Great warships

Chapter 872 Oil Rig and Combustible Ice

Chapter 872 Oil Rig and Combustible Ice
"Although we have achieved a leading position in mobile phones, we must also see that the current cellular mobile network is still a patent of the West. If we want to use it, we have to pay them a patent fee, so next, we have to Working hard on this mobile network, in the 3G era, we must have our technology, and in the 4G era, we have to take the lead." Looking at Mr. Ni who came to report his work in front of him, Qin Tao continued.

"Well, this has already been taken care of by our domestic communication company. They are developing 3G technology. Our Godson company has limited energy and can't take care of it for the time being. Mr. Qin, what are you talking about 4G?"

"With 3G technology, you can watch pictures smoothly and further increase data transmission, but watching videos is not enough. Mobile phones have to rely on wifi to watch videos. In the 4G era, videos will be fine. In the 5G and 6G era, it will be more advanced. , we don’t need to think so much first.”

Smartphones only became popular in the 3G era, and now it is just in the transitional period. We can't rush this, we have to take our time and wait for the advancement of technology.

Loongson is engaged in processors and chips, as long as it is the strongest in the chip field, it can be handled by professional companies.

Ni Lao nodded, and talked about Ah San's cooperation again. Hearing Ni Lao's response, Qin Tao was very satisfied: "I told our company never to set up a factory with Ah San, otherwise no matter how much money it makes, it will have to be done in the future." Spit it out."

Elder Ni nodded: "Understood, we will never be deceived. We are the ones with the most advanced technology. They have to buy the finished product if they want it, or pay the full price for the finished product. If they want to cheat us, there is no way!"

After talking about Mr. Ni, Qin Tao personally sent him to the door. Looking at the heavy snow outside, Qin Tao was also in a good mood. The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, and next year will be another bumper harvest.

What's next year's harvest? 052D? 095? 002?

I have been tired for another year, and I should take a rest next time. I hope this year can make me feel more comfortable.Accompany my wife and two children to celebrate the New Year, and then go to Mingzhou for a walk after my wife is out of confinement. You can also go to Shuangsha Island for a vacation. It is a very good choice. It can be regarded as a rest and relaxation after a busy year. one time.

However, before he could tell Zhao Ling this idea, he saw Xu Zhengyang walking with a middle-aged man.

"President Qin, this is Leader Zhao from CNOOC." Xu Zhengyang introduced: "He came to see you and has something to talk to you about."

Zhao Shigang had a smile on his face: "Mr. Qin, I'm very sorry for disturbing you. We want to ask Mingzhou Group for help."

CNOOC was established in 82, and offshore oil exploration began in the 60s. At that time, a percussion drill was installed on a barge, and two oil wells were drilled in the shallow sea of ​​Qiongzhou. The depth was only 26 meters, and 150 kg of heavy crude oil was obtained. Small, but a good start.In 66, the first offshore oil well with industrial oil flow was finally drilled, with a depth of 440 meters and a daily output of 35 tons of crude oil, which marked that CNOOC had entered a new historical development stage.

However, until now, the development of CNOOC is still very slow. Seeing that the country has become an oil importing country, but the output of CNOOC has always hovered at the number of tens of millions of tons, they are very anxious and eager to develop more and more Large oil wells are limited by their own technology and cannot break through.

In this case, they set their sights on the Mingzhou Group.

Mingzhou Group is a shipbuilder, and of course it can also build offshore drilling platforms, and even only Mingzhou Group can complete this kind of project.

"Okay, let's go in and talk." Qin Tao said.

Back in the small courtyard, in the secluded study room, Zhao Shigang talked about the technical standards: "After our current survey, we feel that the possibility of producing oil in the southern waters is the highest. The environmental conditions encountered can be used as a reference to improve the ability to resist environmental disasters.”

Qin Tao nodded: "That's right, we must build the strongest one."

"Our drilling platform needs to be semi-submersible and have a maximum operating capacity of 3000 meters. As for the drilling depth, it must reach tens of thousands of meters."

The operating capability at a depth of 3000 meters means that the equipment carried on it can be dynamically positioned in a water depth of 3000 meters, so that it can better drill to the survey position. As the underwater ocean current changes, the drilling device may move its position , which eventually led to missing the oil field. After all, the anchoring depth is at most 500 meters, and deeper seawater can only rely on dynamic positioning.

But the drilling depth must be deeper than this positioning depth.The drilling depth of [-] meters is enough to deal with the Mariana Trench.

Qin Tao nodded: "These require professional technology, and our Mingzhou Group may not have it. Your CNOOC should have some technology, and we can do research and development on the rest. We must make breakthroughs in related technologies. After all, we will need a lot of exploration in the future. For subsea oil, we have to master these technologies alone, and foreign countries will not give us advanced technologies.”

