on one chip, including complete hardware systems and embedded software.

In the current SOC, the CPU still occupies more than half of the area. In the future, the area of ​​the CPU will be reduced to 15.00%, and the image processor GPU occupies the largest area. After all, what 4K signal has to be processed, without a powerful GPU, it cannot be smooth at all. run.

"Okay, then we will be called Qilin, Mr. Qin, after I go back, I will arrange all your plans." Elder Ni said.

"Since you're here, don't rush away. How about putting the Kirin chip conference here in the capital?" Qin Tao said, "Just set the time for Christmas Eve."

It is now December, and Christmas, a traditional western festival, is coming. Qin Tao doesn’t like foreigners’ holidays, but now, announcing at this time can make Christmas Eve unsafe for many people in the West, and let them After tossing and turning, Qin Tao will feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Okay." Ni Lao nodded: "President Qin, will you attend the ceremony with us?"

"Of course."

"Then where are we holding this press conference?"

Where?Qin Tao had a playful smile on his face. He really wanted to mention the computer institute. After all, this is the place where Mr. Ni once worked, and it was also the place where he decided to give up VLSI. Out of touch, this is also the place where a character like Liu Zhonglie was cultivated.

But forget it, the past is the past.

"In Zhongguancun."

Zhongguancun was an electronics street in the 80s. After the rise of computers, Zhongguancun became a famous computer store. Before the rise of online shopping, Zhongguancun was the largest computer market in the country. However, this is just the Zhongguancun store in the eyes of ordinary people. In Zhongguancun There are also a large number of high-tech enterprises, tens of thousands in total. These high-tech enterprises are all relying on computers and networks for development. At the same time, if we talk about it more broadly, even Tsinghua University and Tsinghua University are in the Zhongguancun area.

It is also most appropriate to hold the Kirin chip launch conference here.

"Okay, then I'll get in touch." Elder Ni said. After all, he has lived in the capital for many years and is very familiar with it. Now that he is here to hold a chip conference in the capital, he alone is enough.

Thinking of the difficulty in bidding for Godson-[-], he is now filled with emotion. He has finally gone through the most difficult period of starting a business, and now his career is on the rise.

Sure enough, just as he thought, when he said that he would hold a press conference in Zhongguancun, everyone came to him, hoping to provide him with a venue, which would also make their reputation even louder and become a press conference that they could hang on to. Experiences to show off on the wall.

There are so many places where the conference can be developed, which made Mr. Ni dazzled. However, when Tsinghua University approached him, he agreed almost immediately.

Tsinghua University, School of Information Science and Technology.

When other colleges and universities were still named after the Department of Computer Science, they had already changed their name to Information Science, which shows how forward-looking they are. That night, the large lecture hall of the School of Information Science was decorated with lights, and it was very lively.

Two cameras marked CCTV were set up on both sides of the back of the classroom, facing the rostrum. The first row sat with prominent figures, and the two rows behind them were elite representatives of the industry.

The media at all levels racked their brains to apply and came here for interviews, occupying four or five rows of the lecture theater.

Those sitting in the back are all college students. They are all students of the School of Information Science and Technology. Being admitted to this university is enough to make them the proud of heaven. It is said that there are very few things that can fall into their eyes, but At this time, their eyes are full of anticipation and longing. They are waiting for the people who appear on the podium ahead and what is about to happen.

Godson Corporation, the most famous chip company in the world!These Tsinghua students are also looking forward to entering and working there.

While waiting, time passed by little by little. Finally, at seven o'clock in the evening, the lights in the classroom suddenly went out, leaving only the spotlight on the other side of the podium.

The spotlights illuminated the edge of the podium, and a person walked over from there, and the lights followed him, making him the focus of the audience.

Mr. Ni!
The creator of Godson, Mr. Ni!
"Welcome all leaders, friends from the news media, colleagues and classmates to attend our chip conference. First of all, let me introduce our chip to you."

The projector was turned on, and a block diagram appeared on the projection screen of the podium.

"The chip we newly developed is called SOC chip. It not only integrates CPU, but also integrates audio and video controllers, and integrates wifi and baseband modules. That is to say, our chip will Realize all the functions of the mobile phone chip, and we have also expanded it, and will integrate more modules in the future.”

Putting everything together!Only the East can do it, because they have the most advanced chip production technology in the world!Even if other manufacturers want to do this, they will have to give up in the case of high heat!

The people below burst into emotion.

"The core frequency of the CPU is 460 megahertz, and it is only a single core at present. We will consider integrating more cores in the future, but now, we think it is the fastest chip in all mobile phones. We put this chip It is named Qilin, and now it is Qilin No. [-]. In the future, there will be Qilin No. [-] and Qilin No. [-].”

"I know that everyone is very interested in the performance of the chip, but here, what I want to talk about is the business operation model of this chip. Here, our Godson company solemnly promises that we will not make mobile phones!"

Do not make mobile phones?
Everyone looked at Mr. Ni in amazement, you guys are making this chip, aren't you just making mobile phones?You don't make mobile phones, so why do you make chips?
"After the chip we developed is taped out, it will be handed over to other downstream manufacturers for collection and manufacturing. We not only provide the chip, but also provide the completed supporting system and software integration. Any manufacturer who wants to enter the mobile phone industry , can get a complete set of solutions from us, and then manufacture qualified mobile phone products.”

"Excuse me, why do you want to do this? Don't you make more money by making your own mobile phones?" A reporter couldn't help but started to ask questions.

"We are not short of money. We do this not to make money for ourselves, but to drive the progress of our domestic electronic technology, so that more mobile phone manufacturers will emerge in our country." A voice came from the side.

Mr. Qin made his debut!

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