If there is no offshore drilling platform, it will have to cooperate with foreign countries for joint exploration, and foreign countries will make many demands. Not only will CNOOC fail to make money, but it may even lose money.

No matter at any time, you have to master the technology yourself, so that you can have more say.

"That's right, Mr. Qin, you are right. We have overcome some technologies, but there are still many technologies that need the help of Mingzhou Group." Zhao Shigang was very happy, and then said: "Mr. Qin, our drilling platform also needs a lot of technology. displacement."

"I know, it's usually [-] to [-] tons. It's not like our Mingzhou Group has never built a big guy."

"President Qin, do you understand so well?" Zhao Shigang was very happy.

Of course, Qin Tao understood. When he was a shipbuilder in his previous life, he had come into contact with the 981 deep-water semi-submersible drilling platform. This kind of drilling platform was involved in the domestic 708 and was built by a shipyard in Huating. The entire project cost 60 billion!However, after the completion of the construction of this drilling platform, CNOOC has the ability to conduct independent deep-water oil and gas exploration, marking a key step in CNOOC's deep-water strategy.

This kind of big guy not only drills wells, but also explores, completes wells and repairs wells. It can be said that it can do all the work of extracting offshore oil.

Of course, this thing is not the biggest. The 4-ton Blue Whale No. 30.00 is the real giant at sea. It even installed two sets of drilling systems. The drilling efficiency has increased by 70%, and the cost has reached [-]% billion dollars, setting a record again, although it costs a lot, its usefulness is also huge: it is mainly used to mine combustible ice.

Now, the most common energy sources are coal, oil and natural gas. The first two are too polluting and are resisted by many environmentalists. Natural gas has been valued because it is a clean energy.

Compared with electric vehicles that need coal to generate electricity, natural gas is indeed a clean energy source, because its composition is carbon and hydrogen, and the by-products of complete combustion are carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, countries have begun to pay attention to the use of natural gas, which has also led to The prosperity of Mingzhou Group: The rise of Mingzhou Group started from the manufacture of liquefied natural gas ships.

Now, natural gas has become an important energy source, which is needed by all countries, but there are only a few countries that can exploit natural gas. Therefore, there is a large gap in natural gas, and the price continues to soar.

The motherland also has to import natural gas to be sufficient, even if the natural gas resources in the west are developed, it is not enough. Qin Tao is deploying oil and natural gas at the same time.

However, he also ignored another fuel: combustible ice.

As the name suggests, this is a kind of combustible ice. In fact, it is composed of water and natural gas. Because it exists in solid form, the energy density of combustible ice is very high. One cubic meter of combustible ice can be converted into about 164 cubic meters m gas and 0.8 m[-] of water.Therefore, if this combustible ice is mined, it means that a good energy source can be obtained!

The Yankees have relied on the shale oil revolution to turn themselves into an energy exporting country, so as to maintain the continued development of the economy. What about their own side?If our side can find a way to mine combustible ice, it means that we will have a steady stream of energy in the future!
Even if you don't export it, you don't ask others for your own use!

A large number of vehicles can use natural gas, which is still green and non-polluting. This will save the huge demand for crude oil imports and better maintain strategic energy security.

Combustible ice is rich in reserves. It is said that the combustible ice on the seabed alone occupies a quarter of the total ocean area, and it is estimated that it can be used by all human beings for 1000 years.

However, although combustible ice has huge reserves, it is not easy to mine, because natural gas can only become solid under the high pressure of the seabed, and it is likely to be gasified during the mining process, and there is nothing when it finally comes up.

In this way, not only can't get things, but it may also pollute the environment.What is even more frightening is the geological disasters caused in this process. Maybe the combustible ice was not mined out, and finally induced submarine earthquakes, tsunamis and the like.

"Mr. Zhao, have you heard of combustible ice?" Thinking of this, Qin Tao asked.

Zhao Shigang also noticed Qin Tao's sudden silence. He didn't know what he was thinking, and he was embarrassed to interrupt him. Now that he heard Qin Tao's words, Zhao Shigang nodded: "Well, in the past one or two years, the research and exploration of combustible ice has entered the Peak period."

In 99, the scientific and technical personnel of the Eastern Geological Survey first discovered the seismic anomaly information showing the existence of natural gas hydrate in the Xisha Trough of the South China Sea, and planned to start researching this unique energy source. A few months later, the US Presidential Committee on Science and Technology recommended Research and development of combustible ice.This brings the research and exploration of combustible ice into a peak period.

A joint organization for marine geological sampling research in the depths of the stratum with the participation of 19 countries has been established internationally. They drive a ship that can take samples from rocks under the deep sea to investigate the combustible ice on the seabed. There are also various research experiments on board. Equipment, there is a special science foundation to provide financial support for them.

"We are also applying and hope to join a western research team to jointly study this kind of energy." Zhao Shigang said.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Joining them, apart from providing funds and manpower, we won't get any scientific and technological achievements. We have to do independent research."

Just before Qin Tao's crossing, Dongfang's Blue Whale No. 30 successfully mined combustible ice in the southern waters. After [-] consecutive days of mining, the gas output exceeded [-] cubic meters. The mining was stable without any accidents. , becoming the world's first safe and controllable mining of combustible ice, walking in the forefront of the world.

It is unreliable to rely on the West, but to rely on our own technology!
"Mr. Qin, your mind is really jumping. We were just talking about offshore oil drilling platforms, but you jumped onto combustible ice." Zhao Shigang said, "Mr. Qin, are you going to let us independently research the technology of mining combustible ice?"

"That's right, we want to exploit offshore oil and natural gas, but these exploitations are limited. If we want to continue to develop energy in the future, we must master the mining technology of combustible ice. We must start investing funds now, and collect Talents, strive to master this combustible ice mining technology, and realize an energy revolution!"

"President Qin, we have just started in this area, and we are still at the stage of blind eyes." Zhao Shigang was a little embarrassed.

"Others are just starting out. We are on the same starting line. We have to believe in ourselves. Foreigners are no smarter than us. We can reach the forefront of this industry through hard work, bravery, and hard work. If you don't have this firm determination Faith, then we Mingzhou Group will do it ourselves."

"President Qin, we trust your judgment, and we are willing to spend money on this research and development." Zhao Shigang made up his mind immediately.

Mr. Qin has never taken the wrong path. Every route he took has been proven to be correct afterwards. Whether it is shipbuilding or electronics, it is also the same in the energy field. Mr. Qin has long predicted that the East will change. In order to become an oil-importing country, various arrangements were made in advance so that the country did not suffer from oil shortages.

Now that Mr. Qin wants to mine combustible ice, then this is the right way.

CNOOC provides very little oil to the country, and they have a low sense of existence because of their small contribution. If combustible ice is mined in the future, maybe they can become a giant in the energy field?
Cooperate with Mingzhou Group, their tomorrow will be better.

Moreover, if Mr. Qin does not agree to the conditions, can Mr. Qin help build the drilling platform?Only Mingzhou Group can accept this business, and even Zhenhua Heavy Industry said that they dare not get involved in such a technically difficult business.

"We have to be prepared to fight tough battles. In ten years, 20 years, one day, we will successfully mine combustible ice and bring about an energy revolution." Qin Tao said: "Now we are about to build offshore oil drilling The platform can also contribute to the mining of combustible ice in the future. In the design stage, we can make some reservations, okay, now let’s talk about the specific technical details, and I will personally do the overall design.”

It has been a long time since Mr. Qin drew the design drawings by himself, and now he wants to start, which fully shows that Mr. Qin attaches great importance to this project!
Zhao Shigang was very grateful, and Xu Zhengyang was very surprised. Qin Tao had already turned on the computer and entered the design stage. He was only responsible for an overview of the overall situation and a rough design drawing, and the rest had to be handed over to the design department for refinement.

On the semi-submersible drilling platform, only four pillars and various derricks can be seen on the top. In fact, there is another universe under it. Qin Tao drew quickly, which shows that he is very familiar with the structure of this kind of thing.

After drawing the basic structure diagram, Qin Tao and Zhao Shigang discussed and formulated various parameters. After all this tossing, it was late at night.

As night fell, Zhao Shigang left with satisfaction. He seemed to have seen this [-]-ton steel monster exploring the sea. Mr. Qin's design was very scientific and reasonable!
Send two copies of the drawings, one to the Mingzhou Group Design Office, and one to Zhao Shigang to take away. Anyway, it is just a matter of clicking a few mouses. It is so convenient after having the Internet.

After seeing off people, Qin Tao rubbed his eyes. He hadn't participated in the design for a long time. It seems that he still has some skills, and he has never forgotten it. It's another tiring day. It's time to visit the wife and children next door.

"Boss Qin, there is one more thing to do today." Xu Zhengyang said hesitantly.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Let's talk now." Zhao Ling walked in holding Qin Xue who was wrapped in the quilt: "Brother Tao, don't delay your work. My daughter and I will come and listen together."

Although she was still in confinement, she was unconscious after sitting all day, so Zhao Ling walked around the room.

"Okay." Qin Tao took Qin Xue to tease, and said, "What's the matter?"

"The French want to inspect our 075 aircraft carrier under construction," Xu Zhengyang said.

The 075 is not a secret. After it was built for the Guinea Navy, it was of course spread all over the world. After all, Mingzhou Group not only built this ship, but also needed publicity and momentum. What if more customers are interested in it.Even if Mingzhou Group can't build it, it can be distributed to brother shipyards, so that the domestic shipbuilding industry can have an extra income.

It's just that I didn't expect that potential customers didn't come, but some people with ulterior motives came instead.

Will the French place an order for Mingzhou Group to buy an aircraft carrier from Mingzhou Group?
Of course not!They came here just to see how it was built, just to learn, so they could build their own amphibious assault ship when they got back.

Are the French starting to tinker with the Northwesterly?Is this coming to the East to learn Buddhist scriptures?
France not only has aircraft carriers, but also amphibious warships, but after entering the 90s, they found that their amphibious combat capabilities were gradually insufficient. After all, apart from the two Lightning-class dock landing ships that served in the 90s, they had The next two 1965-ton Tempest-class amphibious assault ships, which were in service in 1968 and 21, will not be able to serve in the [-]st century and must be replaced.

Of course, in addition to these, they also have an old Joan of Arc helicopter cruiser, which is also too old to continue to serve.

And France needs amphibious combat forces, so they started the multifunctional amphibious assault ship (BIP) plan in 97, intending to develop a new multifunctional amphibious assault ship. However, since the Charles de Gaulle had not yet been built at that time, They also don't have the funds to build a brand new amphibious assault ship, so they can only stay in the design stage.

Now, seeing that Dongfang has started construction of the 075-ton Type [-] aircraft carrier, although Dongfang is called an aircraft carrier, in their eyes, this is a real amphibious assault ship, so they have the cheek to come and visit.

let them come?
"Hmph, they have really thick skins. If they want to see our 075, then let us see their Charles de Gaulle first." Qin Tao said.

"They have also sent out an invitation. You can go and see their Charles de Gaulle at your convenience," Xu Zhengyang said.

"The French are so generous?" Qin Tao was a little surprised.

"The French do this for a reason. After all, our Mingzhou Group has already built a large number of aircraft carriers, and the 075-ton aircraft carrier has been launched. Therefore, the 002-ton aircraft carrier of the Charles de Gaulle is nothing in our eyes. It’s a secret, they invited us to take a look, it’s not a leak, and it can bring our relationship closer. If we read it, then we have to let them see our [-]. They will even ask to see our outfitting [-] in the movie." Zhao Ling analyzed from the side.

As expected, she couldn't stay idle, so she probably got the information in advance and analyzed it.

Qin Tao nodded. Zhao Ling's analysis is reasonable. When he went to France to learn Inwa steel welding, Qin Tao had seen the aircraft carrier under construction. It's not rude to come and go, when the French ask to see 002, what should we do?
"Boss Qin, Madam is still in confinement, you have every reason to refuse the Frenchman's invitation." Xu Zhengyang said.

"No, why did you refuse? Since there is a chance, you have to go and have a look." Qin Tao said with a smile: "As for them wanting to board our 002 aircraft carrier, there is no way! By the way, notify the navy and transfer a group of people to investigate."

"President Qin, they only invited our Mingzhou Group, not the Navy."

"Let the people in the navy take off their military uniforms and say they are members of our Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao was straightforward.

There are not many opportunities to see other people's aircraft carriers. Of course, this must be grasped. At that time, even if the French find that there are a lot more visitors, what can they do?Not let go?If we don't allow it, we'll come back and treat it as a trip to France.

At that time, as long as they persist, the French will have to compromise. After all, they invited themselves for a purpose. If they slap their ass and leave, their purpose will not be realized.

"In terms of time, don't be too anxious. After a while, when Xiaoling is out of confinement, we will go together."

"That's not okay. If I leave, what will Xueer do?" Zhao Ling was anxious, such a young child can't be brought on the plane.

"Get a nanny over here."

Zhao Ling still shook her head: "Forget it, my parents plan to come over during the annual vacation, it would be bad if I leave."

According to the original expected date of delivery, it happened to be Chinese New Year, and Qin Tao's parents would also come over at that time. Unexpectedly, the child was born a month prematurely. When they received the news, Qin Tao's parents immediately put down their work and planned to come to the capital, but they hadn't On the plane, there was news that the baby had been born, mother and daughter were safe, and Qin Tao had also returned, but they didn't come, they just paid a sum of money to ask Zhao Ling to hire more nannies.

After the Chinese New Year holiday, they will come to the capital again, full of sincerity. By then, Zhao Ling and Qin Tao will be gone, and they will only leave the children to them?This is not appropriate either.

"Then... let the French wait a little longer, and then go after we finish the Chinese New Year."

(End of this chapter)

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